Proof of the GOP's racism?

Virginia’s current Democrat Governor
So you are claiming that only eight blacks have met the requisite credentials of the Republican Party in the last 100 years

So, this is where your argument dies.

You cannot prove that race was the motivator for the lack of Black Republicans being elected to higher office.

During the early half of the century, Blacks were discouraged from running for office, by Democrats. Racism was so strong in America that hardly any minorities or people of color ran for office.

It's not that Republicans chose based on race, it was due to the choice being limited only to white candidates due to the unchecked racism going on then.


But what do I know, I'm a racist conservative...
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Poor examples

Legitimate examples that don't rely on your personal political standards to be so.

Why does it sound like to me you are calling their blackness into question? Is it because they held viewpoints that didn't mesh with yours?

Ben Carson is another Republican like Hershel Walker, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Donald Trump who were successful in other areas but have no business in political office

But if these people were Democrats, you wouldn't bat an eye, hypocrite.
Their record is fine. When less than 10% are Republicans to begin with it makes perfect sense. The lefts obsession with electing based on color rather than qualifications it makes even more sense.
Now get back to the topic. Does her victory in a mostly DEMOCRATIC state represent the GOP's racism? And why is she the first black elected to that position in a mostly DEMOCRATIC state?
A black woman is elected for the first time in a statewide election and your pissed off. Sounds like YOU are the fuckin
Here is the fact:

1. Anyone that is Female, minority or alternate lifestyle need to vote Democrat because if you do not then you are not worthy of your victory…

2. The left proclaim they care about the plight of the poor, illegals and gays but after the election is over they focus on what their White Donor Base want and forget the empty promises they made to those groups.

3. The media has been fully upset at the reality the GOP will retake the House and Senate next year, so now they are race baiting and purposely lying about the GOP as usual with the hope swing voters will but into those lies.

Final Conclusion:

The left want the right to list the amount of minorities elected to high office but when you point to West, Rubio, Cruz, Powell, Rice and so on they just brush that off and say the GOP only allow them as tokens but when asked about New York, California and Illinois Governorships they can only point to Patterson who was not elected but given the job because Spitzer couldn’t finish his term and they pointed to two mayors in New York City history as some type of accomplishment when it is not…

I mean Houston, Texas elected a Lesbian Mayor before any other major city, and that was in a damn Red State!

Hell, Texas has had two Female Governor’s that I know of, and can anyone tell me when was the last time California, Illinois or New York elected a female for their Governorship?

So left let be clear you have no room to say the right is the political party of racism when you guys fail to even fix immigration or poverty!
Here is the fact:

1. Anyone that is Female, minority or alternate lifestyle need to vote Democrat because if you do not then you are not worthy of your victory…

2. The left proclaim they care about the plight of the poor, illegals and gays but after the election is over they focus on what their White Donor Base want and forget the empty promises they made to those groups.

3. The media has been fully upset at the reality the GOP will retake the House and Senate next year, so now they are race baiting and purposely lying about the GOP as usual with the hope swing voters will but into those lies.

Final Conclusion:

The left want the right to list the amount of minorities elected to high office but when you point to West, Rubio, Cruz, Powell, Rice and so on they just brush that off and say the GOP only allow them as tokens but when asked about New York, California and Illinois Governorships they can only point to Patterson who was not elected but given the job because Spitzer couldn’t finish his term and they pointed to two mayors in New York City history as some type of accomplishment when it is not…

I mean Houston, Texas elected a Lesbian Mayor before any other major city, and that was in a damn Red State!

Hell, Texas has had two Female Governor’s that I know of, and can anyone tell me when was the last time California, Illinois or New York elected a female for their Governorship?

So left let be clear you have no room to say the right is the political party of racism when you guys fail to even fix immigration or poverty!

I am sure rightwinger will point to the current Governor of New York but again not elected!
It’s ironic. The left is bemoaning the relative lack of blacks in Republican posts, but when a black man (or woman) runs for a Republican office, the Dems rake him over the coal with everything from “Uncle Tom” to worse.

If black people didn't vote for Biden, then they ain't black. Maybe that's why are so few black republicans, because when they vote republican they cease to be black...?
How long ago was it?


So you have one now but Patterson was never elected…

Again, why is it Democrats pass up minorities up for Whites?

I mean two Black Mayors in New York City history when Chicago and Houston have had multiple ones….

Just sad…

What's sad is your post.

I have noticed that parties will run "throw away" candidates in races they know they will never win. Republicans run blacks candidates or women in "throw away" races. That way, they can say "We ran X numbers of minority candidates but they lost". Just like you're doing here.

You seem to assume that Democrats are voting for skin colour when you say "Republicans ran lots of black candidates, but Democrats wouldn't vote for them". That's because Democrats don't vote for Republicans.

Republicans are a disaster in municipal politics, because Republicans don't know how to run a government effectively, or efficiently. Republicans exist to cut taxes, and limit government services to the general population. That doesn't work in big cities where the entire economy depends on a range of government services, starting with public transit, garbage pickup, water/sewage, power grid, clean streets, hospitals, schools, and an entire government support network that makes a large city function.

Rural poverty is different from urban poverty. I grew up in a small town, lived most of my life in a big city, and retired to a rural community precisely because here, my pension is enough for me to live comfortably, but would barely cover my housing costs in the city. Poverty in a rural area is due to drug abuse, or sloth. We have a whole crew in this town who hang out in the town square, and are the textbook cases of what conservatives assume is urban poverty - lazy, drugged out bums, "milking the system".

Working people are poor in the city because housing costs so much more, but if you don't own a car, you can still get to work by public transit. There are also resources in the cities for young families - recreation centres, public transit, subsidized day care spaces, which allow them to work, and build their lives and their families. Poverty for low wage workers cause by drug use or sloth, it's because housing costs double or triple what it does in the country, child care is expensive and difficult to find, and young families - at the low end of the wage range, have trouble keeping a roof over their heads and food on the table.

In the USA, with the lowest minimum wages in the first world, and the highest level of poverty, Republicans continue to divide the electorate by promoting the idea that "urban poverty" is based on "inferior and immoral" minorities. That's what the Protestants in North Ireland said about the Catholics there. Not that systemic discrimination by the ruling Protestants, and a strangle hold on the wealth and government of Northern Ireland allowed that discrimination to continue for centuries, economically disadvantaging the Catholics there. The Catholics were "immoral and inferior".

Racial minorities, which have suffered abuse and discrimination for centuries are now saying "Enough"! Republicans are reacting exactly the way the white apartheid government of South Africa reacted - by making sure the minorities could never vote, or have their votes counted.
Racial minorities, which have suffered abuse and discrimination for centuries are now saying "Enough"! Republicans are reacting exactly the way the white apartheid government of South Africa reacted - by making sure the minorities could never vote, or have their votes counted.

The last few elections, starting from 2008 on, prove that to be a lie.
Right-wingers were willing to "over look color" in the past as long as they were willing to love their guns and use them.
If black people didn't vote for Biden, then they ain't black. Maybe that's why are so few black republicans, because when they vote republican they cease to be black...?

Why would black people voted against their own best interests? White working class Republicans may be stupid enough to do it, but white women are smartening up. And this latest round of attempts to strip women of the right to determine their own lives and families will not end well for Republicans.

One in four women has an abortion in her lifetime. Republicans are trying to ensure that if you're raped and get pregnant, you are forced to carry the child to term, and then they'll give visitation rights and access to the child's rapist father. In Texas, the father of a 12 year old girl who raped his daughter and got her pregnant, can now sue anyone who helps this child get an abortion.

No sane woman will ever vote for shit like this.

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