Proposal for a new SubForum


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.

Can you guys just start a new sub forum (not sure what you call it) for all of the maniacal upcoming Civil War conjecture?

There seems to be a new thread on this topic daily.

You're sure not going to like what's coming up and it's an uncivil war.

There is only one army so... no real war, just a war of minds, thoughts and words.


Barron's chubby and he is going to grow more! My grandson is 14 and 6'2", he may be another inch by now. Each time he has a growth spurt, he gets a little chubby before, then grows a few more inches and thins down.

Rinse, repeat.

While the left call abortion a business and I understand why.

civil war? didnt we do that before? fuck it i am moving to greenland
Since Trump is buying Greenland that is the perfect place for you. Do you know why he is buying it? That's right, to make a giant internment camp for all progressive filth.
you gave it one week and bailed.....
That is correct. The teacher would not teach me how to do the job and all it's various sub-jobs because he was afraid I would replace him. The boss called me in his office Friday to talk to me and told me this guy wanted me to fail. He had run several others off before me.

As I was leaving to go home Friday and got to my car parked by this guy's car, there on the ground was his pile of tossed out cigarette butts and one of them had been tossed on the running board of my vehicle burning it. I went in and confronted him to no avail. It ain't worth 9 dollars an hour to put up with that BS. Wonder why the boss didn't tell me all that before? Might have made a difference.
i am sorry it has been such a rough week for you....
It wasn't rough all. I'm used to assholes. Wasn't going to fight some jerk over 9 dollars an hour what with the owner already knowing all about it. Bad deal so I bailed.

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