Psaki, Democrats, and "Kitchen Table Issues"

Could be.

Regardless, Fort Fun Indiana and I have having a calm, thoughtful little conversation. You're free to try to be the fly at the picnic, the child at the dinner party, if you'd like. I don't care.

It is the kind of conversation we have been having here all along Mac, in which you would swoop in, whine or scream about "Trumpsters" and that was that. So rly?
The right wing social agenda is aimed directly at every bit of progress made in the 70 years. They are looking to set back the clock. While I'll acknowledge the left spends a lot of political capital fighting these mainly defensive actions they are battles that must be fought.
It's not about whether a person advocates for a cause.

It's about how they do it. It matters.
I don't see any subtle racism. Sorry, I don't know what the fuck you're getting at. "Skin" and "color" aren't banned words (yet), and It's a salient point with Americans who own small businesses.

They absolutely shouldn't. :dunno:

Nice hyperbole. I don't believe anyone spends their whole life worried about it, but your pedantic dismissal of it doesn't give your opinion any credibility.

I have no idea what the fuck you're on about. This is a stupid comment.

Define 'decent person'. In detail. Please source your work.

That's precisely what freedom means! Raise your kids how you like. Beyond that, it's none of your fucking business.

DirecTV has a "News Mix" channel that allows you to see what the cable news stations are talking about, all at one time.

CNN and MSNBC will spend the first 20 to 40 minutes on the war, covering it from all the angles. In total, they're spending maybe 45 to 50 minutes an hour on it. From a General talking about military strategy to a story about a Ukrainian mom and her kids to a report from a NATO meeting. All global, overseas stuff.

FOX? Nope. It may give a quick report on the war at the top of the hour, but then it goes straight to its "kitchen table" issues: "Biden's Border Crisis", the latest outrage from a school system, "Disney's Far Left Agenda", gas prices (all Biden's fault), inflation (all Biden's fault), Twitter and free speech, a guy in a dress in a women's bathroom, the rise of radical communism in America (?), a story on black crime, on and on.

Every single morning. They're presenting two vastly different worldviews, two vastly different sets of priorities. Which one hits closer to home?
It's not about whether a person advocates for a cause.

It's about how they do it. It matters.
Not sure what you are talking about. We are facing people intent on minority White Christian nationalist rule. Are you saying we should not offend their delicate sensibilities while they callously dismantle the hard fought rights of their designated victims?
Not sure what you are talking about. We are facing people intent on minority White Christian nationalist rule. Are you saying we should not offend their delicate sensibilities while they callously dismantle the hard fought rights of their designated victims?
Again, it depends on how it's done. Please see post 96.
Only going to respond to some of these, because you are shallow.

They absolutely shouldn't.

Really? So when the health department comes in and tells a restaurant that they can't have cockroaches running through the kitchen, that's just mean old government telling people what they can't do? Naw, we should just rely on the magic fairies of Free Market to handle the problem... oh, wait. No. Or we should just let them dump toxic waste into the water supply.

So we have laws that say you can't refuse service to people, even if you don't like them. It means that the homophobic bakers have to bake a cake for gay people, and I have to provide services to Mormons, even though I think they are creepy cultists. That actually sounds, pretty reasonable to me.

I have no idea what the fuck you're on about. This is a stupid comment.

Mac used to be a pretty sensible guy, until he got on this kick about political correctness and how he had to watch himself in the office for mortal fear of offending anyone. And how the PC Police were coming to get him!!!! I can only assume he told a joke someone didn't think was very funny and HR had a word with him.

Define 'decent person'. In detail. Please source your work.
Don't be a racist, a homophobe, or a transphobe. That's pretty clear.

That's precisely what freedom means! Raise your kids how you like.

Children aren't property, and we wouldn't have an overwelmed Child Services structure if people realized that.
Just break it down Mac. SJW are the veriest miserable Puritans to land on these shores since Plymouth Rock....except they don't build, believe or DO anything. They just nag and scold. How could any culture NOT reject them?

Islamophobic Twat whining about nags and scolds... too funny.

Again, it depends on how it's done. Please see post 96.
Back during the Vietnam war when reporting on anti-war protests they always filmed the wild looking hippies and never the moms and other ordinary people who didn't want their kids drafted to fight a stupid war. We have the same thing going on here. All you see on TV are the zealots and the angry agitators and not the regular people who don't want to live in a country ruled by the jerks down at the First Baptist Church.
Back during the Vietnam war when reporting on anti-war protests they always filmed the wild looking hippies and never the moms and other ordinary people who didn't want their kids drafted to fight a stupid war. We have the same thing going on here. All you see on TV are the zealots and the angry agitators and not the regular people who don't want to live in a country ruled by the jerks down at the First Baptist Church.
Sure, that's usually the problem. The loudest voices get the most attention, even when they're counterproductive.

My concern here is that these people are a net negative to the effort, because they make the Left an easy target. One step forward, two steps back.
Vichy Mac, wishing we had two Republican Parties... as if one isn't doing enough damage.

Except no one is defunding the police. Police spending has increased. We throw 2 million people in prison, we have 7 million on probation or parole, we have 100 million with a police record. We aren't any safer for it, that's the point. But don't you dare suggest MAYBE we should put funds elsewhere like drug or mental health treatment. Nope, just let the mentally ill wander the street, and maybe a cop will be there later to write it up when they push someone in front of a train.

I love when Mac shows his subtle racism, don't you? Besides the fact we have 3.6% unemployment, white unemployment is ALWAYS lower than those of people of color. But don't tell that to Mac and his white grievance politics.

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Um, yeah, how dare we make businesses obey the law. Hey, how about getting rid of those sanitation codes, too! How dare government tell people how to run their business.

I guess, if you spend your whole life worried about stuff like that.

Or you could try not being a jerk at work and being professional! You're still butthurt over that funny joke that didn't amuse H R, aren't you?

Again, try being a decent person, that won't be an issue.

Yes, we should be totally free to teach our kids to be bigots when they grow up.

You keep repeating this lie, Mac, but Trump didn't do any better in 2016 than Mitt Romney did in terms of percentages. Trump 'won' because too many people in swing states decided to vote third party because they thought Hillary was a bitch. White people are going to be awful no matter what the Democrats say or do, and pandering to their awfulness isn't the way "Forward".
/----/ So many false statements and so little time. Here's one:
"Um, yeah, how dare we make businesses obey the law." Hop into a Hala bakery and ask for a gay wedding cake, See what happens to the baker when he chases you out waving a cleaver -- nothing, Go ask a gay baker to make a cake inscribed HOMOSEXUALITY IS A SIN. See what happens. Go tell a WOKE business they can't hire employees based solely on their African American skin color over more qualified Whites and Asians. See what they scream at you.
I agree completely. While I disagree with the (real) Left on some of the issues, it's clear that it allowed itself to be derailed by this radicalized element that turned it into a wild-eyed caricature. Seems to me that it had political success on the SJW issues, and so it went all in on PC and Identity Politics. Well, the pushback that I've been talking about since I've been here has arrived.

This is where I think the (new version of the) Left went off the rails: At some point, it went from sincerely and passionately advocating for the social issues to punishing and attacking and threatening and intimidating anyone who dared to disagree. In other words, when they weaponized PC and Identity Politics and became aggressive Social Justice Warriors.

Over the years, the resentments and frustrations and anger on the Right built and built and built. Then came Escalator Day, and a pied piper who opened the door for them.

Why do you keep lying.

Trump got 47% of the vote in 2020. (57% of white people)
He got 46% of the vote in 2016... .(58% of white people)
Romney got 47% of the vote in 2012 (59% of white people)
McCain got 45% of the vote in 2008 (55% of white people)

WITH THE EXCEPTION of the two years Ross Perot split the White vote, Republicans have gotten over 50% of the white vote in every election since 1972. Democrats haven't topped 50% of the white vote.


The problem here isn't that there's been a "backlash", it's that the GOP is VERY GOOD at getting working class whites to vote against their own economic interests by playing on the racial, sexual and religious fears of white people. Then Republicans fuck up the economy and just enough white people vote Democratic to fix things.

Shouldn't be this way, but it is.

Honestly, if your life is so good the worst thing you have to worry about is being "Politically Correct" (which is just "Don't be an asshole at work, that's what USMB is for") then your life is pretty fucking good.
Back during the Vietnam war when reporting on anti-war protests they always filmed the wild looking hippies and never the moms and other ordinary people who didn't want their kids drafted to fight a stupid war. We have the same thing going on here. All you see on TV are the zealots and the angry agitators and not the regular people who don't want to live in a country ruled by the jerks down at the First Baptist Church.
/------/ And we don't want to live in a country ruled by confused men who preach to us about mental health.
"Um, yeah, how dare we make businesses obey the law." Hop into a Hala bakery and ask for a gay wedding cake, See what happens to the baker when he chases you out waving a cleaver -- nothing, Go ask a gay baker to make a cake inscribed HOMOSEXUALITY IS A SIN. See what happens. Go tell a WOKE business they can't hire employees based solely on their African American skin color over more qualified Whites and Asians. See what they scream at you.

Wow. Really> If you talk to most Hala bakers, the worst thing they worry about is some bunch of rednecks burning their store in a hate crime. A gay person coming in for a wedding cake is the least of their worries.

Cakes aren't speech, buddy. If you are offering cakes to straight people you have to offer them to gay people. This isn't complicated.
Why do you keep lying.

Trump got 47% of the vote in 2020. (57% of white people)
He got 46% of the vote in 2016... .(58% of white people)
Romney got 47% of the vote in 2012 (59% of white people)
McCain got 45% of the vote in 2008 (55% of white people)

WITH THE EXCEPTION of the two years Ross Perot split the White vote, Republicans have gotten over 50% of the white vote in every election since 1972. Democrats haven't topped 50% of the white vote.

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The problem here isn't that there's been a "backlash", it's that the GOP is VERY GOOD at getting working class whites to vote against their own economic interests by playing on the racial, sexual and religious fears of white people. Then Republicans fuck up the economy and just enough white people vote Democratic to fix things.

Shouldn't be this way, but it is.

Honestly, if your life is so good the worst thing you have to worry about is being "Politically Correct" (which is just "Don't be an asshole at work, that's what USMB is for") then your life is pretty fucking good.
/-------/ "the GOP is VERY GOOD at getting working class whites to vote against their own economic interests"
Yeah, what intelligent person wants $1.86 gas, secure borders, and 1.5% inflation?


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DirecTV has a "News Mix" channel that allows you to see what the cable news stations are talking about, all at one time.

CNN and MSNBC will spend the first 20 to 40 minutes on the war, covering it from all the angles. In total, they're spending maybe 45 to 50 minutes an hour on it. From a General talking about military strategy to a story about a Ukrainian mom and her kids to a report from a NATO meeting. All global, overseas stuff.

FOX? Nope. It may give a quick report on the war at the top of the hour, but then it goes straight to its "kitchen table" issues: "Biden's Border Crisis", the latest outrage from a school system, "Disney's Far Left Agenda", gas prices (all Biden's fault), inflation (all Biden's fault), Twitter and free speech, a guy in a dress in a women's bathroom, the rise of radical communism in America (?), a story on black crime, on and on.

Every single morning. They're presenting two vastly different worldviews, two vastly different sets of priorities. Which one hits closer to home?

Yup, let's ignore genocide going on somewhere else in the world, there's someone in a dress!!! OMFG, let's get him/her/it!!!

Uh, again, Mac, this is nothing new. Fox has been doing this shit for 30 years now... getting the stupids upset about stupid shit.

That you think the Democrats should play along with them is the problem.
Wow. Really> If you talk to most Hala bakers, the worst thing they worry about is some bunch of rednecks burning their store in a hate crime. A gay person coming in for a wedding cake is the least of their worries.

Cakes aren't speech, buddy. If you are offering cakes to straight people you have to offer them to gay people. This isn't complicated.
On the side with all of these agendas is that in that kitchen table klatch is the coffee is bought at a Starbucks or coffee shop and not made in the home. A little item that is sickening of what has happened over the decades to people in much more than that.

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