Psaki, Democrats, and "Kitchen Table Issues"

Why do you say that?

You guys sure do make a lot of nasty assumptions about anyone who doesn't adore the orange buffoon like you do.

Aside from that, my views on the issues are independent and reasonable. But you guys never have the balls to challenge me on that fact.
And there's the TDS you claim to not have. I never mentioned Trump and this thread has nothing to do with him yet you invoke him like it's some sort of fucking defense mechanism.

You're a joke Mac
Not sure what you are talking about. We are facing people intent on minority White Christian nationalist rule. Are you saying we should not offend their delicate sensibilities while they callously dismantle the hard fought rights of their designated victims?

Why would you not want “white christian nationalist rule” in America?
Didn’t they build the greatest nation on the globe in a short 150 years?
We know what kind of nations dark non-christian people build…don’t you?
As I watch the undeniable rise of the GQP, while watching Jen Psaki and the Dems saying we "should concentrate on kitchen table issues", my simple desire for a viable third party only grows stronger.

Hey Jen, let me point a couple of things out. Whether you're willing to admit to them or not:
  1. Hearing things like "defund the police" is "a kitchen table issue".
  2. Not getting a job because the other person's skin color is preferred is "a kitchen table issue".
  3. Watching your neighbor's business being destroyed because they don't want to bake a cake, and wondering if you're next, is "a kitchen table issue".
  4. The thought of a man in a dress going into a public restroom while your five-year old daughter is in there is "a kitchen table issue".
  5. Worrying that you'll get fired because someone at work somehow decided you had "offended" them is "a kitchen table issue".
  6. Being verbally assaulted in public because someone decided you had attacked their chosen Certified Victim Group is "a kitchen table issue".
  7. Finding out that your elementary school child is taught things about sexuality that aggressively contradict your beliefs is "a kitchen table issue".
I've been saying since I've been on this board that the hardcore Left's relentless push on cultural issues was hurting them. Whether you'll admit it or not, it played a huge role in the 2016 elections. Whether you admit it or not, it makes the Left an easy target for your opponents, right now, today. And now, at this critical moment in this country's history, it's all coming home to roost.

Great timing, Jen. Really great. And you'll deny all of the above, or you'll dismiss it as not being relevant.

Psaki, Democrats, and "Kitchen Table Issues"​

Hahaha….Mac, do you really believe Democrats have anything else to run on? They have no political platform…it’s all social justice and societal realignment….that’s it.
The republican party promises to work for America’s Best citizens….Democrats had to target foreigners, filth and the “oppressed”…..thats’s all there was left to pander to.
Why would you not want “white christian nationalist rule” in America?
Didn’t they build the greatest nation on the globe in a short 150 years?
We know what kind of nations dark non-christian people build…don’t you?
The closest thing to Christian nationalist rule this country has ever seen was the Confederacy. People like that want to build static societies where change is not really allowed. The Taliban is a good example.
The are not who wheres a dress or bakes a cake... These wedge issues... Issues that don't really effect people but scare them to vote against those issues...
Whether you think those issues should be filling people full of rage (and, by the way, incredible political energy) is irrelevant. The fact is they are. And that rage is still being pumped into them, 24/7/365, by their media. Watch one (1) hour of Fox News. Just ONE.

I've been saying this since I've been here: Mocking and dismissing and ignoring this rage is a mistake. And now it's all playing out.
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As I watch the undeniable rise of the GQP, while watching Jen Psaki and the Dems saying we "should concentrate on kitchen table issues", my simple desire for a viable third party only grows stronger.

Hey Jen, let me point a couple of things out. Whether you're willing to admit to them or not:
  1. Hearing things like "defund the police" is "a kitchen table issue".
  2. Not getting a job because the other person's skin color is preferred is "a kitchen table issue".
  3. Watching your neighbor's business being destroyed because they don't want to bake a cake, and wondering if you're next, is "a kitchen table issue".
  4. The thought of a man in a dress going into a public restroom while your five-year old daughter is in there is "a kitchen table issue".
  5. Worrying that you'll get fired because someone at work somehow decided you had "offended" them is "a kitchen table issue".
  6. Being verbally assaulted in public because someone decided you had attacked their chosen Certified Victim Group is "a kitchen table issue".
  7. Finding out that your elementary school child is taught things about sexuality that aggressively contradict your beliefs is "a kitchen table issue".
I've been saying since I've been on this board that the hardcore Left's relentless push on cultural issues was hurting them. Whether you'll admit it or not, it played a huge role in the 2016 elections. Whether you admit it or not, it makes the Left an easy target for your opponents, right now, today. And now, at this critical moment in this country's history, it's all coming home to roost.

Great timing, Jen. Really great. And you'll deny all of the above, or you'll dismiss it as not being relevant.

That’s almost all junk. Fear mongering. I thought JoeB131 hit the points pretty solidly in his response minus the personal animosity you guys have.
That’s almost all junk. Fear mongering. I thought JoeB131 hit the points pretty solidly in his response minus the personal animosity you guys have.
The progressive left is nuts, but if you don't think Trumpism is built upon racism, homophobia, zero sum economic fear and plain and simple need to be angry at someone for perceived slights and failure to achieve .... I got a bridge in brooklyn
That’s almost all junk. Fear mongering. I thought JoeB131 hit the points pretty solidly in his response minus the personal animosity you guys have.
My stalker has been on ignore for years. I don't know why he keeps posting to and about me.

As I mentioned earlier, the problem is not whether they should be kitchen table issues, it's the fact that they are. Watch FOX any morning. Even during a war, most of their stories cater to the social issues, from the border to transexuals to BLM (yeah, really). This is what has them so full of rage.

SO, They can't WAIT to vote, they can't WAIT to get their nuttiest nutters into office, they can't WAIT for the next school board election. This is translating directly from their alternate universe to real life, and I don't see where the Dems have a clear answer to it. Will they get out the vote like the GQP?
My stalker has been on ignore for years. I don't know why he keeps posting to and about me.

As I mentioned earlier, the problem is not whether they should be kitchen table issues, it's the fact that they are. Watch FOX any morning. Even during a war, most of their stories cater to the social issues, from the border to transexuals to BLM (yeah, really). This is what has them so full of rage.

SO, They can't WAIT to vote, they can't WAIT to get their nuttiest nutters into office, they can't WAIT for the next school board election. This is translating directly from their alternate universe to real life, and I don't see where the Dems have a clear answer to it. Will they get out the vote like the GQP?
I wonder if the progressives really got out to vote for Biden. Defund the police literally cost the dems 20 suburban congressional seats, and that is where they have to win.

For the dems it is kitchen table issues of transgender "rights" (not just what we agree on that transgender people should not be harassed in school or that they should be questioned about their "biology") the horror of not allowing grade school teachers to talk about their own same sex marriages, black lives matter even while black on black murders increase with not a care, paying more for gasoline....

The dems show no inclination to tack back to center left.
No, they both attack this country. They are the tyranny that the founders warned us about. They must be removed.

I have to disagree with that. The Republicans are the biggest threat to our country. They are attacking voting rights in this country. They are attempting to turn this country into a theocracy like Iran except this is based on the Bible rather than the Koran. The Republican Party is racist They are attacking and terrorizing transgenders and gays are likely next.
As I watch the undeniable rise of the GQP, while watching Jen Psaki and the Dems saying we "should concentrate on kitchen table issues", my simple desire for a viable third party only grows stronger.

Hey Jen, let me point a couple of things out. Whether you're willing to admit to them or not:
  1. Hearing things like "defund the police" is "a kitchen table issue".
  2. Not getting a job because the other person's skin color is preferred is "a kitchen table issue".
  3. Watching your neighbor's business being destroyed because they don't want to bake a cake, and wondering if you're next, is "a kitchen table issue".
  4. The thought of a man in a dress going into a public restroom while your five-year old daughter is in there is "a kitchen table issue".
  5. Worrying that you'll get fired because someone at work somehow decided you had "offended" them is "a kitchen table issue".
  6. Being verbally assaulted in public because someone decided you had attacked their chosen Certified Victim Group is "a kitchen table issue".
  7. Finding out that your elementary school child is taught things about sexuality that aggressively contradict your beliefs is "a kitchen table issue".
I've been saying since I've been on this board that the hardcore Left's relentless push on cultural issues was hurting them. Whether you'll admit it or not, it played a huge role in the 2016 elections. Whether you admit it or not, it makes the Left an easy target for your opponents, right now, today. And now, at this critical moment in this country's history, it's all coming home to roost.

Great timing, Jen. Really great. And you'll deny all of the above, or you'll dismiss it as not being relevant.

Ok,, well, let me be honest here. These are not kitchen table issues for most people. These are division pimped wedge issues that are hyped and talked up by Republicans, conservatives (this iteration), and the right wing. And if you really believe these are real kitchen table issues, then you've bought into the alt-right hype.
As I watch the undeniable rise of the GQP, while watching Jen Psaki and the Dems saying we "should concentrate on kitchen table issues", my simple desire for a viable third party only grows stronger.

Hey Jen, let me point a couple of things out. Whether you're willing to admit to them or not:
  1. Hearing things like "defund the police" is "a kitchen table issue".
  2. Not getting a job because the other person's skin color is preferred is "a kitchen table issue".
  3. Watching your neighbor's business being destroyed because they don't want to bake a cake, and wondering if you're next, is "a kitchen table issue".
  4. The thought of a man in a dress going into a public restroom while your five-year old daughter is in there is "a kitchen table issue".
  5. Worrying that you'll get fired because someone at work somehow decided you had "offended" them is "a kitchen table issue".
  6. Being verbally assaulted in public because someone decided you had attacked their chosen Certified Victim Group is "a kitchen table issue".
  7. Finding out that your elementary school child is taught things about sexuality that aggressively contradict your beliefs is "a kitchen table issue".
I've been saying since I've been on this board that the hardcore Left's relentless push on cultural issues was hurting them. Whether you'll admit it or not, it played a huge role in the 2016 elections. Whether you admit it or not, it makes the Left an easy target for your opponents, right now, today. And now, at this critical moment in this country's history, it's all coming home to roost.

Great timing, Jen. Really great. And you'll deny all of the above, or you'll dismiss it as not being relevant.

The DemoKKKrat party doesn't give a fuck what you think, whitey. Which is why it's so perplexing seeing you support them every chance you get. They want you dead.
Ok,, well, let me be honest here. These are not kitchen table issues for most people. These are division pimped wedge issues that are hyped and talked up by Republicans, conservatives (this iteration), and the right wing. And if you really believe these are real kitchen table issues, then you've bought into the alt-right hype.
They don't NEED to be the kitchen table issues for most people. They just need to be the kitchen table issues for enough people in the right places, in the right states, manically and maniacally motivated to vote.

It's not a prediction. I'm just saying that it matters enough to not be summarily dismissed as it has been.
They don't NEED to be the kitchen table issues for most people. They just need to be the kitchen table issues for enough people in the right places, in the right states, manically and maniacally motivated to vote.

It's not a prediction. I'm just saying that it matters enough to not be summarily dismissed as it has been.
A large part of this problem is that the Democratic party doesn't seem like they can message their way out of a wet paper bag right now. They can't or won't meet Republicans head on to redirect the conversation. Nobody seems to want to get in the right wing's collective faces and make an argument.
A large part of this problem is that the Democratic party doesn't seem like they can message their way out of a wet paper bag right now. They can't or won't meet Republicans head on to redirect the conversation. Nobody seems to want to get in the right wing's collective faces and make an argument.
I don't think they've quite figured out what the hell has happened, and I guess that's understandable.

How does one effectively message when the opposite message is paranoid fantasy?
A large part of this problem is that the Democratic party doesn't seem like they can message their way out of a wet paper bag right now. They can't or won't meet Republicans head on to redirect the conversation. Nobody seems to want to get in the right wing's collective faces and make an argument.

You people killed 25 innocent Americans "getting in peoples' faces" during your Summer of Terror in 2020. We haven't forgotten.
The dems show no inclination to tack back to center left.
The ends of the spectrum are essentially in control right now. Such is the way our political/electoral system is currently structured.

I think the mistakes the Left keep making are pretty simple overall: They go too far, too fast. They don't look both ways before they cross the fuckin' street. They demonstrate virtually zero (0) ability or willingness to pause for a moment and rationally consider the negative pushback they're going to get. "Defund the police" is a perfect example. What's going on in our schools is another. Women wearing vagina suits. Men in bathrooms with their daughters. On and on. What an easy target. When challenged on what they're doing, they scoff and deny and dismiss and attack. Now, the other end of the spectrum is acting just like them.

This is a self-inflicted wound, and they're not going to listen any more than an orange rube would. They have all the answers, and everything has to be done their way, or else.

Okay, that's working out just great for them.
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The ends of the spectrum are essentially in control right now. Such is the way our political/electoral system is currently structured.

I think the mistakes the Left keep making are pretty simple overall: They go too far, too fast. They don't look both ways before they cross the fuckin' street. They demonstrate virtually zero (0) ability or willingness to pause for a moment and rationally consider the negative pushback they're going to get. "Defund the police" is a perfect example. What's going on in our schools is another. Women wearing vagina suits. Men in bathrooms with their daughters. On and on. What an easy target. When challenged on what they're doing, they scoff and deny and dismiss and attack. Now, the other end of the spectrum is acting just like them.

This is a self-inflicted wound, and they're not going to listen any more than an orange rube would. They have all the answers, and everything has to be done their way, or else.

Okay, that's working out just great for them.

And a flip side is the progressives complaint that by not giving more aid to parents who choose to {edit: not} work, we're abandoning them to inflation. But spending more to increase consumer demand without additional economic production causes inflation. And Manchin and the centrists were not opposed to more Obamacare funding or even after school care ... so long as it wasn't paid for with deficits.
Everything is becoming a divisive issue because of the agendas of those alinged more on the edges of each parties spectrum.
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