Pure hypothetical: let's pretend republicans controlled the entire government

How would they fix our economic woes?

How would they fix the following issues:

Can't speak for Republicans; I'm a libertarian, but I can share how I would HOPE either party would help to improve the economy.

Given that this inequality you so abhor has increased under Democrat rule, we can rule out the status quo approach. Given that wealth inequality was LESS during the so called "Robber Barron" days, we know that the Progressive ideas did more harm than good.

So, how about we get government the fuck out of the way? After all, before all this central planning, America saw more poor become middle class and more middle class become rich than at any point in the history of the world...and yes, there was far less wealth inequity than we have today, after over 100 years of Progressive ideas.

So yea, less collectivism, more free markets.

That's easy. Stop meddling in markets so that job creators can, you know, create jobs. Ease back on burdensome regulations, healthcare requirements tied to jobs, wage manipulations, and the highest corporate tax rate in the world...all of which suppress job growth.

See points 1 and 2 above.

First and foremost, get rid of the minimum wage so that the most vulnerable among us are not prevented from working at all. The young, elderly, inexperience and the simple man whose skills do not warrant the minimum imposed wage are forced on the dole, which means poverty. The minimum wage is cruel to the uneducated and simple. We should stop that.

On top of that, see points 1 and 2.

Of course, let's be realistic about what "poverty" really is. America's poor are RICH by world standards. Until you've seen poverty in Africa, parts of Asia or the middle east as I have, you haven't a clue what real poverty is.

Nope. More tax cuts for EVERYONE. Live within our means. Stop trying to redistribute our way to prosperity. That has never worked. Again, get the government the fuck out of the way and let free people, making voluntary choices, build the economy and create jobs. That's what America has always done best, despite the meddling from central planners.

This may be the heart of the issue for you. No one can "fix everything" and you should stop looking to others for such pie-in-the-sky nonsense. It's up to individuals to strive to make themselves as valuable as possible. When that incentive is removed, we see the very problems you lament. More of the same shit that caused the problems in the first place isn't the answer.

How will they continue the consistent job growth since 2009? What specific POLICIES, not rhetoric, will improve our nation's woes?

1) End the Fed - Inflation is the most regressive tax of them all. It hurts the poor and common man more than anything. No more central price controls of any kind.
2) Dissolve most of the alphabet soup of government agencies that are doing more harm than good. I can give you a specific list if you like.
3) Ensure the agencies that we do need (EPA for example) remain focused on that which they were formed to do. Ensure they stop attempting to engineer society. They are not central planners.
4) No minimum wage - Price controls on wages don't work either and cause far more harm than good.
5) Revise the tax code to one flat tax for every person and corporation that kicks in after X dollars of earnings. No loopholes, no write offs. Do your taxes on a sticky note. Cut IRS staff by 90+%.
6) Reduce government spending - I like the Mack Penny Plan. Look it up. It couldn't be simpler.
7) Amend the Constitution to enact term limits for Federal politicians and judges.
8) Repeal the 17th amendment
9) Scale back military intervention around the world and focus on ensuring the seas and airways are free of piracy and conducive to free trade. Phase out of being the world's policemen while still ensuring that we have the biggest, baddest military the world has ever known so that NO ONE will fuck with us.
10) Repeal laws that punish those that have not hurt nor taken from another. Stated differently, if you haven't infringed on the rights of another, you shouldn't be subject to prosecution.

I have more, but 10 seems a nice round number. It would be a good start, IMO.

I give you props for such a thorough answer, but I am failing to see how those solutions would improve things. Yes less gov spending is good but it wouldn't be enough.

I want to know how exactly those solutions would fix the problems I listed.

Don't know what to say about that. Read more economic history I guess...preferably not written by a Progressive and not restricted to the last few decades. There is much to learn from the history of central planning. There is even more to learn from the American experiment that shunned that kind of tyranny. Anyway, I gave you specific recommendations that are proven solutions to the problems you mentioned. That's all I'm willing to put forth at this point.
Can't speak for Republicans; I'm a libertarian, but I can share how I would HOPE either party would help to improve the economy.

Given that this inequality you so abhor has increased under Democrat rule, we can rule out the status quo approach. Given that wealth inequality was LESS during the so called "Robber Barron" days, we know that the Progressive ideas did more harm than good.

So, how about we get government the fuck out of the way? After all, before all this central planning, America saw more poor become middle class and more middle class become rich than at any point in the history of the world...and yes, there was far less wealth inequity than we have today, after over 100 years of Progressive ideas.

So yea, less collectivism, more free markets.

That's easy. Stop meddling in markets so that job creators can, you know, create jobs. Ease back on burdensome regulations, healthcare requirements tied to jobs, wage manipulations, and the highest corporate tax rate in the world...all of which suppress job growth.

See points 1 and 2 above.

First and foremost, get rid of the minimum wage so that the most vulnerable among us are not prevented from working at all. The young, elderly, inexperience and the simple man whose skills do not warrant the minimum imposed wage are forced on the dole, which means poverty. The minimum wage is cruel to the uneducated and simple. We should stop that.

On top of that, see points 1 and 2.

Of course, let's be realistic about what "poverty" really is. America's poor are RICH by world standards. Until you've seen poverty in Africa, parts of Asia or the middle east as I have, you haven't a clue what real poverty is.

Nope. More tax cuts for EVERYONE. Live within our means. Stop trying to redistribute our way to prosperity. That has never worked. Again, get the government the fuck out of the way and let free people, making voluntary choices, build the economy and create jobs. That's what America has always done best, despite the meddling from central planners.

This may be the heart of the issue for you. No one can "fix everything" and you should stop looking to others for such pie-in-the-sky nonsense. It's up to individuals to strive to make themselves as valuable as possible. When that incentive is removed, we see the very problems you lament. More of the same shit that caused the problems in the first place isn't the answer.

1) End the Fed - Inflation is the most regressive tax of them all. It hurts the poor and common man more than anything. No more central price controls of any kind.
2) Dissolve most of the alphabet soup of government agencies that are doing more harm than good. I can give you a specific list if you like.
3) Ensure the agencies that we do need (EPA for example) remain focused on that which they were formed to do. Ensure they stop attempting to engineer society. They are not central planners.
4) No minimum wage - Price controls on wages don't work either and cause far more harm than good.
5) Revise the tax code to one flat tax for every person and corporation that kicks in after X dollars of earnings. No loopholes, no write offs. Do your taxes on a sticky note. Cut IRS staff by 90+%.
6) Reduce government spending - I like the Mack Penny Plan. Look it up. It couldn't be simpler.
7) Amend the Constitution to enact term limits for Federal politicians and judges.
8) Repeal the 17th amendment
9) Scale back military intervention around the world and focus on ensuring the seas and airways are free of piracy and conducive to free trade. Phase out of being the world's policemen while still ensuring that we have the biggest, baddest military the world has ever known so that NO ONE will fuck with us.
10) Repeal laws that punish those that have not hurt nor taken from another. Stated differently, if you haven't infringed on the rights of another, you shouldn't be subject to prosecution.

I have more, but 10 seems a nice round number. It would be a good start, IMO.

I give you props for such a thorough answer, but I am failing to see how those solutions would improve things. Yes less gov spending is good but it wouldn't be enough.

I want to know how exactly those solutions would fix the problems I listed.

Don't know what to say about that. Read more economic history I guess...preferably not written by a Progressive and not restricted to the last few decades. There is much to learn from the history of central planning. There is even more to learn from the American experiment that shunned that kind of tyranny. Anyway, I gave you specific recommendations that are proven solutions to the problems you mentioned. That's all I'm willing to put forth at this point.

Okay but the entire point you are driving at is more freedom in the market right? I would contend it already has plenty. Like I said, corporate profits are at an all time high.

How would you fix the issue of so many low wage jobs? Less labor means more profit for the private system. The system is already exactly how they want it.
Okay but the entire point you are driving at is more freedom in the market right?

Yes. Free people making voluntary choices.

I would contend it already has plenty.

I would strongly disagree. Central planners, even with the best of intentions, inevitably do harm than free people making voluntary choices. Government should focus on those that have actually infringed on the rights of others. They should stop attempting to engineer society into some unattainable utopia, which is the exactly the reason we have over 17 trillion of debt, flat wages, lost jobs, etc.

Like I said, corporate profits are at an all time high.

And that money is sitting on the sideline for the very reasons I mentioned. The incentives to invest, to expand, to grow the economy are stifled by government meddling. Get out of the way and watch those profits put people to work.

How would you fix the issue of so many low wage jobs? Less labor means more profit for the private system.

By growing the economy. The more jobs that are created, the more low, medium and high paying jobs will be created. I've already stated how to grow the economy.

The system is already exactly how they want it.

Not sure who you mean by "they", but you're wrong! NOBODY is happy with the current system, with the possible exception of the banks and other industries that are supported and assured of bailouts by other people's money. Businesses seek profit, yes, but they also seek GROWTH. In today's economy, with all the meddling and uncertainty about which laws will be enforced, which agencies will pounce on political enemies and what new laws and taxes will be passed, there is a profound hesitancy to invest in the future. If government made changes to let businesses do their thing, we'd see what EVERYONE wants...a growing economy, more jobs, more income...in a word, prosperity.

And, just to be clear, that doesn't mean dirty water and child labor!!!
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How would they fix our economic woes?

How would they fix the following issues:

1) The massive wealth inequality. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth. Economists say this issue will only lead to more economic crises because of our consumer based economy.

2) How will they fix the problem of the significant increase of low wage jobs and the significant decrease of mid to high wage jobs since the 2008 crisis?

3) 95% of income gains going to the top 5% of earners. How will republicans bring higher wages to the rest of us?

4) 15% of the nation's population lives in poverty. How will they fix the issue of poverty.

Let me take a wild guess: MORE tax cuts for the wealthy? :lol: Guess what? That won't do shit. Corporate profits are at an all time already. In fact more tax cuts would only add to our national debt. Deregulation? That won't do shit either. In reality regulations have a very minor effect on job growth.

What else is there? Tell me. How will republicans fix everything? How will they continue the consistent job growth since 2009? What specific POLICIES, not rhetoric, will improve our nation's woes?

IMHO, Republicans don't care one whit about fixing the problems you mentioned.

My take is that they're perfectly happy if the US became a low(er) wage haven where most Americans made little more than a subsistence livelihood while ever greater profits continued to flow upward to people and companies that would continue to fund that status quo approach by funding conservative candidates. Those conservative candidates would continue to blame liberals for any and all economic problems (which their base would readily accept as gospel) while they also ran on social issues as elections neared.

Meanwhile, the Unions, which are traditional supporters of Democratic candidates, would continue to be decimated by a drop in union jobs and union membership, thereby weakening the funding base for Democrats. Considering recent Supreme Court rulings, the disparity in campaign financing between the two political parties could make the difference in the end since advertising saturation tends to swing close elections, while many if not most districts are no longer competitive due to increased gerrymandering, the market segmentation of voters, and targeted voter suppression.

The question of whether this strategy can ultimately withstand a demographic shift in this country is open for debate. But my guess is that Republicans are betting that as the demographic shift gets more pronounced, white voters who previously were more inclined to vote for Democrats or were at least open to voting for Democratic candidates will ultimately gravitate toward the Republican Party in much the same way that most people and groups tend to self-indentify and self-segregate based on race, age, income, education, etc as cities and neighborhood distributions indicate.
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Okay but the entire point you are driving at is more freedom in the market right?

Yes. Free people making voluntary choices.

I would contend it already has plenty.

I would strongly disagree. Central planners, even with the best of intentions, inevitably do harm than free people making voluntary choices. Government should focus on those that have actually infringed on the rights of others. They should stop attempting to engineer society into some unattainable utopia, which is the exactly the reason we have over 17 trillion of debt, flat wages, lost jobs, etc.

And that money is sitting on the sideline for the very reasons I mentioned. The incentives to invest, to expand, to grow the economy are stifled by government meddling. Get out of the way and watch those profits put people to work.

How would you fix the issue of so many low wage jobs? Less labor means more profit for the private system.

By growing the economy. The more jobs that are created, the more low, medium and high paying jobs will be created. I've already stated how to grow the economy.

The system is already exactly how they want it.

Not sure who you mean by "they", but you're wrong! NOBODY is happy with the current system, with the possible exception of the banks and other industries that are supported and assured of bailouts by other people's money. Businesses seek profit, yes, but they also seek GROWTH. In today's economy, with all the meddling and uncertainty about which laws will be enforced, which agencies will pounce on political enemies and what new laws and taxes will be passed, there is a profound hesitancy to invest in the future. If government made changes to let businesses do their thing, we'd see what EVERYONE wants...a growing economy, more jobs, more income...in a word, prosperity.

And, just to be clear, that doesn't mean dirty water and child labor!!!

What specific government meddling is impeding investment? Corporate profit is the entire point is it not? It seems like non sense they wouldnt be investing. If corporate profits are higher than they were in the early 2000s, why were economic times better back then?
the loser left actually believes the Republicans control the entire government!1
just listen to their pathetic crybaby excuses for their failures.
or that Dems controlled ALL THREE PARTS OF THE LAW-MAKING PROCESS for all of obama's first two years

pathetic left-wing sissies start crying that their majority of BOTH CHAMBERS of Congress wasnt big ENOUGH1 ( it was BIGGER FROM DAY ONE; than Bush's Republican majority EVER was at ANY point)

libs are crybaby sissies and excuse-makers
Government legislation is the ONLY way to fix our problems.

So we must have government mandate certain behaviors in order for us to succeed?

That is a sad commentary.

Seems to me we were at our most successful back when we had a smaller, shorter-reaching government

This is the biggest flaw of the progs.. that nothing can be fixed without government... person is hungry, government must feed them... person won't work, government must pay them... somebody did something stupid and got hurt, government must protect every last person because of the stupidity of 1...

You do realize republicans are part of the government right?
How would they fix our economic woes?

How would they fix the following issues:

1) The massive wealth inequality. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth. Economists say this issue will only lead to more economic crises because of our consumer based economy.

2) How will they fix the problem of the significant increase of low wage jobs and the significant decrease of mid to high wage jobs since the 2008 crisis?

3) 95% of income gains going to the top 5% of earners. How will republicans bring higher wages to the rest of us?

4) 15% of the nation's population lives in poverty. How will they fix the issue of poverty.

Let me take a wild guess: MORE tax cuts for the wealthy? :lol: Guess what? That won't do shit. Corporate profits are at an all time already. In fact more tax cuts would only add to our national debt. Deregulation? That won't do shit either. In reality regulations have a very minor effect on job growth.

What else is there? Tell me. How will republicans fix everything? How will they continue the consistent job growth since 2009? What specific POLICIES, not rhetoric, will improve our nation's woes?

Republicans are pretty similar to Democrats.

Go back to the period of 1800-1807 to imagine what America would like under a free economy. And leave slavery out of the discussion please, because that was a government instituted policy.
How would they fix our economic woes?

How would they fix the following issues:

1) The massive wealth inequality. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth. Economists say this issue will only lead to more economic crises because of our consumer based economy.

2) How will they fix the problem of the significant increase of low wage jobs and the significant decrease of mid to high wage jobs since the 2008 crisis?

3) 95% of income gains going to the top 5% of earners. How will republicans bring higher wages to the rest of us?

4) 15% of the nation's population lives in poverty. How will they fix the issue of poverty.

Let me take a wild guess: MORE tax cuts for the wealthy? :lol: Guess what? That won't do shit. Corporate profits are at an all time already. In fact more tax cuts would only add to our national debt. Deregulation? That won't do shit either. In reality regulations have a very minor effect on job growth.

What else is there? Tell me. How will republicans fix everything? How will they continue the consistent job growth since 2009? What specific POLICIES, not rhetoric, will improve our nation's woes?

What, your dear leader not going to fix that shit on the way out the door, so much for him being your messiah.
How would they fix our economic woes?

How would they fix the following issues:

1) The massive wealth inequality. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth. Economists say this issue will only lead to more economic crises because of our consumer based economy.

2) How will they fix the problem of the significant increase of low wage jobs and the significant decrease of mid to high wage jobs since the 2008 crisis?

3) 95% of income gains going to the top 5% of earners. How will republicans bring higher wages to the rest of us?

4) 15% of the nation's population lives in poverty. How will they fix the issue of poverty.

Let me take a wild guess: MORE tax cuts for the wealthy? :lol: Guess what? That won't do shit. Corporate profits are at an all time already. In fact more tax cuts would only add to our national debt. Deregulation? That won't do shit either. In reality regulations have a very minor effect on job growth.

What else is there? Tell me. How will republicans fix everything? How will they continue the consistent job growth since 2009? What specific POLICIES, not rhetoric, will improve our nation's woes?

What, your dear leader not going to fix that shit on the way out the door, so much for him being your messiah.

Well see you people are against any government intervention on the market so how could Obama fix those problems? He did try to raise the miminum wage remember?
Yes lets pretend the Republicans spent 500$ Billion not on Green Energy, Solar Farms, Wind Farms, Geothermal plants like the Democrats did, but lets pretend Republicans are in charge and spent that money on Nuclear Power Plants. Lets also pretend they are not Republicans but Conservatives because there are a lot of shitty Republicans like Boehner.

Westinghouse's AP1000 is the modern Nuclear Equivalent of a Model T, a simple economical design.

Conservative control will allow for mass production of the AP1000, 500$ billion guaranteed by the USA will attract and equal investment from the private sector.

1$ Trillion dollars thus will be spent on Nuclear Power in the USA.

The current Green Energy Policy has resulted in Corn feed for Beef being diverted to fuel for the new Heavy Industry, Green Energy Ethanol, Renewable they say. The price of Beef has more than doubled under current Green Energy Policies.

Gas prices are at record highs, Diesel fuel at an astronomical record high for the longest period in history.

Instead of doing anything to reverse this problem, the Government Green Energy policies have exacerbated the problem, as the price of fuel rose, industry massively increased production of raw materials into the largest structures on the largest scale History will ever see, Millions of Wind Turbines, Millions of Solar Panels, they stretch for miles, hundreds of miles, constant building for over 30 years and never enough to put a dent in the need for even more, even bigger structures to attempt to catch that pesky wind, which is literally blowing right pass the wind farms.

So with 1$ Trillion the Conservatives will have to spend on Nuclear Power, the AP1000, on such a scale we will be able to build 200 AP1000's.

60% of our power can easily become available if the government gets out of the way with Conservative Control.

By why stop here, Conservatives will mandate all AP1000's be manufactured in the USA, revitalizing the Steel Industry.

Conservatives will also reverse the backwards course Green/Renewable energy has steered our Universities, instead research will be focused on real solutions to pollution by improving Clean Coal Technologies, we will lead by example and rebuild Coal Power Plants, this new Generation of Clean Coal will be used domestically, and be an export. Coal will also compete with Nuclear power, driving the cost down to the consumer.

Green Energy has dominated politics too long, it seems simple but its tentacles are of the Sierra Club, Radical Courts, out of control government bueacrisies.

We will use our Universities as centers for teaching practical solutions to advancing technology and industry so that our children have a rich life. Under the Democrats the price of an education is an extreme expense. Government control of Universities must stop, we can not afford it.

Conservatives will reduce taxes to 10% of one dollar, when it was spent, forever ending the Federal and States source of power, the power to tax.

No IRS spying on Americans incomes, billions of hours and dollars saved not reporting to the two separate governments by April 15th every year.

A tax impossible to change, that frees Americans from the dictatorial whip of the dozens of taxes we are forced to pay today.

Cheap Power, Cheap Steel, Cheap Textiles, Cheap Food, non-intrusive governments, small limited government.

Let industry and manufacturing grow in the USA, let immigration flow into the USA, let Asian's make the computers in downtown Los Angeles, not in Taiwan, China and Korea, We would let them move entire populations, Millions move to Los Angeles to work in a new modern Computer Manufacturing Industry.

Conservatives are the first to be Scientists, that is real Scientists, not this phony career students who call themselves scientist who do nothing but tell us that Dry Ice contributes to Global Warming, (dry ice is pure CO2).

Conservatives will bring real Science back, Like that Super Collider that Bill Clinton sent to Europe (so to speak).

So much can be done with real leaders in Government, this is not about the Democrats or Republicans.

Its about us people who want to live a life without a Dictator for a Government backed by a Media who does nothing but make people hate one another.

Its the morons who constantly start threads in which the title is a hate based political insult. Moron as one with lesser intelligence, for it is the moron who has fallen for the propaganda that pits american against american.

We would be better off if we did not pick sides and just allowed to work, but like the pilgrims found, some do not like to work, hence we have lawyers, bloated courts, environmentalists, politicians, bureaucracy, bloated nonfunctioning schools, so many positions within government that may be a job, but a job we can all do without or a job the private sector should be doing, not the government.

so keep up the fighting, its what morons do, its what the government need you to do, so they can be fat and rich, and you can be poor and stupid, and anyone who can not afford two separate two week vacations, anywhere in the World, today, that is a poor a person.

Today is the worst day in the USA I have seen, in my 50 years of life nothing has been so expensive as the food, gas never more expensive, everything is an extreme.

our government has failed
How would they fix our economic woes?

How would they fix the following issues:

1) The massive wealth inequality. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth. Economists say this issue will only lead to more economic crises because of our consumer based economy.

2) How will they fix the problem of the significant increase of low wage jobs and the significant decrease of mid to high wage jobs since the 2008 crisis?

3) 95% of income gains going to the top 5% of earners. How will republicans bring higher wages to the rest of us?

4) 15% of the nation's population lives in poverty. How will they fix the issue of poverty.

Let me take a wild guess: MORE tax cuts for the wealthy? :lol: Guess what? That won't do shit. Corporate profits are at an all time already. In fact more tax cuts would only add to our national debt. Deregulation? That won't do shit either. In reality regulations have a very minor effect on job growth.

What else is there? Tell me. How will republicans fix everything? How will they continue the consistent job growth since 2009? What specific POLICIES, not rhetoric, will improve our nation's woes?

All of the problems you listed have been made much worse by Obama. Not opinion...fact. My first step would be to reverse all of Obama's policies. Less regulation...start Keystone....develop our energy resources more aggressively....kill the ACA....and take the Government out of picking winners and losers in the business world.

Oh....and real immigration reform....
How would they fix our economic woes?

How would they fix the following issues:

1) The massive wealth inequality. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth. Economists say this issue will only lead to more economic crises because of our consumer based economy.

2) How will they fix the problem of the significant increase of low wage jobs and the significant decrease of mid to high wage jobs since the 2008 crisis?

3) 95% of income gains going to the top 5% of earners. How will republicans bring higher wages to the rest of us?

4) 15% of the nation's population lives in poverty. How will they fix the issue of poverty.

Let me take a wild guess: MORE tax cuts for the wealthy? :lol: Guess what? That won't do shit. Corporate profits are at an all time already. In fact more tax cuts would only add to our national debt. Deregulation? That won't do shit either. In reality regulations have a very minor effect on job growth.

What else is there? Tell me. How will republicans fix everything? How will they continue the consistent job growth since 2009? What specific POLICIES, not rhetoric, will improve our nation's woes?

What, your dear leader not going to fix that shit on the way out the door, so much for him being your messiah.

Well see you people are against any government intervention on the market so how could Obama fix those problems? He did try to raise the miminum wage remember?

Your generalizations continue.. because you have nothing

And it has been shown to you before, troll, that raising the minimum wage raises the floor or arbitrary numeric value... those making slightly more will ask for more money as they do not want to be paid as the lowest rung are, those above them want raises to, and the cascade effect happens.. it changes a value, not the fact that there will still be those at the bottom.. though now also more unemployed and with higher inflation as costs rise...

Idiot troll
So we must have government mandate certain behaviors in order for us to succeed?

That is a sad commentary.

Seems to me we were at our most successful back when we had a smaller, shorter-reaching government

This is the biggest flaw of the progs.. that nothing can be fixed without government... person is hungry, government must feed them... person won't work, government must pay them... somebody did something stupid and got hurt, government must protect every last person because of the stupidity of 1...

You do realize republicans are part of the government right?

Did I say they were not?? It is the prog way, not the conservative way, to think that government is what is needed to solve all problems including personal ones
Funny as shit to read some of these "ideas" of betterment for all. Get rid of welfare? The EPA? Fuck is wrong with some of you right wing wackos?

Hey, here is a thought. Instead of believing that the ultra wealthy who run this country are interested in doing ANYTHING that would slow the acquisition of wealth and power for themselves, why not ask WHY the ultra wealthy would change a single thing. Unless it was to lower their taxes again.

The plutocrats have worked long and hard to put the system we have in place. Why would they be interested in change?

Other than as a red meat talking point to their base supporters.
By getting the government out of our lives.

Or do you think the government is helping you by making you work until April to pay it off?

Since when has the GOP helped government get out of our lives?

Do give an example please.

What we now have is a collectivist nation where the federal government dictates everything to us regarding such things as what doctor we see, what kind of light bulb we use, or even what kind of biggie soda we are allowed to consume.

Now we vote for the most benevolent dictator we can find. Good luck with that.

As for myself, I support amending the Constitution through the states under Article V. Power needs to be given back to the states by the states rising up and demanding it be given back. That way we need not elect any more benevolent dictators.
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Funny as shit to read some of these "ideas" of betterment for all. Get rid of welfare? The EPA? Fuck is wrong with some of you right wing wackos?

Hey, here is a thought. Instead of believing that the ultra wealthy who run this country are interested in doing ANYTHING that would slow the acquisition of wealth and power for themselves, why not ask WHY the ultra wealthy would change a single thing. Unless it was to lower their taxes again.

The plutocrats have worked long and hard to put the system we have in place. Why would they be interested in change?

Other than as a red meat talking point to their base supporters.

Ahhh.. the jealous prog comes out

What others are interested in should be no concern.. not that you can pretend to know what they are interested in

Funny how you complain about lowering taxes for some who would still pay a higher rate than you.. I guess you just LOVE equality in treatment, right??!!?? :rolleyes:

The only change you want is to take more from those you are jealous of to give more to you or the causes you like... plunder.. Robin Hood Syndrome
Okay but the entire point you are driving at is more freedom in the market right?

Yes. Free people making voluntary choices.

I would strongly disagree. Central planners, even with the best of intentions, inevitably do harm than free people making voluntary choices. Government should focus on those that have actually infringed on the rights of others. They should stop attempting to engineer society into some unattainable utopia, which is the exactly the reason we have over 17 trillion of debt, flat wages, lost jobs, etc.

And that money is sitting on the sideline for the very reasons I mentioned. The incentives to invest, to expand, to grow the economy are stifled by government meddling. Get out of the way and watch those profits put people to work.

By growing the economy. The more jobs that are created, the more low, medium and high paying jobs will be created. I've already stated how to grow the economy.

The system is already exactly how they want it.

Not sure who you mean by "they", but you're wrong! NOBODY is happy with the current system, with the possible exception of the banks and other industries that are supported and assured of bailouts by other people's money. Businesses seek profit, yes, but they also seek GROWTH. In today's economy, with all the meddling and uncertainty about which laws will be enforced, which agencies will pounce on political enemies and what new laws and taxes will be passed, there is a profound hesitancy to invest in the future. If government made changes to let businesses do their thing, we'd see what EVERYONE wants...a growing economy, more jobs, more income...in a word, prosperity.

And, just to be clear, that doesn't mean dirty water and child labor!!!

What specific government meddling is impeding investment?

For one, the thousands upon thousands of new pages of regulations that hundreds of bureaucracies impose each and every year...and that's on top of the gigantic pile of regulations that already exit. The bureaucrats are OUT OF CONTROL. Secondly, the every changing and unequally enforced tax code with the constant threats of ever higher tax rates...not to mention the highest corporate tax rates in the world. Third, the relentless and constant onslaught of inflation imposed by the Federal reserve. Fourth, the insane level of government spending and subsequent debt that everyone understands will come to bite us in the ass at some point. Government spending was really bad in the past but has skyrocketed over the last several years to obscene levels. Our credit rating has been downgraded because of it and there is no sign it will stop. Next, the ongoing and seemingly endless military interventions that suck resources and help to create uncertainty in international trade. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, is less meddling and more a lack of a clear vision for the country. The current leadership (not just the President, but the whole lot of 'em), seem to flounder from one bullshit crisis to the next in such a way that instills a lack of confidence about the future. Without a clear vision and confidence in an organization, or a country, resources tend to find their way to alternative investments.

Corporate profit is the entire point is it not?

No, absolutely not. Growth is the other side of the profit coin. Making profit is first, but once you've done so, the decision to invest is going to be directed where the greatest growth opportunities exist. Right now, that's not America.

It seems like non sense they wouldnt be investing. If corporate profits are higher than they were in the early 2000s, why were economic times better back then?

Because the issues I described above were far less of a concern. Still a concern, but less so when compared with other countries and other investment opportunities. We had confidence in the future, we had a reasonable vision for the future and we weren't thinking the government was against us, which many business leaders, for good reason, do today. There was a reasonable level of confidence that things wouldn't change dramatically with regard to government oversight as there is today. There seemed to be a more business friendly outlook with regard to business and a more even handed application of laws and regulations. Tax rates were lower. Bailouts weren't so common. Taxpayer money was always wasted by government, but NOTHING like today. Businesses always feared the IRS for their ability to cause pain if you weren't able to follow all these insane tax laws, but now they go after the President's enemies...that's a whole new level of evil. Bottom line, we had confidence in the future of America. Today, not so much.
By getting the government out of our lives.

Or do you think the government is helping you by making you work until April to pay it off?

I am asking for specifics. What policies are you referring to and why would they fix out nation's problems.

Decentralizing power, lowering taxes, cutting spending, eliminated unnecessary regulation and bureaucracy are policies.

Pretending they aren't is just your ways of acting is you are the only one who has solutions. you're just lying to yourself.
Well see you people are against any government intervention on the market so how could Obama fix those problems? He did try to raise the miminum wage remember?

First, we're not against all government intervention in markets. The courts are a fine thing. Ensuring those that take from or hurt others are punished accordingly requires government intervention. Equal justice is a good thing. What's happened over the decades and particularly the last few years goes far beyond equal justice. It's central planners trying to engineer society and as always, doing more harm than good. How to fix the problems? Get the fuck out of the way and let the people grow the economy. We're good at that.

Secondly, raising the minimum wage is one example of the problem. It may be good for a few union workers, but overall it causes business expenses and retail prices to rise, it means less investments in the future, more automation, and more outsourcing. Most importantly, it prevents the most vulnerable among us (the young, the elderly, the uneducated, the simple, etc) from working at all. It forces them on the dole, further draining resources from taxpayers and businesses. Stop trying to fix problems through central planners...that would be the first step.

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