Question for democrats, who is a white supremacist?

It is falling, jackass. You have admitted that you're trying to destroy Western civilization.
No, I admitted my goal is to drive your deplorable culture to extinction but your deplorable culture isn't the beginning and end of Western civilization. That's silly. Lol.
White people didn't invent slavery, dumbass.
What foolishness. In the United States, White people mass produced slavery . Only stupid whites argue they didn’t. You’re a clueless BUBBA, even after 10 days in the military
Nope. Americans didn't invent slavery.
Americans primarily whites brought the concept to the US and used it to prop up their economy. It’s stupid to argue otherwise. No one person “invented” slavery doofus.
Typical leftist, believes mass murder is the answer to people who disagree with him.

It's too late for you to grow up. You'll only get older.
Who said anything about mass murder? We don't need violence to drive your culture to extinction, shame and ridicule can do that without any blood shed.
Americans primarily whites brought the concept to the US and used it to prop up their economy. It’s stupid to argue otherwise. No one person “invented” slavery doofus.
So Americans practiced slaver just like every other country in the world at the time. The phrase "used it to prop up their economy" is utterly meaningless.

I'm not the one claiming that slavery is peculiar to America. You are, dumbass.
Who said anything about mass murder? We don't need violence to drive your culture to extinction, shame and ridicule can do that without any blood shed.
Only if people are stupid enough to listen to your horseshit. I don't feel the slightest bit of shame or embarrassment over anything progs have to say.
I think the litmus test is that white supremacist are people who want a white ethno-state with zero minorities in it.


Also, it helps if your skin color is in the upper left in this chart.
^ confirmation dems R racists
Honestly I find a white ethno state desirable. Purely from the stand point of there would be less social friction.

LIke say Switzerland it's almost entirely white. They also don't have hardly any violent crime, they are generally polite and considerate of one another, they have good health care, good education and are generally relaxed people. Their samey society means they don't have social friction, everyone feel comfortable being around their own kind, there is a shared sense of similar values and so fourth.

America on the hand has all this forced diversity so much we have all these groups from different places in the world and different skin colors and different cultures all trying to create the society they want and none of them want to conform to American society.

I find myself more comfortable when around other white people, not because I despise blacks, but kind of the same way most animals in the wild don't intermingle with other animal species. You don't see ducks hanging out with horses, or rhinos with hyienas, most animals are comfortable with their own kind like them.

So I support a white ethno state and believe having huge groups of vastly diverse people put together is detrimental to their feelings of safety, peace, and what we lack the most in this country, harmony. We have no Harmony because we have too many different people together.
But blacks and whites are the same species
Only if people are stupid enough to listen to your horseshit. I don't feel the slightest bit of shame or embarrassment over anything progs have to say.
It's your side that rails against education. Lol. Shame and ridicule has begun to bury Confederate idolatry once and for all. It works just fine on your children and neighbors.
So Americans practiced slaver just like every other country in the world at the time. The phrase "used it to prop up their economy" is utterly meaningless.

I'm not the one claiming that slavery is peculiar to America. You are, dumbass.
Really, I said that ? Making up shit is your way of rationalizing white supremacy. Keep talking BUBBA. Half the country fought to do away with institutional slavery, the other half fought to maintain it. You’re on that side bubba ? No bubba. All America did NOT PRACTICE institutional slavery bubba. Be careful generalizing and read history, the real version.
Really, I said that ? Making up shit is your way of rationalizing white supremacy. Keep talking BUBBA. Half the country fought to do away with institutional slavery, the other half fought to maintain it. You’re on that side bubba ? No bubba. All America did NOT PRACTICE institutional slavery bubba. Be careful generalizing and read history, the real version.
No one said everyone in America practiced slavery. However, immediately after the revolution, most of it did. Slavery was legal i every state.

What do you imagine you're proving?
It's your side that rails against education. Lol. Shame and ridicule has begun to bury Confederate idolatry once and for all. It works just fine on your children and neighbors.
I rail against government brainwashing, not education.

What do I have to be ashamed about? I never owned slaves, asshole.
Who is always screaming about global warming and the Russian collusion hoax
The event that flattened western Kentucky is a Chinese hoax ? The right is made up of idiots who are science, global warming and vax deniers.
The event that flattened western Kentucky is a Chinese hoax ? The right is made up of idiots who are science, global warming and vax deniers.
So you believe we've never had tornadoes in this country? What a fucking dumbass.

We've had hundreds of tornadoes worse than the one in Kentucky. Progs are like the tribal villagers who throw a virgin into the volcano every time it erupts. It takes a special kind of stupid to believe a single tornado proves global warming is true.

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