My Bothers and Sisters know better and will continue to stand guard.
Dude...the only thing you stand for is government handouts. I’ve done more for the U.S. Constitution in any given hour than you’ve done your entire miserable life.

You mean by running your mouth? That is a given. But have you ever offered to put your butt on the line to defend it? You never have. You are nothing but a Rexall Ranger.
I like the common sense firearms laws we have
I like the U.S. Constitution. But that’s the difference between Americans (me) and communists (you).
I served for over 20 years in the US Military so you could have the right to say crap like this.
Ladies & Gentlemen...I rest my case. Duh-ryl here thinks it is “crap” to put the U.S. Constitution first.

You only use parts of it. And that is crap. If you claim to put the US Constitution first, put it all first,not just the parts that you agree with. Your screaming over and over, "That's Unconstitutional" on ever ruling is just crap. The Justices can only rule in favor of the Constitution and they cannot write any new laws. But since you only use part of the Constitution then you won't agree. You do more damage than good.
I like the common sense firearms laws we have
I like the U.S. Constitution. But that’s the difference between Americans (me) and communists (you).
I served for over 20 years in the US Military so you could have the right to say crap like this.
Ladies & Gentlemen...I rest my case. Duh-ryl here thinks it is “crap” to put the U.S. Constitution first.

You only use parts of it. And that is crap. If you claim to put the US Constitution first, put it all first,not just the parts that you agree with. Your screaming over and over, "That's Unconstitutional" on ever ruling is just crap. The Justices can only rule in favor of the Constitution and they cannot write any new laws. But since you only use part of the Constitution then you won't agree. You do more damage than good.

Leftard jurists see the U.S constitution as a flexible document that they interpret to fit their little commie agenda. They are using their position to tear down the very fabric of what this country once stood for. Legislating from the bench is a "leftard thing".
I didn't win one bloody thing. There wasn't a win there at all.
We weren't going to lose anything if we didn't fight in Vietnam you moron. We lost that undeclared, unjust war , we failed utterly and what rights did we lose to the Russians and the Vietnamese victors?
And who got us into that shit-hole with absolutely no intent to win? John F. Kennedy (D) and Lyndon B. Johnson (D). One call always count on the Dumbocrats to hurt the United States.

They followed Eisenhowers lead like they did almost everything they did in their time in office. You may want to remove JFK from that list. It was LBJ that expanded it into a war, not JFK. JFK pretty much followed Eisenhowers plan. You should write a book on this subject but make sure you start if off with "Once Upon a Time".
I didn't win one bloody thing. There wasn't a win there at all.
We weren't going to lose anything if we didn't fight in Vietnam you moron. We lost that undeclared, unjust war , we failed utterly and what rights did we lose to the Russians and the Vietnamese victors?
And who got us into that shit-hole with absolutely no intent to win? John F. Kennedy (D) and Lyndon B. Johnson (D). One call always count on the Dumbocrats to hurt the United States.

They followed Eisenhowers lead like they did almost everything they did in their time in office. You may want to remove JFK from that list. It was LBJ that expanded it into a war, not JFK. JFK pretty much followed Eisenhowers plan. You should write a book on this subject but make sure you start if off with "Once Upon a Time".

Eisenhower was a CFR member and it was only towards the end of his last term did he come to the realization that the shadow government/military industrial complex had usurped his authority. Trump is learning that now.
I like the common sense firearms laws we have
I like the U.S. Constitution. But that’s the difference between Americans (me) and communists (you).
I served for over 20 years in the US Military so you could have the right to say crap like this.
Ladies & Gentlemen...I rest my case. Duh-ryl here thinks it is “crap” to put the U.S. Constitution first.

You only use parts of it. And that is crap. If you claim to put the US Constitution first, put it all first,not just the parts that you agree with. Your screaming over and over, "That's Unconstitutional" on ever ruling is just crap. The Justices can only rule in favor of the Constitution and they cannot write any new laws. But since you only use part of the Constitution then you won't agree. You do more damage than good.

Leftard jurists see the U.S constitution as a flexible document that they interpret to fit their little commie agenda. They are using their position to tear down the very fabric of what this country once stood for. Legislating from the bench is a "leftard thing".

Do you ever wonder why so many cases are not heard? How about most of them. The only reason Heller V was heard was it was in DC which is governed by the the Federal and Heller V DC, DC was so far out in left field, it was just a punt for a ruling. And no, it doesn't say all the crap most of you gun nutters say it does. Not the actual ruling itself. It's a simple ruling and stays within the 2nd amendment. DC isn't governed by the 10th amendment like a state is. Therefore, it took the Supreme Court to rule on it. Otherwise, the modern day Supreme Court has been avoiding 2nd amendment cases like the plague. Of course, in the response of denying hearing it, they put some pretty good dings on the various state and federal congressionals. It's not a left nor a right thing. It's an American Thing. Use ALL of the Constitution instead of just the parts that you agree with.
I didn't win one bloody thing. There wasn't a win there at all.
We weren't going to lose anything if we didn't fight in Vietnam you moron. We lost that undeclared, unjust war , we failed utterly and what rights did we lose to the Russians and the Vietnamese victors?
And who got us into that shit-hole with absolutely no intent to win? John F. Kennedy (D) and Lyndon B. Johnson (D). One call always count on the Dumbocrats to hurt the United States.

They followed Eisenhowers lead like they did almost everything they did in their time in office. You may want to remove JFK from that list. It was LBJ that expanded it into a war, not JFK. JFK pretty much followed Eisenhowers plan. You should write a book on this subject but make sure you start if off with "Once Upon a Time".

Eisenhower was a CFR member and it was only towards the end of his last term did he come to the realization that the shadow government/military industrial complex had usurped his authority. Trump is learning that now.

Yes, Eisenhower made that point of warning against the Military Complex. But I don't think Trump is bright enough to figure it out. And his Ego would never allow him to admit it.
I didn't win one bloody thing. There wasn't a win there at all.
We weren't going to lose anything if we didn't fight in Vietnam you moron. We lost that undeclared, unjust war , we failed utterly and what rights did we lose to the Russians and the Vietnamese victors?
And who got us into that shit-hole with absolutely no intent to win? John F. Kennedy (D) and Lyndon B. Johnson (D). One call always count on the Dumbocrats to hurt the United States.

They followed Eisenhowers lead like they did almost everything they did in their time in office. You may want to remove JFK from that list. It was LBJ that expanded it into a war, not JFK. JFK pretty much followed Eisenhowers plan. You should write a book on this subject but make sure you start if off with "Once Upon a Time".

Eisenhower was a CFR member and it was only towards the end of his last term did he come to the realization that the shadow government/military industrial complex had usurped his authority. Trump is learning that now.

Yes, Eisenhower made that point of warning against the Military Complex. But I don't think Trump is bright enough to figure it out. And his Ego would never allow him to admit it.

I believe that underestimating Trump is a very bad idea.........
We weren't going to lose anything if we didn't fight in Vietnam you moron. We lost that undeclared, unjust war , we failed utterly and what rights did we lose to the Russians and the Vietnamese victors?
And who got us into that shit-hole with absolutely no intent to win? John F. Kennedy (D) and Lyndon B. Johnson (D). One call always count on the Dumbocrats to hurt the United States.

They followed Eisenhowers lead like they did almost everything they did in their time in office. You may want to remove JFK from that list. It was LBJ that expanded it into a war, not JFK. JFK pretty much followed Eisenhowers plan. You should write a book on this subject but make sure you start if off with "Once Upon a Time".

Eisenhower was a CFR member and it was only towards the end of his last term did he come to the realization that the shadow government/military industrial complex had usurped his authority. Trump is learning that now.

Yes, Eisenhower made that point of warning against the Military Complex. But I don't think Trump is bright enough to figure it out. And his Ego would never allow him to admit it.

I believe that underestimating Trump is a very bad idea.........

Well, we did underestimate him in many ways both good and bad. Too bad there isn't somewhere in between.
And who got us into that shit-hole with absolutely no intent to win? John F. Kennedy (D) and Lyndon B. Johnson (D). One call always count on the Dumbocrats to hurt the United States.

They followed Eisenhowers lead like they did almost everything they did in their time in office. You may want to remove JFK from that list. It was LBJ that expanded it into a war, not JFK. JFK pretty much followed Eisenhowers plan. You should write a book on this subject but make sure you start if off with "Once Upon a Time".

Eisenhower was a CFR member and it was only towards the end of his last term did he come to the realization that the shadow government/military industrial complex had usurped his authority. Trump is learning that now.

Yes, Eisenhower made that point of warning against the Military Complex. But I don't think Trump is bright enough to figure it out. And his Ego would never allow him to admit it.

I believe that underestimating Trump is a very bad idea.........

Well, we did underestimate him in many ways both good and bad. Too bad there isn't somewhere in between.

Well, we will see what happens going forward. There are many things that I like that Trump has done and some things I am not on board with. If Trump was really recruited by the white hats to try and turn this "ship" away from the iceberg, we all win, if not? Then he is simply another deep state puppet and we are fucked. Thus far the jury is still out as far as I am concerned.
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

Unless a bunch of yours decides to do the "Revolution" like what went down in New Mexico. Luckily, training to attack police stations and military posts and having heavy weapons is against both New Mexico State Laws and Federal Firearms Laws and they were cleaned out. The Judge recognized them as transplants from Georgia and denied them bail. The Feds picked them up and they have disappeared into the Terrorist System like they should be. Domestic Terrorism is treated exactly like Foreign Terrorism. Their actions were condone and supported by people just like you. They will never see the light of day again and we won't have to ever hear about them again. Your Diety, the Tumpster said only a few days ago for you to start getting ready. he said that right after the House was taken over by the other party. I wonder, Get read for what? Are you getting ready?

You Trumpsters will throw the Constitution out the window on a seconds notice if you thought you could be successful in your "Revolution". People like me stand in your way for that who do support the Constitution, all of it, not just part of it. So don't blow smoke up others skirts. We are watching you.
Our State Governor is the commander in chief of our State militia.

Our State Militia really should be fire suppression qualified and jump capable.

We also should have a State Corps of Engineers to engineer fine and wonderful, State Capital solutions to our urban issues.
Our State Governor is the commander in chief of our State militia.

Our State Militia really should be fire suppression qualified and jump capable.

We also should have a State Corps of Engineers to engineer fine and wonderful, State Capital solutions to our urban issues.

I know of only two really top notch State Militias that have proven themselves time and time again. One is in California who worked the Fires and Floods and the other is Texas who worked the Hurricanes, Tornadoes and floods. Both are head and shoulders above FEMA. But neither would actually do the job of the Fire Fighters. What they excel in is emergency services on a very, very short notice. No Federal Unit can respond that quickly.

I am especially familiar with the Texas State Militia where almost ALL State Cops, Rangers, Local Cops, Sheriffs, Firefighters etc. are part of that Militia. It's also made up of thousands of regular people. Notice just how quickly those fishing boats were introduced to get people to safety. Or how quickly people were evacuated before the building burned down because of gas leaks, etc.. These people are real heroes.

I don't know if they can really help with the Urban Issues. That's more a Economic issue that is beyond them. It's not beyond the Governors office though. Or the State Congress. Or the State Businesses. I just don't see how rebuilding a n urban area would help if there still was no jobs.
A State Corps of Engineers would be on top of State wide programs and their, juxtaposition.

Unlike venture capitalists.
A State Corps of Engineers would be on top of State wide programs and their, juxtaposition.

Unlike venture capitalists.

Then those programs, buildings and business would be state owned. Are you sure you want this? Seeing your other views, I doubt it. But the State can make it worthwhile enough to get venture capitalists to invest in it.
A State Corps of Engineers would be on top of State wide programs and their, juxtaposition.

Unlike venture capitalists.

Then those programs, buildings and business would be state owned. Are you sure you want this? Seeing your other views, I doubt it. But the State can make it worthwhile enough to get venture capitalists to invest in it.
Not sure what you mean. I only advocate for the physical layer of Infrastructure to be under Government organization.

Lowering costs for the private sector, is what the public sector should be doing.
97% of Americans believe that there should be Universal Background Checks. Name one thing Americans agree on more than that. Yet, our Congress has not passed UBC, makes you wonder whether they truly represent the people, or institutions like the NRA

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