Question 2: If right wingers love America, why dont they trust American institutions?

Ask the guy in court.

I will re-edit, "You will be punished if you attempt to break the Constitution, the laws, or the courts."

Ask Flynn and Stone (they will be caught again), ask the J6rs, Navarro, Bannon, etc.
What are lefties trying to tell us? Trust institutions without question like a freaking monarchy? American institutions work for the people and it's the responsibility of the people to monitor them for productivity and effectiveness. Would you have it any other way?
What are lefties trying to tell us? Trust institutions without question like a freaking monarchy? American institutions work for the people and it's the responsibility of the people to monitor them for productivity and effectiveness. Would you have it any other way?
Great point
Part II of my disussion on the American right asks the question: If right wingers love America, why dont they trust American institutions? It stands to reason that if you love something you tend to love the fruit it produces, right? Right wingers claim they love America more than their counterparts but have expressed utter contempt for all of its institutions. How can something so revered also be so reviled?

A partial list of untrustworthy institutions:
  • The American press
  • Doctors
  • Scientists like the CDC
  • Educators and universities
  • Environmental experts like the EPA
  • Government leaders and administrators
  • The Election process
  • The legal system
  • The actual government
The distrust is so visceral that right wing conspiracies are now commonplace. The article below talks about Fox News’ role in this predicament. As you can see from the chart below it is entirely an American phenomenon.

Why dont right wingers trust American Institutions?

Feel free to visit or revisit Part 1: Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Post Inspiration:

Collapse of trust in government is a purely American phenomenon. Why? Because we have Fox News and the others don't. Oh, they have tabloids and conservative newspapers and so forth, but nothing like Fox News, which makes its living by spreading outrage over the way the country is run.

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The power of Fox News is truly spectacular. Outrage sells, and the fact that one of the two major parties amplifies Fox uncritically means it has a surprisingly large influence in setting the agenda for the mainstream media too.

The truth is that US institutions mostly operate about as well as they ever have. But Fox pushes outrage over Dr. Fauci and trust in the CDC plummets. They push outrage over Donald Trump's loss in 2020 and trust in elections plummets. They go all in on CRT and DEI and trust in schools plummets. They push climate denialism and trust in science plummets. They insist that the rest of the news media are liberal pawns and trust in the very institution that explains reality plummets.

Has there ever been an institution like Fox News that works so relentlessly from within to destroy faith in a country by its citizens? It's a real-life version of what conservatives thought the Communist Party was in the '50s. And we all just let it happen.

What a stupid thread.

Why didn't you trust them 30+ years ago?
Back in the 60's lefties told us not to trust anyone over 30 and that government was an evil institution dedicated to ruining the lives of free spirits. Now the same radicals are in charge and they tell us "don't worry/be happy" and believe anything in print, trust teachers who groom, seduce and castrate kids and that a doddering old fool who has his trembling thumb on the nuclear button is the solution instead of the problem.

Yes, funny how now that they've taken over everything they protested against, i.e. 'the man', they now love 'the man' and all the authority that is meted out to the masses. They've become exactly that which they professed to hate and protest against in the 60's and 70's.
What are lefties trying to tell us? Trust institutions without question like a freaking monarchy? American institutions work for the people and it's the responsibility of the people to monitor them for productivity and effectiveness. Would you have it any other way?
Everything in this great country is corrupt according to the people who think they love this country. What is to love if you hate and distrust everything in it?

No one said blindly trust. The far right swore Trump was in command of the military after Biden became president but you didnt see the left wing running around claiming the military was a deep state coup organization. Nope. They know what a moronic conspiracy theory actually is. Its a right phenomenon.
Everything in this great country is corrupt according to the people who think they love this country. What is to love if you hate and distrust everything in it?

No one said blindly trust. The far right swore Trump was in command of the military after Biden became president but you didnt see the left wing running around claiming the military was a deep state coup organization. Nope. They know what a moronic conspiracy theory actually is. Its a right phenomenon.

You must not be very old.
For starters, see the following.

Even today, it was the Democrats that pushed for aid to the Ukraine and Taiwan that the Trumpist wing of the dying Republican Party rejected. The Democrats are much more supportive of the western alliance than many so-called conservatives. I am not even going go into the Right’s abandonment of the Reaganesque peace through strength philosophy and its cozying up to our adversaries. The Republican/Trumpist party is far more populist than it is “conservative.”
The Former Atlantic Monthly's PMS

With full-blown Gayism and other aggressive and predatory pushes of its agenda, the Democrats are the opposite of sticking with their status quo. They want to pontificate and pundify this illusion of moderation so we don't notice their rock-rolling avalanche tumbling us to the bottom of the Progressive pit.

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