Put the blame where it belongs

The military has absolutely zero confidence in the leadership of commander asshat...
The suicide rate in the military reflects current non existent leadership.

Barrys approval rate is less than 15%...

US military morale is reportedly at 'rock bottom' again

Yeah.....they are committing suicide, not as a result of their experience, but because Obama has neglected to send them to Iran, Syria or Iraqnam....
No one joins the armed services not to get deployed, dumbass.

It's the example leadership puts forward, our troops can see right through commander asshat.
Barry knows nothing of military duty and honor... He's a "community organizer" so he knows how to follow orders of his puppet masters and cut and run, like the coward he is.
It's the socialist way...

Make the pile higher!
Visiting soldiers doesn't stop them getting problems! What did Obama take away from US soldiers, where before Obama made this change these soldiers would not have had these problems, but after Obama made these changes, these problems suddenly came to light?


These suicide figures went up from 2001 when Bush took over, and more than doubled in his time in office.


The number of soldiers with PTSD rose from 2003 onwards, hardly surprising is it? Then it looks like they dropped in 2012. Clearly that's because of Obama's sudden change in the way he did things and made everything worse..... or maybe not. Funny how the number of those who were deployed went up massively. Must have been all that support Bush was giving the troops, hey?

Your PTSD case rate is higher under Obama. It also cuts off 2014 and 2015. We have fewer troops deployed correct? Why so high?

The problem you have with such statistics is that PTSD may not be diagnosed straight away.

What is PTSD? - PTSD: National Center for PTSD

PTSD symptoms usually start soon after the traumatic event, but they may not appear until months or years later. They also may come and go over many years. If the symptoms last longer than four weeks, cause you great distress, or interfere with your work or home life, you might have PTSD."

Suicide in the military may be something that is committed by the individual quite a while after they start to develop signs of problems.

Simply saying that they happened under Obama doesn't mean anything to anyone looking for the truth. The reality here is that combat can cause this kind of thing. Saying Bush was caring ignores the reality that Bush sent thousands to their deaths, and even more to injuries, both mental and physical.

Obama has taken over from these wars, he didn't start these wars, he pulled out of one, and stayed in the other.

So to answer your question "why so high?", well, because this isn't instant coffee.

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