Question about Shanksville crash

where did he say they witnessed the crash? he asked if they went to the pentagon on 9/11 like the FBI did.

It's so cute when you try to help each other bail out of your stoopidity.

no. whats really stupid is assuming that if someone is at the pentagon on 9/11 they were there when they plane crashed into the building. :cuckoo:

what is stupid is disregarding the opinions of two former presidents of the air accident investigation board and several military crash investigators that have examined the the investigation and found it to be seriously flawed
what is stupid is disregarding the opinions of two former presidents of the air accident investigation board and several military crash investigators that have examined the the investigation and found it to be seriously flawed

any of them claim flight 93 didnt crash in PA? :cuckoo:
Washington, DC - August 11, 2006 - The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) this week released full transcripts of the air traffic control recordings from the four flights hijacked on September 11, 2001, and meticulous Flight Path Studies for three of the flights, in response to a Freedom of Information request by the National Security Archive. The studies provide the most detailed technical information available to date related to the hijackings, and the transcripts of the aircraft-to-ground communications are the first complete government disclosure of each flight's air traffic control recordings.

Government Releases Detailed Information on 9/11 Crashes

In late 2001 and early 2002, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) filed reports detailing information of the four commandeered flights, based on a combination of air traffic control recordings and, in the case of United Flight 93, the plane's flight data recorder. However, these reports remained hidden from public view for years. Even today, the entries in the NTSB database for the 9/11/2001 crashes state:
The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Safety Board provided requested technical assistance to the FBI, and this material generated by the NTSB is under the control of the FBI. The Safety Board does not plan to issue a report or open a public docket

The veil was lifted from the reports on August 11, 2006 when they were published by the National Security Archive on the George Washington University website, The release consists of eight PDF documents listed on the National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 196.

9-11 Research: NTSB Reports

The Safety Board did not determine the probable cause and does not plan to issue a report or open a public docket. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Safety Board provided requested technical assistance to the FBI, and any material generated by the NTSB is under the control of the FBI.
NTSB: 'We do not plan to issue reports on 9/11 flights' - Democratic Underground

S0 it appears that as has been stated the NTSB in the case of flight 93 did their investigation and turned over their findings to the FBI. Stack is a different case and not one I have studied. Nor do I see where what was done there is relevant to 2001.

Fact 1 : The FBI was in charge of the investigations on 911. (why is immaterial)

Fact 2 : The FBI called in various agencies to assist in their areas of expertise, NTSB is one of those. FDNY would be another, New york port authority would be yet another, And the list goes on.

Fact 3 : These agencies submitted their individual reports to the FBI.

Fact 4 : It's not rocket science.

I knew you would run like the little dishonest **** principles you live by. How does Stack compare to 9E? You fuxxing jackass.

9E: planes flown into federal buildings for terrorism.

Stack: flew his plane into a federally owned building for terrorism.

It doesn't matter how much the ntsb assisted the fbi. It did not do its own full investigation like it usually does. Look at twa flight was suspected terrorism and the fbi and ntsb did their own separate investigations just like with Stack. Ignore that too you whiny punk.

Your own detective/coroner analogy backfired. Does the detective grab a knife and do the autopsy with the assistance of the coroner? No! Why not? They each have their own area of expertise just like the fbi and ntsb. I look forward to laughing at your sad attempt to ignore all of this. Bitch.

That is what we are trying to tell you dumb ass. The NTSB made their report to the FBI just as the coroner would make his report to the police. I'm sorry but you don't make any sense in denying this and saying it's true at the same time.

Now, I have not looked into the Stack case. I typed that slow so you would understand it. I will not comment on something i know nothing about. I am not you. Thank the Gods. And your infantile cussing does not help your credibility at all child.
Col. George Nelson, MBA, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Former U.S. Air Force aircraft accident investigator and airplane parts authority. Graduate, U.S. Air Force War College. 34-year Air Force career.

Licensed commercial pilot. Licensed airframe and powerplant mechanic.
Essay: "In all my years of direct and indirect participation, I never witnessed nor even heard of an aircraft loss, where the wreckage was accessible, that prevented investigators from finding enough hard evidence to positively identify the make, model, and specific registration number of the aircraft -- and in most cases the precise cause of the accident. ...

The government alleges that four wide-body airliners crashed on the morning of September 11 2001, resulting in the deaths of more than 3,000 human beings, yet not one piece of hard aircraft evidence has been produced in an attempt to positively identify any of the four aircraft. On the contrary, it seems only that all potential evidence was deliberately kept hidden from public view. …

With all the evidence readily available at the Pentagon crash site, any unbiased rational investigator could only conclude that a Boeing 757 did not fly into the Pentagon as alleged. Similarly, with all the evidence available at the Pennsylvania crash site, it was most doubtful that a passenger airliner caused the obvious hole in the ground and certainly not the Boeing 757 as alleged. …

As painful and heartbreaking as was the loss of innocent lives and the lingering health problems of thousands more, a most troublesome and nightmarish probability remains that so many Americans appear to be involved in the most heinous conspiracy

Lt. Col. Jeff Latas, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Former combat fighter pilot. Aerospace engineer.
Currently Captain at a major airline. Combat experience includes Desert Storm and four tours of duty in Northern and Southern Watch. Aircraft flown: McDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle and General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark fighter/bomber. Former President, U.S. Air Force Accident Investigation Board. Also served as Pentagon Weapons Requirement Officer and as a member of the Pentagon's Quadrennial Defense Review. Awarded Distinguish Flying Cross for Heroism, four Air Medals, four Meritorious Service Medals, and nine Aerial Achievement Medals. 20-year Air Force career.
Audio interview with Rob Balsamo 6/25/07: Regarding the 9/11 Commission's account of the impact of Flight 77 at the Pentagon and discrepancies with the actual Flight Data Recorder information:

"After I did my own analysis of it, it's obvious that there's discrepancies between the two stories; between the 9/11 Commission and the flight data recorder information. And I think that's where we really need to focus a lot of our attention to get the help that we need in order to put pressure on government agencies to actually do a real investigation of 9/11. And not just from a security standpoint, but from even an aviation standpoint, like any accident investigation would actually help the aviators out by finding reasons for things happening. ...

The things that really got my attention were the amount of descent rate that you had to have at the end of the flight, of Flight 77, that would have made it practically impossible to hit the light poles. [Editor's note: Destruction of the light poles near the Pentagon by Flight 77 was stated in the 9/11 Commission Report.] Essentially it would have been too high at that point to the point of impact where the main body of the airplane was hitting between the first and second floor of the Pentagon. ...

You know, I'd ride my bike to the Pentagon. So, you know I'm a little bit familiar with that area. [Editor's note: Lt. Col. Latas served as a Weapons Requirement Officer at the Pentagon.] But, you know, that kind of descent rate it would have been impossible essentially for the results that we see physically from what the flight data recorder was recording. Like I say, that's an area that I think deserves explanation. ...

The ground track [the path of the airplane] is off from the 9/11 Commission. There are several things that can be brought up but it's been a while since I've seen the film and looked at the flight data recorder. And I can't think of all the discrepancies I saw, but there are several there. [The film he refers to is Pandora's Black Box, Chapter 2, Flight of American 77.] ...

Lt. Col. David Gapp, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Retired Pilot and Qualified Aircraft Accident Investigator. Served as President, Aircraft Accident Board. Military aircraft flown: McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom, Cessna T-37 Dragonfly "Tweet", Northrup T-38 Talon. 3,000+ total hours flown. 31 years of U.S. Air Force service. One year as commercial pilot for Continental Airlines. Commercial aircraft flown: ATR-42.

Member: Pilots for 9/11 Truth Association Statement: "Pilots for 9/11 Truth is an organization of aviation professionals and pilots throughout the globe that have gathered together for one purpose. We are committed to seeking the truth surrounding the events of the 11th of September 2001. Our main focus concentrates on the four flights, maneuvers performed and the reported pilots. We do not offer theory or point blame. However, we are focused on determining the truth of that fateful day since the United States Government doesn't seem to be very forthcoming with answers."

Lt. Cdr. Bernard J. Smith, U.S. Nay (ret) – Retired carrier Naval Aviator and former aircraft accident investigator.
Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"From my several years experience as an aircraft accident investigator for the U.S.Navy, I am appalled at the basic principles of investigation being ignored; ie, premature destruction of evidence, reliable eye witness accounts ignored, etc. To allow the official version to be the final word in this planned event, as is evident from the AE9/11 investigation, would be a major disservice to the victims and the nation." AE911Truth

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
were any of them there at the Pentagon on 9/11/2001?

what a retarded question how often do you think crash investigators wittiness the crashes they investigate ?

How many of these people were given unrestricted access to all the evidence gathered in the days following 9-11-01?
were any of them there at the Pentagon on 9/11/2001?

what a retarded question how often do you think crash investigators wittiness the crashes they investigate ?

How many of these people were given unrestricted access to all the evidence gathered in the days following 9-11-01?

as presidents of air crash investigation boards that is not required to determine the investigative process and evidence presented is flawed and questionable a better question is why after all these years has no one else been allowed to examine the evidence any further and it remains classified under guard in iron moutain
what a retarded question how often do you think crash investigators wittiness the crashes they investigate ?

How many of these people were given unrestricted access to all the evidence gathered in the days following 9-11-01?

as presidents of air crash investigation boards that is not required to determine the investigative process and evidence presented is flawed and questionable a better question is why after all these years has no one else been allowed to examine the evidence any further and it remains classified under guard in iron moutain

Well every single piece of paper i ever held in my hand that was classified (And I held many); were classified for a reason. Mostly for National security reasons. If there are any other reasons you would have to ask the FBI. In fact why don't you do that. Go ahead and call them up and tell them you want access to all those classified files.
What possible logical reason would there be to keep air crash wreakage classified after all these years

the flight 93 wreckage is classified?

I'm sure there is still a lot of information found during the 911 investigations that is still classified. I have no idea what or why. Not certain I care to know.

as far as i know the wreckage was released back to the airline. dont think that qualifies as classified.
So planes that have stuck the ground have never been re-constructed ? Are all of your statements just your assumptions ?

Hey Twoofer, here's a few other solid ground crashes that were never reconstructed,

American Airlines 191
Payne Stewart's Lear 35
Uraguayan Air Force flight 571
Delta 191
United 232
Turkish Air 981
Air New Zealand 901
United 409
United 615
Pan Am 1104
American Airlines 965
Eastern Airlines 980

Are they all conspiracies being covered up by the government to lead us into war? Why else would they reconstruct flight 800, but not any of these?
the flight 93 wreckage is classified?

I'm sure there is still a lot of information found during the 911 investigations that is still classified. I have no idea what or why. Not certain I care to know.

as far as i know the wreckage was released back to the airline. dont think that qualifies as classified.

the wreckage is held at iron mountain

[ame=]YouTube - TOP Secret Government Facility (holds Flight 93 evidence)[/ame]
so planes that have stuck the ground have never been re-constructed ? Are all of your statements just your assumptions ?

hey twoofer, here's a few other solid ground crashes that were never reconstructed,

american airlines 191
payne stewart's lear 35
uraguayan air force flight 571
delta 191
united 232
turkish air 981
air new zealand 901
united 409
united 615
pan am 1104
american airlines 965
eastern airlines 980

are they all conspiracies being covered up by the government to lead us into war? Why else would they reconstruct flight 800, but not any of these?

I did not say there were none, did how many of these crash investigations were called cover-ups or seriously flawed by two former presidents of the air accident investigation board and multiple military crash investigators ?
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I'm sure there is still a lot of information found during the 911 investigations that is still classified. I have no idea what or why. Not certain I care to know.

as far as i know the wreckage was released back to the airline. dont think that qualifies as classified.

the wreckage is held at iron mountain

[ame=]YouTube - TOP Secret Government Facility (holds Flight 93 evidence)[/ame]
that doesnt actually say the plane is stored there
but it doesnt say what exactly is(9/11 related)
I'm sure there is still a lot of information found during the 911 investigations that is still classified. I have no idea what or why. Not certain I care to know.

as far as i know the wreckage was released back to the airline. dont think that qualifies as classified.

the wreckage is held at iron mountain

[ame=]YouTube - TOP Secret Government Facility (holds Flight 93 evidence)[/ame]

no jackass.....

it says "charred evidence" from flight 93 is there. it doesnt say all the airplane wreckage is there.

this is an example of what charred evidence looks like.:

this is also exactly why i dont watch the fucking youtube videos you twoofers post most of the time. i need to search through 6 minutes of video to find out what the fuck you are talking about and it turns out it isnt even there!!

if you are going to post videos tell us where in the video to look and tell us what it says so people dont need to search through the whole fucking thing.
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as far as i know the wreckage was released back to the airline. dont think that qualifies as classified.

the wreckage is held at iron mountain

[ame=""]YouTube - TOP Secret Government Facility (holds Flight 93 evidence)[/ame]

no jackass.....

it says "charred evidence" from flight 93 is there. it doesnt say all the airplane wreckage is there.

this is an example of what charred evidence looks like.:

this is also exactly why i dont watch the fucking youtube videos you twoofers post most of the time. i need to search through 6 minutes of video to find out what the fuck you are talking about and it turns out it isnt even there!!

if you are going to post videos tell us where in the video to look and tell us what it says so people dont need to search through the whole fucking thing.
yup, i watched it too
no where does it claim that the wreckage from the plane is there
another time a moronic fucktard troofer takes something to mean something it doesnt
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What possible logical reason would there be to keep air crash wreakage classified after all these years

I haven't a clue. I no longer have a valid security clearance and I have no "need to know".

You'll still have to ask the FBI........

pffft.. stfu... you ever would of had the clearance required..lmao

I worked in Communications Security (COMSEC), Yes at one time I held a Top Secret Clearance with several Compartmentalized attachments. I don't normally mention these things because I do not believe my career is as interesting as some people think theirs is or was.
i haven't a clue. I no longer have a valid security clearance and i have no "need to know".

You'll still have to ask the fbi........

pffft.. Stfu... you ever would of had the clearance required..lmao

i worked in communications security (comsec), yes at one time i held a top secret clearance with several compartmentalized attachments. I don't normally mention these things because i do not believe my career is as interesting as some people think theirs is or was.

key word

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