Problem With the Black Community

If a rich person wants to put food in your mouth Jroc, it should be their choice not the governments. The government should have let you starve. You should have gone to a church or charity but not to Uncle Sam. YOU Jroc are what's wrong with America.

Also, after the social safety net saved your sorry ass, you want to deny others the same net your family fell into? Again, YOU Jroc are what is wrong with America and Americans.

Talk to your leftist buddies boy, and the crony capitalist RINOS

In Detroit High School, Young Men Exceed Expectations

Loyola High School in Detroit was founded in the early 1990s to address the city’s soaring drop-out rate among young, black males. Today, the Catholic Jesuit school, which serves teens in a lower-income part of Detroit’s northwest side, graduates 100 percent of its students. And every student in the past few years of graduating classes has been admitted into a two- or four-year college.

Good stuff

Yep...just think if the leftist would allow all the kids in Detroit, the opportunity to choose what school they could send their kids...That'd be a great thing
So, what horrible racist thing, other than insulting you because of your annoying behavior, has he said?

I knew you hadn't read the thread.

If you can't support your complaint, then drop it.

LIke I said, he isn't racist, he is just pissed off at you.

You are not an honest interlocutor.

Says the man that won't tell me what horrible racist thing the man he is claiming to be a racist has said.

And I hate conservatives who claim they are not racist.....

No, you hate the fact that the hackneyed liberal drivel that conservative = racist is a LIE.
I knew you hadn't read the thread.

If you can't support your complaint, then drop it.

LIke I said, he isn't racist, he is just pissed off at you.

You are not an honest interlocutor.

Says the man that won't tell me what horrible racist thing the man he is claiming to be a racist has said.

And I hate conservatives who claim they are not racist.....

No, you hate the fact that the hackneyed liberal drivel that conservative = racist is a LIE.
Hey, you would have to argue with black people and prove to us that Republican policies aren't racist. But since you can't seem to say more than one sentence good luck doing anything more than just saying, "conservative does not equal racist".

Just saying it does nothing. Explain how your policies are not racist. It they hurt the poor and a large percentage of the poor are minorities, how can we deny the pattern.

Great example is you are against affirmative action. Meanwhile my company doesn't have one black person working here. And don't pretend my company is unique. It is not. But who fights affirmative action? That's right, conservatives.

In July 2009, for example, Beck declared: “Everything that is getting pushed through Congress” is “driven by President Obama’s thinking on . . . reparations [for slavery],” and is conceived of as a way to “settle old racial scores.”


Some people might argue that they oppose racially charged issues like the Civil Rights Act because of “states’ rights” and “free markets,” while claiming to completely oppose all kinds of racism. What is the skeptic to believe?

A group of psychologists from Harvard, the University of Virginia, and the University of Washington developed an ingenious way to bypass conscious inhibitions against expressing ethnocentric attitudes. They call it the “Implicit Associations Test” because it asks people to pair a word with a picture on a computer screen. The pictures include images of white faces and black faces, and the words have positive and negative meanings. The idea behind the test is that a more ethnocentric white person, for example, hesitates relatively longer in pairing a positive word, rather than a negative word, with a black face.

Why Racist People Tend to Be Conservative
It’s not surprising, then, that conservatives who over-overestimate the proportion of minorities in their society also tend to oppose immigration more than liberals. In 1920s America, conservatives lobbied for lower immigration quotas for Irish, Italians, Jews, and Poles, whom they called “inferior races.” Ninety years later, the immigrants were different and the politicians shied away from overt prejudice, but conservatives were still the group most opposed to immigration. During the 2010 midterm elections, for example, Louisiana Republican senator David Vitter ran a campaign advertisement featuring a group of suspicious men of Mexican appearance sneaking across the border. On the American side, a large sign read “Charlie Melancon [Vitter’s Democratic opponent] welcomes you to the USA!” White Americans handed the immigrants a giant check payable to “illegals.” Vitter won the election.
It’s not surprising, then, that conservatives who over-overestimate the proportion of minorities in their society also tend to oppose immigration more than liberals. In 1920s America, conservatives lobbied for lower immigration quotas for Irish, Italians, Jews, and Poles, whom they called “inferior races.” Ninety years later, the immigrants were different and the politicians shied away from overt prejudice, but conservatives were still the group most opposed to immigration. During the 2010 midterm elections, for example, Louisiana Republican senator David Vitter ran a campaign advertisement featuring a group of suspicious men of Mexican appearance sneaking across the border. On the American side, a large sign read “Charlie Melancon [Vitter’s Democratic opponent] welcomes you to the USA!” White Americans handed the immigrants a giant check payable to “illegals.” Vitter won the election.

A lot of libs are celebrating the decline of the White Population.

Is that racist?
I knew you hadn't read the thread.

If you can't support your complaint, then drop it.

LIke I said, he isn't racist, he is just pissed off at you.

You are not an honest interlocutor.

Says the man that won't tell me what horrible racist thing the man he is claiming to be a racist has said.

And I hate conservatives who claim they are not racist.....

No, you hate the fact that the hackneyed liberal drivel that conservative = racist is a LIE.
You must be like Bruce Jenner. I can tell you aren't a racist just like I can tell Bruce isn't homophobic, yet here you are both voting for the racist homophobe party. It's true. I agree unkotare. Race doesn't have anything to do with how a person should vote. If you are rich and greedy you should vote GOP. They got your back gay or black doesn't matter. The GOP benefits all rich people.

But if you are a gay or black middle class person you are dumb to vote GOP.

Exclusive: Lee Atwater’s Infamous 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy

You don't even realize your party is the party for racists? Wow!
It’s not surprising, then, that conservatives who over-overestimate the proportion of minorities in their society also tend to oppose immigration more than liberals. In 1920s America, conservatives lobbied for lower immigration quotas for Irish, Italians, Jews, and Poles, whom they called “inferior races.” Ninety years later, the immigrants were different and the politicians shied away from overt prejudice, but conservatives were still the group most opposed to immigration. During the 2010 midterm elections, for example, Louisiana Republican senator David Vitter ran a campaign advertisement featuring a group of suspicious men of Mexican appearance sneaking across the border. On the American side, a large sign read “Charlie Melancon [Vitter’s Democratic opponent] welcomes you to the USA!” White Americans handed the immigrants a giant check payable to “illegals.” Vitter won the election.

A lot of libs are celebrating the decline of the White Population.

Is that racist?
Nonsense. I'm a Greek. 100% Greek. As soon as me or one of my kids or grandkids marries a white American mut we will become one of you white Americans. Same goes for any Hispanic, Russian, Jew, Arab, Indian or Eskemo that comes here and melts into the melting pot.
Don't post empty, meaningless, hyper-partisan bullshit and then whine about engaging in meaningful discussion. If you just want to repeat lefty bumper stickers, you can do it by yourself.
Don't post empty, meaningless, hyper-partisan bullshit and then whine about engaging in meaningful discussion. If you just want to repeat lefty bumper stickers, you can do it by yourself.
That's all you have to say? Then I win. Bye. Just telling me "YOU ARE WRONG" doesn't win any arguments Mr. Buttfuck.
Unkotare wants to stay clueless to the way the GOP uses racism to win over white racists. But then I bet he believes liberals use racism to win over blacks. Is that true unkotare?
It’s not surprising, then, that conservatives who over-overestimate the proportion of minorities in their society also tend to oppose immigration more than liberals. In 1920s America, conservatives lobbied for lower immigration quotas for Irish, Italians, Jews, and Poles, whom they called “inferior races.” Ninety years later, the immigrants were different and the politicians shied away from overt prejudice, but conservatives were still the group most opposed to immigration. During the 2010 midterm elections, for example, Louisiana Republican senator David Vitter ran a campaign advertisement featuring a group of suspicious men of Mexican appearance sneaking across the border. On the American side, a large sign read “Charlie Melancon [Vitter’s Democratic opponent] welcomes you to the USA!” White Americans handed the immigrants a giant check payable to “illegals.” Vitter won the election.

A lot of libs are celebrating the decline of the White Population.

Is that racist?
Nonsense. I'm a Greek. 100% Greek. As soon as me or one of my kids or grandkids marries a white American mut we will become one of you white Americans. Same goes for any Hispanic, Russian, Jew, Arab, Indian or Eskemo that comes here and melts into the melting pot.

I didn't accuse you.

Demographic trends are well established.

A lot of libs are celebrating that decline.

Is that racist?
Unkotare wants to stay clueless to the way the GOP uses racism to win over white racists. But then I bet he believes liberals use racism to win over blacks. Is that true unkotare?

The GOP does not use racism to win over white racist.

There are not enough white racist to matter.
It’s not surprising, then, that conservatives who over-overestimate the proportion of minorities in their society also tend to oppose immigration more than liberals. In 1920s America, conservatives lobbied for lower immigration quotas for Irish, Italians, Jews, and Poles, whom they called “inferior races.” Ninety years later, the immigrants were different and the politicians shied away from overt prejudice, but conservatives were still the group most opposed to immigration. During the 2010 midterm elections, for example, Louisiana Republican senator David Vitter ran a campaign advertisement featuring a group of suspicious men of Mexican appearance sneaking across the border. On the American side, a large sign read “Charlie Melancon [Vitter’s Democratic opponent] welcomes you to the USA!” White Americans handed the immigrants a giant check payable to “illegals.” Vitter won the election.

A lot of libs are celebrating the decline of the White Population.

Is that racist?
Nonsense. I'm a Greek. 100% Greek. As soon as me or one of my kids or grandkids marries a white American mut we will become one of you white Americans. Same goes for any Hispanic, Russian, Jew, Arab, Indian or Eskemo that comes here and melts into the melting pot.

I didn't accuse you.

Demographic trends are well established.

A lot of libs are celebrating that decline.

Is that racist?
Us middle class and poor whites are starting to realize to the rich whites, and the Herman Cain's & Ben Carson's of the world, we are all ni*$ers. Poor and middle class whites are realizing they don't have it any better than anyone else. You've lost your white priviledge. I saw that coming a mile away.
Unkotare wants to stay clueless to the way the GOP uses racism to win over white racists. But then I bet he believes liberals use racism to win over blacks. Is that true unkotare?

The GOP does not use racism to win over white racist.

There are not enough white racist to matter.
The racism you use might be enough to rally whites into the white house. Not to mention all the money your masters are throwing at races they need to win.

You got to hope that voter turnout is low and it isn't going to be.

Oh, and lucky for Rubio racism exists in the latino community or he wouldn't have won Puerto Rico.
It’s not surprising, then, that conservatives who over-overestimate the proportion of minorities in their society also tend to oppose immigration more than liberals. In 1920s America, conservatives lobbied for lower immigration quotas for Irish, Italians, Jews, and Poles, whom they called “inferior races.” Ninety years later, the immigrants were different and the politicians shied away from overt prejudice, but conservatives were still the group most opposed to immigration. During the 2010 midterm elections, for example, Louisiana Republican senator David Vitter ran a campaign advertisement featuring a group of suspicious men of Mexican appearance sneaking across the border. On the American side, a large sign read “Charlie Melancon [Vitter’s Democratic opponent] welcomes you to the USA!” White Americans handed the immigrants a giant check payable to “illegals.” Vitter won the election.

A lot of libs are celebrating the decline of the White Population.

Is that racist?
Nonsense. I'm a Greek. 100% Greek. As soon as me or one of my kids or grandkids marries a white American mut we will become one of you white Americans. Same goes for any Hispanic, Russian, Jew, Arab, Indian or Eskemo that comes here and melts into the melting pot.

I didn't accuse you.

Demographic trends are well established.

A lot of libs are celebrating that decline.

Is that racist?
Us middle class and poor whites are starting to realize to the rich whites, and the Herman Cain's & Ben Carson's of the world, we are all ni*$ers. Poor and middle class whites are realizing they don't have it any better than anyone else. You've lost your white priviledge. I saw that coming a mile away.

I never had any white privilege and I never wanted any.

A lot of libs are celebrating the decline of the White Population.

Is that racist?
Unkotare wants to stay clueless to the way the GOP uses racism to win over white racists. But then I bet he believes liberals use racism to win over blacks. Is that true unkotare?

The GOP does not use racism to win over white racist.

There are not enough white racist to matter.
The gop doesn't need to win over white racists. What the GOP is working on is making ignorant white people who aren't already racist with racist propoganda.

Shit almost works on me. Actually it does. I want very low immigration.
Unkotare wants to stay clueless to the way the GOP uses racism to win over white racists. But then I bet he believes liberals use racism to win over blacks. Is that true unkotare?

The GOP does not use racism to win over white racist.

There are not enough white racist to matter.
The racism you use might be enough to rally whites into the white house. Not to mention all the money your masters are throwing at races they need to win.

You got to hope that voter turnout is low and it isn't going to be.

Oh, and lucky for Rubio racism exists in the latino community or he wouldn't have won Puerto Rico.

What racism is the GOP using? Give me your best example.

And I think that Trump and the record turnouts he is causing will work for us, a lot.
Unkotare wants to stay clueless to the way the GOP uses racism to win over white racists. But then I bet he believes liberals use racism to win over blacks. Is that true unkotare?

The GOP does not use racism to win over white racist.

There are not enough white racist to matter.
The gop doesn't need to win over white racists. What the GOP is working on is making ignorant white people who aren't already racist with racist propoganda.

Shit almost works on me. Actually it does. I want very low immigration.

There is nothing racist about supporting very low immigration.

ANyone who wants a larger and wealthier middle class would support that.
It’s not surprising, then, that conservatives who over-overestimate the proportion of minorities in their society also tend to oppose immigration more than liberals. In 1920s America, conservatives lobbied for lower immigration quotas for Irish, Italians, Jews, and Poles, whom they called “inferior races.” Ninety years later, the immigrants were different and the politicians shied away from overt prejudice, but conservatives were still the group most opposed to immigration. During the 2010 midterm elections, for example, Louisiana Republican senator David Vitter ran a campaign advertisement featuring a group of suspicious men of Mexican appearance sneaking across the border. On the American side, a large sign read “Charlie Melancon [Vitter’s Democratic opponent] welcomes you to the USA!” White Americans handed the immigrants a giant check payable to “illegals.” Vitter won the election.

A lot of libs are celebrating the decline of the White Population.

Is that racist?
Nonsense. I'm a Greek. 100% Greek. As soon as me or one of my kids or grandkids marries a white American mut we will become one of you white Americans. Same goes for any Hispanic, Russian, Jew, Arab, Indian or Eskemo that comes here and melts into the melting pot.

I didn't accuse you.

Demographic trends are well established.

A lot of libs are celebrating that decline.

Is that racist?
Us middle class and poor whites are starting to realize to the rich whites, and the Herman Cain's & Ben Carson's of the world, we are all ni*$ers. Poor and middle class whites are realizing they don't have it any better than anyone else. You've lost your white priviledge. I saw that coming a mile away.

I never had any white privilege and I never wanted any.

A lot of libs are celebrating the decline of the White Population.

Is that racist?
Not the white population. We are celebrating that these white robber baron good old boys network is being broken up.

The same illuminati white good old boys group that creates a glass ceiling for all of us. You think you have white priviledge and I guess you do but being a member doesn't come with nearly as many benefits as it once did.

I don't care about the "white race. Considering even arabs end up assimilating and becoming white just like us greeks and the mexicans and italians and irish. We are all white. There is no more "white race"

60 years ago people like you complained about mixing with us Greeks and the Italians. Today you consider us Greek too, yes? So I can't go along with your bullshit when 60 years ago you were talking about us the way today you talk about mexicans and arabs. Sorry. That'd be like me being a anti gay black. How dare blacks go through discrimination and then turn around and discriminate against others!
Unkotare wants to stay clueless to the way the GOP uses racism to win over white racists. But then I bet he believes liberals use racism to win over blacks. Is that true unkotare?

The GOP does not use racism to win over white racist.

There are not enough white racist to matter.
The racism you use might be enough to rally whites into the white house. Not to mention all the money your masters are throwing at races they need to win.

You got to hope that voter turnout is low and it isn't going to be.

Oh, and lucky for Rubio racism exists in the latino community or he wouldn't have won Puerto Rico.

What racism is the GOP using? Give me your best example.

And I think that Trump and the record turnouts he is causing will work for us, a lot.
So will Scalia's death, for us.

And Trump will work against you just as much as he works for you.

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