Proof That Ted Cruz Did Not Become A U.S. Citizen At Birth

You're better off arguing against his electability based on his politics...just saying.

No, that wouldnt be the case.
to be the natural born citizen elegible to run for President, all I have to provide is my live birth certificate showing where in the USA I was born and to whom.

Canadian ted on the other hand has a file on he and his mother in the Dept of Immigrations and Naturalization. that may mean he is an American citizen by virtue of his mothers citizenship.

But a natural born citizen such as myself does not have a file in the INS department. ted does.

See my point?
You born in the good ole USA yourself? You be natural born. ted is not.
I see the point you hope exists- but you're wrong.

You're better off arguing against his electability based on his politics...just saying.

No, that wouldnt be the case.
to be the natural born citizen elegible to run for President, all I have to provide is my live birth certificate showing where in the USA I was born and to whom.

Canadian ted on the other hand has a file on he and his mother in the Dept of Immigrations and Naturalization. that may mean he is an American citizen by virtue of his mothers citizenship.

But a natural born citizen such as myself does not have a file in the INS department. ted does.

See my point?
You born in the good ole USA yourself? You be natural born. ted is not.
This might help you. If not then I'm afraid nothing can.

FIRST CONGRESS . Sess.II. Chap. 3. 1790
Chap. III. -- An act to establish an uniform Rule Of Naturalization.(a)

Section I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States
of America in Congress assembled
, That any alien, being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof, on application to any common law court of record, in any one of the states wherein he shall have resided for the term of one year at least, and making proof to the satisfaction of such court, that he is a person of good character, and taking the oath or affirmation prescribed by law, to support the constitution of the United States, which oath or affirmation such court shall administer; and the clerk of such court shall record such application, and the proceedings thereon; and thereupon such person shall be considered as a citizen of the United States. And the children of such persons so
naturalized, dwelling within the United States, being under the age of twenty-one years at the time of such naturalization, shall also be considered as citizens of the United States. And the children of citizens of the United States, that may be born beyond sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born citizens: Provided, That the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States: Provided Also, That no person heretofore proscribed by any state, shall be admitted a citizen as aforesaid, except by an act of the legislature of the state in which such person was
Approved, March 26, 1790.
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If Ted Cruz was the child of a US citizen, then it doesn't matter a damn where he was born... he was automatically a citizen at the moment of birth.
Wilbur, Wilbur, Wilbur . . . my boy, you are confused.

If Ted's mommy was a Canadian citizen by virtue of having a voting license, Ted is not eligible.

If she were still a US citizen, then he is eligible, wherever he was born.
The US Constitution states that a US President must be a natural born citizen; it does not specify that he be born on US soil.
You're better off arguing against his electability based on his politics...just saying.

No, that wouldnt be the case.
to be the natural born citizen elegible to run for President, all I have to provide is my live birth certificate showing where in the USA I was born and to whom.

Canadian ted on the other hand has a file on he and his mother in the Dept of Immigrations and Naturalization. that may mean he is an American citizen by virtue of his mothers citizenship.

But a natural born citizen such as myself does not have a file in the INS department. ted does.

See my point?
You born in the good ole USA yourself? You be natural born. ted is not.
I see the point you hope exists- but you're wrong.

You're better off arguing against his electability based on his politics...just saying.

No, that wouldnt be the case.
to be the natural born citizen elegible to run for President, all I have to provide is my live birth certificate showing where in the USA I was born and to whom.

Canadian ted on the other hand has a file on he and his mother in the Dept of Immigrations and Naturalization. that may mean he is an American citizen by virtue of his mothers citizenship.

But a natural born citizen such as myself does not have a file in the INS department. ted does.

See my point?
You born in the good ole USA yourself? You be natural born. ted is not.
This might help you. If not then I'm afraid nothing can.

FIRST CONGRESS . Sess.II. Chap. 3. 1790
Chap. III. -- An act to establish an uniform Rule Of Naturalization.(a)

Section I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States
of America in Congress assembled
, That any alien, being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof, on application to any common law court of record, in any one of the states wherein he shall have resided for the term of one year at least, and making proof to the satisfaction of such court, that he is a person of good character, and taking the oath or affirmation prescribed by law, to support the constitution of the United States, which oath or affirmation such court shall administer; and the clerk of such court shall record such application, and the proceedings thereon; and thereupon such person shall be considered as a citizen of the United States. And the children of such persons so
naturalized, dwelling within the United States, being under the age of twenty-one years at the time of such naturalization, shall also be considered as citizens of the United States. And the children of citizens of the United States, that may be born beyond sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born citizens: Provided, That the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States: Provided Also, That no person heretofore proscribed by any state, shall be admitted a citizen as aforesaid, except by an act of the legislature of the state in which such person was
Approved, March 26, 1790.

Hey--this lw is for "Free whites"

Hispanics are not considered to be white!
You claimed that the definition is mentioned in the Constitution.

You are a punk ass liar dude.
I asked you why you thought the term natural born was even mentioned in the COtUS. Thats all I asked you. Made no mention that the COtUS has an explanation as to what was meant.

You so fucking weak you got to lie. Fuck you.
You claimed that the definition is mentioned in the Constitution.

You are a punk ass liar dude.
I asked you why you thought the term natural born was even mentioned in the COtUS. Thats all I asked you. Made no mention that the COtUS has an explanation as to what was meant.

You so fucking weak you got to lie. Fuck you.

I asked you why you thought the term natural born was even mentioned in the COtUS.

Nope. You claimed the definition was mentioned. You lied.

As long as a person is born to one American citizen parent, country does not matter, that would meet the definition of natural born as mentioned in the COtUS?


Wilbur, Wilbur, Wilbur . . . my boy, you are confused.

If Ted's mommy was a Canadian citizen by virtue of having a voting license, Ted is not eligible.

If she were still a US citizen, then he is eligible, wherever he was born.
The US Constitution states that a US President must be a natural born citizen; it does not specify that he be born on US soil.

What do you think it means then?
Do you believe that anyone born in anyplace to one American citizen parent meets all requirement to be POtUS?

If so, then why didnt the framers just leave that part out? In your opinion that is.

Why did the early country struggle to define the idea of citizenship?Particularly in the late 1700s.

Is this another fuck up like the second amendment. With unclear verbiage and intent?

Wish them dudes could have written more clearly.

Fortunately ted is not going to ever be POtUS.

What was the birthers bitch about Obama? Anyone know that answer?
You claimed that the definition is mentioned in the Constitution.

You are a punk ass liar dude.
I asked you why you thought the term natural born was even mentioned in the COtUS. Thats all I asked you. Made no mention that the COtUS has an explanation as to what was meant.

You so fucking weak you got to lie. Fuck you.

I asked you why you thought the term natural born was even mentioned in the COtUS.

Nope. You claimed the definition was mentioned. You lied.

As long as a person is born to one American citizen parent, country does not matter, that would meet the definition of natural born as mentioned in the COtUS?


You so clever asshole.
Yep, natural born is mentioned in the COUtUS. the framers had a definition of the words in their mind when they wrote it.
What was it? What was the definition of natural born that they intended future generations to understand?

that was my question. You dodged it. I could have framed it differently. But it wouldnt matter.

Canadian ted is not ever going to be POtUS.
And thats all that matters.
You claimed that the definition is mentioned in the Constitution.

You are a punk ass liar dude.
I asked you why you thought the term natural born was even mentioned in the COtUS. Thats all I asked you. Made no mention that the COtUS has an explanation as to what was meant.

You so fucking weak you got to lie. Fuck you.

I asked you why you thought the term natural born was even mentioned in the COtUS.

Nope. You claimed the definition was mentioned. You lied.

As long as a person is born to one American citizen parent, country does not matter, that would meet the definition of natural born as mentioned in the COtUS?


You so clever asshole.
Yep, natural born is mentioned in the COUtUS. the framers had a definition of the words in their mind when they wrote it.
What was it? What was the definition of natural born that they intended future generations to understand?

that was my question. You dodged it. I could have framed it differently. But it wouldnt matter.

Canadian ted is not ever going to be POtUS.
And thats all that matters.

Yep, natural born is mentioned in the COUtUS.

Yes, the phrase was mentioned.

the framers had a definition of the words in their mind when they wrote it.

And they left out the definition from the Constitution. Unlike your claim. Moron.
What was the birthers bitch about Obama? Anyone know that answer?
It was a similar asinine bitch that you are using here and was equally garbage. This is evidenced by the fact that Obama is, in fact, the POTUS.

Where he was born is entirely irrelevant as long as one of his parents was an American citizen. End of story.
The Constitution says natural born and not naturalized. I interpret natural born meaning you popped out on United States soil.
Of all the insignificant things. Taiwan's pro independence party elected their first ever female president. Iran freed four American hostages. We had a terror attack in Jakarta, ISIS killed 280 people and kidnapped 400 people in Syria, people are dying on the streets due to gang violence in Chicago as we speak...and we're arguing over the citizenship of Ted Cruz?

More important things in this world are happening right now, and you're too busy trying to twist and strain the law to prove that Ted Cruz is not a citizen of the US by birth.
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What was the birthers bitch about Obama? Anyone know that answer?

Where he was born is entirely irrelevant as long as one of his parents was an American citizen.
False, utterly false!
Only according to an extremely small minority of people such as yourself that are willing to ignore the law and constitution on the subject.
To ensure full allegiance to America, the founders wanted a president born to two U.S. Citizen parents on U.S. soil. Therefore there would be zero doubts of his eligibility. Very simple indeed.

What was the birthers bitch about Obama? Anyone know that answer?

Where he was born is entirely irrelevant as long as one of his parents was an American citizen.
False, utterly false!
Only according to an extremely small minority of people such as yourself that are willing to ignore the law and constitution on the subject.
To ensure full allegiance to America, the founders wanted a president born to two U.S. Citizen parents on U.S. soil.

They did not specify as such.
Of all the insignificant things. Taiwan's pro independence party elected their first ever female president. Iran freed four American hostages. We had a terror attack in Jakarta, ISIS killed 280 people and kidnapped 400 people in Syria, people are dying on the streets due to gang violence in Chicago as we speak...and we're arguing over the citizenship of Ted Cruz?

More important things in this world are happening right now, and you're too busy trying to twist and strain the law to prove that Ted Cruz is not a citizen of the US by birth.

Your flying above the fray is long as a search of your body of posts doesn't reveal you were panning the gutter along with the other Obama birther wackos.
However, if Ted's mom was a Canadian citizen at the time of his birth, he is not eligible.

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