PROOF of Stolen Election

You are really proud of the Democrats? Your life is great? High taxes don't bother you? Highest gas prices ever make you happy? Food extremely expensive does not bother you? The price of cars skyrocketing and your happy?
Actually, yes. My life is great. I work hard and make good money.

Your life sucks? Well, stop sitting in your mom's basement and go to work. Stop whining about how hard life is. Suck it up. It's not anyone's fault that you spend your time here instead of making an honest living. Go to work, retard.
Actually, yes. My life is great. I work hard and make good money.

Your life sucks? Well, stop sitting in your mom's basement and go to work. Stop whining about how hard life is. Suck it up. It's not anyone's fault that you spend your time here instead of making an honest living. Go to work, retard.
I make more money then you can dream of asshole. I also do it working harder in a tougher place than you could ever dream of. I have done just about every tough job in America, all those jobs nobody else will do, I have done them all. I doubt at anytime in your age, you could keep up, work as hard, or as good.

Further, my mom is dead and it is against the rules of the message boards to bring people's family into the comments, but rules for you are something to be ignored as long as you can use them as an insult right.

Whining? Nice of you to put words into my mouth as well.

Typically, all that rant of yours is the liberal democrat projecting their problems onto others.

Yes, you are definitely enjoying paying more money for gas, more money for electricity, more money for housing, more money for taxes, more money for food, more money for cars, etc., etc..

I am sure none of that bothers you a bit, I don't doubt your word at all, for only people with intelligence care or are concerned.

The fools are not bothered by anything, and you certainly demonstrate that you are a fool.
I make more money then you can dream of asshole. I also do it working harder in a tougher place than you could ever dream of. I have done just about every tough job in America, all those jobs nobody else will do, I have done them all. I doubt at anytime in your age, you could keep up, work as hard, or as good.

Further, my mom is dead and it is against the rules of the message boards to bring people's family into the comments, but rules for you are something to be ignored as long as you can use them as an insult right.

Whining? Nice of you to put words into my mouth as well.

Typically, all that rant of yours is the liberal democrat projecting their problems onto others.

Yes, you are definitely enjoying paying more money for gas, more money for electricity, more money for housing, more money for taxes, more money for food, more money for cars, etc., etc..

I am sure none of that bothers you a bit, I don't doubt your word at all, for only people with intelligence care or are concerned.

The fools are not bothered by anything, and you certainly demonstrate that you are a fool.
LOL. Poor snowflake. Got all triggered, did we? :itsok:
LOL. Poor snowflake. Got all triggered, did we? :itsok:
Not at as much as you, coming back at me with more insults. I am way too old to be a snowflake, your choice or words reflects on your intellect, your ability to read people, your ability to analyze the subject in front of you and come up with a correct response based upon the information you have.
Article 2, section 1, clause 2

Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch dissented from the decision not to hear the Pennsylvania case

The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, the attorney general of Pennsylvania and the secretary of state of Pennsylvania, have absolutely no authority to change election laws yet that’s what they did
And you care, because you want to suppress turnout. You lie to say otherwise. We know. You know. Everyone knows.
Not at as much as you, coming back at me with more insults. I am way too old to be a snowflake, your choice or words reflects on your intellect, your ability to read people, your ability to analyze the subject in front of you and come up with a correct response based upon the information you have.
LOL Poor retard. Why do you guys whine so much? Guess you can dish it out but like your orange douche bag, you immediately start whining when you are paid back in kind. :itsok:
LOL Poor retard. Why do you guys whine so much? Guess you can dish it out but like your orange douche bag, you immediately start whining when you are paid back in kind. :itsok:
as if you are mr/miss innocent, you began dishing it out long before I ever did.

And of course, you being the best example of stupid, you think, "retard", is a nice insult. Me, myself, never call anyone a retard. I have friends that suffer down syndrome. It is pretty much like the, "n" word that you can no longer use, you being democrats. Democrats always have to be straightened out in regards to their hate. Retard is pretty inappropriate and shows you to be a real fucked up individual.

A terrible disease, but democrats have it under control with abortion. Killing off those not like yourself.

Sad that for you, that using the word retard is 70% of your repertoire.
as if you are mr/miss innocent, you began dishing it out long before I ever did.

And of course, you being the best example of stupid, you think, "retard", is a nice insult. Me, myself, never call anyone a retard. I have friends that suffer down syndrome. It is pretty much like the, "n" word that you can no longer use, you being democrats. Democrats always have to be straightened out in regards to their hate. Retard is pretty inappropriate and shows you to be a real fucked up individual.

A terrible disease, but democrats have it under control with abortion. Killing off those not like yourself.

Sad that for you, that using the word retard is 70% of your repertoire.
LOL, What is with this massive outpouring of grief? Gad, you trumptards are such whiners. No wonder you worship the orange loser.
LOL, What is with this massive outpouring of grief? Gad, you trumptards are such whiners. No wonder you worship the orange loser.
Yet, here you are. Why, cause I hurt your feelings. I am so meaningless to you, you are here trying to get the last insult in.

And why, cause you are the better person? Far from it, you don't like the truth or facts, and when you have list that argument you show the true face of the Democrat party. A people of insults and hate, the party that was and is the kkk, you just found a new group to hate.

Thank you for showing us the ugly democrats at their best.
Yet, here you are. Why, cause I hurt your feelings. I am so meaningless to you, you are here trying to get the last insult in.

And why, cause you are the better person? Far from it, you don't like the truth or facts, and when you have list that argument you show the true face of the Democrat party. A people of insults and hate, the party that was and is the kkk, you just found a new group to hate.

Thank you for showing us the ugly democrats at their best.
Oh fuck off. Take your whine somewhere else. I wasted too much time on a retard.
Oh fuck off. Take your whine somewhere else. I wasted too much time on a retard.
You wasted too much time trying to insult. Again, using retard as an insult is no different than using the "n" word. Down Syndrome children are the ones you demean. You most likely are simply ignorant and repeat what all your friends say.

.very sad, and funny, your comments are nothing but whining yet you accuse mine, which show you how you willfully demean the handicapped whining?

Your comments, even at the low level of insults, bare no resemblance to my comments.

At least, I can shame you and show your stupidity to others by your idea of what an insult is.
First you have to get a progressive slave to pull his/her/its head out of their asses. Once that is done there is hope(very little) that they will actually see the corruption their side has forced upon them.
You're so civilized.

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