Question for democrats, who is a white supremacist?

The definition of "white supremacist" is flexible enough to encompass a whole range of racial attitudes and beliefs. Furthermore, it can reasonably be claimed that calling someone a "white supremacist" is not a slander at all, simply a statement of opinion, like "Bob is a football fan."
:auiqs.jpg:That's not reasonable, that's horseshit.
Law Enforcement think they are…

They also claimed Trump was colluding with the Russians. Now even dumb turds like you know that isn't true.

"The Southern Poverty Law Center calls the Proud Boys a hate group."

They are a subversive communist propaganda outlet. Everything thy publish is a lie.

Files from the Blueleaks trove of leaked law enforcement documents reveal warnings about the Proud Boys, who some of the US agencies label as “white supremacists” and “extremists”, and others as a “gang”, showing persistent concerns about the group’s menace to minority groups and even police officers, and its dissemination of dangerous conspiracy theories.
"Some, agencies?" Which agencies? None of this names a specific agency with specific charges. That's how we know it's all bullshit. It's just the old "unnamed sources" charade.
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Their approach appears to be that unless enough people (1) announce that they're a member of an officially-recognized "white supremacist" group, (2) carry around a membership card for that group in their wallets, and (3) regularly chant slogans and wear clothing for that group, that white racism no longer exists in America.

So they hid behind the term, hoping that no one will notice.

In other words, in spite of actions to the contrary, anyone can be labeled a white supremacist or racist when it is politically expedient to do so. The only way for a person to prove that they are not is to vote for Democrats. How convenient.

In other words, in spite of actions to the contrary, anyone can be labeled a white supremacist or racist when it is politically expedient to do so. The only way for a person to prove that they are not is to vote for Democrats. How convenient.

Yes, that's typical Dim rhetoric.
They also claimed Trump was colluding with the Russians. Now even dumb turds like you know that isn't true.

"The Southern Poverty Law Center calls the Proud Boys a hate group."

They are a subversive communist propaganda outlet. Everything thy publish is a lie.

Files from the Blueleaks trove of leaked law enforcement documents reveal warnings about the Proud Boys, who some of the US agencies label as “white supremacists” and “extremists”, and others as a “gang”, showing persistent concerns about the group’s menace to minority groups and even police officers, and its dissemination of dangerous conspiracy theories.
"Some, agencies?" Which agencies? None of this names a specific agency with specific charges. That's how we know it's all bullshit. It's just the old "unnamed sources" charade.

If you read the Muller report, he DID collude with Russia.


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