public opinion - impeachment

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Trump will get little sympathy if he gets impeached

Regardless of the outcome
The 'public' you are referencing is the audience of the Nats World Series game. Given that DC is ground zero for Democrats and Trump hate, your 'public' is not representative of the country.
Congressional Republicans are having a difficult time swallowing today - :badgrin:
Think it is inevitable that the House will impeach. Hopefully the Senate doesn't then vote to offshore the elections.
outside the Trump bubble reality looms ..............

Trump booed at Game 5 of the World Series

Hey even God got "boo'ed" at a major party convention.
If that didn't affect God,
it shouldn't affect Trump who thinks he's God's gift to America.

Whether you love what he does as a gift
or you hate him, I think that's still a gift to America.

He brings out the best and worst in people so we
can all come out in public, get over ourselves, speak
freely and share openly and figure out how we are going
to solve our own problems as individuals and as a nation.

So that process is a gift to us, thanks to Obama and Trump
and everyone else who is motivating more people to get
involved in the political and public process. Even if you
hate what these leaders do, say and stand for, the end
result is it is all up to us, we the people to run our own country,
rebuild our economy, create jobs and restructure our schools,
community and social services. So it's still a reflection of us.
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