Question For Liberals #3

Liberals, what do you find to be more egregious?

  • As a liberal, I say Hillary Clinton granting twenty percent of US uranium to Russia.

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • As a liberal, I say fielding a meeting with a Russian lobbyist seeking a law change.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am a non-liberal checkng in.

    Votes: 6 85.7%

  • Total voters
Continuing the QFLS:

Liberals: What is more egregious to you: Hillary Clinton granting the Russians twenty percent of USA uranium (regardless of whether you even concede a bribe occurred) or The Trump campaign briefly entertaining a legally admitted Russian lawyer lobbying for a law change?

Question For Liberals Series

Question For Liberals #1
Question For Liberals #2

Hillary Clinton didn't grant the Russians 20% of US uranium. Your question is based on a lie, as usual.
Continuing the QFLS:

Liberals: What is more egregious to you: Hillary Clinton granting the Russians twenty percent of USA uranium (regardless of whether you even concede a bribe occurred) or The Trump campaign briefly entertaining a legally admitted Russian lawyer lobbying for a law change?

Question For Liberals Series

Question For Liberals #1
Question For Liberals #2

Hillary Clinton didn't grant the Russians 20% of US uranium. Your question is based on a lie, as usual.

She signed off on the deal quite literally as secretary of state. I'm sure you have some cooked-up denial that gets her off the hook for that.
Continuing the QFLS:

Liberals: What is more egregious to you: Hillary Clinton granting the Russians twenty percent of USA uranium (regardless of whether you even concede a bribe occurred) or The Trump campaign briefly entertaining a legally admitted Russian lawyer lobbying for a law change?

Question For Liberals Series

Question For Liberals #1
Question For Liberals #2

Hillary Clinton didn't grant the Russians 20% of US uranium. Your question is based on a lie, as usual.

She signed off on the deal quite literally as secretary of state. I'm sure you have some cooked-up denial that gets her off the hook for that.

I see you a falling for another of Trump's lies. He is the POTUS, and the real information is available to him 24/7. It's a shame he is too stupid to even find out the truth.
Was she the only, or even the main one to sign off on it, or was she only one of 9 different members on the committee that approved the deal? Did she have veto power to stop the deal if she wanted to? Do you really think that uranium can or will ever be exported from the US? Find the answer to these questions, and then get back with me. Here is a good place to start.

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

Despite transfer of ownership, the uranium remained in the U.S.

A key fact ignored in criticisms of Clinton’s supposed involvement in the deal is that the uranium was not — nor could it be — exported, and remained under the control of U.S.-based subsidiaries of Uranium One, according to a statement by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission:

NRC’s review of the transfer of control request determined that the U.S. subsidiaries will
remain the licensees, will remain qualified to conduct the uranium recovery operations, and will continue to have the equipment, facilities, and procedures necessary to protect public health and safety and to minimize danger to life or property. The review also determined that the licensees will maintain adequate financial surety for eventual decommissioning of the sites. Neither Uranium One nor ARMZ holds an NRC export license, so no uranium produced at either facility may be exported.
Continuing the QFLS:

Liberals: What is more egregious to you: Hillary Clinton granting the Russians twenty percent of USA uranium (regardless of whether you even concede a bribe occurred) or The Trump campaign briefly entertaining a legally admitted Russian lawyer lobbying for a law change?

Question For Liberals Series

Question For Liberals #1
Question For Liberals #2

Hillary Clinton didn't grant the Russians 20% of US uranium. Your question is based on a lie, as usual.

She signed off on the deal quite literally as secretary of state. I'm sure you have some cooked-up denial that gets her off the hook for that.

I see you a falling for another of Trump's lies. He is the POTUS, and the real information is available to him 24/7. It's a shame he is too stupid to even find out the truth.
Was she the only, or even the main one to sign off on it, or was she only one of 9 different members on the committee that approved the deal? Did she have veto power to stop the deal if she wanted to? Do you really think that uranium can or will ever be exported from the US? Find the answer to these questions, and then get back with me. Here is a good place to start.

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

Despite transfer of ownership, the uranium remained in the U.S.

A key fact ignored in criticisms of Clinton’s supposed involvement in the deal is that the uranium was not — nor could it be — exported, and remained under the control of U.S.-based subsidiaries of Uranium One, according to a statement by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission:

NRC’s review of the transfer of control request determined that the U.S. subsidiaries will
remain the licensees, will remain qualified to conduct the uranium recovery operations, and will continue to have the equipment, facilities, and procedures necessary to protect public health and safety and to minimize danger to life or property. The review also determined that the licensees will maintain adequate financial surety for eventual decommissioning of the sites. Neither Uranium One nor ARMZ holds an NRC export license, so no uranium produced at either facility may be exported.

:lmao: Snopes; might as well be

Five Clinton-Russia Bombshells Progressives Yawned Over

1. Hillary Clinton approved the transfer of 20 percent of U.S. uranium to Russia and nine investors in the deal funneled $145 million to the Clinton Foundation.

While Hillary Clinton’s State Department was one of eight agencies to review and sign off on the transfer of 20 percent of U.S. uranium to Russia — then-Secretary of State Clinton herself was the only agency head whose family foundation received $145 million in donations from multiple people connected to the uranium deal, as reported by the New York Times.

4. Clinton Foundation chatter with State Dept. on Uranium Deal with Russia.

Senior staffers inside Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign were warned by Clinton Foundation senior vice president Maura Pally that the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA), was asking the Department of Justice to investigate the State Department approval of the sale of American uranium assets to a Russian company.

The chain of emails proved the regular interaction between members of the Clinton campaign and senior staff at the Clinton Foundation.

5. Hillary Clinton hid $2.35 million in secret donations from Ian Telfer, the head of Russia’s uranium company.

Ian Telfer, the head of the Russian government’s uranium company, Uranium One, made four foreign donations totaling $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation, as the New York Times reported.

“Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million,” the Times reported. “Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.”

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

The article, in January 2013, detailed how the Russian atomic energy agency, Rosatom, had taken over a Canadian company with uranium-mining stakes stretching from Central Asia to the American West. The deal made Rosatom one of the world’s largest uranium producers and brought Mr. Putin closer to his goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain.

I love how you tried to pretend that location meant control. Hillary gave Putin control. It's current location is of limited relevance. You're sitting there pretending that Hillary's not selling out the country to Russia in a similar manner that the Clintons did when Bill was in office to China; give me a break, dude. Follow the fucking money.
Continuing the QFLS:

Liberals: What is more egregious to you: Hillary Clinton granting the Russians twenty percent of USA uranium (regardless of whether you even concede a bribe occurred) or The Trump campaign briefly entertaining a legally admitted Russian lawyer lobbying for a law change?

Question For Liberals Series

Question For Liberals #1
Question For Liberals #2

Hillary Clinton didn't grant the Russians 20% of US uranium. Your question is based on a lie, as usual.

She signed off on the deal quite literally as secretary of state. I'm sure you have some cooked-up denial that gets her off the hook for that.

I see you a falling for another of Trump's lies. He is the POTUS, and the real information is available to him 24/7. It's a shame he is too stupid to even find out the truth.
Was she the only, or even the main one to sign off on it, or was she only one of 9 different members on the committee that approved the deal? Did she have veto power to stop the deal if she wanted to? Do you really think that uranium can or will ever be exported from the US? Find the answer to these questions, and then get back with me. Here is a good place to start.

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

Despite transfer of ownership, the uranium remained in the U.S.

A key fact ignored in criticisms of Clinton’s supposed involvement in the deal is that the uranium was not — nor could it be — exported, and remained under the control of U.S.-based subsidiaries of Uranium One, according to a statement by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission:

NRC’s review of the transfer of control request determined that the U.S. subsidiaries will
remain the licensees, will remain qualified to conduct the uranium recovery operations, and will continue to have the equipment, facilities, and procedures necessary to protect public health and safety and to minimize danger to life or property. The review also determined that the licensees will maintain adequate financial surety for eventual decommissioning of the sites. Neither Uranium One nor ARMZ holds an NRC export license, so no uranium produced at either facility may be exported.

:lmao: Snopes; might as well be

Five Clinton-Russia Bombshells Progressives Yawned Over

1. Hillary Clinton approved the transfer of 20 percent of U.S. uranium to Russia and nine investors in the deal funneled $145 million to the Clinton Foundation.

While Hillary Clinton’s State Department was one of eight agencies to review and sign off on the transfer of 20 percent of U.S. uranium to Russia — then-Secretary of State Clinton herself was the only agency head whose family foundation received $145 million in donations from multiple people connected to the uranium deal, as reported by the New York Times.

4. Clinton Foundation chatter with State Dept. on Uranium Deal with Russia.

Senior staffers inside Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign were warned by Clinton Foundation senior vice president Maura Pally that the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA), was asking the Department of Justice to investigate the State Department approval of the sale of American uranium assets to a Russian company.

The chain of emails proved the regular interaction between members of the Clinton campaign and senior staff at the Clinton Foundation.

5. Hillary Clinton hid $2.35 million in secret donations from Ian Telfer, the head of Russia’s uranium company.

Ian Telfer, the head of the Russian government’s uranium company, Uranium One, made four foreign donations totaling $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation, as the New York Times reported.

“Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million,” the Times reported. “Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.”

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

The article, in January 2013, detailed how the Russian atomic energy agency, Rosatom, had taken over a Canadian company with uranium-mining stakes stretching from Central Asia to the American West. The deal made Rosatom one of the world’s largest uranium producers and brought Mr. Putin closer to his goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain.

I love how you tried to pretend that location meant control. Hillary gave Putin control. It's current location is of limited relevance. You're sitting there pretending that Hillary's not selling out the country to Russia in a similar manner that the Clintons did when Bill was in office to China; give me a break, dude. Follow the fucking money.

The timing of most of the donations does not match

Of the $145 million allegedly contributed to the Clinton Foundation by Uranium One investors, the lion’s share — $131.3 million — came from a single donor, Frank Giustra, the company’s founder. But Giustra sold off his entire stake in the company in 2007, three years before the Russia deal and at least 18 months before Clinton became secretary of state.

Of the remaining individuals connected with Uranium One who donated to the Clinton Foundation, only one was found to have contributed during the same time frame that the deal was taking place, accordingto The New York Times — Ian Telfer, the company’s chairman:

His donations through the Fernwood Foundation included $1 million reported in 2009, the year his company appealed to the American Embassy to help it keep its mines in Kazakhstan; $250,000 in 2010, the year the Russians sought majority control; as well as $600,000 in 2011 and $500,000 in 2012. Mr. Telfer said that his donations had nothing to do with his business dealings, and that he had never discussed Uranium One with Mr. or Mrs. Clinton. He said he had given the money because he wanted to support Mr. Giustra’s charitable endeavors with Mr. Clinton. “Frank and I have been friends and business partners for almost 20 years,” he said.

The timing of Telfer’s donations might be questionable if there was reason to believe that Hillary Clinton was instrumental in the approval of the deal with Russia, but all the evidence points to the contrary — that Clinton did not play a pivotal role, and, in fact, may not have played any role at all.
Thanks for your informative posts, bully. This sort of question is not really worth the effort it would take me to research it. Twenty keystrokes is a bit of a chore, to refute an idiot trying to argue that, because Hellary did all that nasty shit, it should be OK for the Orange Gorilla to do similar.
They don't see the irony in defending misbehavior by pointing to misbehavior in others.
Continuing the QFLS:

Liberals: What is more egregious to you: Hillary Clinton granting the Russians twenty percent of USA uranium (regardless of whether you even concede a bribe occurred) or The Trump campaign briefly entertaining a legally admitted Russian lawyer lobbying for a law change?

Question For Liberals Series

Question For Liberals #1
Question For Liberals #2

Hillary Clinton didn't grant the Russians 20% of US uranium. Your question is based on a lie, as usual.

She signed off on the deal quite literally as secretary of state. I'm sure you have some cooked-up denial that gets her off the hook for that.

I see you a falling for another of Trump's lies. He is the POTUS, and the real information is available to him 24/7. It's a shame he is too stupid to even find out the truth.
Was she the only, or even the main one to sign off on it, or was she only one of 9 different members on the committee that approved the deal? Did she have veto power to stop the deal if she wanted to? Do you really think that uranium can or will ever be exported from the US? Find the answer to these questions, and then get back with me. Here is a good place to start.

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

Despite transfer of ownership, the uranium remained in the U.S.

A key fact ignored in criticisms of Clinton’s supposed involvement in the deal is that the uranium was not — nor could it be — exported, and remained under the control of U.S.-based subsidiaries of Uranium One, according to a statement by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission:

NRC’s review of the transfer of control request determined that the U.S. subsidiaries will
remain the licensees, will remain qualified to conduct the uranium recovery operations, and will continue to have the equipment, facilities, and procedures necessary to protect public health and safety and to minimize danger to life or property. The review also determined that the licensees will maintain adequate financial surety for eventual decommissioning of the sites. Neither Uranium One nor ARMZ holds an NRC export license, so no uranium produced at either facility may be exported.

Despite the uranium remaining in the US, the Russians still own it, thanks to Hillary and the Hussein. That means they make profit selling it to the US. That means they could withhold it if they wanted to. That means they control it and could smuggle it out of the country if they want. The point is she put Russian interests ahead of US national security.

But hey, Jr. meeting a Russian to attempt to find out Hillary's illegal activities is more "treasonous" in your head.
Oh the burn of another half assed thread...Why do you have a problem with the Russians owning the mining company? Any country can buy it...The mining operations are miniscule compared to Asia and Russia. They have a lot more than the US, it's only like 2% of what is mined in the world...Many countries own operations in the US yet only this operation gets the spotlight because of a rightist fantasy about Clintoon, yet the rightist whine when someone does it to Trumpet...
Continuing the QFLS:

Liberals: What is more egregious to you: Hillary Clinton granting the Russians twenty percent of USA uranium (regardless of whether you even concede a bribe occurred) or The Trump campaign briefly entertaining a legally admitted Russian lawyer lobbying for a law change?

Question For Liberals Series

Question For Liberals #1
Question For Liberals #2

Since Clinton did no such thing, your idiocy is showing.
Liberals: What is more egregious to you: Hillary Clinton granting the Russians twenty percent of USA uranium (regardless of whether you even concede a bribe occurred) or The Trump campaign briefly entertaining a legally admitted Russian lawyer lobbying for a law change?

again, not what happened. The Russians didn't get that Uranium, which can't be exported outside the US>

Look, man, i know that you guys are doing flop sweat now that Junior is breaking bad on his dad.
lol, if Hillary Clinton got away with murdering Vince Foster, does that earn Donald Trump one free pass to murder someone without penalty?

Goddam you people are stupid.
Continuing the QFLS:

Liberals: What is more egregious to you: Hillary Clinton granting the Russians twenty percent of USA uranium (regardless of whether you even concede a bribe occurred) or The Trump campaign briefly entertaining a legally admitted Russian lawyer lobbying for a law change?

Question For Liberals Series

Question For Liberals #1
Question For Liberals #2

Hillary Clinton didn't grant the Russians 20% of US uranium. Your question is based on a lie, as usual.

Yes...she did....she signed off on the deal and you can bet that since her foundation recieved millions from putin....that no one dared stop the deal once she said it was happening....and before you say no uranium was handed over, you guys fail to remember that she was the one who was supposed to be President...that is when the deal would have been completed...if you doubt me, just check her email chain on the deal....oh, that's right, she destroyed 33,000 emails....3 blackberries and the 3 illegal, secret servers.....
Liberals: What is more egregious to you: Hillary Clinton granting the Russians twenty percent of USA uranium (regardless of whether you even concede a bribe occurred) or The Trump campaign briefly entertaining a legally admitted Russian lawyer lobbying for a law change?

again, not what happened. The Russians didn't get that Uranium, which can't be exported outside the US>

Look, man, i know that you guys are doing flop sweat now that Junior is breaking bad on his dad.

You guys.........once she was President it was all going to happen....she was paid up front.......if she didn't have secret service protection you can bet that putin would be looking to get his money back...
You guys.........once she was President it was all going to happen....she was paid up front.......if she didn't have secret service protection you can bet that putin would be looking to get his money back...

Okay, except Putin helped Trump, not Hillary...

come on, keep up. The new argument isn't "Collusion didn't happen'. We n ow know it did.

Today's argument is "Collusion isn't a crime".
You guys.........once she was President it was all going to happen....she was paid up front.......if she didn't have secret service protection you can bet that putin would be looking to get his money back...

Okay, except Putin helped Trump, not Hillary...

come on, keep up. The new argument isn't "Collusion didn't happen'. We n ow know it did.

Today's argument is "Collusion isn't a crime".
What exactly did Putin do to sway the election.
Continuing the QFLS:

Liberals: What is more egregious to you: Hillary Clinton granting the Russians twenty percent of USA uranium (regardless of whether you even concede a bribe occurred) or The Trump campaign briefly entertaining a legally admitted Russian lawyer lobbying for a law change?

Question For Liberals Series

Question For Liberals #1
Question For Liberals #2

Hillary Clinton didn't grant the Russians 20% of US uranium. Your question is based on a lie, as usual.
Here's your NYT times saying otherwise.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.

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