Psaki, Democrats, and "Kitchen Table Issues"

Most people disagree with you. Those are not kitchen table issues. What you want to spew is hatred towards the other groups that you dislike. Most Democrats do not support defunding the police. They just argue that we need to look at other issues other than just locking people up. Crime is rising the fastest in red states where their answer to crime is to only policing.
If they're not kitchen table issues to you, they're not kitchen table issues to others?
As I said, they know their audience.

But I would definitely say that it's possible that independents and even some liberals do or might have a positive interest in those topics. The problem there is that Fox is so blatantly one-sided and partisan that those groups may be less likely to take it seriously.

Mac, want to know what is crazy! Democrats doubling down on this transgender deal for K through 3rd grade kids. It makes zero sense to me politically.

They can support this all they want to, but had they not opened their mouth and continued to, if we, or Fox, or anyone else suggested this, every Democrat on this board would have been screaming fake news and prove it.

Now, let us say that 10%, or even 15% of the kids are trans or gay. (they aren't, but lets pretend it is so, and if they are, it is highly unlikely they are aware before 6th grade on up) So what the Democrats are doing, is pi**ing off at the very least, 85% of females with children, and if they have a male partner, them too.

It makes absolutely no political sense to me. As you and I both know, any agenda from either party that is widely unpopular, they tend to keep under wraps or hidden if they can. They do not go around screaming from mountaintops that "yes, this is what we want and believe in!"

I have never, ever seen a political party commit Hari-Kari like this. Unpopular candidates? Yes. But like this? Nope, never, ever!
Mac, want to know what is crazy! Democrats doubling down on this transgender deal for K through 3rd grade kids. It makes zero sense to me politically.

They can support this all they want to, but had they not opened their mouth and continued to, if we, or Fox, or anyone else suggested this, every Democrat on this board would have been screaming fake news and prove it.

Now, let us say that 10%, or even 15% of the kids are trans or gay. (they aren't, but lets pretend it is so, and if they are, it is highly unlikely they are aware before 6th grade on up) So what the Democrats are doing, is pi**ing off at the very least, 85% of females with children, and if they have a male partner, them too.

It makes absolutely no political sense to me. As you and I both know, any agenda from either party that is widely unpopular, they tend to keep under wraps or hidden if they can. They do not go around screaming from mountaintops that "yes, this is what we want and believe in!"

I have never, ever seen a political party commit Hari-Kari like this. Unpopular candidates? Yes. But like this? Nope, never, ever!
The recent moves making parents a new political interest group and then openly attacking them is politically nuts.

Dems should have seen this coming a thousand miles away, parents care about their children more than any other issue, period. It is not even close. It really does make no sense.
The GOP has the advantage on kitchen table issues.

The Democratic Party still has to figure out a better strategy…

The GOP has bamboozled voters. The Republicans care more about the rich and powerful rather than ordinary people. The Democrat6s need to run a grassroots campaign and talk directly to voters. Frankly I could run a better campaign than the Democrats have and I have never run one.
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The GOP has bamboozled voters. The Democrats care more about the rich and powerful rather than ordinary people. The Democrat6s need to run a grassroots campaign and talk directly to voters. Frankly I could run a better campaign than the Democrats have and I have never run one.

Both parties are worthless and need to be removed from this country. They are a cancer that needs to hacked out at the root. Unfortunately, the US is in its twilight days.
The recent moves making parents a new political interest group and then openly attacking them is politically nuts.

Dems should have seen this coming a thousand miles away, parents care about their children more than any other issue, period. It is not even close. It really does make no sense.

Parents do not have the right to physically threaten school board members. Nor should they be allowed to impose your bigoted beliefs on others. You want to turn out education system into a North Korean version of their schools.
Parents do not have the right to physically threaten school board members. Nor should they be allowed to impose your bigoted beliefs on others. You want to turn out education system into a North Korean version of their schools.

Case in point.

None of what you said is even remotely true. And it shows when the rubber hits the road. When your democrat masters run on this idiocy they lose. Youngkin is a sterling example of how moronic attacking parents is.
Both parties are worthless and need to be removed from this country. They are a cancer that needs to hacked out at the root. Unfortunately, the US is in its twilight days.

Republicans attack this country and Democrats are too cowardly to take them on. That is why this country is in trouble. The rich and powerful are taking over this country. They have taken over the Supreme Court. They have bought off Republicans and enough Democrats to prevent any action against them. Biden's proposal of a 20% minimum tax on the richest people is a no-brainer. I would argue it should be 30%. A commonsense proposal like that is dead because they have bought off the Republican Party and Sinema to prevent such a move. Income inequality is growing and threatens this country.
Republicans attack this country and Democrats are too cowardly to take them on. That is why this country is in trouble. The rich and powerful are taking over this country. They have taken over the Supreme Court. They have bought off Republicans and enough Democrats to prevent any action against them. Biden's proposal of a 20% minimum tax on the richest people is a no-brainer. I would argue it should be 30%. A commonsense proposal like that is dead because they have bought off the Republican Party and Sinema to prevent such a move. Income inequality is growing and threatens this country.

No, they both attack this country. They are the tyranny that the founders warned us about. They must be removed.
Centrist Democrats used to keep the far left in line, now the Dem party is run by the far left.

That is untrue. The centrists and liberals agreed on a compromise version of Biden's $3.5 billion program. It is far superior to anything the Republicans have proposed. The Republican Party has been completely taken over by right wing Nazis. Centrist Republicans are being forced out.
That is untrue. The centrists and liberals agreed on a compromise version of Biden's $3.5 billion program. It is far superior to anything the Republicans have proposed. The Republican Party has been completely taken over by right wing Nazis. Centrist Republicans are being forced out.
LMAO what centrists? I'm talking about the 1970's and 1980's before the freak show left purged moderates from their party. The couple remaining moderate Dems you people attack like rabid dogs for disagreeing with the radical left policies and voting against them.

Hell YOU PEOPLE tried to boot your own former VP candidate out of the party for daring to be moderate. Welcome to the new Dem party, same as the Nazi party.
They have lost, my fellow conservatives. And they know it. Politically.


As I have been saying. When you have lost Fact Free Insults, then you know it's catastrophic for them.

No one but no one deserves it more.
How proud you are to be against basic pillars of first world society. I find your stance to be reflexive and embarrassing.
Most Americans have never experienced high inflation like this, particularly on gas prices, and it has gotten everyone very upset

Behavioral economics reveals that people hate inflation more than they love a low unemployment rate. And the pandemic still colors everything. People have been through the wringer

With energy and consumer prices on the rise, "69 percent consider the national economy to be in poor condition, Fifty-five percent say they don’t blame … Biden for high gasoline prices, but 65 percent disapprove of how he is handling the economy." Americans are more likely to think his policies have done more to hurt the national economy than to help it

It’s just a tough road for Biden and Democrats to hoe right now...They will get blown out
Most Americans have never experienced high inflation like this, particularly on gas prices, and it has gotten everyone very upset

Behavioral economics reveals that people hate inflation more than they love a low unemployment rate. And the pandemic still colors everything. People have been through the wringer

With energy and consumer prices on the rise, "69 percent consider the national economy to be in poor condition, Fifty-five percent say they don’t blame … Biden for high gasoline prices, but 65 percent disapprove of how he is handling the economy." Americans are more likely to think his policies have done more to hurt the national economy than to help it

It’s just a tough road for Biden and Democrats to hoe right now...They will get blown out

I agree with you 100%, and it is not only poo-poo, it is double poo-poo. Their policies stink, which is why they always run on isms. And then when things like inflation happens, no policies to combat it at all.

What have 80% of Americans been taught about the economy? If you print more money, you have more inflation pressure.

So what do the Democrats do as inflation is rising? They start stumping for over a 3 trillion dollar bill called BBB, which basically 30 to 40% is really a green energy bill, which would cause prices for fossil fuels to go higher. On one hand, the Left claims this makes a massive amount of jobs. And then, 10 minutes later, they claim we have the lowest unemployment ever. Sooooooooo, logical Americans think, "we don't need jobs, we need relief from inflation, and BBB just feeds it!"

Not that I am upset about it, but I have NEVER seen the Democrats in such disarray. Their messaging is terrible, their logic from even a rudimentary point of view is bassackwards when looked at, and if they don't get blown out, it either proves that they are geniuses, or that some left leaning voters really are as dumb as a box of rocks. More than just a few Democratic ALWAYS voters that I personally know, have already stated they are going to hold their nose and vote GOP this time because the Left is out of touch, and have gone to far. That is significant, because I didn't have to even try and convince them, they convinced themselves because of the current state, of what is going on!
Why do you need a government mandate but LED bulbs. You would save money just buying them by choice. Maybe someone else would prefer to spend a few extra bucks and have regular bulbs. The problem with these mandates doesn’t sit with you agreeing with them. That’s fine you would have made that choice anyway. But it wasn’t done for you. It was done because that asshole over there wouldn’t get with the program and buy the bulb of you and the governments choice.

And so what? Honestly if the worst problem in your life is "I have to buy lightbulbs that last longer and are better for the environment", you don't have a big problem.

The real problem- governments aren't doing enough to save the planet.

What do rich peoples tax deductions have to do with your gas taxes not fixing the roads?
Pretty much everything. We shouldn't have gas taxes at all.

We should have one income tax, goes up higher the more you make, and no backdoor taxes on working class people while the rich get tax cuts.
Behavioral economics reveals that people hate inflation more than they love a low unemployment rate. And the pandemic still colors everything. People have been through the wringer
Of course.

With high inflation those that are working suddenly find that they are working for no reason, they cant afford anything either way. The big difference is that with inflation, if you had any savings it just evaporated.
If they're not kitchen table issues to you, they're not kitchen table issues to others?

Has anyone else noticed that VIchy Mac's Forward Party Logo looks like the poster for a horror movie.


Seriously, it's eerie.

The problem is, the GOP is VERY GOOD at making these social conservatism bullshit issues "Kitchen Table Issues". They've been doing this for 50 years since Tricky Dick ran against the Hippies for the "Great Silent Majority" (i.e. White people who lived in terror that the Manson Family was going to break into their house!)
LMAO what centrists? I'm talking about the 1970's and 1980's before the freak show left purged moderates from their party. The couple remaining moderate Dems you people attack like rabid dogs for disagreeing with the radical left policies and voting against them.

Hell YOU PEOPLE tried to boot your own former VP candidate out of the party for daring to be moderate. Welcome to the new Dem party, same as the Nazi party.

Um, you guys are trying to boot Cheney, Romney and other Republican Stalwarts out of the party for merely not drinking the orange koolaid/bleach.

Lieberman (D-Israel) got voted out because he kept advocating for the Iraq War when not only the majority of the Party realized they had been had, so had the majority of the country.

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