Put your vote where your mouth is....Do you support Trump for President?

Do you support Donald Trump for president

  • I'm a Republican and I support Trump for President

  • I'm a Democrat and I support Trump for President

  • I'm neither a Republican nor a Democrat and I support Trump for President

  • I do not support Trump for President

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Well, stop talking and start voting, folks.
I need to be clear with my vote.

I don't support assclowns being Pres, b/c I think it's an incredibly important job and the responsibilities are vast and the consequences of his actions are long lasting. (ex; Wilson got us involved in WW1, now we are stuck over there 100 years later)


I do support him running, he's such an assclown that his entertainment value is really high. Plus he sends leftist into a tizzy, and that's always a good thing.
I support his running, he is going to bring up a lot of points that neither side wants to talk about directly

but I would never vote for him
If the election were held today, I would not vote for anyone who is running now. I keep hoping "someone" will run that I would vote for.
I would never be able to vote for Trump. Every time I would try to select the Trump button, my hands would be shaking so much from laughing so hard, I might accidentally end up voting for Ted Cruz.
Drumpf is a joke, a caricature. He's not really a Republican as much as a Trump-O-Crat which makes the rest of the Clown Car look more sane than they are.

But its mildly entertaining to watch that big ego flopping around. His response to everything is that he's the only one who can do it. He never actually answers a real question. I'm looking forward to seeing him refuse to answer any questions during the debate and the low info types agree with him. My bet is, the less he actually says, the more they'll agree with him.
The Democratic National Committee released a video Thursday morning mocking the GOP presidential candidates as the “Retrumplican Party” on immigration policy. The video is a mash-up of Donald Trump airing various positions on immigration reform, int ... (The Hill)
I'm looking forward to seeing him refuse to answer any questions during the debate and the low info types agree with him. My bet is, the less he actually says, the more they'll agree with him.
Yep. He is a teabagger's wet dream.
If I am to take this poll seriously

No Republican is voting for Trump!! It is a ruse to keep critics of their candidate from being attacked.

Sneaky Republicans-- We know you love Bush III
Not going to vote for Trump.

Only Republican I could vote for is Rand Paul, on the issue of government spying and the TPP.

Though since it seems like it is going to be Sanders vs Hillary, I changed my party affiliation to Democrat - just so that I have a chance to vote against Hillary in the primaries*.

*Obviously because Clinton is establishment, owned by wall street (like Bush and Obama) and doesn't offer anything new or beneficial.

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