Question For People Against Guns

That wasn't what you were trying to say and you know it. You want the government to take guns away and there's no bother trying to deny it.
Nope, not true.

See, it's you that lies.
Find one post of mine that suggests that I want ALL guns confiscated.
You can't.
Yeah,.. I would actually LOVE to see the government try going to somebody's door and trying to take their gun. I don't think it would go as planned. I'll just say that much.

The government would not take them all at once. What they would do is isolate small slices of the population, confiscate their weapons and then move on and do the same thing to another small slice; on and on in the same way until guns were largely taken from Americans. See, if the government knows anything it knows that the population at large only cares about its own small region or area or even neighborhood, but not so much about what's happening in the rest of the country—not really. In this way the government can exploit small cross sections of Americans without the whole country arming up and coming after them. They've been doing this to us forever.
Nope, not true.

See, it's you that lies.
Find one post of mine that suggests that I want ALL guns confiscated.
You can't.

You bring up changing the constitution in a thread where the OP (me) believes in the right to bear arms. You tell me genius, is that not an educated guess at least?

yea so we were there for 20 years.....what a waste of time and lives...

Okay, so I admit,.. we were in a war much longer than we needed to be, but in the beginning it was for good intentions.
As this question keeps entering my mind on Memorial Day weekend. Are you also against the military? (I hope not, but just curious since they have guns.)

Are you actually comparing the US military to street thugs and all these domestic terrorists with their insane manifestos and conspiracy theories? Are you drunk, stupid or what?

Are you actually comparing the US military to street thugs and all these domestic terrorists with their insane manifestos and conspiracy theories? Are you drunk, stupid or what?

No, it was just asking a question as not everybody in this thread (unfortunately) supports the US military.
Why is that?

You missed all the times in US History that the Constitution was amended?
You surely were educated to this fact, or were you homeschooled? LOLLOOOLLOOLL

She's just juvenile, uneducated and seeking attention.
As this question keeps entering my mind on Memorial Day weekend. Are you also against the military? (I hope not, but just curious since they have guns.)

You bring up changing the constitution in a thread where the OP (me) believes in the right to bear arms. You tell me genius, is that not an educated guess at least?

Okay, so I admit,.. we were in a war much longer than we needed to be, but in the beginning it was for good intentions.
in the beginning yes.....but all those years later no.....that is one of the things i believe knoop was talking about....
As this question keeps entering my mind on Memorial Day weekend. Are you also against the military? (I hope not, but just curious since they have guns.)


(I'm against giving almost all of our tax money to a bloated giant military budget when we have other problems to deal with, but I'm not against the military)

The key to the military is that there is a use for guns and weapons and defense. If the military is protecting our way of life I don't want that way of life being that we are busy packing heat gunning each other down in the street like a lawless hellhole.

Our way of life should not include routine culling of children in the schools or old people in the churches.

That way of life is not worth defending.

A safe, stable, decent place to live IS.
As this question keeps entering my mind on Memorial Day weekend. Are you also against the military? (I hope not, but just curious since they have guns.)

Depends what you mean. There's two parts to the military. The one that defends the country from attack and the one that goes warring and whoring.
The latter I am opposed to.
Look, I think that we can all agree that no matter what time of the year it is, the military should always be respected. The military, police, firemen (and women) and anybody else who puts their lives on the line protecting us. That's another thing, the police have guns too and they mostly use them to protect us but yet people want to have them defunded.

Very few actually want to defund the police in that way. They actually want to take some police funds and put them toward other means of dealing with crisis situations. Mental health crisis experts are important but we put people out there with guns instead. There's a recent case where an old lady who was suffering from dementia was waving a knife around. The police officer (there's video) got the family out of the house and the old woman was standing in her kitchen door holding the knife down by her side. The officer started SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS "Put the knife down! PUT THE FUCKING KNIFE DOWN!" to a little old lady whom he had been told repeatedly was suffering from dementia.

He wound up shooting her to death.

You can't tell me that we deal with all problems effectively when the only solution is usually involving pointing a gun and blasting away.

Then when you see what happened in Texas last week it's more sobering still. Policemen who are TRAINED to deal with this sort of thing stood by for an hour before engaging. And we are told we need to train 3rd grade teachers how to if that will somehow IMPROVE the odds.

It's mindboggling.

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