Pure hypothetical: let's pretend republicans controlled the entire government

How would they fix our economic woes?

How would they fix the following issues:

1) The massive wealth inequality. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth. Economists say this issue will only lead to more economic crises because of our consumer based economy.

2) How will they fix the problem of the significant increase of low wage jobs and the significant decrease of mid to high wage jobs since the 2008 crisis?

3) 95% of income gains going to the top 5% of earners. How will republicans bring higher wages to the rest of us?

4) 15% of the nation's population lives in poverty. How will they fix the issue of poverty.

Let me take a wild guess: MORE tax cuts for the wealthy? :lol: Guess what? That won't do shit. Corporate profits are at an all time already. In fact more tax cuts would only add to our national debt. Deregulation? That won't do shit either. In reality regulations have a very minor effect on job growth.

What else is there? Tell me. How will republicans fix everything? How will they continue the consistent job growth since 2009? What specific POLICIES, not rhetoric, will improve our nation's woes?

1. It is not government's job to take from one to give to another. It is not to equalize outcome
2. Again.. this is not the job of government. What they could to is make it more enticing for business to have it's higher tech and higher productivity jobs here. The tax we have on business does not promote that environment and what you get left with is low paying service jobs.
3. Government does not bring wages except to government employees. But again, see above
4. Stop subsidizing poverty. Make the tax code more business friendly to entice business to do more here, that is worthwhile instead of just serving food while products are made overseas and shipped in for consumption.

You are a very confused person if you think taking more and more from producers is going to fix something... especially creating jobs, or having those jobs for people to escalate their careers into

You want a specific policy... stop enormous government spending to reduce the country's tax burden and borrowing. Make taxes on business less than what they get in other countries that they are flocking to for tech work and manufacturing. Stop making handouts pay like a minimum to low wage job.

And oh.. regulations have a HUGE impact on business, business growth, and business productivity.. and that is where job growth comes from, not from big nanny government... where you get this MYTH that they do not is beyond anyone with any experience at all in business

Does government regulation really kill jobs? Economists say overall effect minimal. - The Washington Post

The official corporate tax rate is 35% but in reality because of loop holes corporations only pay 13% in taxes.

Our biggest government expenses have been tax cuts and defense spending. I'm all for cutting down on defense spending but obviously republicans won't touch that.

Very few people of that 15% in poverty are even on welfare.
By getting the government out of our lives.

Or do you think the government is helping you by making you work until April to pay it off?

I am asking for specifics. What policies are you referring to and why would they fix out nation's problems.

They dont have specifics silly. Thats why its super easy to be a republican. Just remember a few lines (like Freedom, Constitution, Guns, God etc) and place those words into any topic. But keep it vague like Avatar. He's a Jedi Master when it comes to talking points and platitudes
How would they fix our economic woes?

How would they fix the following issues:

1) The massive wealth inequality. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth. Economists say this issue will only lead to more economic crises because of our consumer based economy.

2) How will they fix the problem of the significant increase of low wage jobs and the significant decrease of mid to high wage jobs since the 2008 crisis?

3) 95% of income gains going to the top 5% of earners. How will republicans bring higher wages to the rest of us?

4) 15% of the nation's population lives in poverty. How will they fix the issue of poverty.

Let me take a wild guess: MORE tax cuts for the wealthy? :lol: Guess what? That won't do shit. Corporate profits are at an all time already. In fact more tax cuts would only add to our national debt. Deregulation? That won't do shit either. In reality regulations have a very minor effect on job growth.

What else is there? Tell me. How will republicans fix everything? How will they continue the consistent job growth since 2009? What specific POLICIES, not rhetoric, will improve our nation's woes?

You don't have to hypothesize. It actually happened. And while they controlled all the branches of government, they spent like drunken sailors in a whorehouse, started three wars, lost guns in Mexico, tortured people, spied on tens of millions of Americans, created a massive trillion dollar government healthcare program without providing a means to pay for it, locked up American citizens without habeas corpus, drone bombed Muslims in other countries, had several diplomatic missions attacked and one diplomat killed, expanded every federal agency except two (the SEC and the EPA), created a massive Cabinet level department with totalitarian police powers, and allowed our banks and the Fed to run the economy off a cliff.

I understand some people have to imagine what it would be like. Those people were in a coma from January 2001 until January 2009.

Ah, but that was the OLD W gop. The Tea Party gop will simply eliminate govt.

the delusions you left-wing losers make yourselves swallow whole are hilarious!!!
By getting the government out of our lives.

Or do you think the government is helping you by making you work until April to pay it off?

I am asking for specifics. What policies are you referring to and why would they fix out nation's problems.

They dont have specifics silly. Thats why its super easy to be a republican. Just remember a few lines (like Freedom, Constitution, Guns, God etc) and place those words into any topic. But keep it vague like Avatar. He's a Jedi Master when it comes to talking points and platitudes

you poor idiot; you were given very specific items

virtually everything was better when republicans ran things

the first rule of medicine is: "Do no harm"

go tell 10 million doctors that isnt specific enough for you

you left-wing IDIOTS are too dull to conceive that our sytem runs best when smug arrogant left-wng losers wallowing in self-absorbed ignorance get out of the way
If I controlled the Entire economy:

1. Export all our Progressives, just ship them overseas without a return address
2. Eliminate the Income tax and the IRS
3. Eliminate the Departments of Education, HUD, Interior, Agriculture, Labor, HHS, Energy and Homeland Security

1) why would that matter if republicans controlled the entire government?

2) How would we pay for our public schools and awesome military?

3) How would that fix our economic problems?
You don't have to hypothesize. It actually happened. And while they controlled all the branches of government, they spent like drunken sailors in a whorehouse, started three wars, lost guns in Mexico, tortured people, spied on tens of millions of Americans, created a massive trillion dollar government healthcare program without providing a means to pay for it, locked up American citizens without habeas corpus, drone bombed Muslims in other countries, had several diplomatic missions attacked and one diplomat killed, expanded every federal agency except two (the SEC and the EPA), created a massive Cabinet level department with totalitarian police powers, and allowed our banks and the Fed to run the economy off a cliff.

I understand some people have to imagine what it would be like. Those people were in a coma from January 2001 until January 2009.

Ah, but that was the OLD W gop. The Tea Party gop will simply eliminate govt.

the delusions you left-wing losers make yourselves swallow whole are hilarious!!!

Yes the bushII years were merely a delusion by losers.
Cut all welfare programs and eliminate certain Federal agencies that have outlived their usefulness, like the EPA. Remove tax breaks for "green energy" companies, stop all corporate subsidies. End foreign aid. Change the tax code entirely, a flat tax with no loopholes and few deductions. And of course, repeal Obamacare entirely.

It won't be perfect and some people will feel the pain at first, but there is no easy way out of this hole that progressives have buried us in over the last decade.
If I controlled the Entire economy:

1. Export all our Progressives, just ship them overseas without a return address
2. Eliminate the Income tax and the IRS
3. Eliminate the Departments of Education, HUD, Interior, Agriculture, Labor, HHS, Energy and Homeland Security

1) why would that matter if republicans controlled the entire government?

2) How would we pay for our public schools and awesome military?

3) How would that fix our economic problems?

1) Exporting Progressives matters because they're a drag on the economy and believe they can do better under an authoritarian government

2) We wouldn't have ANY public schools and the states would fund their prorata share of the federal budget in proportion to their electoral votes

3) The government is the cause of our economic problems; less government, less problems
Cut all welfare programs and eliminate certain Federal agencies that have outlived their usefulness, like the EPA. Remove tax breaks for "green energy" companies, stop all corporate subsidies. End foreign aid. Change the tax code entirely, a flat tax with no loopholes and few deductions. And of course, repeal Obamacare entirely.

It won't be perfect and some people will feel the pain at first, but there is no easy way out of this hole that progressives have buried us in over the last decade.

I don't think any of those things would fix the economy but I give you credit for answering the question.
How would they fix our economic woes?

How would they fix the following issues:

1) The massive wealth inequality. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth. Economists say this issue will only lead to more economic crises because of our consumer based economy.

2) How will they fix the problem of the significant increase of low wage jobs and the significant decrease of mid to high wage jobs since the 2008 crisis?

3) 95% of income gains going to the top 5% of earners. How will republicans bring higher wages to the rest of us?

4) 15% of the nation's population lives in poverty. How will they fix the issue of poverty.

Let me take a wild guess: MORE tax cuts for the wealthy? :lol: Guess what? That won't do shit. Corporate profits are at an all time already. In fact more tax cuts would only add to our national debt. Deregulation? That won't do shit either. In reality regulations have a very minor effect on job growth.

What else is there? Tell me. How will republicans fix everything? How will they continue the consistent job growth since 2009? What specific POLICIES, not rhetoric, will improve our nation's woes?
It's like a guitar player of the band would be doing solo all show: it would get boring quick - the circus requires little high, little low, easy come easy go... Repuberals are a part of the circus act.
If I controlled the Entire economy:

1. Export all our Progressives, just ship them overseas without a return address
2. Eliminate the Income tax and the IRS
3. Eliminate the Departments of Education, HUD, Interior, Agriculture, Labor, HHS, Energy and Homeland Security

1) why would that matter if republicans controlled the entire government?

2) How would we pay for our public schools and awesome military?

3) How would that fix our economic problems?

1) Exporting Progressives matters because they're a drag on the economy and believe they can do better under an authoritarian government

2) We wouldn't have ANY public schools and the states would fund their prorata share of the federal budget in proportion to their electoral votes

3) The government is the cause of our economic problems; less government, less problems

1) How are progressives with no political power harming the country?

2) Hm wouldn't that just drain the economy? Who exactly would pay for all of that?

3) You aren't answering my question. I want to know HOW.
By getting the government out of our lives.

Or do you think the government is helping you by making you work until April to pay it off?

I am asking for specifics. What policies are you referring to and why would they fix out nation's problems.

Thats the problem we dont think more laws would be better. As for policies, make laws simpler, make laws smaller in terms of page count, stop with, legal jargin and put them in plain english, and make laws only pertain to the subject, no more riders and bullshit about homos in a transportation bill.
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How would they fix our economic woes?

How would they fix the following issues:

Can't speak for Republicans; I'm a libertarian, but I can share how I would HOPE either party would help to improve the economy.

1) The massive wealth inequality. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth. Economists say this issue will only lead to more economic crises because of our consumer based economy

Given that this inequality you so abhor has increased under Democrat rule, we can rule out the status quo approach. Given that wealth inequality was LESS during the so called "Robber Barron" days, we know that the Progressive ideas did more harm than good.

So, how about we get government the fuck out of the way? After all, before all this central planning, America saw more poor become middle class and more middle class become rich than at any point in the history of the world...and yes, there was far less wealth inequity than we have today, after over 100 years of Progressive ideas.

So yea, less collectivism, more free markets.

2) How will they fix the problem of the significant increase of low wage jobs and the significant decrease of mid to high wage jobs since the 2008 crisis?

That's easy. Stop meddling in markets so that job creators can, you know, create jobs. Ease back on burdensome regulations, healthcare requirements tied to jobs, wage manipulations, and the highest corporate tax rate in the world...all of which suppress job growth.

3) 95% of income gains going to the top 5% of earners. How will republicans bring higher wages to the rest of us?

See points 1 and 2 above.

4) 15% of the nation's population lives in poverty. How will they fix the issue of poverty.

First and foremost, get rid of the minimum wage so that the most vulnerable among us are not prevented from working at all. The young, elderly, inexperience and the simple man whose skills do not warrant the minimum imposed wage are forced on the dole, which means poverty. The minimum wage is cruel to the uneducated and simple. We should stop that.

On top of that, see points 1 and 2.

Of course, let's be realistic about what "poverty" really is. America's poor are RICH by world standards. Until you've seen poverty in Africa, parts of Asia or the middle east as I have, you haven't a clue what real poverty is.

Let me take a wild guess: MORE tax cuts for the wealthy? :lol: Guess what? That won't do shit. Corporate profits are at an all time already. In fact more tax cuts would only add to our national debt. Deregulation? That won't do shit either. In reality regulations have a very minor effect on job growth.

Nope. More tax cuts for EVERYONE. Live within our means. Stop trying to redistribute our way to prosperity. That has never worked. Again, get the government the fuck out of the way and let free people, making voluntary choices, build the economy and create jobs. That's what America has always done best, despite the meddling from central planners.

What else is there? Tell me. How will republicans fix everything?

This may be the heart of the issue for you. No one can "fix everything" and you should stop looking to others for such pie-in-the-sky nonsense. It's up to individuals to strive to make themselves as valuable as possible. When that incentive is removed, we see the very problems you lament. More of the same shit that caused the problems in the first place isn't the answer.

How will they continue the consistent job growth since 2009? What specific POLICIES, not rhetoric, will improve our nation's woes?

1) End the Fed - Inflation is the most regressive tax of them all. It hurts the poor and common man more than anything. No more central price controls of any kind.
2) Dissolve most of the alphabet soup of government agencies that are doing more harm than good. I can give you a specific list if you like.
3) Ensure the agencies that we do need (EPA for example) remain focused on that which they were formed to do. Ensure they stop attempting to engineer society. They are not central planners.
4) No minimum wage - Price controls on wages don't work either and cause far more harm than good.
5) Revise the tax code to one flat tax for every person and corporation that kicks in after X dollars of earnings. No loopholes, no write offs. Do your taxes on a sticky note. Cut IRS staff by 90+%.
6) Reduce government spending - I like the Mack Penny Plan. Look it up. It couldn't be simpler.
7) Amend the Constitution to enact term limits for Federal politicians and judges.
8) Repeal the 17th amendment
9) Scale back military intervention around the world and focus on ensuring the seas and airways are free of piracy and conducive to free trade. Phase out of being the world's policemen while still ensuring that we have the biggest, baddest military the world has ever known so that NO ONE will fuck with us.
10) Repeal laws that punish those that have not hurt nor taken from another. Stated differently, if you haven't infringed on the rights of another, you shouldn't be subject to prosecution.

I have more, but 10 seems a nice round number. It would be a good start, IMO.
Who said government has all the answers?

Government legislation is the ONLY way to fix our problems.

So we must have government mandate certain behaviors in order for us to succeed?

That is a sad commentary.

Seems to me we were at our most successful back when we had a smaller, shorter-reaching government

This is the biggest flaw of the progs.. that nothing can be fixed without government... person is hungry, government must feed them... person won't work, government must pay them... somebody did something stupid and got hurt, government must protect every last person because of the stupidity of 1...
So far these answers are pretty lame. Most of you are saying "get government out of our lives" yet you are not giving any specifics or how exactly that solution would fix the woes I listed.

Cutting spending is a good answer, however, it wouldn't be enough. It also doesn't make sense to say cutting taxes since that would only add to our debt.

Corporate profits are at an all time high. Deregulation and cutting taxes wouldn't do shit.
Cut all welfare programs and eliminate certain Federal agencies that have outlived their usefulness, like the EPA. Remove tax breaks for "green energy" companies, stop all corporate subsidies. End foreign aid. Change the tax code entirely, a flat tax with no loopholes and few deductions. And of course, repeal Obamacare entirely.

It won't be perfect and some people will feel the pain at first, but there is no easy way out of this hole that progressives have buried us in over the last decade.

I think that platform would guarantee another four years of a dem potus, and the dems retaking the senate and possibly the house.
How would they fix our economic woes?

How would they fix the following issues:

1) The massive wealth inequality. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth. Economists say this issue will only lead to more economic crises because of our consumer based economy.

2) How will they fix the problem of the significant increase of low wage jobs and the significant decrease of mid to high wage jobs since the 2008 crisis?

3) 95% of income gains going to the top 5% of earners. How will republicans bring higher wages to the rest of us?

4) 15% of the nation's population lives in poverty. How will they fix the issue of poverty.

Let me take a wild guess: MORE tax cuts for the wealthy? :lol: Guess what? That won't do shit. Corporate profits are at an all time already. In fact more tax cuts would only add to our national debt. Deregulation? That won't do shit either. In reality regulations have a very minor effect on job growth.

What else is there? Tell me. How will republicans fix everything? How will they continue the consistent job growth since 2009? What specific POLICIES, not rhetoric, will improve our nation's woes?

1. It is not government's job to take from one to give to another. It is not to equalize outcome
2. Again.. this is not the job of government. What they could to is make it more enticing for business to have it's higher tech and higher productivity jobs here. The tax we have on business does not promote that environment and what you get left with is low paying service jobs.
3. Government does not bring wages except to government employees. But again, see above
4. Stop subsidizing poverty. Make the tax code more business friendly to entice business to do more here, that is worthwhile instead of just serving food while products are made overseas and shipped in for consumption.

You are a very confused person if you think taking more and more from producers is going to fix something... especially creating jobs, or having those jobs for people to escalate their careers into

You want a specific policy... stop enormous government spending to reduce the country's tax burden and borrowing. Make taxes on business less than what they get in other countries that they are flocking to for tech work and manufacturing. Stop making handouts pay like a minimum to low wage job.

And oh.. regulations have a HUGE impact on business, business growth, and business productivity.. and that is where job growth comes from, not from big nanny government... where you get this MYTH that they do not is beyond anyone with any experience at all in business

Does government regulation really kill jobs? Economists say overall effect minimal. - The Washington Post

The official corporate tax rate is 35% but in reality because of loop holes corporations only pay 13% in taxes.

Our biggest government expenses have been tax cuts and defense spending. I'm all for cutting down on defense spending but obviously republicans won't touch that.

Very few people of that 15% in poverty are even on welfare.

Uh huh.. being in business.. holding high office in business.. regs do hinder jobs... the number of regs to deal with is ASTOUNDING

End loopholes.. level and EQUAL playing field.. you know, that thing that you progs hate... equal treatment by government under law.. flat tax business like I would flat tax income

Our biggest expenses are ENTITLEMENTS.. tax cuts, are not an expense.. it is not the government's money first and us taking the scraps... and defense is high and there are areas to be cut in defense, BUT IT IS ACTUALLY A PLACE WHERE THE FED IS ACTUALLY EMPOWERED TO ACT.. unlike education, welfare, etc
I'd rather pretend that conservatives ran the nation but that'll never happen so I'll just come back to reality and our current nightmare.
How would they fix our economic woes?

How would they fix the following issues:

Can't speak for Republicans; I'm a libertarian, but I can share how I would HOPE either party would help to improve the economy.

1) The massive wealth inequality. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth. Economists say this issue will only lead to more economic crises because of our consumer based economy

Given that this inequality you so abhor has increased under Democrat rule, we can rule out the status quo approach. Given that wealth inequality was LESS during the so called "Robber Barron" days, we know that the Progressive ideas did more harm than good.

So, how about we get government the fuck out of the way? After all, before all this central planning, America saw more poor become middle class and more middle class become rich than at any point in the history of the world...and yes, there was far less wealth inequity than we have today, after over 100 years of Progressive ideas.

So yea, less collectivism, more free markets.

That's easy. Stop meddling in markets so that job creators can, you know, create jobs. Ease back on burdensome regulations, healthcare requirements tied to jobs, wage manipulations, and the highest corporate tax rate in the world...all of which suppress job growth.

See points 1 and 2 above.

First and foremost, get rid of the minimum wage so that the most vulnerable among us are not prevented from working at all. The young, elderly, inexperience and the simple man whose skills do not warrant the minimum imposed wage are forced on the dole, which means poverty. The minimum wage is cruel to the uneducated and simple. We should stop that.

On top of that, see points 1 and 2.

Of course, let's be realistic about what "poverty" really is. America's poor are RICH by world standards. Until you've seen poverty in Africa, parts of Asia or the middle east as I have, you haven't a clue what real poverty is.

Nope. More tax cuts for EVERYONE. Live within our means. Stop trying to redistribute our way to prosperity. That has never worked. Again, get the government the fuck out of the way and let free people, making voluntary choices, build the economy and create jobs. That's what America has always done best, despite the meddling from central planners.

What else is there? Tell me. How will republicans fix everything?

This may be the heart of the issue for you. No one can "fix everything" and you should stop looking to others for such pie-in-the-sky nonsense. It's up to individuals to strive to make themselves as valuable as possible. When that incentive is removed, we see the very problems you lament. More of the same shit that caused the problems in the first place isn't the answer.

How will they continue the consistent job growth since 2009? What specific POLICIES, not rhetoric, will improve our nation's woes?

1) End the Fed - Inflation is the most regressive tax of them all. It hurts the poor and common man more than anything. No more central price controls of any kind.
2) Dissolve most of the alphabet soup of government agencies that are doing more harm than good. I can give you a specific list if you like.
3) Ensure the agencies that we do need (EPA for example) remain focused on that which they were formed to do. Ensure they stop attempting to engineer society. They are not central planners.
4) No minimum wage - Price controls on wages don't work either and cause far more harm than good.
5) Revise the tax code to one flat tax for every person and corporation that kicks in after X dollars of earnings. No loopholes, no write offs. Do your taxes on a sticky note. Cut IRS staff by 90+%.
6) Reduce government spending - I like the Mack Penny Plan. Look it up. It couldn't be simpler.
7) Amend the Constitution to enact term limits for Federal politicians and judges.
8) Repeal the 17th amendment
9) Scale back military intervention around the world and focus on ensuring the seas and airways are free of piracy and conducive to free trade. Phase out of being the world's policemen while still ensuring that we have the biggest, baddest military the world has ever known so that NO ONE will fuck with us.
10) Repeal laws that punish those that have not hurt nor taken from another. Stated differently, if you haven't infringed on the rights of another, you shouldn't be subject to prosecution.

I have more, but 10 seems a nice round number. It would be a good start, IMO.

I give you props for such a thorough answer, but I am failing to see how those solutions would improve things. Yes less gov spending is good but it wouldn't be enough.

I want to know how exactly those solutions would fix the problems I listed.

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