Zone1 Protestants never tell you which Church in the world goes back in time to the Resurrection

I don't go to Jehovah's Witnesses to learn about Jesus. Don't you ever wonder why Christians refuse to listen to you. You're heretics.
Yes they refuse because they want their ears tickled by the darkness that they believe over Jesus' truth.
1. Correct , we are all ONE. 2. Any suffering is that what we do to ourselves while we are here. 3. Again " Heaven " is whatever you make it. All are present in the ONE.
All one in what? Being mislead? 99% on earth are being mislead. FEW will find the road to life Jesus said.
He IS Lord of Lords, something that God says HE is. That means there are no Lords higher than Himself.
ONE cannot be divided and still be ONE. Your illusion of being an individual being is very strong and very wrong.
The fact that human language is limited and human thinking is limited by language does not imply that a supreme being would be thus limited.
ONE cannot be divided and still be ONE. Your illusion of being an individual being is very strong and very wrong.
His God is higher than him. Its why his God had to give him authority, judging, and a kingship.
And you again, for an untold number of times, ignore the part I showed you where He deliberately LOWERED Himself, to become one of us, then regained his position. You have to ignore Scripture to maintain that.
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Holy spirit is how. The top 3 major trinity religion teachings are all error.
1) There is no trinity God
2) There is no literal eternal suffering.
3) Not all go to heaven, only the little flock does, not the great crowd.
So, IOW, you believe that the Holy Spirit has told your handful of "translators" that the original Scriptures were wrong. Think about that for a moment. You are claiming that God lied to the original writers of Scripture, and only now has corrected Himself.

I do not accept that, because God does not lie.
That great crowd in heaven = angels, not the great crowd on earth.
Let's see what the Bible actually says, not what you're making up.

9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;

Hmmm, that's PEOPLE in HEAVEN. Let's see what they're doing.

10 And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.

They're worshipping God, so they're not there just to be judged or anything like that. Let's see what else we can glean from this.

11 And all the angels stood round about the throne, and about the elders and the four beasts, and fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God,

Oops, the angels are called out separately from the great crowd, so no, you're wrong, that crowd in heaven is NOT angels. Come on, you have to actually read the Bible more than your group's publications.
It was error claiming that. They corrected that error in front of all creation.
One of the marks of a Biblical prophet was they could not be in error. If they claimed to speak for God and were wrong about something, they lost credibility. That's what happened to your group, and quite frankly, to everyone who claims to know when Christ will return, since the Bible tells us that no man knows the day or the hour.
ONE cannot be divided and still be ONE. Your illusion of being an individual being is very strong and very wrong.
Clearly, God is far beyond our ability to completely comprehend. And consider, if we COULD completely comprehend and understand Him, He'd hardly be God, would He?
Yes they refuse because they want their ears tickled by the darkness that they believe over Jesus' truth.
Jesus' truth is revealed in Scripture. You think to find it in the Watchtower.
Don't forget "Lord of Lords". You know, that same title God claims for Himself.
No, that is the title given by men to both God, and later to Jesus, in their ignorance, "the dust of the earth". Jesus the Messiah (not king, king being a pagan mistranslation of the term "anointed" and concept of the Messiah) was a teacher, a servant to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and prophet of Deuteronomy 18:18 who, like Moses, spoke with and learned from God "face to face"

And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven. And don’t let anyone call you ‘Teacher,’ for you have only one teacher, the Messiah. Mat 23: 9,10

The distinction that Jesus made between himself, the messiah, and God could not be more clear

Seriously, you profess to believe that a Jewish man became God in the flesh who died for your sins nullifying mosaic law which amounts to cause and effect, not crime and punishment, but you find it too hard to believe that you were fooled by an ancient Roman con? Damn. What a phony!

Can you, in your unrestrained imagination, ever see Jesus demand people "bow down to him"?

You are peddling satanic lies. So you are either a hostage to the devil or have become one.

You certainly have no faith in "The Word" (of God), that became "flesh", the teaching of Jesus.
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No, that is the title given by men to both God, and later to Jesus, in their ignorance, "the dust of the earth". Jesus the Messiah (not king, king being a pagan mistranslation of the term "anointed" and concept of the Messiah) was a teacher, a servant to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and prophet of Deuteronomy 18:18 who, like Moses, spoke with and learned from God "face to face"

And don’t let anyone call you ‘Teacher,’ for you have only one teacher, the Messiah. Mat 23:10

Seriously, you profess to believe that a Jewish man became God in the flesh who died for your sins nullifying mosaic law which amounts to cause and effect, not crime and punishment, but you find it too hard to believe that you were fooled by an ancient Roman con? Damn. What a phony!

Can you, in your unrestrained imagination, ever see Jesus demand people "bow down to him"?

You are peddling satanic lies. So you are either a hostage to the devil or have become one.

You certainly have no faith in "The Word" (of God), that became "flesh", the teaching of Jesus.
What part of the Law have you broken today?
The fact that human language is limited and human thinking is limited by language does not imply that a supreme being would be thus limited.

Nonsense. God cannot become what he is not anymore than a farmer can become his crop.

One indivisible God could theoretically do anything he wanted, right? Then they way things are are that way because its the way that God wanted things to be, including actual reality, the same reality that every living thing on earth has been intimately acquainted with ever since birth, right?

So in what other reality can one unequaled God become three coequal persons and remain God?

The belief that an indivisible God is really three persons is patently absurd and an insult to the intelligence of even the least intelligent person out there.
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What part of the Law have you broken today?

I always do exactly as God commands. What part of the Law do you accuse me of breaking?

Bowing down to an imaginary mangod who died for your sins? A magician whose miracles of the lie that scripture is to be taken literally does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence, but fits the detailed description of a false counterfeit Jesus, the antichrist, perfectly?

Don't be silly. Its never going to happen.
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