Question for Married People.....

But does your wife mind if you notice or point out an attractive women...?
She doesn't seem to anymore. We've been together for 37 years....she knows where she stands. Besides.....I make a point not to mention such things. If anything....she does it for me. "Don't you think she's pretty?" She asks.

"I guess!" I respond.

When I was younger, men would get together and talk about sex and other women - yet, now a days, all men have perfect, happy marriages (which is funny given the divorce rate) - or men don't like to admit they are dissatisfied.. puzzling....
We still do.
We're just more careful

So..... guys, honestly...

Does it bother you if your wife "notices" other attractive males?

I don't "get" why it would bother anyone..... attraction does not equal love.. seems silly....
It doesn't bother me when she looks or comments.
She does make snide remarks occasionally if I say something.

I guess I must be weird. To me, it's like I know men are lustful and it's not a reflection on me.
Some women I think have seen one too many romantic movies (or read too many romance novels...)
Lust to me is pinching her butt every once in awhile.

I guess all men have differing hormone levels.... ;)
It's one thing to say someone is attractive....quite another to get fresh with them.

But does your wife mind if you notice or point out an attractive women...?
She doesn't seem to anymore. We've been together for 37 years....she knows where she stands. Besides.....I make a point not to mention such things. If anything....she does it for me. "Don't you think she's pretty?" She asks.

"I guess!" I respond.

When I was younger, men would get together and talk about sex and other women - yet, now a days, all men have perfect, happy marriages (which is funny given the divorce rate) - or men don't like to admit they are dissatisfied.. puzzling....
We still do.
We're just more careful

So..... guys, honestly...

Does it bother you if your wife "notices" other attractive males?

I don't "get" why it would bother anyone..... attraction does not equal love.. seems silly....
She doesn't talk about it.

This is what love is. You don't really want anyone else. Not everyone has that.
.... does your spouse know you find other people attractive to other people?
Can you mention it to them that you think someone else is attractive, or will they get upset?

My wife is fine with me noticing attractive women- she just objects if I stare or drool. She will even point out particularly attractive women to me. As long as I do not neglect her, she is no more upset with me admiring Penelope Cruz than with me admiring a Renoir.
She doesn't seem to anymore. We've been together for 37 years....she knows where she stands. Besides.....I make a point not to mention such things. If anything....she does it for me. "Don't you think she's pretty?" She asks.

"I guess!" I respond.

We still do.
We're just more careful

So..... guys, honestly...

Does it bother you if your wife "notices" other attractive males?

I don't "get" why it would bother anyone..... attraction does not equal love.. seems silly....
It doesn't bother me when she looks or comments.
She does make snide remarks occasionally if I say something.

I guess I must be weird. To me, it's like I know men are lustful and it's not a reflection on me.
Some women I think have seen one too many romantic movies (or read too many romance novels...)
Lust to me is pinching her butt every once in awhile.

I guess all men have differing hormone levels.... ;)
The T level reduces after 50...
.... does your spouse know you find other people attractive to other people?
Can you mention it to them that you think someone else is attractive, or will they get upset?

That's never been an issue in my marriage. Finding someone attractive is not the same thing as acting on it.

I've heard stories of women crying because their husbands thought someone else was good looking.
My husband says stuff all the time, I don't care. People tell me that's weird...

That's insecurity. If either spouse can't deal with that then I'd say there are other issues at play.
It's one thing to say someone is attractive....quite another to get fresh with them.

But does your wife mind if you notice or point out an attractive women...?
She doesn't seem to anymore. We've been together for 37 years....she knows where she stands. Besides.....I make a point not to mention such things. If anything....she does it for me. "Don't you think she's pretty?" She asks.

"I guess!" I respond.

When I was younger, men would get together and talk about sex and other women - yet, now a days, all men have perfect, happy marriages (which is funny given the divorce rate) - or men don't like to admit they are dissatisfied.. puzzling....
We still do.
We're just more careful

So..... guys, honestly...

Does it bother you if your wife "notices" other attractive males?

I don't "get" why it would bother anyone..... attraction does not equal love.. seems silly....
She doesn't talk about it.

This is what love is. You don't really want anyone else. Not everyone has that.

yet, people replying to this thread do? Hmm... I'm skeptical...
She doesn't seem to anymore. We've been together for 37 years....she knows where she stands. Besides.....I make a point not to mention such things. If anything....she does it for me. "Don't you think she's pretty?" She asks.

"I guess!" I respond.

We still do.
We're just more careful

So..... guys, honestly...

Does it bother you if your wife "notices" other attractive males?

I don't "get" why it would bother anyone..... attraction does not equal love.. seems silly....
It doesn't bother me when she looks or comments.
She does make snide remarks occasionally if I say something.

I guess I must be weird. To me, it's like I know men are lustful and it's not a reflection on me.
Some women I think have seen one too many romantic movies (or read too many romance novels...)
Lust to me is pinching her butt every once in awhile.

I guess all men have differing hormone levels.... ;)

I'm 58.

So that makes sense.

The grass is always greener.......

Wisdom comes with age.
So..... guys, honestly...

Does it bother you if your wife "notices" other attractive males?

I don't "get" why it would bother anyone..... attraction does not equal love.. seems silly....
It doesn't bother me when she looks or comments.
She does make snide remarks occasionally if I say something.

I guess I must be weird. To me, it's like I know men are lustful and it's not a reflection on me.
Some women I think have seen one too many romantic movies (or read too many romance novels...)
Lust to me is pinching her butt every once in awhile.

I guess all men have differing hormone levels.... ;)
The T level reduces after 50...

I guess that is why love grows in a marriage over time.
In reality, the realization you can't get anyone better sets it...
So..... guys, honestly...

Does it bother you if your wife "notices" other attractive males?

I don't "get" why it would bother anyone..... attraction does not equal love.. seems silly....
It doesn't bother me when she looks or comments.
She does make snide remarks occasionally if I say something.

I guess I must be weird. To me, it's like I know men are lustful and it's not a reflection on me.
Some women I think have seen one too many romantic movies (or read too many romance novels...)
Lust to me is pinching her butt every once in awhile.

I guess all men have differing hormone levels.... ;)

I'm 58.

So that makes sense.

The grass is always greener.......

Wisdom comes with age.

Or resignation....(complacency?)
When I was younger, men would get together and talk about sex and other women - yet, now a days, all men have perfect, happy marriages (which is funny given the divorce rate) - or men don't like to admit they are dissatisfied.. puzzling....

My group of friends didn't talk about sex and other women- hardly at all. Now my wife and her friends.......oh yes they talk sex with each other a lot.

My marriage is happy- can't explain about everyone else's.
It doesn't bother me when she looks or comments.
She does make snide remarks occasionally if I say something.

I guess I must be weird. To me, it's like I know men are lustful and it's not a reflection on me.
Some women I think have seen one too many romantic movies (or read too many romance novels...)
Lust to me is pinching her butt every once in awhile.

I guess all men have differing hormone levels.... ;)
The T level reduces after 50...

I guess that is why love grows in a marriage over time.
In reality, the realization you can't get anyone better sets it...
What is "something better"?

Better looking?

Fuck that. Looks are fleeting. Personality is forever. wife is cute.
It doesn't bother me when she looks or comments.
She does make snide remarks occasionally if I say something.

I guess I must be weird. To me, it's like I know men are lustful and it's not a reflection on me.
Some women I think have seen one too many romantic movies (or read too many romance novels...)
Lust to me is pinching her butt every once in awhile.

I guess all men have differing hormone levels.... ;)
The T level reduces after 50...

I guess that is why love grows in a marriage over time.
In reality, the realization you can't get anyone better sets it...
And all the hassle with divorcing and finding a new mate..
It's one thing to say someone is attractive....quite another to get fresh with them.

But does your wife mind if you notice or point out an attractive women...?
She doesn't seem to anymore. We've been together for 37 years....she knows where she stands. Besides.....I make a point not to mention such things. If anything....she does it for me. "Don't you think she's pretty?" She asks.

"I guess!" I respond.

When I was younger, men would get together and talk about sex and other women - yet, now a days, all men have perfect, happy marriages (which is funny given the divorce rate) - or men don't like to admit they are dissatisfied.. puzzling....
We still do.
We're just more careful

So..... guys, honestly...

Does it bother you if your wife "notices" other attractive males?

I don't "get" why it would bother anyone..... attraction does not equal love.. seems silly....

Doesn't bother me in the least. We have never gotten jealous over the other noticing how attractive others are- we have been very secure in that we may look at others- but we actually save our lust for each other.
I guess I must be weird. To me, it's like I know men are lustful and it's not a reflection on me.
Some women I think have seen one too many romantic movies (or read too many romance novels...)
Lust to me is pinching her butt every once in awhile.

I guess all men have differing hormone levels.... ;)
The T level reduces after 50...

I guess that is why love grows in a marriage over time.
In reality, the realization you can't get anyone better sets it...
What is "something better"?

Better looking?

Fuck that. Looks are fleeting. Personality is forever. wife is cute.
Yes, at a certain age you realize that you are changing from the youthful appearance...
It doesn't bother me when she looks or comments.
She does make snide remarks occasionally if I say something.

I guess I must be weird. To me, it's like I know men are lustful and it's not a reflection on me.
Some women I think have seen one too many romantic movies (or read too many romance novels...)
Lust to me is pinching her butt every once in awhile.

I guess all men have differing hormone levels.... ;)

I'm 58.

So that makes sense.

The grass is always greener.......

Wisdom comes with age.

Or resignation....(complacency?)

We're married not dead

Finding a woman attractive, and your wife expecting you to "only have eyes for her" - or is it kind of an "unspoken" thing were you both know it, but, just don't talk about it?

I even point out pretty women to my husband. He doesn't like it <go figure!>

When I am with my wife in public I really to try to keep my eyes on her.

And she has only caught me once or twice checking out another girl as I have caught her eying a good looking guy

We have conversations about our celebrity crushes on occasion as well

In the long run though we are both very secure in our marriage.

It's funny we've been together 21 years, married 14 and if we get asked if we're newlyweds all the time.

We just hit 40 years and still hold hands. For me to check out other women when we go out would just be rude. But if we are at the beach and a nicely filled bikini walks by, I am going to appreciate it and the fact that my wife is there doesn't impact that. She may rib me about it, but it is playful. The same thing will happen if a nicely filled speedo goes by. It really comes down to trust.
I guess I must be weird. To me, it's like I know men are lustful and it's not a reflection on me.
Some women I think have seen one too many romantic movies (or read too many romance novels...)
Lust to me is pinching her butt every once in awhile.

I guess all men have differing hormone levels.... ;)

I'm 58.

So that makes sense.

The grass is always greener.......

Wisdom comes with age.

Or resignation....(complacency?)


If you are head over heels and completely happy with your spouse, more power to you.
Who am I to say otherwise... ;)
We're married not dead

Finding a woman attractive, and your wife expecting you to "only have eyes for her" - or is it kind of an "unspoken" thing were you both know it, but, just don't talk about it?

I even point out pretty women to my husband. He doesn't like it <go figure!>

When I am with my wife in public I really to try to keep my eyes on her.

And she has only caught me once or twice checking out another girl as I have caught her eying a good looking guy

We have conversations about our celebrity crushes on occasion as well

In the long run though we are both very secure in our marriage.

It's funny we've been together 21 years, married 14 and if we get asked if we're newlyweds all the time.

We just hit 40 years and still hold hands. For me to check out other women when we go out would just be rude. But if we are at the beach and a nicely filled bikini walks by, I am going to appreciate it and the fact that my wife is there doesn't impact that. She may rib me about it, but it is playful. The same thing will happen if a nicely filled speedo goes by. It really comes down to trust.

I think it comes down to reality - and self confidence.

If my husband found someone that made him happier tomorrow, and left me, I would be OK with that.
Not because I don't love him.
Because, he's a grown man able to make his own decisions.
I don't want someone to stick around that doesn't want to be here! That's nuts!
My wife and I have this little game we play when we are driving.

She will look at me funny.



"YOu mean the one in the black jogging pants with the bright green top and the really, really healthy...lungs"?


"Didn't notice".

Sometimes I turn it around on her.
I find it hard to believe that no man on here has a wife that gets pissed when he looks at other women.

I guess all the truly happily married men hang out on message boards.... ok.....

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