PROOF of Stolen Election

certainly a proud achievement

rising electricity rates
electricity black outs
gas prices record highs
stock market falling
rising interest rates
rising housing costs
rising taxes
rising illegal immigration
rising crime
broken treaties with allies
record prices for food
no new cars available
lumber record high price

exactly what you wanted

you wanted a traitor who tried to stage a coup but failed.

he's going to go to jail.
Article 2, section 1, clause 2

Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch dissented from the decision not to hear the Pennsylvania case

The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, the attorney general of Pennsylvania and the secretary of state of Pennsylvania, have absolutely no authority to change election laws yet that’s what they did
This is spam. Only warning
certainly a proud achievement

rising electricity rates
electricity black outs
gas prices record highs
stock market falling
rising interest rates
rising housing costs
rising taxes
rising illegal immigration
rising crime
broken treaties with allies
record prices for food
no new cars available
lumber record high price

exactly what you wanted
Yeah hes doing great
by your lame ass trolling, by your admissions of perversion, by your extremely weak flames, you certainly project alot of what is going on in your tiny pea brain onto others

troll on fool, troll on
In other words, you got nothing? Not to worry. Trumptards rarely do. :itsok:
Now, there are many ways, methods, places where the election was stolen, all with mountains of circumstantial evidence, but here is just one with PROOF, and all we need is one, correct?

BEFORE YOU READ the link below, you must be honest enough to understand the underlying truth that is NOT mentioned in this story: No court has the authority to break the law. Courts are appointed to apply and enforce the law, not break it. When courts purposely break the law to advance a political agenda, we no longer have a country.

So, in Pennsylvania, voting date deadlines were illegally extended. Trump sued them. The court stepped in and supported the extension, in total violation of the law which states that an act of the legislative body is required to extend the deadline, not just an executive order.

So, in the article below you will see that the deadline was in fact extended, that Trump sued, and that the court ruled in favor of the extension - those facts are verified in the story. What you will not see is that the court ruling directly violated the very law that Trump was seeking to appeal to.

If you Democrats think this is bullshit, then let me remind you of the many many times that YOU said the courts violated the law with an illegal ruling, like Citizens United or Bush v. Gore. Democrats have already established, according to them, that courts make illegal rulings.

This is another one.

When you think people voting is cheating.... my fucking word.
you wanted a traitor who tried to stage a coup but failed.

he's going to go to jail.
People like you will never pull your head out of your ass, and always tow the party line. I remember another Socialist group of people who did the same, it didnt end well with them.

You tell me. It is hard to read some people. It seems that you are more emotionally attached then others. It certainly does not make any sense to see how you can be happy with the direction the life long politicians took us
My happiness is not based on politicians

Everything I do on this site is just for fun

Relax. You'll enjoy life more
My happiness is not based on politicians

Everything I do on this site is just for fun

Relax. You'll enjoy life more
You assume much and imply much more than you could possibly know. Typically that is projecting. I don't think you enjoy your life at all so you come here simply to be a nice big asshole.

Of course insinuating and implying, thinking you know somebody based on your own prejudice, bias, and ideology is that characteristic of the grand old Democrat party, back when they were the kkk and opposed the Civil rights movement.

I see you for what you are, your posts scream what is going on in your head.
You assume much and imply much more than you could possibly know. Typically that is projecting. I don't think you enjoy your life at all so you come here simply to be a nice big asshole.

Of course insinuating and implying, thinking you know somebody based on your own prejudice, bias, and ideology is that characteristic of the grand old Democrat party, back when they were the kkk and opposed the Civil rights movement.

I see you for what you are, your posts scream what is going on in your head.
And you assume so much wrongly that while you are talking about projecting you are actually projecting.


Let's be clear. 90% of black people vote for that democrat party. They know which party is racist
And you assume so much wrongly that while you are talking about projecting you are actually projecting.


Let's be clear. 90% of black people vote for that democrat party. They know which party is racist
Yes it is priceless to see how you mimic me. Soon you will actually be on the right side of politics and science if you keep stealing from me.
certainly he is a traitor to the Russians/Biden/Democrat party

and, you got your $5 a gallon gas, record food prices, no new cars, this country is at its worst and you are as happy as a pig in slop,

uh-huh. it's a world wide problem, deary.

except perhaps for the saudis . oil should become obsolete anyway.

bob ross.jpg

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