Proof of the GOP's racism?

What's sad is your post.

I have noticed that parties will run "throw away" candidates in races they know they will never win. Republicans run blacks candidates or women in "throw away" races. That way, they can say "We ran X numbers of minority candidates but they lost". Just like you're doing here.

You seem to assume that Democrats are voting for skin colour when you say "Republicans ran lots of black candidates, but Democrats wouldn't vote for them". That's because Democrats don't vote for Republicans.

Republicans are a disaster in municipal politics, because Republicans don't know how to run a government effectively, or efficiently. Republicans exist to cut taxes, and limit government services to the general population. That doesn't work in big cities where the entire economy depends on a range of government services, starting with public transit, garbage pickup, water/sewage, power grid, clean streets, hospitals, schools, and an entire government support network that makes a large city function.

Rural poverty is different from urban poverty. I grew up in a small town, lived most of my life in a big city, and retired to a rural community precisely because here, my pension is enough for me to live comfortably, but would barely cover my housing costs in the city. Poverty in a rural area is due to drug abuse, or sloth. We have a whole crew in this town who hang out in the town square, and are the textbook cases of what conservatives assume is urban poverty - lazy, drugged out bums, "milking the system".

Working people are poor in the city because housing costs so much more, but if you don't own a car, you can still get to work by public transit. There are also resources in the cities for young families - recreation centres, public transit, subsidized day care spaces, which allow them to work, and build their lives and their families. Poverty for low wage workers cause by drug use or sloth, it's because housing costs double or triple what it does in the country, child care is expensive and difficult to find, and young families - at the low end of the wage range, have trouble keeping a roof over their heads and food on the table.

In the USA, with the lowest minimum wages in the first world, and the highest level of poverty, Republicans continue to divide the electorate by promoting the idea that "urban poverty" is based on "inferior and immoral" minorities. That's what the Protestants in North Ireland said about the Catholics there. Not that systemic discrimination by the ruling Protestants, and a strangle hold on the wealth and government of Northern Ireland allowed that discrimination to continue for centuries, economically disadvantaging the Catholics there. The Catholics were "immoral and inferior".

Racial minorities, which have suffered abuse and discrimination for centuries are now saying "Enough"! Republicans are reacting exactly the way the white apartheid government of South Africa reacted - by making sure the minorities could never vote, or have their votes counted.
You mean big cities like Houston, Chicago and so on are ran efficiently by Democrats?

Also as I pointed out those like you look down on every minority that does not comply with your way of thinking…

Finally, my actual point was Democrats like you never vote for him minorities when you have a white person running against them.

Take Harris versus Biden and how the left took Biden over Harris. Those like you are fine with taking Biden who is old and decrepit while passing up someone like Booker,Harris and other minorities While proclaiming Biden was the best candidate.

So as you Lecture me about how I am a racist let me say this you are the racist here!
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Why would black people voted against their own best interests? White working class Republicans may be stupid enough to do it, but white women are smartening up. And this latest round of attempts to strip women of the right to determine their own lives and families will not end well for Republicans.

One in four women has an abortion in her lifetime. Republicans are trying to ensure that if you're raped and get pregnant, you are forced to carry the child to term, and then they'll give visitation rights and access to the child's rapist father. In Texas, the father of a 12 year old girl who raped his daughter and got her pregnant, can now sue anyone who helps this child get an abortion.

No sane woman will ever vote for shit like this.
So you're making up the worst case nightmare scenario and then trying to use that to justify all the other abortions, can this make believe woman be handicapped as well? I mean you might as well go all in.
Why would black people voted against their own best interests? White working class Republicans may be stupid enough to do it, but white women are smartening up. And this latest round of attempts to strip women of the right to determine their own lives and families will not end well for Republicans.

One in four women has an abortion in her lifetime. Republicans are trying to ensure that if you're raped and get pregnant, you are forced to carry the child to term, and then they'll give visitation rights and access to the child's rapist father. In Texas, the father of a 12 year old girl who raped his daughter and got her pregnant, can now sue anyone who helps this child get an abortion.

No sane woman will ever vote for shit like this.
Well this last election proved you wrong.
Who are Democrats, or you for that matter, to dictate what their best interests are?

This is immediately racist.

You let blacks determine their fates and their interests, you don't tell them what to invest themselves in.
You are correct and who is she to turn around to determine what is best for blacks, Asians, Hispanics, women and whites.

She reminds me of those type of whites that tells other people how to live well not thinking about her bigotry and close minded way Of thinking.
Where are you getting this information? The very fact they run blacks or women should immediately disprove your premise.

If you're running against Nancy Pelosi, what do you think your chances are of winning that election? People who are incumbents with a good record for their constituents are hard to beat. Especially in highly gerrymandered districts that Republicans have set up in the Red States. So if you have a district that votes overwhelmingly Democrat, you have to run SOMEONE against them, but really they're not going to win, and you know it. If you have a superstar candidate, you're going to parachute them into a safe Republican district where you're sure to get them a seat.

So Republicans run women and/or minorities in these districts, because they KNOW they won't get elected there, and there's no danger of them being part of the government. It's a "two-for". Republicans get to claim diversity in the party, without actually having diversity in government. And then when a white Democrat wins, they can claim that they run diverse candidates but the women or the minorities just don't win in the general.

Last but not least, Republican policies are odious, in the extreme. In the recent Canadian election, the Conservative Party ran an amazing candidate in our riding. She's an environmental lawyer, the daughter of immigrants, and also participates in a successful, family owned business which she helped to found and establish. Sadly, the party she was running for ran on a platform of passing anti-abortion legislation, racism, xenophobia, and an anti-immgrant platform, cutting programs for young families and seniors, cutting health care, and solving the crisis in affordable housing by building more houses that people can't afford to buy.

So as much as I liked the candidate, I voted for a very good Liberal candidate, who isn't promoting a "Republican style" agenda for Canada.
Well this last election proved you wrong.

What election would that be? Biden won. If you're talking about the election last night, Virginia has gone to the party that lost the election after every change of Presidents since Bush 41. I know you're dancing about with glee, but you're whistling past the graveyard.

He won on CRT. He won on a lie. That's not going to hold up.
Republicans have elected EIGHT BLACKS to the House, Senate, Governorships, Vice President or President in a HUNDRED YEARS

Dems exceed that number in a year
Because you pander to minorities by overcompensating with a bunch of idiots simply because they have the right skin color.
The mere fact every time the Repubs actually elect a black person they feel the need to make a huge deal about it should clue you in that it happens rarely.

It will be nice the day it is common place enough they do not feel the need to tout it each and every time it happens.
So youre saying republicans are happy when a black republican gets elected? Thank you for admitting that.
If you're running against Nancy Pelosi, what do you think your chances are of winning that election? People who are incumbents with a good record for their constituents are hard to beat. Especially in highly gerrymandered districts that Republicans have set up in the Red States. So if you have a district that votes overwhelmingly Democrat, you have to run SOMEONE against them, but really they're not going to win, and you know it. If you have a superstar candidate, you're going to parachute them into a safe Republican district where you're sure to get them a seat.

So Republicans run women and/or minorities in these districts, because they KNOW they won't get elected there, and there's no danger of them being part of the government. It's a "two-for". Republicans get to claim diversity in the party, without actually having diversity in government. And then when a white Democrat wins, they can claim that they run diverse candidates but the women or the minorities just don't win in the general.

Last but not least, Republican policies are odious, in the extreme. In the recent Canadian election, the Conservative Party ran an amazing candidate in our riding. She's an environmental lawyer, the daughter of immigrants, and also participates in a successful, family owned business which she helped to found and establish. Sadly, the party she was running for ran on a platform of passing anti-abortion legislation, racism, xenophobia, and an anti-immgrant platform, cutting programs for young families and seniors, cutting health care, and solving the crisis in affordable housing by building more houses that people can't afford to buy.

So as much as I liked the candidate, I voted for a very good Liberal candidate, who isn't promoting a "Republican style" agenda for Canada.
You really believe that shit dont you?
I said to higher office

That means Congressmen, Senators, Governors, Vice Presidents and President.

Start naming black Republicans, it won’t take you long
So they are racist when they vote for a member of Congress, but not racist when they vote for a lieutenant governor?

Do you morons ever listen to the shit your say?
Poor examples

Allen West is a psychopath who should not be near elected office.
Ben Carson is another Republican like Hershel Walker, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Donald Trump who were successful in other areas but have no business in political office
So black Republicans are all psychopaths?

And you claim that you aren't a racist?
If you're running against Nancy Pelosi, what do you think your chances are of winning that election? People who are incumbents with a good record for their constituents are hard to beat. Especially in highly gerrymandered districts that Republicans have set up in the Red States. So if you have a district that votes overwhelmingly Democrat, you have to run SOMEONE against them, but really they're not going to win, and you know it. If you have a superstar candidate, you're going to parachute them into a safe Republican district where you're sure to get them a seat.

So Republicans run women and/or minorities in these districts, because they KNOW they won't get elected there, and there's no danger of them being part of the government. It's a "two-for". Republicans get to claim diversity in the party, without actually having diversity in government. And then when a white Democrat wins, they can claim that they run diverse candidates but the women or the minorities just don't win in the general.

Last but not least, Republican policies are odious, in the extreme. In the recent Canadian election, the Conservative Party ran an amazing candidate in our riding. She's an environmental lawyer, the daughter of immigrants, and also participates in a successful, family owned business which she helped to found and establish. Sadly, the party she was running for ran on a platform of passing anti-abortion legislation, racism, xenophobia, and an anti-immgrant platform, cutting programs for young families and seniors, cutting health care, and solving the crisis in affordable housing by building more houses that people can't afford to buy.

So as much as I liked the candidate, I voted for a very good Liberal candidate, who isn't promoting a "Republican style" agenda for Canada.

All of that being a personal opinion and not grounded in any fact. You could just as easily admit you have contempt for black people who think differently than the black people in your party, too.

Canada is a liberal wet dream, bluntly put.
In the recent Canadian election, the Conservative Party ran an amazing candidate in our riding. She's an environmental lawyer, the daughter of immigrants, and also participates in a successful, family owned business which she helped to found and establish.

Apples and oranges.

We are talking AMERICAN politics.
Why would black people voted against their own best interests?
How is voting Republican against the interests of black people? Republicans want people off welfare and working, paying taxes. Dems have a vested interest in keeping people on welfare and dependent on the state. Is it in their best interests to stay on welfare their whole life?
How is voting Republican against the interests of black people? Republicans want people off welfare and working, paying taxes. Dems have a vested interest in keeping people on welfare and dependent on the state. Is it in their best interests to stay on welfare their whole life?
Good point

And when Republicans can show that they are a better option for blacks than Democrats, Blacks will vote for them
Ummm, that's the standard combat ready stance used by the military. I hope you know more about golf than you do guns. it is not. the hand grip is way too far out. If she were to put that gun to her shoulder she would be lucky to hit the side of a barn as she would have no stability at all.

I am not sure what you are good at, but guns and golf do not seem to be on that list.

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