Promoting Islamophobia

When you say anything bad about Israel, its called as "anti-semitism". (blames you)

When you say anything bad about Islam, its called as "Islamaphobia", not "anti-Islamism". (blames Islam)

This is how the media drives you like a shepherd . They seize your subconscious with the word games and you do whatever they want unconsciously.
Which is why I expose their :bsflag:every time they show up with it.

And their # 1 tactic is to disparage the words of protectionists, by calling them "Islamaphobes". These Islamapologists are generally either jihadists themselves, or utter fools who have succumbed to the propaganda of the Koranic lunatics.

Another great post!!!


Switched-up tactics, have ya, Junior, and trying to re-package yourself as the Voice of Reason?

Those who have been dealing with you for a while know better.

You're not fooling anybody, except the newest kids on the block.

And most of them will have you figured-out soon enough, as well.

Still, it's good that you're trying.

Allah loves "try-ers", too.

Now... if you're through playing patty-cake with Roudy, and if you're through de-railing the thread, feel free to contribute something substantive to the thread topic.
That's pretty funny, coming from you!

Fascinating to watch as Islam, for all its modern-day anti-woman and anti-gay elements, exists as the preeminent PC-protected religion.

anti-gay?...aren't you against gay marriage?

anti-women?...don't you think Sandra Fluke is a slut?

No, I'm pro-gay marriage, as long as they register, I'm terrible at buying gifts.

And no, I don't care much one way or the other about Fluke.

Did you think you "had" me there?

Wanna try again?

What kind of righty are you? Rush Limbaugh would be very disappointed.

I was going to indignantly announce you unfit to carry Mr. Limbaugh's likely seldom used jock!

Then I reconsidered.

Now I think you are fit for the task.

Fascinating to watch as Islam, for all its modern-day anti-woman and anti-gay elements, exists as the preeminent PC-protected religion.

anti-gay?...aren't you against gay marriage?

anti-women?...don't you think Sandra Fluke is a slut?

No, I'm pro-gay marriage, as long as they register, I'm terrible at buying gifts.

And no, I don't care much one way or the other about Fluke.

Did you think you "had" me there?

Wanna try again?

What kind of righty are you? Rush Limbaugh would be very disappointed.

I was going to indignantly announce you unfit to carry Mr. Limbaugh's likely seldom used jock!

Then I reconsidered.

Now I think you are fit for the task.
Mr Limbaugh?....eeeeyuuuuuwah!

I too have to reconsider something...

Is frequent use of a "jock" good or bad.

Hmmm...I can't really tell if you admire that filthy impotent flabby armed waste of space, or you're sane

Rush s the perfect mascot for typical righties these days.

He's too old to get it up.

Women can't live with him for long, no matter how much money he has, so that's why he hates them.

He's angry all the time.

Check, check, and check.
I don't think your experience compares to mine. So I wouldn't go around bragging about experience. You lived in secular dictatorship countries in a shielded manner. Since you're a foreigner you obviously didn't speak their language, probably just enough to get around. So, in other words your "experience" is of no real value, the equivalent of a tourist. If you want to know how life was really like for minorities in Muslim countries, I suggest you get in touch with some Christians or Jews who were born and raised there, and had to leave. Which is what I am.

I grew up with some Lebanese Christians as close friends and have some good customers who are Copts, and both say the same things as you.
I don't think your experience compares to mine. So I wouldn't go around bragging about experience. You lived in secular dictatorship countries in a shielded manner. Since you're a foreigner you obviously didn't speak their language, probably just enough to get around. So, in other words your "experience" is of no real value, the equivalent of a tourist. If you want to know how life was really like for minorities in Muslim countries, I suggest you get in touch with some Christians or Jews who were born and raised there, and had to leave. Which is what I am.

I grew up with some Lebanese Christians as close friends and have some good customers who are Copts, and both say the same things as you.
Nobody denies Egyptian oppression of the Copts

But you want to declare war on Islam, using tragedies like that as the reason.
I don't think your experience compares to mine. So I wouldn't go around bragging about experience. You lived in secular dictatorship countries in a shielded manner. Since you're a foreigner you obviously didn't speak their language, probably just enough to get around. So, in other words your "experience" is of no real value, the equivalent of a tourist. If you want to know how life was really like for minorities in Muslim countries, I suggest you get in touch with some Christians or Jews who were born and raised there, and had to leave. Which is what I am.

I grew up with some Lebanese Christians as close friends and have some good customers who are Copts, and both say the same things as you.
Nobody denies Egyptian oppression of the Copts

But you want to declare war on Islam, using tragedies like that as the reason.

who declared "WAR ON ISLAM"? -----1400 years ago ISLAM declared
war on da jooos, Christians ----and later on da hindoooos and --more
recently on da ZIONISTcontrolledCIA

btw----roudy does not do COPTS (sorry roudy-----I hope you do not mind) ---
roudy does the Iraq and Iran. BUT I DO COPTS----of the people who
survived the filth and stink of shariah cesspits---the FIRST I encountered---were
Christians. -------copts and 'chaldeans'----and those people with extra lines
in their crosses from Syria (eastern ortho---something) Later on I encountered
JOOOOOS who survived the stink and filth----in fact,, I married one.

Roudy is our local expert-------he LIVED IT------I am a different kind of informant----
I rubbed shoulders with JOOOOISH survivors----and also with HINDOOO
survivors and also Christian survivors----and ---most importantly with
MOOOOOSLIMS For a scholarly perspective on the situation ----read
ROBERT SPENCE ------a catholic with family legacy of the ----modified filth of
shariah in Turkey-----the most benign form of the stinking filth
I find it hilarious that toxic is whining about a war on Islam while Muslims have shown a total inability to coexist with people of other faiths.
I don't think your experience compares to mine. So I wouldn't go around bragging about experience. You lived in secular dictatorship countries in a shielded manner. Since you're a foreigner you obviously didn't speak their language, probably just enough to get around. So, in other words your "experience" is of no real value, the equivalent of a tourist. If you want to know how life was really like for minorities in Muslim countries, I suggest you get in touch with some Christians or Jews who were born and raised there, and had to leave. Which is what I am.

I grew up with some Lebanese Christians as close friends and have some good customers who are Copts, and both say the same things as you.
Nobody denies Egyptian oppression of the Copts

But you want to declare war on Islam, using tragedies like that as the reason.

Muslim oppression and persecution doesn't begin and end with the Copts. It occurs in every Muslim majority country where there is a minority of people of other faiths. They even slaughter Muslims of other sects. You seem very ignorant.
I find it hilarious that toxic is whining about a war on Islam while Muslims have shown a total inability to coexist with people of other faiths.'s not really hilarious----BUT---I understand from where you come-----
uhmmmm. Over the years----I have come to the conclusion-----that jews from ALL
parts of the world------have the same sense of humor-------when faced with both islam and the first, second and third REICHS of the "HOLY" roman empire.

..very long ago ----I read an opinion column in which the writer commented something like-------"at that close of world war II a jew-----in Auschwitz-----sat down and wrote
a book of comedy"

Fascinating to watch as Islam, for all its modern-day anti-woman and anti-gay elements, exists as the preeminent PC-protected religion.

anti-gay?...aren't you against gay marriage?

anti-women?...don't you think Sandra Fluke is a slut?

No, I'm pro-gay marriage, as long as they register, I'm terrible at buying gifts.

And no, I don't care much one way or the other about Fluke.

Did you think you "had" me there?

Wanna try again?

What kind of righty are you? Rush Limbaugh would be very disappointed.

I was going to indignantly announce you unfit to carry Mr. Limbaugh's likely seldom used jock!

Then I reconsidered.

Now I think you are fit for the task.
Mr Limbaugh?....eeeeyuuuuuwah!

I too have to reconsider something...

Is frequent use of a "jock" good or bad.

Hmmm...I can't really tell if you admire that filthy impotent flabby armed waste of space, or you're sane

Rush s the perfect mascot for typical righties these days.

He's too old to get it up.

Women can't live with him for long, no matter how much money he has, so that's why he hates them.

He's angry all the time.

Check, check, and check.

I think therefore I like Rush.

He predicted Obama would fail and hoped he would.

Now, show us how ignorantly you can misinterpret that.
Promoting Islamophobia
The Main Purveyors of Islamophobia

Written by Hillary Smith
The Roots

The roots of Islamophobia in America can be traced to a small, well-funded and well-connected network of “misinformation experts” who use Islamophobia as a tool to promote the Israeli agenda here within the United States.
According to a research study conducted by the Center for American Progress entitled Fear, Inc., there are five key purveyors who manipulate Islamophobia to further the US’s support of Israel: Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy, David Yerushalmi of the Society of Americans for National Existence, Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum, Robert Spencer of both Jihad Watch and Stop Islamization of America and Steven Emerson of the Investigative Project on Terrorism. American billionaire Sheldon Gary Adelson, terrorism “expert” Evan Kohlmann, journalist Jennifer Rubin, and Emergency Committee for Israel’s founding member, Rachel Abrams additionally contribute to this network.

Promoting Islamophobia Council for the National Interest

How about a link to one of the esteemed medical journals that has details of the first case of islamophobia. This is a made up term by the neo Marxist left wing politically correct because they wore out Nazi, Fascist and Racist. What is really meant is they are describing those who have studied the religion of islam and know more than they should about the tenents and commands written in Islam's holy books. There have been no recorded cases of anyone showing abject fear to the point of death in the presence of any item connected with islam.
I find it hilarious that toxic is whining about a war on Islam while Muslims have shown a total inability to coexist with people of other faiths.'s not really hilarious----BUT---I understand from where you come-----
uhmmmm. Over the years----I have come to the conclusion-----that jews from ALL
parts of the world------have the same sense of humor-------when faced with both islam and the first, second and third REICHS of the "HOLY" roman empire.

..very long ago ----I read an opinion column in which the writer commented something like-------"at that close of world war II a jew-----in Auschwitz-----sat down and wrote
a book of comedy"

A sense of humor is a necessity if one is to remain sane in this crazy world. I remember over 20 years ago, my family and I were going through a streak of bad luck. As they say, when it rains it pours. During one of these events, I was notified that a family member had gotten into a head-on collision with a truck. I arrived to the scene to see her being taken away by an ambulance in a stretcher. The car was totaled but the crash occurred at relatively low speed during a left turn. As I was having coffee with friends and family joking about all the abnormally bad events that had taken place recently, I started laughing uncontrollably to the point of that tears started coming out of my eyes and pretty soon it was mostly tears. The laughter helped release all the stress. Laughter is indeed the best medicine.
Promoting Islamophobia
The Main Purveyors of Islamophobia

Written by Hillary Smith
The Roots

The roots of Islamophobia in America can be traced to a small, well-funded and well-connected network of “misinformation experts” who use Islamophobia as a tool to promote the Israeli agenda here within the United States.
According to a research study conducted by the Center for American Progress entitled Fear, Inc., there are five key purveyors who manipulate Islamophobia to further the US’s support of Israel: Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy, David Yerushalmi of the Society of Americans for National Existence, Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum, Robert Spencer of both Jihad Watch and Stop Islamization of America and Steven Emerson of the Investigative Project on Terrorism. American billionaire Sheldon Gary Adelson, terrorism “expert” Evan Kohlmann, journalist Jennifer Rubin, and Emergency Committee for Israel’s founding member, Rachel Abrams additionally contribute to this network.

Promoting Islamophobia Council for the National Interest

How about a link to one of the esteemed medical journals that has details of the first case of islamophobia. This is a made up term by the neo Marxist left wing politically correct because they wore out Nazi, Fascist and Racist. What is really meant is they are describing those who have studied the religion of islam and know more than they should about the tenents and commands written in Islam's holy books. There have been no recorded cases of anyone showing abject fear to the point of death in the presence of any item connected with islam.

I had a very HIGH opinion of islam-----until I learned all about it----mostly from muslims who told me about its "BEAUTY". The first version of the Koran which I read was the PICTHALL version. It had a forward written by the translator----I was not quite
20 and it was LONG LONG ago. No computers back then. The forward was fascinating in its claims------apparently this person , Muhummad invented everything
from the wheel to sliced bread. I had been an avid reader since I was a small child----
and really liked OLD stuff-------so I knew things about ----OLD TIMES. The forward to the Koran translation confused me It stated that MUHUMMAD invented the idea
of freeing slaves----and "charity" and ----"democracy" and even "women's rights".
such as "ownership of land"--------???? Based on what Picthall claimed for
muhummad------muhummad would have had to have lived 7000 years ago. I was
shocked when I checked the encyclopedia Britannica and discovered that this person
"muhummad" lived less than 1400 years ago-----then I read the book-----<YUCK> what a bastard!!!!!
Promoting Islamophobia
The Main Purveyors of Islamophobia

Written by Hillary Smith
The Roots

The roots of Islamophobia in America can be traced to a small, well-funded and well-connected network of “misinformation experts” who use Islamophobia as a tool to promote the Israeli agenda here within the United States.
According to a research study conducted by the Center for American Progress entitled Fear, Inc., there are five key purveyors who manipulate Islamophobia to further the US’s support of Israel: Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy, David Yerushalmi of the Society of Americans for National Existence, Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum, Robert Spencer of both Jihad Watch and Stop Islamization of America and Steven Emerson of the Investigative Project on Terrorism. American billionaire Sheldon Gary Adelson, terrorism “expert” Evan Kohlmann, journalist Jennifer Rubin, and Emergency Committee for Israel’s founding member, Rachel Abrams additionally contribute to this network.

Promoting Islamophobia Council for the National Interest

How about a link to one of the esteemed medical journals that has details of the first case of islamophobia. This is a made up term by the neo Marxist left wing politically correct because they wore out Nazi, Fascist and Racist. What is really meant is they are describing those who have studied the religion of islam and know more than they should about the tenents and commands written in Islam's holy books. There have been no recorded cases of anyone showing abject fear to the point of death in the presence of any item connected with islam.

I had a very HIGH opinion of islam-----until I learned all about it----mostly from muslims who told me about its "BEAUTY". The first version of the Koran which I read was the PICTHALL version. It had a forward written by the translator----I was not quite
20 and it was LONG LONG ago. No computers back then. The forward was fascinating in its claims------apparently this person , Muhummad invented everything
from the wheel to sliced bread. I had been an avid reader since I was a small child----
and really liked OLD stuff-------so I knew things about ----OLD TIMES. The forward to the Koran translation confused me It stated that MUHUMMAD invented the idea
of freeing slaves----and "charity" and ----"democracy" and even "women's rights".
such as "ownership of land"--------???? Based on what Picthall claimed for
muhummad------muhummad would have had to have lived 7000 years ago. I was
shocked when I checked the encyclopedia Britannica and discovered that this person
"muhummad" lived less than 1400 years ago-----then I read the book-----<YUCK> what a bastard!!!!!

My experience is that many Muslims are decent, tolerant, honorable people IN SPITE OF ISLAM, not because of. In other words, although their countries got invaded and looted by Arabs / Muslims, and this new faith and culture was forced upon them, many of them still held on to their original culture and traditions. Persia for example, is the worlds first democracy that established human rights and equality as law by Cyrus The Great over 2500 years ago. You can see this as a historical artificial in the Cuneiform in the Louvre Museum in Paris. Which is why Iranians in general (those who aren't very religious) have kept this tradition of coexistence, and do not exhibit the intolerance that Islam forced upon them.
My experience is that many Muslims are decent, tolerant, honorable people IN SPITE OF ISLAM, not because of. In other words, although their countries got invaded and looted by Arabs / Muslims, and this new faith and culture was forced upon them, many of them still held on to their original culture and traditions. Persia for example, is the worlds first democracy that established human rights and equality as law by Cyrus The Great over 2500 years ago. You can see this as a historical artificial in the Cuneiform in the Louvre Museum in Paris. Which is why Iranians in general (those who aren't very religious) have kept this tradition of coexistence, and do not exhibit the intolerance that Islam forced upon them.[/QUOTE]

So true------amongst the first muslims I befriended-----were Iranians-----absolutely
normal people------then KHOMEINI happened. But----according to some Iranian jews I met------between loving "OUR SHAH" and Iran in general and stuff like that-----they admitted that lots of Iranian muslims are damned anti semitic. ----------there were enough of the to win
I would like to know exactly what the Prophet of islam prophesised 1400 years ago that was not already known to man. What is he famous for saying that proved he was the last Prophet of God and not just another imposter, what has he said that came true that was not said before by other people. maybe sunni man or one of the other muslims can fill in the missing pieces for me. Reading the Koran leaves even more holes in his prophesies than it fills in, with such glaring false truths as semen coming from the spine and there being no lands outside of Asia.

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