Pro-Trump states most affected by his health care decision


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Pro-Trump states most affected by his health care decision
President Donald Trump's decision to end a provision of the Affordable Care Act that was benefiting roughly 6 million Americans helps fulfill a campaign promise, but it also risks harming some of the very people who helped him win the presidency.

Nearly 70 percent of those benefiting from the so-called cost-sharing subsidies live in states Trump won last November, according to an analysis by The Associated Press. The number underscores the political risk for Trump and his party, which could end up owning the blame for increased costs and chaos in the insurance marketplace.

The subsidies are paid to insurers by the federal government to help lower consumers' deductibles and co-pays. People who benefit will continue receiving the discounts because insurers are obligated by law to provide them. But to make up for the lost federal funding, health insurers will have to raise premiums substantially, potentially putting coverage out of reach for many consumers.

Some insurers may decide to bail out of markets altogether.

"I woke up, really, in horror," said Alice Thompson, 62, an environmental consultant from the Milwaukee area who purchases insurance on Wisconsin's federally run health insurance exchange.

Thompson, who spoke with reporters on a call organized by a health care advocacy group, said she expects to pay 30 percent to 50 percent more per year for her monthly premium, potentially more than her mortgage payment. Officials in Wisconsin, a state that went for a Republican presidential candidate for the first time in decades last fall, assumed the federal subsidy would end when they approved premium rate increases averaging 36 percent for the coming year.
Pro-Trump states most affected by his health care decision

Lol, right up the ass!!! The poorest fucked up states in this country are the ones that support Trump but now will be fucked right up the ass.
Pro-Trump states most affected by his health care decision
President Donald Trump's decision to end a provision of the Affordable Care Act that was benefiting roughly 6 million Americans helps fulfill a campaign promise, but it also risks harming some of the very people who helped him win the presidency.

Nearly 70 percent of those benefiting from the so-called cost-sharing subsidies live in states Trump won last November, according to an analysis by The Associated Press. The number underscores the political risk for Trump and his party, which could end up owning the blame for increased costs and chaos in the insurance marketplace.

The subsidies are paid to insurers by the federal government to help lower consumers' deductibles and co-pays. People who benefit will continue receiving the discounts because insurers are obligated by law to provide them. But to make up for the lost federal funding, health insurers will have to raise premiums substantially, potentially putting coverage out of reach for many consumers.

Some insurers may decide to bail out of markets altogether.

"I woke up, really, in horror," said Alice Thompson, 62, an environmental consultant from the Milwaukee area who purchases insurance on Wisconsin's federally run health insurance exchange.

Thompson, who spoke with reporters on a call organized by a health care advocacy group, said she expects to pay 30 percent to 50 percent more per year for her monthly premium, potentially more than her mortgage payment. Officials in Wisconsin, a state that went for a Republican presidential candidate for the first time in decades last fall, assumed the federal subsidy would end when they approved premium rate increases averaging 36 percent for the coming year.
Pro-Trump states most affected by his health care decision

Lol, right up the ass!!! The poorest fucked up states in this country are the ones that support Trump but now will be fucked right up the ass.
They don't know it yet, but they will shirley find out that Fox lied to them AGAIN
Pro-Trump states most affected by his health care decision
President Donald Trump's decision to end a provision of the Affordable Care Act that was benefiting roughly 6 million Americans helps fulfill a campaign promise, but it also risks harming some of the very people who helped him win the presidency.

Nearly 70 percent of those benefiting from the so-called cost-sharing subsidies live in states Trump won last November, according to an analysis by The Associated Press. The number underscores the political risk for Trump and his party, which could end up owning the blame for increased costs and chaos in the insurance marketplace.

The subsidies are paid to insurers by the federal government to help lower consumers' deductibles and co-pays. People who benefit will continue receiving the discounts because insurers are obligated by law to provide them. But to make up for the lost federal funding, health insurers will have to raise premiums substantially, potentially putting coverage out of reach for many consumers.

Some insurers may decide to bail out of markets altogether.

"I woke up, really, in horror," said Alice Thompson, 62, an environmental consultant from the Milwaukee area who purchases insurance on Wisconsin's federally run health insurance exchange.

Thompson, who spoke with reporters on a call organized by a health care advocacy group, said she expects to pay 30 percent to 50 percent more per year for her monthly premium, potentially more than her mortgage payment. Officials in Wisconsin, a state that went for a Republican presidential candidate for the first time in decades last fall, assumed the federal subsidy would end when they approved premium rate increases averaging 36 percent for the coming year.
Pro-Trump states most affected by his health care decision

Lol, right up the ass!!! The poorest fucked up states in this country are the ones that support Trump but now will be fucked right up the ass.
They don't know it yet, but they will shirley find out that Fox lied to them AGAIN
Nah, it'll never even register.
Pro-Trump states most affected by his health care decision
President Donald Trump's decision to end a provision of the Affordable Care Act that was benefiting roughly 6 million Americans helps fulfill a campaign promise, but it also risks harming some of the very people who helped him win the presidency.

Nearly 70 percent of those benefiting from the so-called cost-sharing subsidies live in states Trump won last November, according to an analysis by The Associated Press. The number underscores the political risk for Trump and his party, which could end up owning the blame for increased costs and chaos in the insurance marketplace.

The subsidies are paid to insurers by the federal government to help lower consumers' deductibles and co-pays. People who benefit will continue receiving the discounts because insurers are obligated by law to provide them. But to make up for the lost federal funding, health insurers will have to raise premiums substantially, potentially putting coverage out of reach for many consumers.

Some insurers may decide to bail out of markets altogether.

"I woke up, really, in horror," said Alice Thompson, 62, an environmental consultant from the Milwaukee area who purchases insurance on Wisconsin's federally run health insurance exchange.

Thompson, who spoke with reporters on a call organized by a health care advocacy group, said she expects to pay 30 percent to 50 percent more per year for her monthly premium, potentially more than her mortgage payment. Officials in Wisconsin, a state that went for a Republican presidential candidate for the first time in decades last fall, assumed the federal subsidy would end when they approved premium rate increases averaging 36 percent for the coming year.
Pro-Trump states most affected by his health care decision

Lol, right up the ass!!! The poorest fucked up states in this country are the ones that support Trump but now will be fucked right up the ass.
I hear the premiums for 2018 have already been set and the government still has to pay the subsidies one way or the other, so it won't make any difference prior to next year's elections. It is only predictions and will only be predictions during the 2018 elections, which Trump supporters believe is "fake news," so it isn't going to have any effect.
They voted for Trump based on the representation that obamacare would be dismantled.
They were fools, they cannot figure out they're already paying for everyone's healthcare, in THE shittiest, most expensive, most inefficient healthcare system on the world amongst advanced post industrial nations.
They voted for Trump based on the representation that obamacare would be dismantled.
I do seem to recall the promise of a "better" plan that would be cheaper and insure everyone. Do you remember that part of it, too? Repubs had better get cracking on that part, because once Obamacare implodes, the people won't like it if there is nothing to take its place. So far, everything the Repubs have offered insures less people (practically if not theoretically due to the major anticipated hikes in premiums for certain groups that they can't afford to pay) and costs more.
They voted for Trump based on the representation that obamacare would be dismantled.
I do seem to recall the promise of a "better" plan that would be cheaper and insure everyone. Do you remember that part of it, too? Repubs had better get cracking on that part, because once Obamacare implodes, the people won't like it if there is nothing to take its place. So far, everything the Repubs have offered insures less people (practically if not theoretically due to the major anticipated hikes in premiums for certain groups that they can't afford to pay) and costs more.
Nothing will be done to repair our healthcare system as long as the public does what it does now; nothing but vote and whine/post.
They voted for Trump based on the representation that obamacare would be dismantled.
I do seem to recall the promise of a "better" plan that would be cheaper and insure everyone. Do you remember that part of it, too? Repubs had better get cracking on that part, because once Obamacare implodes, the people won't like it if there is nothing to take its place. So far, everything the Repubs have offered insures less people (practically if not theoretically due to the major anticipated hikes in premiums for certain groups that they can't afford to pay) and costs more.

Any increase in premiums or decrease in coverage is now owned by Trump. He has no one else to blame.

But I'm sure he doesn't care whatsoever.
Something had to be done the ACA was a terrible bill and it has to go away. I have a neighbor that had to have a temporary healthcare plan because the company his wife works for had sold.

There was a two month break in coverage of all spouses. He went on to Obama care thinking he could get a stop gap plan. You know the kind of short term plan Obama promised would be included in the ACA... not so...another lie from Obama.

He signed an executive order stopping the short term stop gap plans forcing people to buy into the ACA as if they were going to stay on for a long time costing hundreds of dollars a month. It cost him $1400 for just two months of coverage. A pure rip off. The plan didn't cover his meds either...costing him $300 more.

The people defending the ACA in the media and elsewhere are liars and pure political scumbags! It's not working and it will fail and it is hurting people right now!
They voted for Trump based on the representation that obamacare would be dismantled.
I do seem to recall the promise of a "better" plan that would be cheaper and insure everyone. Do you remember that part of it, too? Repubs had better get cracking on that part, because once Obamacare implodes, the people won't like it if there is nothing to take its place. So far, everything the Repubs have offered insures less people (practically if not theoretically due to the major anticipated hikes in premiums for certain groups that they can't afford to pay) and costs more.
How did obummercare work out? Was there a 2500.00 decrease in premium S? What about co pays? What about deductibles? Is it affordable now to anyone except those getting the freebies?
They voted for Trump based on the representation that obamacare would be dismantled.
I do seem to recall the promise of a "better" plan that would be cheaper and insure everyone. Do you remember that part of it, too? Repubs had better get cracking on that part, because once Obamacare implodes, the people won't like it if there is nothing to take its place. So far, everything the Repubs have offered insures less people (practically if not theoretically due to the major anticipated hikes in premiums for certain groups that they can't afford to pay) and costs more.
Nothing will be done to repair our healthcare system as long as the public does what it does now; nothing but vote and whine/post.
Well fucking schucks, I thought the libtards repaired it with obamacare!

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