Procter & Gamble employees issue a warning to America

Perhaps it is.

It'll stop being a good thing, though, when those who are telling the government to go piss up a rope become dependent on that same government for their food stamps after they lose their jobs.

I see regular testing as a reasonable compromise. I don't care if you do...

Don't be stupid. The government is going broke if you hadn't noticed. Covid is no worse than the flu, the panic porn was so government could take Rights away.

Don't let them.
That is VERY interesting, that companies are advertising that they are willing to hire the fired but highly trained and experienced, skilled workers ---- all with strong personalities, clearly. I didn't think of that --- I supposed that fired people would take Amazon or other lower-wage jobs, but actually it makes perfect sense that in this worker-poor hiring climate, companies might be very glad to have an unvaccinated but highly skilled worker eager for a good job.

It is a genius way to get employees.
I have no problem with a company which requires weekly testing. Such testing can be brought in-house to minimize any disruption...
I would never allow that.

It's a form of torture, to torture your employees into breaking and getting the vaccine. I think that's pretty awful.
Don't be stupid. The government is going broke if you hadn't noticed. Covid is no worse than the flu, the panic porn was so government could take Rights away.

Don't let them.

Pretend you're still in the work force:

The government says your company has to mandate vaccines. Those who don't get vaccines have to either be fired or received weekly testing.

You decline both options.

You get fired.


As for the severity of it, the first time I had it, it was far worse than any flu bug I've ever caught in my 59 years. I, too, once claimed that it was no worse than the flu. I said that right up until I got it, and then I knew better...
P&G has a right and a duty to protect their workforce from anti-vax idiots. By now, even the dumbest of the dumb should know the meaning of the words Contagious and Asymptomatic.
A buddies of mines neighbor 56 died of covid yesterday, fully vaccinated. Go ahead and be a part of the experiment.
P&G has a right and a duty to protect their workforce from anti-vax idiots. By now, even the dumbest of the dumb should know the meaning of the words Contagious and Asymptomatic.
If things get bad enough and people can not work, buy or sell, they will come to take it from you.
Pretend you're still in the work force:

The government says your company has to mandate vaccines. Those who don't get vaccines have to either be fired or received weekly testing.

You decline both options.

You get fired.


As for the severity of it, the first time I had it, it was far worse than any flu bug I've ever caught in my 59 years. I, too, once claimed that it was no worse than the flu. I said that right up until I got it, and then I knew better...

The government doesn't have the power to do that.

That's the POINT!
the County Council openly intervened and persuaded the hospital board to STOP this mandate, and then they fired the county health administrator who had been pushing it.

I'm guessing you don't live in a blue state or county. Democrats do not fire democrats except under the direst of situations where they have no choice.

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