Pure hypothetical: let's pretend republicans controlled the entire government

How would they fix our economic woes?

How would they fix the following issues:

1) The massive wealth inequality. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth. Economists say this issue will only lead to more economic crises because of our consumer based economy.

2) How will they fix the problem of the significant increase of low wage jobs and the significant decrease of mid to high wage jobs since the 2008 crisis?

3) 95% of income gains going to the top 5% of earners. How will republicans bring higher wages to the rest of us?

4) 15% of the nation's population lives in poverty. How will they fix the issue of poverty.

Let me take a wild guess: MORE tax cuts for the wealthy? :lol: Guess what? That won't do shit. Corporate profits are at an all time already. In fact more tax cuts would only add to our national debt. Deregulation? That won't do shit either. In reality regulations have a very minor effect on job growth.

What else is there? Tell me. How will republicans fix everything? How will they continue the consistent job growth since 2009? What specific POLICIES, not rhetoric, will improve our nation's woes?

here's an even better question since the democrats actually HAVE controlled the entire government, why didn't the address any of the above? now that isn't even hypothetical
How would they fix our economic woes?

How would they fix the following issues:

1) The massive wealth inequality. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth. Economists say this issue will only lead to more economic crises because of our consumer based economy.

2) How will they fix the problem of the significant increase of low wage jobs and the significant decrease of mid to high wage jobs since the 2008 crisis?

3) 95% of income gains going to the top 5% of earners. How will republicans bring higher wages to the rest of us?

4) 15% of the nation's population lives in poverty. How will they fix the issue of poverty.

Let me take a wild guess: MORE tax cuts for the wealthy? :lol: Guess what? That won't do shit. Corporate profits are at an all time already. In fact more tax cuts would only add to our national debt. Deregulation? That won't do shit either. In reality regulations have a very minor effect on job growth.

What else is there? Tell me. How will republicans fix everything? How will they continue the consistent job growth since 2009? What specific POLICIES, not rhetoric, will improve our nation's woes?

All of the problems you listed have been made much worse by Obama. Not opinion...fact. My first step would be to reverse all of Obama's policies. Less regulation...start Keystone....develop our energy resources more aggressively....kill the ACA....and take the Government out of picking winners and losers in the business world.

Oh....and real immigration reform....
Starting with building the fence/wall that has already been authorized by the Congress...and enforcing the laws already on the books.
How would they fix our economic woes?

How would they fix the following issues:

1) The massive wealth inequality. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth. Economists say this issue will only lead to more economic crises because of our consumer based economy.

2) How will they fix the problem of the significant increase of low wage jobs and the significant decrease of mid to high wage jobs since the 2008 crisis?

3) 95% of income gains going to the top 5% of earners. How will republicans bring higher wages to the rest of us?

4) 15% of the nation's population lives in poverty. How will they fix the issue of poverty.

Let me take a wild guess: MORE tax cuts for the wealthy? :lol: Guess what? That won't do shit. Corporate profits are at an all time already. In fact more tax cuts would only add to our national debt. Deregulation? That won't do shit either. In reality regulations have a very minor effect on job growth.

What else is there? Tell me. How will republicans fix everything? How will they continue the consistent job growth since 2009? What specific POLICIES, not rhetoric, will improve our nation's woes?

All of the problems you listed have been made much worse by Obama. Not opinion...fact. My first step would be to reverse all of Obama's policies. Less regulation...start Keystone....develop our energy resources more aggressively....kill the ACA....and take the Government out of picking winners and losers in the business world.

Oh....and real immigration reform....
Starting with building the fence/wall that has already been authorized by the Congress...and enforcing the laws already on the books.
I think Mexico should be penalized by 1 square mile of land for every 200 immigrants it sent over the border, which is approximately their fair share of Mexico that Mexico didn't give them. We can't just produce landfill for 12,000,000 human beings overnight. That's just crazy. Make them pay in land for their refusal to take care of their own.
Pure hypothetical: let's pretend republicans controlled the entire government

Shouldn't this be in your nightmare thread?

So far these answers are pretty lame. Most of you are saying "get government out of our lives" yet you are not giving any specifics or how exactly that solution would fix the woes I listed.

Cutting spending is a good answer, however, it wouldn't be enough. It also doesn't make sense to say cutting taxes since that would only add to our debt.

Corporate profits are at an all time high. Deregulation and cutting taxes wouldn't do shit.

People helping people would fix more problems than government doing it or mandating it.

Private enterprise can accomplish more, with less cost, than your favorite Uncle (or Nanny, whichever you prefer).

Government, and their regulations, is at the root of any and every national woe you can name

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