Procter & Gamble employees issue a warning to America

In some ways it's very good. The multinational corporations will fire the people, who will then start their own businesses, based here in the States, and the multinationals will then lose market share, and power.

I say buy local, screw the corporations, and stop buying chinese junk
I have been thinking that too. Its about time to get more product choices out there.
We tamed this land. We can tame it again. Dems are the enemy. So is this administration. But WE still have power. Make our own, supply our own, support our own, HIRE our own.
My children had handmade diapers. The only time we used disposables was when traveling and that was only if I had not brought enough of the good ones with me. The only time they ever got diaper rash was with disposables too.
P&G has a right and a duty to protect their workforce from anti-vax idiots. By now, even the dumbest of the dumb should know the meaning of the words Contagious and Asymptomatic.
The world would be better off without mindless idiots that think a vaccine can only be effective if everyone gets it.
And who thinks that a government approved vaccine is more effective than natural immunity built up by catching the virus and treating it with effective drugs that work.
You must believe that everyone has to wear Depends just in case someone shits their pants.
I have been getting a lot of work done on the home I just bought. I ask companies if their employees are all vaccinated. If I get a "Yes" answer, I tell them, sometimes not too politely, that I will never use their company. It's good to have only the unvaccinated in my home, where I am still King.
I have been getting a lot of work done on the home I just bought. I ask companies if their employees are all vaccinated. If I get a "Yes" answer, I tell them, sometimes not too politely, that I will never use their company. It's good to have only the unvaccinated in my home, where I am still King.
Shows you are an asshole
Yes they have
But according to CDC they are MUCH less likely to catch COVID

Doesn't matter. And we also have no conclusive evidence that it makes someone much less likely to catch it. Only a bit less likely to die from it.

You said:

"Companies do not want to have to shut down and get everyone tested every time someone tests positive for COVID"

yet you mandate something that does not stop them from testing positive for it.

So I ask again, why mandate it?
The same cdc that said no masks, then masks, then double masks?

I hate to break it to ya, but they are no longer credible.

Believe it or not, I trust CDC more than the bullshit you post

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