Proof That Ted Cruz Did Not Become A U.S. Citizen At Birth

Cruz did not need to be naturalized, because he is a natural born citizen via his mothers citizenship. Had she renounced her citizenship, prior to his birth, for that of another country- then he'd be ineligible.

Don't mistake natural born for naturalized. Cruz never needed to be naturalized (granted citizenship) as he had it by nature of his mothers citizenship.

You think the framers intended that a person running for President could be born anywhere, to at least ONE marginal American parent and that met all requirements to run for President?

Wonder why the just didnt write it that way in the COtUS and why all those Naturalization acts in the late 1700s?

Natural born, Born in the USA.

I looked for the term "born in the USA' as well as 'born on US soil' in the Constitution and it isn't there. US statutes give the legal qualifications for US citizenship and Cruz qualifies.
Not if his mother had renounced her American citizenship via having a Canadian voting license.
What was the birthers bitch about Obama? Anyone know that answer?

Where he was born is entirely irrelevant as long as one of his parents was an American citizen.
False, utterly false!
Only according to an extremely small minority of people such as yourself that are willing to ignore the law and constitution on the subject.
To ensure full allegiance to America, the founders wanted a president born to two U.S. Citizen parents on U.S. soil. Therefore there would be zero doubts of his eligibility. Very simple indeed.


To ensure full allegiance to America, the founders wanted a president born to two U.S. Citizen parents on U.S. soil.

And then, darn it, they forgot to say that in the Constitution.
What was the birthers bitch about Obama? Anyone know that answer?

Where he was born is entirely irrelevant as long as one of his parents was an American citizen.
False, utterly false!
Only according to an extremely small minority of people such as yourself that are willing to ignore the law and constitution on the subject.
To ensure full allegiance to America, the founders wanted a president born to two U.S. Citizen parents on U.S. soil. Therefore there would be zero doubts of his eligibility. Very simple indeed.


To ensure full allegiance to America, the founders wanted a president born to two U.S. Citizen parents on U.S. soil.

And then, darn it, they forgot to say that in the Constitution.
Yes, but it was understood. All you have to do is look elsewhere at their writings where it was common knowledge. The children took the citizenship of their fathers back then.
Where he was born is entirely irrelevant as long as one of his parents was an American citizen.
False, utterly false!
Only according to an extremely small minority of people such as yourself that are willing to ignore the law and constitution on the subject.
To ensure full allegiance to America, the founders wanted a president born to two U.S. Citizen parents on U.S. soil. Therefore there would be zero doubts of his eligibility. Very simple indeed.


To ensure full allegiance to America, the founders wanted a president born to two U.S. Citizen parents on U.S. soil.

And then, darn it, they forgot to say that in the Constitution.
Yes, but it was understood. All you have to do is look elsewhere at their writings where it was common knowledge. The children took the citizenship of their fathers back then.
Show us where the McGarrett Principle on Citizenship has been followed by the courts.
Where he was born is entirely irrelevant as long as one of his parents was an American citizen.
False, utterly false!
Only according to an extremely small minority of people such as yourself that are willing to ignore the law and constitution on the subject.
To ensure full allegiance to America, the founders wanted a president born to two U.S. Citizen parents on U.S. soil. Therefore there would be zero doubts of his eligibility. Very simple indeed.


To ensure full allegiance to America, the founders wanted a president born to two U.S. Citizen parents on U.S. soil.

And then, darn it, they forgot to say that in the Constitution.
Yes, but it was understood. All you have to do is look elsewhere at their writings where it was common knowledge. The children took the citizenship of their fathers back then.

The children took the citizenship of their fathers back then.

And now, they can take the citizenship of their mother as well.
As a conservative I seriously cant stand Cruz, when it comes to washing this country of the illegals, we might have a better outcome with hillary or bernie. Cruz is way too far left.
I pray that the liberals can discredit Cruz to the point of him not running.
as a strong conservative American, I proudly jump on the Cruz birther bandwagon. We dont need a damn cuban running our country.

Nothing says 'strong, conservative American' more, than rejecting someone because of where his father was born......
Cruz did not need to be naturalized, because he is a natural born citizen via his mothers citizenship. Had she renounced her citizenship, prior to his birth, for that of another country- then he'd be ineligible.

Don't mistake natural born for naturalized. Cruz never needed to be naturalized (granted citizenship) as he had it by nature of his mothers citizenship.

You think the framers intended that a person running for President could be born anywhere, to at least ONE marginal American parent and that met all requirements to run for President?

Wonder why the just didnt write it that way in the COtUS and why all those Naturalization acts in the late 1700s?

Natural born, Born in the USA.
There's nothing "marginal" about his mothers citizenship and the rights conveyed to her by it. Again, many Americans traveled abroad even then. You mistake the term natural born with naturalized. Ted Cruz never needed to be naturalized to gain citizenship, as he was natural born by virtue of his mothers citizenship.

You're better off arguing against his electability based on his politics...just saying.
What if it was a question of Iran instead of Canada....or Communist China instead of Canada...or even Cuba instead of Canada?

Legally all the same- though I am sure Trump wishes Cruz was born in Cuba rather than Canada, so he could be making ominous comments about how the Democrats would exploit this- mentioning it over and over...
What was the birthers bitch about Obama? Anyone know that answer?

Where he was born is entirely irrelevant as long as one of his parents was an American citizen.
False, utterly false!
Only according to an extremely small minority of people such as yourself that are willing to ignore the law and constitution on the subject.
To ensure full allegiance to America, the founders wanted a president born to two U.S. Citizen parents on U.S. soil.

The 'founders' should have said that if that is what they wanted- instead they used the term 'natural born citizen'- which as you know means someone who is by birth a citizen- whether by place of birth, or situation of birth.
Too bad we didn't have this discussion when Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama was running but you can count on the liberal media to cover for democrats with phonied up copies of a birth certificate. Nobody seemed to object when it was common knowledge that John McCain was born in Panama. Is their a special dispensation for Navy Admirals that isn't afforded to other American citizens?
Too bad we didn't have this discussion when Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama was running but you can count on the liberal media to cover for democrats with phonied up copies of a birth certificate. Nobody seemed to object when it was common knowledge that John McCain was born in Panama. Is their a special dispensation for Navy Admirals that isn't afforded to other American citizens?

LOL- Whitehall once again providing comic relief with his revisionist history.

Cruz is eligible- no matter what you nutty Birthers say.
Where he was born is entirely irrelevant as long as one of his parents was an American citizen.
False, utterly false!
Only according to an extremely small minority of people such as yourself that are willing to ignore the law and constitution on the subject.
To ensure full allegiance to America, the founders wanted a president born to two U.S. Citizen parents on U.S. soil. Therefore there would be zero doubts of his eligibility. Very simple indeed.


To ensure full allegiance to America, the founders wanted a president born to two U.S. Citizen parents on U.S. soil.

And then, darn it, they forgot to say that in the Constitution.
Yes, but it was understood. All you have to do is look elsewhere at their writings where it was common knowledge. The children took the citizenship of their fathers back then.

Since the 'founders' were all British citizens up until they rebelled, it was common knowledge that anyone born subject to the king was a citizen- and in the United States- we have no king- we have a Constitution- and it was common knowledge that anyone born in the United States was a natural born citizen- regardless of the status of his or her parents.
Hmm, I don't think it's that simple. But I don't plan to vote for the turd and he could never win a national election anyway.

Canadian Citizenship Act 1946 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Although Canada restricted dual citizenship between 1947 and 1977, there were some situations where Canadians could nevertheless legally possess another citizenship. For example, migrants becoming Canadian citizens were not asked to formally prove that they had ceased to hold the nationality of their former country. Similarly children born in Canada to non-Canadian parents were not under any obligation to renounce a foreign citizenship they had acquired by descent. Holding a foreign passport did not in itself cause loss of Canadian citizenship.

We'll take anybody.
However, if Ted's mom was a Canadian citizen at the time of his birth, he is not eligible.

No- only if she was no longer an American citizen.
If a voting Canadian citizen, she cannot be an American citizen.

Can we kick this fucker out then?

Jorge Ramos also confessed that he still votes in both Mexico and America.

I’ve never ceased to be Mexican. I have two passports, and I vote in elections in both countries. I’m deeply proud of this privileged duality. The best thing about America is its embrace of diversity.

Jorge Ramos: 'I've Never Ceased to Be Mexican and I Vote in Elections in Both Countries" - The Gateway Pundit

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