Putin kills 298 people while r-wingers admire him here and elect him President.

Putin's goons shoot down an airliner and kill 298 people while R-wingers man crush on Putin continues unabated on this board and elsewhere. Carry on Comrades!

U.S. accuses Russia in downing of plane - CNN.com

Kiev, Ukraine (CNN) -- A senior U.S. diplomat pointed the finger Friday at pro-Russian rebels in the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in Ukraine, an act that killed 298 people.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power told an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council that the plane was "likely downed by a surface-to-air missile ... operated from a separatist-held location in eastern Ukraine." If pro-Russian separatists are responsible for shooting down the plane with a missile, investigators can't rule out the possibility that Russia offered help to operate the system, she said.

I'm Tea-Partyish in my basic thinking but I'm no fan of Putin. Why? Because he's a Communist. The same, exact reason I don't like Obama. The difference between the two is that Putin is a man while Obama is a pansy. So I may not like Putin but I can respect his ability to "man up" and lead (even if I don't like the direction he's going).
Putin's goons shoot down an airliner and kill 298 people while R-wingers man crush on Putin continues unabated on this board and elsewhere. Carry on Comrades!

U.S. accuses Russia in downing of plane - CNN.com

Kiev, Ukraine (CNN) -- A senior U.S. diplomat pointed the finger Friday at pro-Russian rebels in the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in Ukraine, an act that killed 298 people.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power told an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council that the plane was "likely downed by a surface-to-air missile ... operated from a separatist-held location in eastern Ukraine." If pro-Russian separatists are responsible for shooting down the plane with a missile, investigators can't rule out the possibility that Russia offered help to operate the system, she said.

I'm Tea-Partyish in my basic thinking but I'm no fan of Putin. Why? Because he's a Communist. The same, exact reason I don't like Obama. The difference between the two is that Putin is a man while Obama is a pansy. So I may not like Putin but I can respect his ability to "man up" and lead (even if I don't like the direction he's going).

Haven't we seen the result of Putins "manly" leadership?

Even a TeaTard can understand
Putin's goons shoot down an airliner and kill 298 people while R-wingers man crush on Putin continues unabated on this board and elsewhere. Carry on Comrades!

U.S. accuses Russia in downing of plane - CNN.com

I'm Tea-Partyish in my basic thinking but I'm no fan of Putin. Why? Because he's a Communist. The same, exact reason I don't like Obama. The difference between the two is that Putin is a man while Obama is a pansy. So I may not like Putin but I can respect his ability to "man up" and lead (even if I don't like the direction he's going).

Haven't we seen the result of Putins "manly" leadership?

Even a TeaTard can understand

Have we not seen the results of Obama's "manly" leadership? I think that is the point.

Obama's drone program has killed at least 268 innocent bystanders, and some US citizens to boot.

And before you say it, I condone neither one.
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Putin just nailed down the GOP nomination for 2016

Republicans love their "strong leaders"

You progressives sure do love Putin, in fact if it were not for you guys talking about him and making pictures with captions no one would be bringing him up outside of Obama.

Fox News seemed enthralled with him, Palin too
Why can't we have a leader like that?

Warrior102 has a man crush on him
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I'm Tea-Partyish in my basic thinking but I'm no fan of Putin. Why? Because he's a Communist. The same, exact reason I don't like Obama. The difference between the two is that Putin is a man while Obama is a pansy. So I may not like Putin but I can respect his ability to "man up" and lead (even if I don't like the direction he's going).

Haven't we seen the result of Putins "manly" leadership?

Even a TeaTard can understand

Have we not seen the results of Obama's "manly" leadership? I think that is the point.

Obama's drone program has killed at least 268 innocent bystanders, and some US citizens to boot.

Lol, the left loves war man... I mean, mass protests under Bush but NOTHING but praise and support under Obama despite MORE war than Bush did. Fuck, if the world were plunged into ww3 due to Obama people like RW would be on the front lines of propaganda supporting the war efforts!
Hell - Liberals loved Socialist Hitler…
Rightwinger's probably jerking off to his Adolph photo collection….
I'm Tea-Partyish in my basic thinking but I'm no fan of Putin. Why? Because he's a Communist. The same, exact reason I don't like Obama. The difference between the two is that Putin is a man while Obama is a pansy. So I may not like Putin but I can respect his ability to "man up" and lead (even if I don't like the direction he's going).

Haven't we seen the result of Putins "manly" leadership?

Even a TeaTard can understand

Have we not seen the results of Obama's "manly" leadership? I think that is the point.

Obama's drone program has killed at least 268 innocent bystanders, and some US citizens to boot.

And before you say it, I condone neither one.

It was Obama who actually executed the Bush doctrine of......We will hunt down terrorists wherever they are
Hell - Liberals loved Socialist Hitler…
Rightwinger's probably jerking off to his Adolph photo collection….

Which was he?

Socialist or Fascist? You can't be both, they are at opposite ends of the political spectrum

Didn't they teach you that in the Navy?
Putin just nailed down the GOP nomination for 2016

Republicans love their "strong leaders"

You progressives sure do love Putin, in fact if it were not for you guys talking about him and making pictures with captions no one would be bringing him up outside of Obama.

Fox News seemed enthralled with him, Palin too
Why can't we have a leader like that?

Warrior102 has a man crush on him

Yet you talk about Putin more than Palin or fox news... It's strange, I own a gym and talk to people about everything all the time. So many people dislike Obama it's crazy and I don't even try to lead them in conversation, they just openly dislike him.

Yet here I am and not once, not one single time has anyone but my very political partner ever even mentioned Putin, ever.... Never. They talk about Russia, and how they don't like Obama pushing us into possible war, but no one even says Putins name.

My point is, I realize on these boards that your a partisan hack drone. That you think it's clever to keep repeating Cons love Putin to change the subject from Obama's shortcomings. But as you already know, we all know why you do this and no one not even yourself agree with your childish *debate* tactics.

LOL, the only polls I see where people ask if Putin should be us president is by the hard core progressives on these boards haha. Fuck, if it were a public poll ld I'd bet we would see massive progressives voted for him thinking "this will make cons look bad!" And I base that on the fact that it has happened before, in both directions.
Hell - Liberals loved Socialist Hitler…
Rightwinger's probably jerking off to his Adolph photo collection….

Which was he?

Socialist or Fascist? You can't be both, they are at opposite ends of the political spectrum

Didn't they teach you that in the Navy?

No, they are the same... Both are pro Government powers and limits on personal freedoms. You can't possible be for small Government so much that you ultimately support a Dictator with massive Government...... ANyways, no system is 100% anything, it's always a mixture. Don;t believe me, describe China, the US or just any country on planet earth, ever.
Hell - Liberals loved Socialist Hitler…
Rightwinger's probably jerking off to his Adolph photo collection….

Which was he?

Socialist or Fascist? You can't be both, they are at opposite ends of the political spectrum

Didn't they teach you that in the Navy?

No, they are the same... Both are pro Government powers and limits on personal freedoms. You can't possible be for small Government so much that you ultimately support a Dictator with massive Government...... ANyways, no system is 100% anything, it's always a mixture. Don;t believe me, describe China, the US or just any country on planet earth, ever.

The same?

Other than being interchangeable in rightwing name calling, you can't be further from the truth
Haven't we seen the result of Putins "manly" leadership?

Even a TeaTard can understand

Have we not seen the results of Obama's "manly" leadership? I think that is the point.

Obama's drone program has killed at least 268 innocent bystanders, and some US citizens to boot.

And before you say it, I condone neither one.

It was Obama who actually executed the Bush doctrine of......We will hunt down terrorists wherever they are

So now Obama is a Bush puppet, you are just too funny.

Bush never targeted and killed US citizens especially innocent 16 year olds.
Have we not seen the results of Obama's "manly" leadership? I think that is the point.

Obama's drone program has killed at least 268 innocent bystanders, and some US citizens to boot.

And before you say it, I condone neither one.

It was Obama who actually executed the Bush doctrine of......We will hunt down terrorists wherever they are

So now Obama is a Bush puppet, you are just too funny.

Bush never targeted and killed US citizens especially innocent 16 year olds.

No, actually bush talked the talk but did not walk the walk in fighting terrorism. Ask bin laden

I have no problem targeting Americans who take up arms against our country
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It was Obama who actually executed the Bush doctrine of......We will hunt down terrorists wherever they are

So now Obama is a Bush puppet, you are just too funny.

Bush never targeted and killed US citizens especially innocent 16 year olds.

No, actually bush talked the talk but did not walk the walk in fighting terrorism. Ask bin laden

I have no problem targeting Americans who take up arms against our country

You have no credibility here.. NONE. I despise Bush but I'm not obsessed with hating him but you are. Had this been Bush you would still be crowing about it. Someone needs to mark this thread and remember your lies.
So now Obama is a Bush puppet, you are just too funny.

Bush never targeted and killed US citizens especially innocent 16 year olds.

No, actually bush talked the talk but did not walk the walk in fighting terrorism. Ask bin laden

I have no problem targeting Americans who take up arms against our country

You have no credibility here.. NONE. I despise Bush but I'm not obsessed with hating him but you are. Had this been Bush you would still be crowing about it. Someone needs to mark this thread and remember your lies.

Feel free to mark this thread. While you are at it you can add

Bush screwed the pooch on 9-11 and his overreaction to the attack caused the deaths of over a hundred thousand and wasted money that could have been better spent elsewhere

Thankfully, we had Obama to come in and clean up Bushs messes and resist the temptation to get us engaged in new conflicts
No, actually bush talked the talk but did not walk the walk in fighting terrorism. Ask bin laden

I have no problem targeting Americans who take up arms against our country

You have no credibility here.. NONE. I despise Bush but I'm not obsessed with hating him but you are. Had this been Bush you would still be crowing about it. Someone needs to mark this thread and remember your lies.

Feel free to mark this thread. While you are at it you can add

Bush screwed the pooch on 9-11 and his overreaction to the attack caused the deaths of over a hundred thousand and wasted money that could have been better spent elsewhere

Thankfully, we had Obama to come in and clean up Bushs messes and resist the temptation to get us engaged in new conflicts

Yesterday some Clinton documents were released.. They contained a major FUCK UP which contributed to 9-11 that SLICK didn't believe his own CIA in regard to Bin Laden being a real threat.. He believed a NY Times article.. So don't sit in your cozy liberal cocoon of lies and throw out sticks when your fucking boy had a damn mountain in his own backyard.
Here's BUBBA's own note to Sandy Berger:

“Sandy, if this article is right, the CIA sure overstated its case to me — What are the facts?” reads a note from President Bill Clinton to then Security Adviser Sandy Berger.

When a New York Times article cast doubt on the accusation Usama bin Laden had a hand in the 1998 bombings of African embassies, President Clinton questioned his own CIA, according to a note he scrawled to his national security adviser.

The memo, part of a 1,000-page release of documents Friday afternoon by the National Archives, was written after the president apparently read an article in the self-professed "paper of record" casting doubt on the U.S. Justice Department's case that the Al Qaeda mastermind was involved in the Aug. 7, 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Some 224 people were killed in the twin attacks, including 12 Americans.

Two months later, a federal grand jury in New York indicted bin Laden and 20 others for participating in a terrorist plot to kill Americans. But the Times article, entitled “U.S. Hard Put to Find Proof bin Laden Directed Attacks,” and written the following April, raised doubts about bin Laden's involvement, at least with Clinton.

The Times article came just two-and-a-half years before Al Qaeda mounted the 9/11 attacks. But even though the Saudi terror boss would become Public Enemy No.1 until a U.S. Navy SEAL team killed him in a raid on his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan on May 2, 2011, the Times suggested there was little proof he ordered the truck bombings in Africa.

“Capturing Mr. bin Laden alive could deepen the complications,” read a line from the Times article. “American officials say that so far, firsthand evidence that could be used in court to prove that he commanded the bombings has proven difficult to obtain. According to the public record, none of the informants involved in the case have direct knowledge of Mr. bin Laden's involvement.”

The article also alleged that federal prosecutors had built their case around messages bin Laden recorded and sent out from an Afghanistan cave, inciting extremists to carry out the attacks. It noted that a joint investigation by the newspaper and PBS’ Frontline found bin Laden was less of a ringleader and more of an inspiration for terrorists.

Clinton seemed frustrated by the newspaper report, and though it is not clear what the CIA had told Clinton, it seems a good bet he got the answers he wanted.

“I need a serious memo in response by early next week,” the president wrote in a second memo included on the publicly released document.
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