Progressive Holiday?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Should progressives have their own national holiday? With all of their vast accomplishments since the turn of the 20th century, I think it is only fitting. As a person of faith, I feel a tad bit guilty for having all the cool holidays like Easter and Christmas, especially when government does so much more for us.

Here are but a few suggestions.

May 5. This was the day that Karl Marx was born. I know, I know, progressives are not Marxist, at least not all of them. Looking at poverty today and unemployment figures, you don't have to tell me that they don't care about Marxism. However, progressives thrive on the demagoguery of Marx in regards to class warfare. Those for limited government will always be labelled champions of the rich fat cats. For you see, as government increases there are fewer and fewer rich fat cats. In fact, pretty much everyone loses wealth every year progressives are in power whether it be to inflation or taxation.

July 12. In 1909 on this day the federal income tax was added to the Constitution. This was an era when they still recognized the Constitution and felt it needed amended rather than ignored. It was key because it was the engine to empower the federal Leviathan. Without it, states would have retained the purse strings and their power could not have been usurped to centralize power. After all, progressivism = collectivism. This is why the federal Congress has only a 13% approval rating but they keep getting elected. It is because everyone hates the other Congressmen looting their federal tax dollars, but loves their representative who steals tax dollars from other states. It was never meant to be like this. It is the progressive version of democracy.

December 23. In 1913 on this day the Federal Reserve was created to oversee the planned economy of the new Federal Leviathan. They later helped usher in the Great Depression and "fixed" it just like they did with the recent credit crisis debacle. Trillions of dollars out of our pockets later, it's hard to believe how we ever survived without them.

August 14. On this day in 1935, FDR signed into law the Social Security Act. This was the first major entitlement to be passed in America and their first taste of socialism. It was a tough sell at first, but today people act as if we could not live without it, even though they can't fathom living on it.

July 29. On this day in 1965, LBJ singed into legislation Medicare. This peice of legislation ensured that America would someday embrace socialized medicine. Although America is not there yet, Obamacare will soon have them begging for it.

August 13. This was the day in 1971, that President Nixon abandoned the gold standard and embraced the fiat currency. Although all fiat currencies historically fail, President Nixon knew better. He was convinced by then Fed Chairman Aurthur Burns that it was the thing to do. For you see, this was the ONLY way to not pay for what we could not afford, that is, wars abroad and massive entitlements like the recently created Medicare program. Soon the US would feel the effects of the new fiat currency with stagflation later that decade and the exploding debt that we see today, all courtesy of the fiat currency. Debt is now to the point of incomprehension, and this day will be seen as the day America committed suicide.

June 25. On this day in 1962, prayer was taken out of the schools. No longer should children look to a higher power than government.

January 23. This was the day in 1973 that abortion was made the law of the land. For you see, Americans felt that they could no longer afford their offspring, especially with their governments fiscal policies. In fact, most abortions occur today due to financial concerns.

April 15. You all know this one, it's tax day!!! This is the day we can all celebrate as "paying our fair share". It is a day where progressives should be praised for all they do for us. For example, think of how government supports our economy. Every year over 300,000 trees need to be chopped down in order to create the tax forms needed for April 15. To put this into better perspective, if all the forms were laid end to end, they would circle the earth 28 times. Think of the industry and jobs created to get this done!! The IRS is also one of the biggets employers around. They employ about 114,000 people in the US. That is twice as much as the CIA and about 5 times as many as the FBI. In fact, with the passage of Obamacare the number of tax agents and forms should increase by leaps and bounds. Of course, many more jobs are created through taxes. Every year about 60% of Americans feel the need to hire someone to figure out their taxes for them. For you see, there are about 7 million words in our tax laws today. To put this into better perspective, there are only about 773,000 words in the Holy Bible. Taxpayers spend about $200 billion every year trying to do their taxes and put in about 5.4 billion hours doing it. That creates jobs!!

I like what Ronald Reagan once said. "The American taxpayer -- that is someone who works for the federal government but does not have to take a civil service examination to do it." In fact, in the US taxes eat up about 40% of the average families income. That is more than the cost of food, shelter, and clothing combined that they have to pay for every year.

Of course, we have not reached out progressive utopia just yet. We must keep moving FORWARD!! You might even say that we must never stop moving forward. For you see, government will never be big enough, never have enough money, never have enough power, and never have enough resources to get the job done. Won't you join our cause?
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They alread have May 1st and 5th, that's enough.
Should progressives have their own national holiday? With all of their vast accomplishments since the turn of the 20th century, I think it is only fitting. As a person of faith, I feel a tad bit guilty for having all the cool holidays like Easter and Christmas, especially when government does so much more for us.

Here are but a few suggestions.

May 5. This was the day that Karl Marx was born. I know, I know, progressives are not Marxist, at least not all of them. Looking at poverty today and unemployment figures, you don't have to tell me that they don't care about Marxism. However, progressives thrive on the demagoguery of Marx in regards to class warfare. Those for limited government can always be labelled champions of the rich fat cats. For you see, as government increases there are fewer and fewer rich fat cats. In fact, pretty much everyone loses wealth every year progressives are in power whether it be to inflation or taxation.

July 12. In 1909 on this day the federal income tax was added to the Constitution. This was an era when they still recognized the Constitution and felt it needed amended rather than ignored. It was key because it was the engine to empower the federal Leviathan. Without it, states would have retained the purse strings and their power could not have been usurped to centralize power. After all, progressivism = collectivism. This is why the federal Congress has only a 13% approval rating but they keep getting elected. It is because everyone hates the other Congressmen looting their federal tax dollars, but loves their representative who steals tax dollars from other states. It was never meant to be like this. It is the progressive version of democracy.

December 23. In 1913 on this day the Federal Reserve was created to oversee the planned economy of the new Federal Leviathan. They later helped usher in the Great Depression and "fixed" it just like they did with the recent credit crisis debacle. Trillions of dollars out of our pockets later, it's hard to believe how we ever survived without them.

August 14. On this day in 1935, FDR signed into law the Social Security Act. This was the first major entitlement to be passed in America and their first taste of socialism. It was a tough sell at first, but today people act as if we could not live without it, even though they can't fathom living on it.

July 29. On this day in 1965, LBJ singed into legislation Medicare. This peice of legislation ensured that America would someday embrace socialized medicine. Although America is not there yet, Obamacare will soon have them begging for it.

August 13. This was the day in 1971, that President Nixon abandoned the gold standard and embraced the fiat currency. Although all fiat currencies historically fail, President Nixon knew better. He was convinced by then Fed Chairman Aurthur Burns that it was the thing to do. For you see, this was the ONLY way to not pay for what we could not afford, that is, wars abroad and massive entitlements like the recently created Medicare program. Soon the US would feel the effects of the new fiat currency with stagflation later that decade and the exploding debt that we see today, all courtesy of the fiat currency. Debt is now to the point of incomprehension, and this day will be seen as the day America committed suicide.

June 25. On this day in 1962, prayer was taken out of the schools. No longer should children look to a higher power than government.

January 23. This was the day in 1973 that abortion was made the law of the land. For you see, Americans felt that they could no longer afford their offspring, especially with their governments fiscal policies. In fact, most abortions occur today due to financial concerns.

April 15. You all know this one, it's tax day!!! This is the day we can all celebrate as "paying our fair share". It is a day where progressives should be praised for all they do for us. For example, think of how government supports our economy. Every year over 300,000 trees need to be chopped down in order to create the tax forms needed for April 15. To put this into better perspective, if all the forms were laid end to end, they would circle the earth 28 times. Think of the industry and jobs created to get this done!! The IRS is also one of the biggets employers around. They employ about 114,000 people in the US. That is twice as much as the CIA and about 5 times as many as the FBI. In fact, with the passage of Obamacare the number of tax agents and forms should increase by leaps and bounds. Of course, many more jobs are created through taxes. Every year about 60% of Americans feel the need to hire someone to figure out their taxes for them. For you see, there are about 7 million words in our tax laws today. To put this into better perspective, there are only about 773,000 words in the Holy Bible. Taxpayers spend about $200 billion every year trying to do their taxes and put in about 5.4 billion hours doing it. That creates jobs!!

I like what Ronald Reagan once said. "The American taxpayer -- that is someone who works for the federal government but does not have to take a civil service examination to do it." In fact, in the US taxes eat up about 40% of the average families income. That is more than the cost of food, shelter, and clothing combined that they have to pay for every year.

Of course, we have not reached out progressive utopia just yet. We must keep moving FORWARD!! You might even say that we must never stop moving forward. For you see, government will never be big enough, never have enough money, never have enough power, and never have enough resources to get the job done. Won't you join our cause?

Our big holiday will come when we take all the right-wing lunatics guns away shut your churches and ban the bible and put you all on exhibit in zoo like habitats :eusa_pray:
Should progressives have their own national holiday? With all of their vast accomplishments since the turn of the 20th century, I think it is only fitting. As a person of faith, I feel a tad bit guilty for having all the cool holidays like Easter and Christmas, especially when government does so much more for us.

Here are but a few suggestions.

May 5. This was the day that Karl Marx was born. I know, I know, progressives are not Marxist, at least not all of them. Looking at poverty today and unemployment figures, you don't have to tell me that they don't care about Marxism. However, progressives thrive on the demagoguery of Marx in regards to class warfare. Those for limited government can always be labelled champions of the rich fat cats. For you see, as government increases there are fewer and fewer rich fat cats. In fact, pretty much everyone loses wealth every year progressives are in power whether it be to inflation or taxation.

July 12. In 1909 on this day the federal income tax was added to the Constitution. This was an era when they still recognized the Constitution and felt it needed amended rather than ignored. It was key because it was the engine to empower the federal Leviathan. Without it, states would have retained the purse strings and their power could not have been usurped to centralize power. After all, progressivism = collectivism. This is why the federal Congress has only a 13% approval rating but they keep getting elected. It is because everyone hates the other Congressmen looting their federal tax dollars, but loves their representative who steals tax dollars from other states. It was never meant to be like this. It is the progressive version of democracy.

December 23. In 1913 on this day the Federal Reserve was created to oversee the planned economy of the new Federal Leviathan. They later helped usher in the Great Depression and "fixed" it just like they did with the recent credit crisis debacle. Trillions of dollars out of our pockets later, it's hard to believe how we ever survived without them.

August 14. On this day in 1935, FDR signed into law the Social Security Act. This was the first major entitlement to be passed in America and their first taste of socialism. It was a tough sell at first, but today people act as if we could not live without it, even though they can't fathom living on it.

July 29. On this day in 1965, LBJ singed into legislation Medicare. This peice of legislation ensured that America would someday embrace socialized medicine. Although America is not there yet, Obamacare will soon have them begging for it.

August 13. This was the day in 1971, that President Nixon abandoned the gold standard and embraced the fiat currency. Although all fiat currencies historically fail, President Nixon knew better. He was convinced by then Fed Chairman Aurthur Burns that it was the thing to do. For you see, this was the ONLY way to not pay for what we could not afford, that is, wars abroad and massive entitlements like the recently created Medicare program. Soon the US would feel the effects of the new fiat currency with stagflation later that decade and the exploding debt that we see today, all courtesy of the fiat currency. Debt is now to the point of incomprehension, and this day will be seen as the day America committed suicide.

June 25. On this day in 1962, prayer was taken out of the schools. No longer should children look to a higher power than government.

January 23. This was the day in 1973 that abortion was made the law of the land. For you see, Americans felt that they could no longer afford their offspring, especially with their governments fiscal policies. In fact, most abortions occur today due to financial concerns.

April 15. You all know this one, it's tax day!!! This is the day we can all celebrate as "paying our fair share". It is a day where progressives should be praised for all they do for us. For example, think of how government supports our economy. Every year over 300,000 trees need to be chopped down in order to create the tax forms needed for April 15. To put this into better perspective, if all the forms were laid end to end, they would circle the earth 28 times. Think of the industry and jobs created to get this done!! The IRS is also one of the biggets employers around. They employ about 114,000 people in the US. That is twice as much as the CIA and about 5 times as many as the FBI. In fact, with the passage of Obamacare the number of tax agents and forms should increase by leaps and bounds. Of course, many more jobs are created through taxes. Every year about 60% of Americans feel the need to hire someone to figure out their taxes for them. For you see, there are about 7 million words in our tax laws today. To put this into better perspective, there are only about 773,000 words in the Holy Bible. Taxpayers spend about $200 billion every year trying to do their taxes and put in about 5.4 billion hours doing it. That creates jobs!!

I like what Ronald Reagan once said. "The American taxpayer -- that is someone who works for the federal government but does not have to take a civil service examination to do it." In fact, in the US taxes eat up about 40% of the average families income. That is more than the cost of food, shelter, and clothing combined that they have to pay for every year.

Of course, we have not reached out progressive utopia just yet. We must keep moving FORWARD!! You might even say that we must never stop moving forward. For you see, government will never be big enough, never have enough money, never have enough power, and never have enough resources to get the job done. Won't you join our cause?

Our big holiday will come when we take all the right-wing lunatics guns away shut your churches and ban the bible and put you all on exhibit in zoo like habitats :eusa_pray:

FDR put Japanese Americans behind bars by Executive Order, so what is stopping you?
Should progressives have their own national holiday? With all of their vast accomplishments since the turn of the 20th century, I think it is only fitting. As a person of faith, I feel a tad bit guilty for having all the cool holidays like Easter and Christmas, especially when government does so much more for us.

Here are but a few suggestions.

May 5. This was the day that Karl Marx was born. I know, I know, progressives are not Marxist, at least not all of them. Looking at poverty today and unemployment figures, you don't have to tell me that they don't care about Marxism. However, progressives thrive on the demagoguery of Marx in regards to class warfare. Those for limited government can always be labelled champions of the rich fat cats. For you see, as government increases there are fewer and fewer rich fat cats. In fact, pretty much everyone loses wealth every year progressives are in power whether it be to inflation or taxation.

July 12. In 1909 on this day the federal income tax was added to the Constitution. This was an era when they still recognized the Constitution and felt it needed amended rather than ignored. It was key because it was the engine to empower the federal Leviathan. Without it, states would have retained the purse strings and their power could not have been usurped to centralize power. After all, progressivism = collectivism. This is why the federal Congress has only a 13% approval rating but they keep getting elected. It is because everyone hates the other Congressmen looting their federal tax dollars, but loves their representative who steals tax dollars from other states. It was never meant to be like this. It is the progressive version of democracy.

December 23. In 1913 on this day the Federal Reserve was created to oversee the planned economy of the new Federal Leviathan. They later helped usher in the Great Depression and "fixed" it just like they did with the recent credit crisis debacle. Trillions of dollars out of our pockets later, it's hard to believe how we ever survived without them.

August 14. On this day in 1935, FDR signed into law the Social Security Act. This was the first major entitlement to be passed in America and their first taste of socialism. It was a tough sell at first, but today people act as if we could not live without it, even though they can't fathom living on it.

July 29. On this day in 1965, LBJ singed into legislation Medicare. This peice of legislation ensured that America would someday embrace socialized medicine. Although America is not there yet, Obamacare will soon have them begging for it.

August 13. This was the day in 1971, that President Nixon abandoned the gold standard and embraced the fiat currency. Although all fiat currencies historically fail, President Nixon knew better. He was convinced by then Fed Chairman Aurthur Burns that it was the thing to do. For you see, this was the ONLY way to not pay for what we could not afford, that is, wars abroad and massive entitlements like the recently created Medicare program. Soon the US would feel the effects of the new fiat currency with stagflation later that decade and the exploding debt that we see today, all courtesy of the fiat currency. Debt is now to the point of incomprehension, and this day will be seen as the day America committed suicide.

June 25. On this day in 1962, prayer was taken out of the schools. No longer should children look to a higher power than government.

January 23. This was the day in 1973 that abortion was made the law of the land. For you see, Americans felt that they could no longer afford their offspring, especially with their governments fiscal policies. In fact, most abortions occur today due to financial concerns.

April 15. You all know this one, it's tax day!!! This is the day we can all celebrate as "paying our fair share". It is a day where progressives should be praised for all they do for us. For example, think of how government supports our economy. Every year over 300,000 trees need to be chopped down in order to create the tax forms needed for April 15. To put this into better perspective, if all the forms were laid end to end, they would circle the earth 28 times. Think of the industry and jobs created to get this done!! The IRS is also one of the biggets employers around. They employ about 114,000 people in the US. That is twice as much as the CIA and about 5 times as many as the FBI. In fact, with the passage of Obamacare the number of tax agents and forms should increase by leaps and bounds. Of course, many more jobs are created through taxes. Every year about 60% of Americans feel the need to hire someone to figure out their taxes for them. For you see, there are about 7 million words in our tax laws today. To put this into better perspective, there are only about 773,000 words in the Holy Bible. Taxpayers spend about $200 billion every year trying to do their taxes and put in about 5.4 billion hours doing it. That creates jobs!!

I like what Ronald Reagan once said. "The American taxpayer -- that is someone who works for the federal government but does not have to take a civil service examination to do it." In fact, in the US taxes eat up about 40% of the average families income. That is more than the cost of food, shelter, and clothing combined that they have to pay for every year.

Of course, we have not reached out progressive utopia just yet. We must keep moving FORWARD!! You might even say that we must never stop moving forward. For you see, government will never be big enough, never have enough money, never have enough power, and never have enough resources to get the job done. Won't you join our cause?

Our big holiday will come when we take all the right-wing lunatics guns away shut your churches and ban the bible and put you all on exhibit in zoo like habitats :eusa_pray:

Thank you for putting out the leftist iedology for all to see, good job.
Should progressives have their own national holiday? With all of their vast accomplishments since the turn of the 20th century, I think it is only fitting. As a person of faith, I feel a tad bit guilty for having all the cool holidays like Easter and Christmas, especially when government does so much more for us.

Here are but a few suggestions.

May 5. This was the day that Karl Marx was born. I know, I know, progressives are not Marxist, at least not all of them. Looking at poverty today and unemployment figures, you don't have to tell me that they don't care about Marxism. However, progressives thrive on the demagoguery of Marx in regards to class warfare. Those for limited government can always be labelled champions of the rich fat cats. For you see, as government increases there are fewer and fewer rich fat cats. In fact, pretty much everyone loses wealth every year progressives are in power whether it be to inflation or taxation.

July 12. In 1909 on this day the federal income tax was added to the Constitution. This was an era when they still recognized the Constitution and felt it needed amended rather than ignored. It was key because it was the engine to empower the federal Leviathan. Without it, states would have retained the purse strings and their power could not have been usurped to centralize power. After all, progressivism = collectivism. This is why the federal Congress has only a 13% approval rating but they keep getting elected. It is because everyone hates the other Congressmen looting their federal tax dollars, but loves their representative who steals tax dollars from other states. It was never meant to be like this. It is the progressive version of democracy.

December 23. In 1913 on this day the Federal Reserve was created to oversee the planned economy of the new Federal Leviathan. They later helped usher in the Great Depression and "fixed" it just like they did with the recent credit crisis debacle. Trillions of dollars out of our pockets later, it's hard to believe how we ever survived without them.

August 14. On this day in 1935, FDR signed into law the Social Security Act. This was the first major entitlement to be passed in America and their first taste of socialism. It was a tough sell at first, but today people act as if we could not live without it, even though they can't fathom living on it.

July 29. On this day in 1965, LBJ singed into legislation Medicare. This peice of legislation ensured that America would someday embrace socialized medicine. Although America is not there yet, Obamacare will soon have them begging for it.

August 13. This was the day in 1971, that President Nixon abandoned the gold standard and embraced the fiat currency. Although all fiat currencies historically fail, President Nixon knew better. He was convinced by then Fed Chairman Aurthur Burns that it was the thing to do. For you see, this was the ONLY way to not pay for what we could not afford, that is, wars abroad and massive entitlements like the recently created Medicare program. Soon the US would feel the effects of the new fiat currency with stagflation later that decade and the exploding debt that we see today, all courtesy of the fiat currency. Debt is now to the point of incomprehension, and this day will be seen as the day America committed suicide.

June 25. On this day in 1962, prayer was taken out of the schools. No longer should children look to a higher power than government.

January 23. This was the day in 1973 that abortion was made the law of the land. For you see, Americans felt that they could no longer afford their offspring, especially with their governments fiscal policies. In fact, most abortions occur today due to financial concerns.

April 15. You all know this one, it's tax day!!! This is the day we can all celebrate as "paying our fair share". It is a day where progressives should be praised for all they do for us. For example, think of how government supports our economy. Every year over 300,000 trees need to be chopped down in order to create the tax forms needed for April 15. To put this into better perspective, if all the forms were laid end to end, they would circle the earth 28 times. Think of the industry and jobs created to get this done!! The IRS is also one of the biggets employers around. They employ about 114,000 people in the US. That is twice as much as the CIA and about 5 times as many as the FBI. In fact, with the passage of Obamacare the number of tax agents and forms should increase by leaps and bounds. Of course, many more jobs are created through taxes. Every year about 60% of Americans feel the need to hire someone to figure out their taxes for them. For you see, there are about 7 million words in our tax laws today. To put this into better perspective, there are only about 773,000 words in the Holy Bible. Taxpayers spend about $200 billion every year trying to do their taxes and put in about 5.4 billion hours doing it. That creates jobs!!

I like what Ronald Reagan once said. "The American taxpayer -- that is someone who works for the federal government but does not have to take a civil service examination to do it." In fact, in the US taxes eat up about 40% of the average families income. That is more than the cost of food, shelter, and clothing combined that they have to pay for every year.

Of course, we have not reached out progressive utopia just yet. We must keep moving FORWARD!! You might even say that we must never stop moving forward. For you see, government will never be big enough, never have enough money, never have enough power, and never have enough resources to get the job done. Won't you join our cause?

Our big holiday will come when we take all the right-wing lunatics guns away shut your churches and ban the bible and put you all on exhibit in zoo like habitats :eusa_pray:

Thank you for putting out the leftist iedology for all to see, good job.

With the passage of the NDAA, it does make me a little nervous.
The Fourth of July and Labor day are full of Progressive ideals. It's funny you claim Easter and Christmas which were originally Pagan celebrations co opted by the Christian religion.
The Fourth of July and Labor day are full of Progressive ideals. It's funny you claim Easter and Christmas which were originally Pagan celebrations co opted by the Christian religion.

You are correct, the government is celebrated on July 4 and labor day. That way government subsidizes the private sector so that the private sector can pay us for the holiday. It's like paying ourselves for the holiday, only, with interest our children have to pay.

As for pagans, I prefer them over statists.
July 5th

Ever since we declared our independence, it's been all down hill ever since
How about May 9th. When the Nazi's surrendered to a Democrat.

Friend, Democrats are Nazis. :eusa_wall:

So who is your favorite collectivist? Mao? Hitler? Stalin? Chavez? Obama?

You have no clue what a Nazi is. You are a pathetic excuse for a human being making such an asinine statement. Tell a Jew or anyone else who lost family in the Holocaust that Democrats are Nazis. You have no clue.
How about May 9th. When the Nazi's surrendered to a Democrat.

Friend, Democrats are Nazis. :eusa_wall:

So who is your favorite collectivist? Mao? Hitler? Stalin? Chavez? Obama?

You have no clue what a Nazi is. You are a pathetic excuse for a human being making such an asinine statement. Tell a Jew or anyone else who lost family in the Holocaust that Democrats are Nazis. You have no clue.

I have lost family in the Shoa and we Jews Vote overwhelming Democrat and we are overwhelmingly LIBERAL and that burns the rightwing vermin's ass :clap2::clap2:
How about May 9th. When the Nazi's surrendered to a Democrat.

Friend, Democrats are Nazis. :eusa_wall:

So who is your favorite collectivist? Mao? Hitler? Stalin? Chavez? Obama?

You have no clue what a Nazi is. You are a pathetic excuse for a human being making such an asinine statement. Tell a Jew or anyone else who lost family in the Holocaust that Democrats are Nazis. You have no clue.

So all nazis supported putting jews in camps?

if yes

Then all dems supported putting Asians in camps.

oh the similarities
Friend, Democrats are Nazis. :eusa_wall:

So who is your favorite collectivist? Mao? Hitler? Stalin? Chavez? Obama?

You have no clue what a Nazi is. You are a pathetic excuse for a human being making such an asinine statement. Tell a Jew or anyone else who lost family in the Holocaust that Democrats are Nazis. You have no clue.

So all nazis supported putting jews in camps?

if yes

Then all dems supported putting Asians in camps.

oh the similarities

Yes you stupid asshole all Nazis supported putting Jews in camps. They were Nazis and that is what they believed and did!
You have no clue what a Nazi is. You are a pathetic excuse for a human being making such an asinine statement. Tell a Jew or anyone else who lost family in the Holocaust that Democrats are Nazis. You have no clue.

So all nazis supported putting jews in camps?

if yes

Then all dems supported putting Asians in camps.

oh the similarities

Yes you stupid asshole all Nazis supported putting Jews in camps. They were Nazis and that is what they believed and did!

Google John Rabe. I doubt he supported extermination of the Jews.

You're over simplifying it. Nazism started off as a German nationalist movement. Its not like Hitler stood up and said "Hey everyone, wouldn't it be a great idea to exterminate the Jews and subjugate all non-Germanic people? Come follow me!"
Should progressives have their own national holiday? With all of their vast accomplishments since the turn of the 20th century, I think it is only fitting. As a person of faith, I feel a tad bit guilty for having all the cool holidays like Easter and Christmas, especially when government does so much more for us.

Here are but a few suggestions.

May 5. This was the day that Karl Marx was born. I know, I know, progressives are not Marxist, at least not all of them. Looking at poverty today and unemployment figures, you don't have to tell me that they don't care about Marxism. However, progressives thrive on the demagoguery of Marx in regards to class warfare. Those for limited government can always be labelled champions of the rich fat cats. For you see, as government increases there are fewer and fewer rich fat cats. In fact, pretty much everyone loses wealth every year progressives are in power whether it be to inflation or taxation.

July 12. In 1909 on this day the federal income tax was added to the Constitution. This was an era when they still recognized the Constitution and felt it needed amended rather than ignored. It was key because it was the engine to empower the federal Leviathan. Without it, states would have retained the purse strings and their power could not have been usurped to centralize power. After all, progressivism = collectivism. This is why the federal Congress has only a 13% approval rating but they keep getting elected. It is because everyone hates the other Congressmen looting their federal tax dollars, but loves their representative who steals tax dollars from other states. It was never meant to be like this. It is the progressive version of democracy.

December 23. In 1913 on this day the Federal Reserve was created to oversee the planned economy of the new Federal Leviathan. They later helped usher in the Great Depression and "fixed" it just like they did with the recent credit crisis debacle. Trillions of dollars out of our pockets later, it's hard to believe how we ever survived without them.

August 14. On this day in 1935, FDR signed into law the Social Security Act. This was the first major entitlement to be passed in America and their first taste of socialism. It was a tough sell at first, but today people act as if we could not live without it, even though they can't fathom living on it.

July 29. On this day in 1965, LBJ singed into legislation Medicare. This peice of legislation ensured that America would someday embrace socialized medicine. Although America is not there yet, Obamacare will soon have them begging for it.

August 13. This was the day in 1971, that President Nixon abandoned the gold standard and embraced the fiat currency. Although all fiat currencies historically fail, President Nixon knew better. He was convinced by then Fed Chairman Aurthur Burns that it was the thing to do. For you see, this was the ONLY way to not pay for what we could not afford, that is, wars abroad and massive entitlements like the recently created Medicare program. Soon the US would feel the effects of the new fiat currency with stagflation later that decade and the exploding debt that we see today, all courtesy of the fiat currency. Debt is now to the point of incomprehension, and this day will be seen as the day America committed suicide.

June 25. On this day in 1962, prayer was taken out of the schools. No longer should children look to a higher power than government.

January 23. This was the day in 1973 that abortion was made the law of the land. For you see, Americans felt that they could no longer afford their offspring, especially with their governments fiscal policies. In fact, most abortions occur today due to financial concerns.

April 15. You all know this one, it's tax day!!! This is the day we can all celebrate as "paying our fair share". It is a day where progressives should be praised for all they do for us. For example, think of how government supports our economy. Every year over 300,000 trees need to be chopped down in order to create the tax forms needed for April 15. To put this into better perspective, if all the forms were laid end to end, they would circle the earth 28 times. Think of the industry and jobs created to get this done!! The IRS is also one of the biggets employers around. They employ about 114,000 people in the US. That is twice as much as the CIA and about 5 times as many as the FBI. In fact, with the passage of Obamacare the number of tax agents and forms should increase by leaps and bounds. Of course, many more jobs are created through taxes. Every year about 60% of Americans feel the need to hire someone to figure out their taxes for them. For you see, there are about 7 million words in our tax laws today. To put this into better perspective, there are only about 773,000 words in the Holy Bible. Taxpayers spend about $200 billion every year trying to do their taxes and put in about 5.4 billion hours doing it. That creates jobs!!

I like what Ronald Reagan once said. "The American taxpayer -- that is someone who works for the federal government but does not have to take a civil service examination to do it." In fact, in the US taxes eat up about 40% of the average families income. That is more than the cost of food, shelter, and clothing combined that they have to pay for every year.

Of course, we have not reached out progressive utopia just yet. We must keep moving FORWARD!! You might even say that we must never stop moving forward. For you see, government will never be big enough, never have enough money, never have enough power, and never have enough resources to get the job done. Won't you join our cause?

Our big holiday will come when we take all the right-wing lunatics guns away shut your churches and ban the bible and put you all on exhibit in zoo like habitats :eusa_pray:

Here's the music that goes with that post.....

[ame=]THE INTERNATIONALE (in Russian) - YouTube[/ame]
How about May 9th. When the Nazi's surrendered to a Democrat.

Friend, Democrats are Nazis. :eusa_wall:

So who is your favorite collectivist? Mao? Hitler? Stalin? Chavez? Obama?

You have no clue what a Nazi is. You are a pathetic excuse for a human being making such an asinine statement. Tell a Jew or anyone else who lost family in the Holocaust that Democrats are Nazis. You have no clue.

Millions of the unborn babies would diagree.

BTW, the Nazis were proabortion when it came to Jews.

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