Proof of the GOP's racism?

Sorry that you are too stupid to know any different, but you have been that way the whole time I have been on this forum, it is just the way god made you.

but you have never been worth wasting time on

Attacking her for how she used the gun isn't attacking her. And you call me stupid. What a fucking dolt
As I have said 10 times now, I was wrong about her, the more I read about her the more I like her. Not sure how many more times you all wish for me to say it.

But that does not change that photo. I know it was just a photo op and she did not set the gun up herself, but it makes anyone that knows much about using such a weapon cringe.

My apologies, I jumped into the conversation late.
We see how Ds have lifted Blacks out of the slums…feel proud of your party?
I agree with that, but there really is not a lot that we as conservatives can say about it until we actually start doing something other than pointing fingers at the liberals and blaming them for the lack of change. How are we (supposing you are conservative, I have been away for a long time) any different than the left? What have we done to better to make life better for everyone besides decry what the left has done? Fixing race relations is going to take effort and, quite frankly, I don't believe anyone really wants to change anything at least not to the point of taking the risks that are necessary.
The sad thing is tht you think that that is an intelligent response.

The sad thing is that you actually think that that is an intelligent response.
Depends on what they say

Allen West, Candace Owens are sell outs
Colin Powell, Tim Scott and Condi Rice are not
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I agree with that, but there really is not a lot that we as conservatives can say about it until we actually start doing something other than pointing fingers at the liberals and blaming them for the lack of change. How are we (supposing you are conservative, I have been away for a long time) any different than the left? What have we done to better to make life better for everyone besides decry what the left has done? Fixing race relations is going to take effort and, quite frankly, I don't believe anyone really wants to change anything at least not to the point of taking the risks that are necessary.
There are a scant few Conservatives in politics.
There are a plethora of neo-Conservatives in politics.
The overwhelming majority of politicians are in it for the money and their egos.
It is almost impossible for an actual politician in office to do anything good for society because they will be assailed by both the Left and the Right.
Anyone obsessed with race is emotionally disturbed and mentally ill.
Funny how when a black Republican runs for office (or votes Republican) Democrats attack them, call them vile, racist names....then call the GOP 'racists'?!

I have to, though, this is the 1st time I gave heard of anyone calling a black female a 'White supremacists....


It probably has so.ething to do with Democrats / snowflakes being able to tell the difference between men and women, who should ho in what bathroom, etc...


You just can't fix stupid....
Depends on what they say

Allen West, Candace Owens are sell outs
Colin Powell, Tim Scott and Condi Rice are not
Depends on what they say ? More of "Black people should have no other thoughts than what we tell them they should. By the way Dr. Rice could run in the Whitest district ever and Republicans would put her in office.
Depends on what they say ? More of "Black people should have no other thoughts than what we tell them they should. By the way Dr. Rice could run in the Whitest district ever and Republicans would put her in office.
Condi Rice is a respected Republican who does not spout RW propaganda
Sell outs like Allen West and Candace Owens will spout any “blame the blacks” rhetoric that gets them attention
Republicans have elected EIGHT BLACKS to the House, Senate, Governorships, Vice President or President in a HUNDRED YEARS

Dems exceed that number in a year

Nice try.
87% of blacks vote Democrat. So...yeah... it could be that maybe, just maybe, there are more Democrat black candidates :rolleyes:
The mere fact every time the Repubs actually elect a black person they feel the need to make a huge deal about it should clue you in that it happens rarely.

It will be nice the day it is common place enough they do not feel the need to tout it each and every time it happens.
Excuse me? Every time a democrat elects a minority they expect a parade showing how diverse they are.

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