Zone1 Protestants never tell you which Church in the world goes back in time to the Resurrection

Life is short enough as it is , you really want to waste more time arguing a useless point forever. There is no end to this , it's a waste of your time and mine. Good day !
Forever? No.

You do realize that religious idiots actually support Trump, a conman, traitor, and fascist dictator wannabe, openly trying to dismantle the constitution and abolish civil liberties as if he is a messiah chosen by God. Don't you? I don't know about you but I am not here wasting my time

And its not useless as long as religious charlatans, actors and lying frauds, continue to make their false claim to moral authority and enact laws and customs based on perverse views of the world resulting from ignorant superstitious interpretations of what amount to children stories.

Brazen lies perpetuated by perverted, corrupted, degenerate men inspired by demons, for cash.

I'll take a break when there is silence in Heaven, the celestial powers are shaken, stars fall from the sky, mountains crumble into the sea, deep valleys are lifted up, and I am given what is mine...

Scripture must be fulfilled. Or else. I heard God could get a little testy, but thats just what I heard.
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When scripture says that Jesus was "in the wilderness, living among the wild beasts." it is actually saying that Jesus was living in Roman areas, doing what Romans do in the wilderness.

When the pharisees ask Jesus why he gave them a hard time but was partying with sinners he said only the sick need a doctor, showing that what you think of as sinners are not the sick ones.
IOW, you believe the opposite of what Scripture says.
IOW, you believe the opposite of what Scripture says.
No, Jesus was clearly telling the Pharisees that they were the sick ones, not the innocent people that Jesus was partying with that they, the pharisees, like you, unjustly condemned as sinners.
Forever? No.

You do realize that religious idiots actually support Trump, a conman, traitor, and fascist dictator wannabe, openly trying to dismantle the constitution and abolish civil liberties as if he is a messiah chosen by God. Don't you? I don't know about you but I am not here wasting my time

And its not useless as long as religious charlatans, actors and lying frauds, continue to make their false claim to moral authority and enact laws and customs based on perverse views of the world resulting from ignorant superstitious interpretations of what amount to children stories.

I'll take a break when there is silence in Heaven, the celestial powers are shaken, stars fall from the sky, mountains crumble into the sea, deep valleys are lifted up, and I am given what is mine...

Scripture must be fulfilled. Or else. I heard God could get a little testy, but thats just what I heard.
None of this was the intent of the ONE.
We don’t need a group of old men in Brooklyn telling us what the Bible says.
They needed a governing body of elders after Jesus died. Paul and i think Barnabas disagreed on the matter of circumcision, thus went to Jerusalem in front of apostles and elders, pleaded both sides, the governing body prayer talked about it then made a decision that both lived by after. Its Gods arrangement you reject in your darkness.
That's because anyone who studies history knows that the Catholic Church is the only one that goes back that far.

As someone once said, "To be deep in history is to cease being a Protestant"

The followers of Joseph Smith will tell you that he ws a legitimate leader even though he didn't come on the scene until the 1800s

Other folks tell you it was some other person / group

But none of them can be traced back to Christ and the 12

And who the fuck cares? Your Magica/Mystical/Mythical Sky Man is not real, nor is his bastard son.
And you again, for an untold number of times, ignore the part I showed you where He deliberately LOWERED Himself, to become one of us, then regained his position. You have to ignore Scripture to maintain that.
The bible teaches he was exalted to a higher position after returning to heaven. Philippians 2:9
So, IOW, you believe that the Holy Spirit has told your handful of "translators" that the original Scriptures were wrong. Think about that for a moment. You are claiming that God lied to the original writers of Scripture, and only now has corrected Himself.

I do not accept that, because God does not lie.
trinity translations are filled with errors by Catholicism translating. Catholicism=2Thess 2:3--Jesus was never with that religion, his adversary started it to mislead.
Let's see what the Bible actually says, not what you're making up.

9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;

Hmmm, that's PEOPLE in HEAVEN. Let's see what they're doing.

10 And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.

They're worshipping God, so they're not there just to be judged or anything like that. Let's see what else we can glean from this.

11 And all the angels stood round about the throne, and about the elders and the four beasts, and fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God,

Oops, the angels are called out separately from the great crowd, so no, you're wrong, that crowd in heaven is NOT angels. Come on, you have to actually read the Bible more than your group's publications.
Yes standing before the throne, on earth( new earth) Gods kingdom rule will be ruling all of creation at that point. There will never be another ruling power( Daniel 2:44)
Gods kingdom rule = Gods govt, lead by his king-Jesus.
They needed a governing body of elders after Jesus died. Paul and i think Barnabas disagreed on the matter of circumcision, thus went to Jerusalem in front of apostles and elders, pleaded both sides, the governing body prayer talked about it then made a decision that both lived by after. Its Gods arrangement you reject in your darkness.
GOD made man in his image , why didn't GOD create men who were born without needing circumcision. Isn't it a travesty to mutilate the human body in any form ? A lot of inconsistencies in religion. GOD is not inconsistent.
One of the marks of a Biblical prophet was they could not be in error. If they claimed to speak for God and were wrong about something, they lost credibility. That's what happened to your group, and quite frankly, to everyone who claims to know when Christ will return, since the Bible tells us that no man knows the day or the hour.
All the men who erred have died. true light is being taught. No one but the Father knows the day and hour-proves 100% he is THE ONLY TRUE GOD. Yet Jesus shared the signs to look for to keep in watch. They are all occurring.
The bible teaches he was exalted to a higher position after returning to heaven. Philippians 2:9
Higher than when He was on earth, absolutely. We knew that. Not higher than what He had before. Remember this?

4 I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.
5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.
6 I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world: thine they were, and thou gavest them me; and they have kept thy word.

Not a different glory, not a greater glory, what He had before.
Jesus' truth is revealed in Scripture. You think to find it in the Watchto

Jesus' truth is revealed in Scripture. You think to find it in the Watchtower.
Do you mean like this truth from Jesus=John 17:3--This means eternal life, their knowing you( Father) THE ONLY TRUE GOD and the one whom you sent forth Jesus Christ.

Thus Jesus= The Father is the only true God
False religion teaches God is a trinity made up of the Father, son and holy spirit.
Thus the question is--Why do you refuse to believe Jesus. It means eternal life he said to know his Father as THE ONLY TRUE GOD--That leaves all trinitarians out of gaining eternal life.
You cant prove its not angels.
Yes, I can. How many great crowds are there? You play loose with Scripture to satisfy your false religion. You're like a drunk chimpanzee playing with a loaded gun.
All the men who erred have died. true light is being taught. No one but the Father knows the day and hour-proves 100% he is THE ONLY TRUE GOD. Yet Jesus shared the signs to look for to keep in watch. They are all occurring.
Of course, they are occurring. Anyone, however, who tries to put a day and time on His return is on a fool's errand. And your current crop of those in error are all going to die as well. And, not surprising, you will once again have to rewrite the Bible to ferret out even more evidence that Yeshua is God. You know you've done all this before, right?
GOD made man in his image , why didn't GOD create men who were born without needing circumcision. Isn't it a travesty to mutilate the human body in any form ? A lot of inconsistencies in religion. GOD is not inconsistent.
Gods image=The ability to love, and reason, be merciful, forgiving, etc.
They needed a governing body of elders after Jesus died. Paul and i think Barnabas disagreed on the matter of circumcision, thus went to Jerusalem in front of apostles and elders, pleaded both sides, the governing body prayer talked about it then made a decision that both lived by after. Its Gods arrangement you reject in your darkness.
The old farts in Brooklyn don't speak for the Church of Jesus Christ. Your cult is as sick as the mormons.

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