Question for Republicans: How do you expect to recover from Trump?

As jaded as I am about politics as it pertains to USA.INC? Trump has proven that there is a shadow government with deep state operatives that have only embedded themselves further into the State Department and other relevant incorporated alphabet agencies since the murder of JFK by the CIA and those within the military industrial complex that is owned by the international banking oligarchs. Trump's victory has only substantiated all the claims I have been making for the last six years.
But the 2016 election was Shellacking 4.0 for the Democrats. Also, Tom Perez has purged all of the Bernie Bros/“progressives” from superdelegates and important positions in the DNC, and Bernie Bros have noticed. The DNC is the one imploding.
I thought it was shelonging 4.0.
Trump is destroying your party

He may cost you the House and Senate

What do you plan to do about it?
The real question is how do the democrats recover from the failed coronation, rigging the primary, 50 years of communist infiltration, and driving the white middle class to vote as an oppressed minority block against them.

I think the dems need to use the term "White Privilege" about 10,000 more times between now and the mid-terms. Make it a daily bitch fest. They are sure to win with that message.
Trump is destroying your party

He may cost you the House and Senate

What do you plan to do about it?
both parties are scraping the bottom of the barrel.....they cant get much worse,hopefully politicians like yesteryear will start to rise up...........
Trump is destroying your party

He may cost you the House and Senate

What do you plan to do about it?
The real question is how do the democrats recover from the failed coronation, rigging the primary, 50 years of communist infiltration, and driving the white middle class to vote as an oppressed minority block against them.

I think the dems need to use the term "White Privilege" about 10,000 more times between now and the mid-terms. Make it a daily bitch fest. They are sure to win with that message.

Folks, we have a WINNER! Bootney Lee Farnsworth wins the thread!
Trump is destroying your party

He may cost you the House and Senate

What do you plan to do about it?
I see it as a takover of a failing company. Before Trump the GOP lost two elections to a huckster conman and before that we had Dubya for two terms. The GOP has been messed up for a long time and needed a shakeout.


Democrats lost over 1,000 seats under Obama
Published December 27, 2016
Fox News


But 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue wasn’t the only locale to see a big partisan change since Obama took office in January 2009, according to figures from Ballotpedia.

Democratic U.S. Senate seats fell from 55 to 46. Their share of the House plummeted from 256 seats to 194. Republicans still control both chambers going into the next session.

Democratic governerships also became a rarity during this eight-year period, slipping from 28 to 16.

The Obama years, which saw the rise of the Tea Party as well as a new movement form around Trump that is still being defined, coincided with a loss of 958 state legislative seats for Democrats.


Democrats lost over 1,000 seats under Obama
Trump is destroying your party

He may cost you the House and Senate

What do you plan to do about it?

Thanks for the CNN FAKE NEWS talking points they used in an effort to distract from the Breaking News Crooked Hillary conspired with the Russians in the Uranium One-GATE and the fake "dossier!"
Trump is destroying your party

He may cost you the House and Senate

What do you plan to do about it?
both parties are scraping the bottom of the barrel.....they cant get much worse,hopefully politicians like yesteryear will start to rise up...........

Yup. That's the problem when they only offer you a choice between two evils. You're still voting for evil.
Trump is destroying your party

He may cost you the House and Senate

What do you plan to do about it?

Meh ... The Republicans are destroying their party and President Trump gets blamed for everything anyway.
I am glad President Trump finally managed to turn the GOP out for who they really have been.

Wouldn't have minded it much if Hillary Clinton had done the same thing to the Democrats.
She almost did with the DNC scandal ... Minus the fact Dems are pretty good about not throwing their own under the bus ... Win at all costs.
Hell ... With as nutty as the Democrats are getting over President Trump ... They are liable to shoot themselves in the foot as well.

Give a President a Twitter account and get rid of the two party system in one swoop ... That would have been nice ... :eusa_think:

What's to 'recover' from? Republicans currently control the House, Senate, and the White House. The Democrats are down to just 15 Governorships among the 50 states. And Trump may get to appoint as many as 3 Supreme Court Justices. Republicans control most of the country at this point. So i'm just not seeing what the OP is seeing. I think he or she is living in serious denial. It's the Democratic Party that's in ruins.
Trump is destroying your party

He may cost you the House and Senate

What do you plan to do about it?
By the time Trump is out (hopefully sooner than later)...they will throw him under the bus and distance themselves like they did Bush....
Trump is destroying your party

He may cost you the House and Senate

What do you plan to do about it?

Not quite as much as he's destroying the Democrat party. Needless to say, he's right on target.

He sure hasn't done anything good for the country. All we get is politics.

Give him time. It will take awhile to root out all the dead weight hypocrites.

He has years to go, but it's sure the slowest start ever for a president who's party is in control. Not seeing strong leadership at all.

That's because there is truly little difference bewtween the repubs and the dems. The dems were taking us towards socialism at 100 mph and the repubs at 75. The end result though is the same. The political class is the enemy of the American People and hopefully trump survives long enough to put a serious dent in their plans.

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He sure hasn't done anything good for the country. All we get is politics.

I understand your fear and frustration. He is doing extremely well, as you well know.

Wow, what a way to announce your total idiocy.


Trump has yet to get any legislative accomplishments, is under criminal investigation, is feuding with his own party non-stop and has approval rating hovering around -20.

In what fucking universe is that considered "extremely well??"
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But the 2016 election was Shellacking 4.0 for the Democrats. Also, Tom Perez has purged all of the Bernie Bros/“progressives” from superdelegates and important positions in the DNC, and Bernie Bros have noticed. The DNC is the one imploding.
The Dems arent infighting and eating their own.
Never have I heard prominent senators from the prez own party accuse him of being a liar and having deplorable behavior. That’s because it’s probably never happened before. That’s because a total buffoon like DT never happened before.

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