Protesters disrupt 100 year old wwii vets medal ceremony

Dear liberals: Pretend conservative protesters interupted some LGBT celebration. You would be demanding hate crimes charges.
Only if they committed a hate crime.

The point was that just protesting at one would be considered a hate crime.
Who told you that?
All one has to do is look at the reaction by you faggot lovers when someone opposes that lifestyle. YOU and people like you call it hate.

It is hate because you're not just opposing it, you're trying ot make it illegal and trying to discriminate against it. Telling them they can't get certain services because they are gay and thinking that's okay. It's not. It's blatant discrimination.
Proof of what and why do you think you merit my time to prove anything to you cave chimp? If your family came in 1905 then you just rode the wave that white set in motion for you. Jim Crow allowed you to succeed back then if you were white. That was white AA back then.

Proof that those white women you say made those statements actually did. It isn't about time or merit. It's about you proving a claim you made.

Full of excuses as to why your people will always be on a lower economic, social, and educational level than mine. You just can't face the fact that I will be better than you regardless of color because I'm simply better.
You are not anyone to prove anything to. I give you permission not to believe it. I was just letting you know.

Excuses would mean I was sitting there and blaming the circumstances. Since I make more than you and live better than you its called a reason. Whites had a 400 year head start after actively holding back Blacks. They cant hold us back forever as I and other Black people are proving everyday. Sorry cave chimp. You dont rate.

Your permission isn't necessary for me not to believe it. All I have to do is see a lack of proof. You can't let me know something that isn't true.

Since you don't know what I do or how I live, making such a statement is foolish.

Blacks in 1000 years won't be where whites are now.

If black people are proving everyday, why the need for affirmative action?
Doesnt matter. I still bestow upon you permission not to believe me.

I dont have to know what you do or who you are. I know from your posts you are in a poor situation financially and lack a sufficient education since you are unaware hate and hate crime are 2 different things. For example....

You are worried about AA even though white women benefit from it more than anyone. That tells me you have a hard time getting a job because you lack the skills necessary to compete without another white guy to get you in. AA was supposed to rectify the 400 year head start whites bequeathed themselves. Dont take it personal. You just dont get to go to the front of the line every single time now. If you educate yourself and do the boot strap thing then you might be able to live as good as I and other Blacks do.

I don't need your permission.

So you make a claim about making more than me then admit you don't know how much I make yet hold to the claim? No wonder your people need affirmative action.

If blacks are as good as you say they are everyday, they don't need AA.
I said you do so I give it to you. You cant stop me from doing so.

I know your type. Bitter and angry because you dont always have first dibs anymore. People with something dont worry about AA like you.

What does AA have to do with being good? AA is to rectify the 400 years women, Blacks, Latinos and other so called minorities were held back so white men could get their head start.
No it means you are a chimp. You get lice just like chimps do and you smell like a dog when wet.. I dont.

You smell like a dog regardless of whether or not you're wet. It's genetic.

I smell like chocolate. Ask any white woman that knows me.

No white woman that would have anything to do with you is one I would consider white. White trash, yes much like the President's mother.
No one cares what you consider white. You dont run anything. I wasnt asking you for your opinion. I was just letting you know.

Nor do you boy. You can't let me know anything for which you have no ability to say. It's no wonder your dumbass people stayed slaves for 300 years.
Life is much pleasanter with Assclapp on ignore.
We need to start shooting these assholes.

So peaceful protesters should be shot for expressing their first amendment rights? Because that's totally what America is all about. Killing people who are peacefully protesting.
They are not peacefully protesting. They invaded a space where they have no right to be to protest. The first amendment protests journalists who print and those who protest in the public square. An awards ceremony is not the public square. A restaurant is not the public square.

An important component of the right to speak is the right not to listen. A captive audience deprives the public of their right not to listen.
Good point! If they have the right to protest at a town hall awards ceremony, then I have the right to pray at a high school football game.

They already do. Don't you know the big circle in the middle is for? It just can't be organized by the school. There's a difference.
How about protesting the protesters? Like, going to the NAACP meetings and shouting WHITE LIVES MATTER, LET THEM EAT. Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again...any place blacks congregate, have protesters there screaming at the patrons WHITE LIVES MATTER, LET THEM EAT. Over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
No white person is going to do that. They are too afraid.
You smell like a dog regardless of whether or not you're wet. It's genetic.

I smell like chocolate. Ask any white woman that knows me.

No white woman that would have anything to do with you is one I would consider white. White trash, yes much like the President's mother.
No one cares what you consider white. You dont run anything. I wasnt asking you for your opinion. I was just letting you know.

Nor do you boy. You can't let me know anything for which you have no ability to say. It's no wonder your dumbass people stayed slaves for 300 years.
Life is much pleasanter with Assclapp on ignore.
I know, different opinions on things than you're own are too tough to take. So just ignore them. That's the sign of an intelligent person, one who doesn't challenge his thoughts.
You smell like a dog regardless of whether or not you're wet. It's genetic.

I smell like chocolate. Ask any white woman that knows me.

No white woman that would have anything to do with you is one I would consider white. White trash, yes much like the President's mother.
No one cares what you consider white. You dont run anything. I wasnt asking you for your opinion. I was just letting you know.

Nor do you boy. You can't let me know anything for which you have no ability to say. It's no wonder your dumbass people stayed slaves for 300 years.
Life is much pleasanter with Assclapp on ignore.
I do tend to stress you ignorant white racists out. You may want to follow Ernies advice CONSERVATIVE. That way you wont be stressed into deflecting way off topic.
Dear liberals: Pretend conservative protesters interupted some LGBT celebration. You would be demanding hate crimes charges.
Only if they committed a hate crime.

The point was that just protesting at one would be considered a hate crime.
Who told you that?
All one has to do is look at the reaction by you faggot lovers when someone opposes that lifestyle. YOU and people like you call it hate.

It is hate because you're not just opposing it, you're trying ot make it illegal and trying to discriminate against it. Telling them they can't get certain services because they are gay and thinking that's okay. It's not. It's blatant discrimination.

There are lots of things I would like to see as illegal or support being illegal. Does that mean I hate those who do them.

If I went to apply for food stamps, I'd be told I can't get them. Does that mean the people telling me no hate me?

Let's take the Christian baker that was sued because he denied a wedding cake to two homos. People like you would say he was wrong for saying no. However, let's take the homo bakers that refused to make a cake with a phrase they didn't like on it and people like you are perfectly OK with them doing that.
You smell like a dog regardless of whether or not you're wet. It's genetic.

I smell like chocolate. Ask any white woman that knows me.

No white woman that would have anything to do with you is one I would consider white. White trash, yes much like the President's mother.
No one cares what you consider white. You dont run anything. I wasnt asking you for your opinion. I was just letting you know.

Nor do you boy. You can't let me know anything for which you have no ability to say. It's no wonder your dumbass people stayed slaves for 300 years.
Life is much pleasanter with Assclapp on ignore.

Someone needs to educate the dumb son of a bitch.
I smell like chocolate. Ask any white woman that knows me.

No white woman that would have anything to do with you is one I would consider white. White trash, yes much like the President's mother.
No one cares what you consider white. You dont run anything. I wasnt asking you for your opinion. I was just letting you know.

Nor do you boy. You can't let me know anything for which you have no ability to say. It's no wonder your dumbass people stayed slaves for 300 years.
Life is much pleasanter with Assclapp on ignore.
I do tend to stress you ignorant white racists out. You may want to follow Ernies advice CONSERVATIVE. That way you wont be stressed into deflecting way off topic.

You don't have the ability to stress anyone out BOY. A dumbass like you can barely carry on a conversation with yourself.
We need to start shooting these assholes.

So peaceful protesters should be shot for expressing their first amendment rights? Because that's totally what America is all about. Killing people who are peacefully protesting.
They are not peacefully protesting. They invaded a space where they have no right to be to protest. The first amendment protests journalists who print and those who protest in the public square. An awards ceremony is not the public square. A restaurant is not the public square.

An important component of the right to speak is the right not to listen. A captive audience deprives the public of their right not to listen.
Good point! If they have the right to protest at a town hall awards ceremony, then I have the right to pray at a high school football game.

They already do. Don't you know the big circle in the middle is for? It just can't be organized by the school. There's a difference.
No there is no difference between these protesters walking through a ceremony making it impossible for participants to avoid hearing them and prayers over the PA system at a football game.
A prayer circle, when used is just there. You participate or not. No one outside the circle is forced to listen to something they might find offensive.
Only if they committed a hate crime.

The point was that just protesting at one would be considered a hate crime.
Who told you that?
All one has to do is look at the reaction by you faggot lovers when someone opposes that lifestyle. YOU and people like you call it hate.

It is hate because you're not just opposing it, you're trying ot make it illegal and trying to discriminate against it. Telling them they can't get certain services because they are gay and thinking that's okay. It's not. It's blatant discrimination.

There are lots of things I would like to see as illegal or support being illegal. Does that mean I hate those who do them.

If I went to apply for food stamps, I'd be told I can't get them. Does that mean the people telling me no hate me?

Let's take the Christian baker that was sued because he denied a wedding cake to two homos. People like you would say he was wrong for saying no. However, let's take the homo bakers that refused to make a cake with a phrase they didn't like on it and people like you are perfectly OK with them doing that.
Yes if it has nothing to do with you like two people being married which you people hate.

I figured you were poor. Sorry you got turned down for food stamps.

Doesnt matter whos shop it is. If they are open to the public they must serve the public.
I smell like chocolate. Ask any white woman that knows me.

No white woman that would have anything to do with you is one I would consider white. White trash, yes much like the President's mother.
No one cares what you consider white. You dont run anything. I wasnt asking you for your opinion. I was just letting you know.

Nor do you boy. You can't let me know anything for which you have no ability to say. It's no wonder your dumbass people stayed slaves for 300 years.
Life is much pleasanter with Assclapp on ignore.
I know, different opinions on things than you're own are too tough to take. So just ignore them. That's the sign of an intelligent person, one who doesn't challenge his thoughts.
Discussion with Assclap is fruitless. He is the board's most ardent racist. You are about to be clicked on as well as the boards second most ardent asshole.
No white woman that would have anything to do with you is one I would consider white. White trash, yes much like the President's mother.
No one cares what you consider white. You dont run anything. I wasnt asking you for your opinion. I was just letting you know.

Nor do you boy. You can't let me know anything for which you have no ability to say. It's no wonder your dumbass people stayed slaves for 300 years.
Life is much pleasanter with Assclapp on ignore.
I do tend to stress you ignorant white racists out. You may want to follow Ernies advice CONSERVATIVE. That way you wont be stressed into deflecting way off topic.

You don't have the ability to stress anyone out BOY. A dumbass like you can barely carry on a conversation with yourself.
You deflected way off topic. Of course you are stressed chimp.
Protesters disrupt 100-year-old WWII vet s medal ceremony Latest News Videos Fox News

U.S. Navy veteran Dario Raschio was all smiles Saturday as he awaited a special honor from U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden, who joined him at Portland Community College's Southeast Campus to present the 100-year-old with a handful of medals....
Shame, shame, shame on these people. This man suffered for lives of thousands and he did it and all he received...
Open mouths, closed minds.
I'm tired of this douchebaggery,I hope karma is swift for those protestors.
I smell like chocolate. Ask any white woman that knows me.

No white woman that would have anything to do with you is one I would consider white. White trash, yes much like the President's mother.
No one cares what you consider white. You dont run anything. I wasnt asking you for your opinion. I was just letting you know.

Nor do you boy. You can't let me know anything for which you have no ability to say. It's no wonder your dumbass people stayed slaves for 300 years.
Life is much pleasanter with Assclapp on ignore.

Someone needs to educate the dumb son of a bitch.
Impossible.... Bell curve and all that.
No white woman that would have anything to do with you is one I would consider white. White trash, yes much like the President's mother.
No one cares what you consider white. You dont run anything. I wasnt asking you for your opinion. I was just letting you know.

Nor do you boy. You can't let me know anything for which you have no ability to say. It's no wonder your dumbass people stayed slaves for 300 years.
Life is much pleasanter with Assclapp on ignore.
I know, different opinions on things than you're own are too tough to take. So just ignore them. That's the sign of an intelligent person, one who doesn't challenge his thoughts.
Discussion with Assclap is fruitless. He is the board's most ardent racist. You are about to be clicked on as well as the boards second most ardent asshole.
Discussion with me is fruitless if you lack intelligence. I dont tolerate you cave chimps spewing racism. I will make you look the fool everytime.
The point was that just protesting at one would be considered a hate crime.
Who told you that?
All one has to do is look at the reaction by you faggot lovers when someone opposes that lifestyle. YOU and people like you call it hate.

It is hate because you're not just opposing it, you're trying ot make it illegal and trying to discriminate against it. Telling them they can't get certain services because they are gay and thinking that's okay. It's not. It's blatant discrimination.

There are lots of things I would like to see as illegal or support being illegal. Does that mean I hate those who do them.

If I went to apply for food stamps, I'd be told I can't get them. Does that mean the people telling me no hate me?

Let's take the Christian baker that was sued because he denied a wedding cake to two homos. People like you would say he was wrong for saying no. However, let's take the homo bakers that refused to make a cake with a phrase they didn't like on it and people like you are perfectly OK with them doing that.
Yes if it has nothing to do with you like two people being married like you people hate.

I figured you were poor. Sorry you got turned down for food stamps.

Doesnt matter whos shop it is. If they are open to the public they must serve the public.

Never applied. Seems you can't understand the word IF means hypothetically. I wouldn't get them, though, because I make way too much and pay the taxes that fund them for your people to continue producing 70% bastards.

Interesting thing I don't see is those who say the Christian baker should serve the homos fighting to have the homos serve those they turned down.
I smell like chocolate. Ask any white woman that knows me.

No white woman that would have anything to do with you is one I would consider white. White trash, yes much like the President's mother.
No one cares what you consider white. You dont run anything. I wasnt asking you for your opinion. I was just letting you know.

Nor do you boy. You can't let me know anything for which you have no ability to say. It's no wonder your dumbass people stayed slaves for 300 years.
Life is much pleasanter with Assclapp on ignore.

Someone needs to educate the dumb son of a bitch.
You cant educate anyone if you dont understand hate and hate crime are 2 different things.
Who told you that?
All one has to do is look at the reaction by you faggot lovers when someone opposes that lifestyle. YOU and people like you call it hate.

It is hate because you're not just opposing it, you're trying ot make it illegal and trying to discriminate against it. Telling them they can't get certain services because they are gay and thinking that's okay. It's not. It's blatant discrimination.

There are lots of things I would like to see as illegal or support being illegal. Does that mean I hate those who do them.

If I went to apply for food stamps, I'd be told I can't get them. Does that mean the people telling me no hate me?

Let's take the Christian baker that was sued because he denied a wedding cake to two homos. People like you would say he was wrong for saying no. However, let's take the homo bakers that refused to make a cake with a phrase they didn't like on it and people like you are perfectly OK with them doing that.
Yes if it has nothing to do with you like two people being married like you people hate.

I figured you were poor. Sorry you got turned down for food stamps.

Doesnt matter whos shop it is. If they are open to the public they must serve the public.

Never applied. Seems you can't understand the word IF means hypothetically. I wouldn't get them, though, because I make way too much and pay the taxes that fund them for your people to continue producing 70% bastards.

Interesting thing I don't see is those who say the Christian baker should serve the homos fighting to have the homos serve those they turned down.
Dont lie about it. We know you applied. Thats why you are so upset about AA. Everywhere you turn you realize you cant go to the front of the line anymore.

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