Psaki, Democrats, and "Kitchen Table Issues"

DirecTV has a "News Mix" channel that allows you to see what the cable news stations are talking about, all at one time.

CNN and MSNBC will spend the first 20 to 40 minutes on the war, covering it from all the angles. In total, they're spending maybe 45 to 50 minutes an hour on it. From a General talking about military strategy to a story about a Ukrainian mom and her kids to a report from a NATO meeting. All global, overseas stuff.

FOX? Nope. It may give a quick report on the war at the top of the hour, but then it goes straight to its "kitchen table" issues: "Biden's Border Crisis", the latest outrage from a school system, "Disney's Far Left Agenda", gas prices (all Biden's fault), inflation (all Biden's fault), Twitter and free speech, a guy in a dress in a women's bathroom, the rise of radical communism in America (?), a story on black crime, on and on.

Every single morning. They're presenting two vastly different worldviews, two vastly different sets of priorities. Which one hits closer to home?
Mac giving a nod to Faux News?
Not sure what you are talking about. We are facing people intent on minority White Christian nationalist rule. Are you saying we should not offend their delicate sensibilities while they callously dismantle the hard fought rights of their designated victims?
The problem with your statement is that you label me as one of those. I am not christian and I don't care about white rule. I care about liberty first.

Every contemplated act of government should first consider individual liberty.

That includes the liberty to raise children as one pleases as long as the children have reasonable necessities. Schools do not have thr outright authority to go off topic and groom children for pedo reason against parent wishes.

If your focus is on preserving individual liberty, I can have a reasonable discussion about all issues. Your focus is decidedly not on individual liberty, so we do nothing but heads. We don't have the same goal.
The problem with your statement is that you label me as one of those. I am not christian and I don't care about white rule. I care about liberty first.

Every contemplated act of government should first consider individual liberty.

That includes the liberty to raise children as one pleases as long as the children have reasonable necessities. Schools do not have thr outright authority to go off topic and groom children for pedo reason against parent wishes.

If your focus is on preserving individual liberty, I can have a reasonable discussion about all issues. Your focus is decidedly not on individual liberty, so we do nothing but heads. We don't have the same goal.
Your entire political world is built in one moral panic after another.
Your entire political world is built in one moral panic after another.
Your entire political world is built on cramming as much objectionable shit down our throats as you can without our consent, and take away any means we have to protect and defend ourselves from YOUR government.
Your entire political world is built on cramming as much objectionable shit down our throats as you can without our consent, and take away any means we have to protect and defend ourselves from YOUR government.


Frankly, what are you doing that the government is interacting with you so often?

Because other than paying my taxes and getting my DL renewed, I'm having very little interaction with government at any level.
The way you said that, it sounded like you can see that Fox News is focused on the issues people give a shit about.
As I said, they know their audience.

But I would definitely say that it's possible that independents and even some liberals do or might have a positive interest in those topics. The problem there is that Fox is so blatantly one-sided and partisan that those groups may be less likely to take it seriously.
Not really, in his actual proposals. More, democratic socialist.
So you have this long list of things you want other people to pay your way for. But you don’t want to call it socialism and you think sticking democratic in front of socialism somehow changes its basic function.
So you have this long list of things you want other people to pay your way for. But you don’t want to call it socialism and you think sticking democratic in front of socialism somehow changes its basic function.


I like my socialist water I can turn on with a faucet rather than having to drill a well for it.
I like my socialist roads that get me where I need to go rather than having to four wheel it everywhere.
I like my socialist fire protection and first responders.

The ironic thing is, people like government services, they just don't like paying for them.

Frankly, what are you doing that the government is interacting with you so often?

Because other than paying my taxes and getting my DL renewed, I'm having very little interaction with government at any level.
Your dealing with government every minute of your day. From the moment you wake up in your government approved bed and turn on your government mandated LED bedlamp until the minutes you’ve put your dishes in your government approved dishwasher and climb back in your government approved bed. There is not a moment in your life you aren’t interacting with their mandates.

I like my socialist water I can turn on with a faucet rather than having to drill a well for it.
I like my socialist roads that get me where I need to go rather than having to four wheel it everywhere.
I like my socialist fire protection and first responders.

The ironic thing is, people like government services, they just don't like paying for them.
You may have decided you like those things but you don’t really have a choice. Try drilling a well in your yard. You’ll be arrested and fined. Those roads you’re so proud of filled with potholes and crumbling even after decades of increased gas taxes to fix them yet never gets done. You may have decided you like those things but let’s not pretend you had a choice.

I like my socialist water I can turn on with a faucet rather than having to drill a well for it.
I like my socialist roads that get me where I need to go rather than having to four wheel it everywhere.
I like my socialist fire protection and first responders.

The ironic thing is, people like government services, they just don't like paying for them.
Then get your ass in the fucking military and shut the fuck up
Your dealing with government every minute of your day. From the moment you wake up in your government approved bed and turn on your government mandated LED bedlamp until the minutes you’ve put your dishes in your government approved dishwasher and climb back in your government approved bed. There is not a moment in your life you aren’t interacting with their mandates.

Um, okay. And none of those mandates have any effect on my life. Or if they do, it's positive. That govt' LED actually means my electric bills are lower, and my bed is very comfortable and doesn't contain dangerous materials...

You may have decided you like those things but you don’t really have a choice. Try drilling a well in your yard. You’ll be arrested and fined. Those roads you’re so proud of filled with potholes and crumbling even after decades of increased gas taxes to fix them yet never gets done. You may have decided you like those things but let’s not pretend you had a choice.

Oh, I agree, we have been giving tax cuts to rich people instead of doing what we should be doing.

hen get your ass in the fucking military and shut the fuck up

Served for 11 years, Reserve and Active, discharged at the rank of Staff Sergeant.
Does your doctor know you are off your meds again?
That statement is based on Prog women not doing anything to look genuflecting to men. And when the worse happens again in human history as it always does, they will do everything to do just that for survival in a much more primal atmosphere. And the kicker is, many of the males who are so called Progs will be the ones treating women the worse.
Um, okay. And none of those mandates have any effect on my life. Or if they do, it's positive. That govt' LED actually means my electric bills are lower, and my bed is very comfortable and doesn't contain dangerous materials...

Oh, I agree, we have been giving tax cuts to rich people instead of doing what we should be doing.

Served for 11 years, Reserve and Active, discharged at the rank of Staff Sergeant.
Why do you need a government mandate but LED bulbs. You would save money just buying them by choice. Maybe someone else would prefer to spend a few extra bucks and have regular bulbs. The problem with these mandates doesn’t sit with you agreeing with them. That’s fine you would have made that choice anyway. But it wasn’t done for you. It was done because that asshole over there wouldn’t get with the program and buy the bulb of you and the governments choice.

What do rich peoples tax deductions have to do with your gas taxes not fixing the roads?
As I watch the undeniable rise of the GQP, while watching Jen Psaki and the Dems saying we "should concentrate on kitchen table issues", my simple desire for a viable third party only grows stronger.

Hey Jen, let me point a couple of things out. Whether you're willing to admit to them or not:
  1. Hearing things like "defund the police" is "a kitchen table issue".
  2. Not getting a job because the other person's skin color is preferred is "a kitchen table issue".
  3. Watching your neighbor's business being destroyed because they don't want to bake a cake, and wondering if you're next, is "a kitchen table issue".
  4. The thought of a man in a dress going into a public restroom while your five-year old daughter is in there is "a kitchen table issue".
  5. Worrying that you'll get fired because someone at work somehow decided you had "offended" them is "a kitchen table issue".
  6. Being verbally assaulted in public because someone decided you had attacked their chosen Certified Victim Group is "a kitchen table issue".
  7. Finding out that your elementary school child is taught things about sexuality that aggressively contradict your beliefs is "a kitchen table issue".
I've been saying since I've been on this board that the hardcore Left's relentless push on cultural issues was hurting them. Whether you'll admit it or not, it played a huge role in the 2016 elections. Whether you admit it or not, it makes the Left an easy target for your opponents, right now, today. And now, at this critical moment in this country's history, it's all coming home to roost.

Great timing, Jen. Really great. And you'll deny all of the above, or you'll dismiss it as not being relevant.

Most people disagree with you. Those are not kitchen table issues. What you want to spew is hatred towards the other groups that you dislike. Most Democrats do not support defunding the police. They just argue that we need to look at other issues other than just locking people up. Crime is rising the fastest in red states where their answer to crime is to only policing.

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