Put the blame where it belongs


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2013
""The head of the Republican Teahadists Party just blamed Obama for her son's heinous, drunken actions of domestic abuse assaulting his girl friend with an AR-15. It's Obama's fault, she says, for giving her son PTSD in Iraq. She may wish to revisit that since W sent him to Iraq and not Obama.

But, I rather doubt that Track got PTSD since his job in Iraq was serving as bartender in the local unauthorized Officers' Club and mediating craps and other games of chance. If he got PTSD it would be because he has a mother who screeches and barks like a Pekingese puppy and not from a vacation in the ME.

It might serve her and her family well if the comely and lovely Ms. Palin took responsibility for her son's reprehensible behavior."" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Thanks to mrb
She didn't blame Iraq, she blamed his treatment upon his return, dumbfuck.
Which is also attributable to REPUBLICANS because they loudly proclaim they " support our troops " until it comes time to PAY UP and then the DEADBEAT REPUBLICANS do the same thing they always do --- SKIP OUT.

The REPUBLICANS continously cut funding for the VA and then blame the VA when it does a lousy job.
She didn't blame Iraq, she blamed his treatment upon his return, dumbfuck.
Which is also attributable to REPUBLICANS because they loudly proclaim they " support our troops " until it comes time to PAY UP and then the DEADBEAT REPUBLICANS do the same thing they always do --- SKIP OUT.

The REPUBLICANS continously cut funding for the VA and then blame the VA when it does a lousy job.

Senate approves VA funding for fiscal 2016
She didn't blame Iraq, she blamed his treatment upon his return, dumbfuck.
Which is also attributable to REPUBLICANS because they loudly proclaim they " support our troops " until it comes time to PAY UP and then the DEADBEAT REPUBLICANS do the same thing they always do --- SKIP OUT.

The REPUBLICANS continously cut funding for the VA and then blame the VA when it does a lousy job.

Obama cut $10B from the VA budget in 2015.
She didn't blame Iraq, she blamed his treatment upon his return, dumbfuck.

And did Obama change the treatment soldiers who came back from Iraq got?

Yes, he did. Bush visited soldiers frequently and was very supportive. Obama has used the military for political advantage or deflection from his poor management.

Visiting soldiers doesn't stop them getting problems! What did Obama take away from US soldiers, where before Obama made this change these soldiers would not have had these problems, but after Obama made these changes, these problems suddenly came to light?


These suicide figures went up from 2001 when Bush took over, and more than doubled in his time in office.


The number of soldiers with PTSD rose from 2003 onwards, hardly surprising is it? Then it looks like they dropped in 2012. Clearly that's because of Obama's sudden change in the way he did things and made everything worse..... or maybe not. Funny how the number of those who were deployed went up massively. Must have been all that support Bush was giving the troops, hey?
She didn't blame Iraq, she blamed his treatment upon his return, dumbfuck.
Which is also attributable to REPUBLICANS because they loudly proclaim they " support our troops " until it comes time to PAY UP and then the DEADBEAT REPUBLICANS do the same thing they always do --- SKIP OUT.

The REPUBLICANS continously cut funding for the VA and then blame the VA when it does a lousy job.

Senate approves VA funding for fiscal 2016
You know damn well that < in the past > the REPUBLICANS continously cut the budget for the VA. Just because they approved a small increase for NEXT year ( after all the hell that has been raised ) doesn't mean they didn't do exactly what I said they did.
""The head of the Republican Teahadists Party just blamed Obama for her son's heinous, drunken actions of domestic abuse assaulting his girl friend with an AR-15. It's Obama's fault, she says, for giving her son PTSD in Iraq. She may wish to revisit that since W sent him to Iraq and not Obama.

But, I rather doubt that Track got PTSD since his job in Iraq was serving as bartender in the local unauthorized Officers' Club and mediating craps and other games of chance. If he got PTSD it would be because he has a mother who screeches and barks like a Pekingese puppy and not from a vacation in the ME.

It might serve her and her family well if the comely and lovely Ms. Palin took responsibility for her son's reprehensible behavior."" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Thanks to mrb
OMG we're all going to die!!!!!
So when Her old man gets kicked out of the Navy for having a white mustache from coke, is also the presidents fault...??
She didn't blame Iraq, she blamed his treatment upon his return, dumbfuck.
Which is also attributable to REPUBLICANS because they loudly proclaim they " support our troops " until it comes time to PAY UP and then the DEADBEAT REPUBLICANS do the same thing they always do --- SKIP OUT.

The REPUBLICANS continously cut funding for the VA and then blame the VA when it does a lousy job.

Obama cut $10B from the VA budget in 2015.


It was cut by the REPUBLICAN dominated Congress.

He < SIGNED > the bill but he did not CREATE OR PASS THE BILL --- CONGRESS DID THAT.

He probably signed it in order to get something else the country needed because the Republicans have demonstrated time and time again that they want to destroy this countries credit rating. They refuse to pay taxes to pay for their two Bush follies. REPUBLICANS ARE HYPOCRITICAL DEADBEATS who preach " fiscal responsibility " to the poor but refuse to pay their own bills.
Visiting soldiers doesn't stop them getting problems! What did Obama take away from US soldiers, where before Obama made this change these soldiers would not have had these problems, but after Obama made these changes, these problems suddenly came to light?


These suicide figures went up from 2001 when Bush took over, and more than doubled in his time in office.


The number of soldiers with PTSD rose from 2003 onwards, hardly surprising is it? Then it looks like they dropped in 2012. Clearly that's because of Obama's sudden change in the way he did things and made everything worse..... or maybe not. Funny how the number of those who were deployed went up massively. Must have been all that support Bush was giving the troops, hey?

Your PTSD case rate is higher under Obama. It also cuts off 2014 and 2015. We have fewer troops deployed correct? Why so high?

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