Psychology of people that go to "Gentlemans" Clubs

I've been to clubs a half dozen times over the years. I think for most guys it's a place to escape the real world, embrace the fantasy that ine of the girls might let you take her home (even knowing it'll never happen) and drink their cares away for a while befire having to return to the real world.
I've been to clubs a half dozen times over the years. I think for most guys it's a place to escape the real world, embrace the fantasy that one of the girls might let you take her home (even knowing it'll never happen) and drink their cares away for a while befire having to return to the real world.

(even knowing it'll never happen)

it does happen

Went once, just before I got married. I sat on the far side of the table and when the young lady danced over, I mouthed birthday and pointed at the best man. All of a sudden it was not as much fun for him and we left. My observation: Expensive beers.

Yeah, I haven't been since married either. I would be clubbed senseless if I did. :laugh:
Its funny when women try to psycho analyze normal men behavior

Nah, I wonder why women would go to a men's strip club or like the Chippendales as well...

There is a psychology to EVERYONE!

I don't want attention from a man unless he thinks I'm special.
Those people don't think ANYONE is special. It's just a job.
Also, you won't ever get rejected or ignored at a strip club....

That is also a big thing for some. People go through real life all the time getting rejected sexually that maybe this is an outlet for them in some small way.

The ones I feel bad for are the guys that think they have a real shot at stripper and they end up spending the rent or monthly mortgage money on them.

I think there are several possible reasons....

It feels good to get positive attention from a sexy girl
There are no "strings" (other than money)
You get turned on by women being objectified. Some men have a hard time having sex if feelings or emotions are involved... they view sex as purely animalistic with women there for their "use".
I wonder why women would go to a men's strip club or like the Chippendales as well...

There is a psychology to EVERYONE!
I don't know either but it isn't for the same reasons. I stumbled into a ladies night deal once, Chippendales type of thing. The place was packed so I decided to hang around. The gals are all laughing and socializing, quite a bit different than men watching strippers where you can hear a pin drop. Anyhoo, expecting to make a move on a few prospects when it ended, they all got up and left at the same time! Like they all came on a bus or something! Bitches!
I'd rather flirt on here with men they watch naked men on a stage any day. No contest
Your than went they. ^

I wonder if anyone wants to float the idea there are great political discussions in clubs?
Your than went they. ^

I wonder if anyone wants to float the idea there are great political discussions in clubs?

I wonder if men just want to talk to the girls? Just like instead of a bar, a hang out?
I'm interested in what anyone really LIKES in life. It gives great insight into the person.
To me, people ARE life and the most interesting thing IN life.
Everyone deserves to be heard, to be free to be honest, with someone (not all the time obviously, we need some civility) - but I'm deeply curious about the most honest and raw thoughts people are willing to share....
Is is a psychological / personality thing?
Or just an indicator of lack of something at home?

What is the allure of going to a strip joint?

When I was young, well the naked women, and the fact after their shift it was easy to get laid... As for men that are married, well that one I can not explain...
I figured the clubs were like roller coasters. Usually a seedy neighborhood, so you have the element of danger. Relatively controlled atmosphere, but who knows if the thing will go off the rails? Can people smoke in them any more?
I wonder more about the psychological make up of:

1. A woman who goes to strip clubs with her significant other;

2. A man who takes his significant other to a strip club with him; and

3. A woman who has to wonder about why men like to look at young, attractive, naked ladies.
The psychology is about symbolism and it is simple.

They want to see a pussy dancing on a pole and imagine it is theirs.

It used to be that if you had a bag of coke you could arrange just about anything you wanted with strippers.

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