Proof of the GOP's racism?

Why should Democrats vote for black Republicans?
We don’t vote for white Republicans either
Why not and obviously you do as you can see by the voting in VA and New Jersey. Your brainwashing of the black community is coming to an end. They see the game and are moving away from it.
and yet here is a thread with the Repubs making a big deal out of it
But here's the thing.

Group A constantly accuses Group B of being racist, but when group B points out that they are doing X,Y and Z things that would suggest they arent racist the fact that they are pointing it out is used as proof that they are in fact racist. I guess you expect to be able to hurl the racist bomb at people and them just take it? That doesnt seem to be reasonable. The reality is an extremely small percentage of the US is actually racist. And by racist I mean they think their race is superior and dislike people of other races based solely on the fact that they are of a different race.

Thinking George Floyd was a criminal doesnt make you a racist
Not agreeing with Ibrahim X Kendi doesnt make you a racist.
Not feeling guilt because some person with the same skin color as you enslaved someone of a different skin color 200+ years ago doesnt make you a racist.
Thinking that schools should be focused on reading, writing and arithmetic, and that they should teach that the US as a whole has been a force for good across the world doesnt make you a racist.

And the harder it's pushed that those things do make people a racists the harder people are going to push back.
Not many
Not when you see the overwhelming number of Republicans who are white, straight, Christian males

Ever see a Trump rally where they have to round up the blacks and put them out front where people can see them?

90% of the black community votes Democrat. And yet not much has changed for that community in 50 years. People are starting to notice and a shift is happening. You and your "woke" ilk will not be taking advantage of that community for too much longer.
Not many
Not when you see the overwhelming number of Republicans who are white, straight, Christian males

Ever see a Trump rally where they have to round up the blacks and put them out front where people can see them?

Enjoy loser:

90% of the black community votes Democrat. And yet not much has changed for that community in 50 years

Where have you been for the last 50 years?

Blacks are now corporate executives, coach major sports teams, even elected President
Also, thanks for making my case for me. You don't want the other party to be diverse, it threatens your power. When the other party diversifies, you lose your influence over them. Diversity is a nice talking point, but it isn't your primary focus.

Newsflash: It's happening. Your influence is waning (albeit slowly).
Still waiting for Republicans to demonstrate their diversity

Start electing more blacks, Hispanics, minorities, gays, Jews, Muslims and you will lose the label of a Party of white, male Christians
Start electing more blacks, Hispanics, minorities, gays, Jews, Muslims and you will lose the label of a Party of white, male Christians
So you're discounting any instance of us doing just that? It's quite obvious you don't care.

And also, that label is one you made up.

I'd rather vote for competent people over people of color if the people of color are provably incompetent at their job.

Did you read anything I said in this thread about "competence?"

What good is diversity if none of them are competent?
Still waiting for Republicans to demonstrate their diversity

I'd much rather they demonstrate their competence rather than their "diversity," if they are given the choice between that and your definition of 'diversity.'

Which is more useful to Americans in government?

A black person you elect for diversity purposes, or a competent black person?

A gay person or a competent gay person?

A Jew or a competent Jew?

A woman or a competent woman?

A Hispanic or a competent Hispanic?

Do you want government to run efficiently or do you want to make a political statement?
I'd rather vote for competent people over people of color if the people of color are provably incompetent at their job.

Did you read anything I said in this thread about "competence?"

What good is diversity if none of them are competent?
Republicans keep saying that
It is not the color of your skin but your competence for the position.

Yet they find candidates like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaets,Louis Gomert,Lauren Boebert , Michele Bachman to be competent but can’t seem to find many blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Muslims or gays that meet their standard of competence
Yet they find candidates like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Louis Gomer,Lorraine Bobbert, Michele Bachman, Dan Quayle to be competent but can’t seem to find many blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Muslims or gays that meet their standard of competence

Your definition of competence is someone who believes as you do and does their part in advancing your ideals. Never will they be someone who disagrees with you or promotes an agenda contrary to yours. Never.

So you can put that argument back in your rectum where you found it.
Last edited: it is not. the hand grip is way too far out. If she were to put that gun to her shoulder she would be lucky to hit the side of a barn as she would have no stability at all.

I am not sure what you are good at, but guns and golf do not seem to be on that list.

Ummmm, that it is not. the hand grip is way too far out. If she were to put that gun to her shoulder she would be lucky to hit the side of a barn as she would have no stability at all.

I am not sure what you are good at, but guns and golf do not seem to be on that list.

Ummm, rest it is not. the hand grip is way too far out. If she were to put that gun to her shoulder she would be lucky to hit the side of a barn as she would have no stability at all.

I am not sure what you are good at, but guns and golf do not seem to be on that list.

Ummmm, combat ready, not firing stance. Dumbass. Amazingly enough, just like in golf, you change your grip depending on what you are doing with the weapon

The KKK DemNazi Klan will come after a black man or woman if they dare to put an R next to their name.

It takes balls to want to leave the DemPlantation.
Your definition of competence is someone who believes as you do and does their part in advancing your ideals. Never will they be someone who disagrees with you or promotes an agenda contrary to yours. Never.

So you can put that argument back in your rectum where you found it.
So let me get this straight
Marjorie Taylor Greene is competent but you can’t find black candidates who are
Marjorie Taylor Greene is competent but you can’t find black candidates who are

Maybe because there are/were no blacks choosing to run?

Did it ever occur to you that blacks have the same choice to run for office as whites do?


Greene is competent in representing the interests of her constituents. Whether she is competent in helping the government function properly is another matter entirely.

You seriously didn't think I'd fall for that, did you?

Moving on.
The KKK DemNazi Klan will come after a black man or woman if they dare to put an R next to their name.

It takes balls to want to leave the DemPlantation.
Right-wingers only endorse them because they are willing to "tow the right-wing line". Larry Elder, for example, is against minimum wage laws or believes it should be zero. Why would blacks want to vote republican just so the Richest can get richer?

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