Psaki, Democrats, and "Kitchen Table Issues"

Has anyone else noticed that VIchy Mac's Forward Party Logo looks like the poster for a horror movie.

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Seriously, it's eerie.

The problem is, the GOP is VERY GOOD at making these social conservatism bullshit issues "Kitchen Table Issues". They've been doing this for 50 years since Tricky Dick ran against the Hippies for the "Great Silent Majority" (i.e. White people who lived in terror that the Manson Family was going to break into their house!)
You clearly see what you want to see.

I thought it looked like a rather polished poster for a porn movie....
Both party's fail the people they are suppose to serve, Pandering to the most extremes on both sides, Its very difficult to stand out side of the insanity, I
Well good, then you agree. Their values are whatever the fuck get them power right here and right now. If that means “doing the opposite of every single thing the Democrats do” then they will do that. If that means “obstruct Supreme Court justices” then they will do that. If that means “gerrymander until it is impossible to lose” then they will do that.

They stand for nothing other than unadulterated power, and the pursuit of it
Only by going with what is said on this board I would have to agree with you, I keep hoping that there are many people displeased with the whole mess who will vote for who or what ever brings us closer to sanity.
You could simply change out a couple words in that post, and you would describe YOUR party as well.
One day, MAYBE, you partisans will grow up and dump those corrupt assholes. Doubtful but maybe.. who knows.
Yes both party's suck. We need to go back to voting for those who have shown in some way that there effort is for the many not the few. The better choice not the party line.
Yes both party's suck. We need to go back to voting for those who have shown in some way that there effort is for the many not the few. The better choice not the party line.
I don't see how we fix this without changing a system that incentivizes the worst behaviors of all involved.

Fuck it. I'm a one-issue voter for now.

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I don't see how we fix this without changing a system that incentivizes the worst behaviors of all involved.

Fuck it. I'm a one-issue voter for now.

Yeah, you go with Andy Fourth Place Yang... that will work.
And so what? Honestly if the worst problem in your life is "I have to buy lightbulbs that last longer and are better for the environment", you don't have a big problem.

The real problem- governments aren't doing enough to save the planet.

Pretty much everything. We shouldn't have gas taxes at all.

We should have one income tax, goes up higher the more you make, and no backdoor taxes on working class people while the rich get tax cuts.
They aren’t better for the environment. These dumbass green rules are so short sighted it’s ridiculous. You save ten cents a month today and are filling landfills with mercury from these things. How is that better for the planet?

If you’re thinking the same government we just talked about that can’t fix potholes in the roads is going to save the planet you’ve lost your fucking mind. Do more to save the planet… fuck man. Seriously?

If you want to talk about a flat tax I’m all for it. We all live in the same country we should all be willing to kick say 10% into the pot to secure it. Let’s do that and whatever shit beyond defense the government can’t pay for under a balanced budget amendment gets shut down.
They aren’t better for the environment. These dumbass green rules are so short sighted it’s ridiculous. You save ten cents a month today and are filling landfills with mercury from these things. How is that better for the planet?

If you’re thinking the same government we just talked about that can’t fix potholes in the roads is going to save the planet you’ve lost your fucking mind. Do more to save the planet… fuck man. Seriously?

If you want to talk about a flat tax I’m all for it. We all live in the same country we should all be willing to kick say 10% into the pot to secure it. Let’s do that and whatever shit beyond defense the government can’t pay for under a balanced budget amendment gets shut down.

Sorry, I didn't realize I was dealing with a Libertarian Child.
I don't see how we fix this without changing a system that incentivizes the worst behaviors of all involved.

Fuck it. I'm a one-issue voter for now.

Probably a DNC fake ass group to try to lure voters away from the Right to gain power...............Ross Perot gave Bill Clinton the election a long time ago.........

And in Canada a small group rules there with Trudeau with 6 parties in Canada.
I keep hoping that there are many people displeased with the whole mess who will vote for who or what ever brings us closer to sanity.
Seems to me that there are a lot of people who are just fine with this. They definitely seem to want "my tribe versus your tribe, no rules, anything goes, winner takes all (until we quickly fuck it up and get voted out)". Back and forth, back and forth. They'll support the way things are, all freakin' day.

And evidently not enough people care enough to want to change it. It's one of the many things about politics I just don't understand.
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Seems to me that there are a lot of people who are just fine with this. They definitely seem to want "my tribe versus your tribe, no rules, anything goes, winner takes all (until we quickly fuck it up and get voted out)". Back and forth, back and forth. They'll support the way things are, all freakin' day.

And evidently not enough people care enough to want to change it. It's one of the many things about politics I just don't understand.
Maybe the problem is that you aren’t defining what “change” you’re looking for?
The GOP has the advantage on kitchen table issues.

The Democratic Party still has to figure out a better strategy…

Lets get actually started, Kitchen Table issues are:
  • Economy
    • Taxes
    • Wages
    • Income inequality
  • Jobs
  • Healthcare
  • Crime and Policing
  • Education
  • Pension
  • Infrastructure (Roads, Bridges, Airports...)
  • ....
The are not who wheres a dress or bakes a cake... These wedge issues... Issues that don't really effect people but scare them to vote against those issues...

I say the Democratic Party has the majority vote of the people on most of those issues..
You aren't one of them. An "AMERICAN nor a thinker"
Why do you say that?

You guys sure do make a lot of nasty assumptions about anyone who doesn't adore the orange buffoon like you do.

Aside from that, my views on the issues are independent and reasonable. But you guys never have the balls to challenge me on that fact.

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