Psaki, Democrats, and "Kitchen Table Issues"

The ends of the spectrum are essentially in control right now. Such is the way our political/electoral system is currently structured.

I think the mistakes the Left keep making are pretty simple overall: They go too far, too fast. They don't look both ways before they cross the fuckin' street. They demonstrate virtually zero (0) ability or willingness to pause for a moment and rationally consider the negative pushback they're going to get. "Defund the police" is a perfect example. What's going on in our schools is another. Women wearing vagina suits. Men in bathrooms with their daughters. On and on. What an easy target. When challenged on what they're doing, they scoff and deny and dismiss and attack. Now, the other end of the spectrum is acting just like them.

This is a self-inflicted wound, and they're not going to listen any more than an orange rube would. They have all the answers, and everything has to be done their way, or else.

Okay, that's working out just great for them.

Yet you keep voting for them.
As I watch the undeniable rise of the GQP, while watching Jen Psaki and the Dems saying we "should concentrate on kitchen table issues", my simple desire for a viable third party only grows stronger.

Hey Jen, let me point a couple of things out. Whether you're willing to admit to them or not:
  1. Hearing things like "defund the police" is "a kitchen table issue".
  2. Not getting a job because the other person's skin color is preferred is "a kitchen table issue".
  3. Watching your neighbor's business being destroyed because they don't want to bake a cake, and wondering if you're next, is "a kitchen table issue".
  4. The thought of a man in a dress going into a public restroom while your five-year old daughter is in there is "a kitchen table issue".
  5. Worrying that you'll get fired because someone at work somehow decided you had "offended" them is "a kitchen table issue".
  6. Being verbally assaulted in public because someone decided you had attacked their chosen Certified Victim Group is "a kitchen table issue".
  7. Finding out that your elementary school child is taught things about sexuality that aggressively contradict your beliefs is "a kitchen table issue".
I've been saying since I've been on this board that the hardcore Left's relentless push on cultural issues was hurting them. Whether you'll admit it or not, it played a huge role in the 2016 elections. Whether you admit it or not, it makes the Left an easy target for your opponents, right now, today. And now, at this critical moment in this country's history, it's all coming home to roost.

Great timing, Jen. Really great. And you'll deny all of the above, or you'll dismiss it as not being relevant.

White grievance thread of the 2nd quarter.
White grievance thread of the 2nd quarter.
I especially liked the cake one

  • Watching your neighbor's business being destroyed because they don't want to bake a cake, and wondering if you're next, is "a kitchen table issue".

LMAO. So random. So good.

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