Proof of the GOP's racism?

Republicans have elected EIGHT BLACKS to the House, Senate, Governorships, Vice President or President in a HUNDRED YEARS

Dems exceed that number in a year
Republicans have or the people have? Republicans don’t elect people. How many have the Republicans nominated to be candidates?
and yet here is a thread with the Repubs making a big deal out of it

Of course they are. They (the people of Virginia, not the sole Republican party apparatus) enjoy electing competent people of color to high office.

Notice how I said 'competent.'

There is a big difference between being racist and desiring competence from a person of color. Sears possessed those traits and she won.
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Of course they are. They enjoy electing competent people of color to high office.

Notice how I said 'competent.'

There is a big difference between being racist and desiring competence from a person of color. Sears possessed those traits and she won.
They don’t elect. They nominate and the people vote. Democrats can vote for Republican people of color. They chose not to in Michigan and John James lost but he was nominated by the GOP. rightwinger is too stupid to understand the difference
They don’t elect. They nominate and the people vote. Democrats can vote for Republican people of color. They chose not to in Michigan and John James lost but he was nominated by the GOP. rightwinger is too stupid to understand the difference
Why should Democrats vote for black Republicans?
We don’t vote for white Republicans either
Good point

And when Republicans can show that they are a better option for blacks than Democrats, Blacks will vote for them

No, they won't. Because people like you will just scream "wacism" so that that is ALL they can hear.
Republicans have or the people have? Republicans don’t elect people. How many have the Republicans nominated to be candidates?
Not many
Not when you see the overwhelming number of Republicans who are white, straight, Christian males

Ever see a Trump rally where they have to round up the blacks and put them out front where people can see them?

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They don’t elect. They nominate and the people vote. Democrats can vote for Republican people of color. They chose not to in Michigan and John James lost but he was nominated by the GOP. rightwinger is too stupid to understand the difference
Well, they do believe that if a NAZI supports Trump, that means Trump is a Nazi. However, that rule doesn't seem to apply to communists and Hamas terrorists.
What election would that be? Biden won. If you're talking about the election last night, Virginia has gone to the party that lost the election after every change of Presidents since Bush 41. I know you're dancing about with glee, but you're whistling past the graveyard.

He won on CRT. He won on a lie. That's not going to hold up.

So the other Republicans that won that night mean nothing either in your mental midget opinion.

I will laugh when the GOP take back the House and Senate and how you will scream racism and sexism because let face it you will ignore every indicator that tell you the Democratic Party is on the downward side of this!

Also you forgot to educate me on how well the Democratic Party has been doing in Urban Centers like Chicago and Houston…

Didn’t you say that the Democratic Party does better in Urban Centers, so can you explain why the third largest and fourth largest city in America are miserable failures?

Finally, this thread is about the racist way those like you think that the GOP is built on racism and you believe that minorities should listen the mental rantings from a woman that doesn’t even know the difference between DFW and Dulles airport!
If you're running against Nancy Pelosi, what do you think your chances are of winning that election? People who are incumbents with a good record for their constituents are hard to beat. Especially in highly gerrymandered districts that Republicans have set up in the Red States. So if you have a district that votes overwhelmingly Democrat, you have to run SOMEONE against them, but really they're not going to win, and you know it. If you have a superstar candidate, you're going to parachute them into a safe Republican district where you're sure to get them a seat.

So Republicans run women and/or minorities in these districts, because they KNOW they won't get elected there, and there's no danger of them being part of the government. It's a "two-for". Republicans get to claim diversity in the party, without actually having diversity in government. And then when a white Democrat wins, they can claim that they run diverse candidates but the women or the minorities just don't win in the general.

Last but not least, Republican policies are odious, in the extreme. In the recent Canadian election, the Conservative Party ran an amazing candidate in our riding. She's an environmental lawyer, the daughter of immigrants, and also participates in a successful, family owned business which she helped to found and establish. Sadly, the party she was running for ran on a platform of passing anti-abortion legislation, racism, xenophobia, and an anti-immgrant platform, cutting programs for young families and seniors, cutting health care, and solving the crisis in affordable housing by building more houses that people can't afford to buy.

So as much as I liked the candidate, I voted for a very good Liberal candidate, who isn't promoting a "Republican style" agenda for Canada.
Well tell West, Cruz, Rubio, and so on they are going against their best interest and you know what is better for them…

I mean a crusty old white woman in Canada knows what is best for minorities, am I correct?
Why should Democrats vote for black Republicans?

Also, thanks for making my case for me. You don't want the other party to be diverse, it threatens your power. When the other party diversifies, you lose your influence over them. Diversity is a nice talking point, but it isn't your primary focus.

Newsflash: It's happening. Your influence is waning (albeit slowly).
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