Question The Left Never Answers.What About All Of Those Waiting In Line To Get In The USA?

So now it’s not me it’s “the left” ok buddy.

Founding principles are always going to be rigid because they are defining the structure of our government and system. Of course they are important but you also have to consider our history, the laws developed within our system, ruling of our courts, the development of our country and the American spirit that has made us great. Since our founding, our nation has grown and prospered on the backs of immigrants and defined ourselves as a beacon of light and land of opportunity. Many people like myself take pride in that spirit. Many people like myself believe that laws should be followed and respected but also want to stay true to the American dream and spirit. If you could take out your partisan earplugs maybe you would recognize that your “opposition” shares many of your values and doesn’t necessarily represent what you project they do.

I don’t think many on the left don’t want to see more illegal immigration”
We’re you not speaking on behalf of “the Left”

There you go again, dancing around playing word games and semantics. You see, you can’t have it both are either a nation founded on X principles or you’re an emotional, bleeding heart nation willing to bend.
I think you’re a bit know that immigrants use to migrate here legally...right? Meaning WITH THE APPROVAL OF AMERICAN CITIZENS. You understand the difference...right?
I’m not confused at all. I’ve been pretty clear that I think legal immigration should be enforced and improved. That doesn’t mean I need to support a border wall or mass incarceration/deportation of over 10+ million people. There are much smarter and more practical ways to address both issues. I don’t speak for anybody but myself but since people like you like to call me Left then so be it.

That's why you're say you support law and order and our American principles...but then you say in a "round about way"....."aw, since they're here and have already broke the law, lets just let them stay, not prosecute and allow them to continue to fuck over REAL Americans."
That's doesn't seem like fucked up logic to you?
I'm not confused at all... Just because I don't support deporting families that have been here for decades doesn't mean I don't support enforcing the law. I also don't support sending jaywalkers to prison. I'm fine with immediately deporting people who are caught crossing illegally. I support legal status to DACA people with a pathway to citizenship. I support a special visa for other illegals that gives them legal status and a responsibility to account for their crime of coming here illegally. That would mean either fines or community service.'re just not getting it've got yourself all spun around and confused and you're just not seeing it. You can't have it both can't be supportive of our laws, constitution and sovereignty "sometimes" or in "some cases" either support it or you don't.
You have to be fucking crazy to think people shouldn't be prosecuted for crimes just because they've "gotten away with it" for so long....What if our legal system actually worked like that...That's loonie shit. Let go of emotion, use logic...think with a lawful American mind...the fact that you "sort of" equate J-walking with illegal immigration and the BILLIONS it costs real Americans tells the confirms just how twisted up your head really is.
Try reading my last statement again, it apparently went right over your head. I never said people shouldn't be held accountable, I said they shouldn't be deported if they fit certain criteria, they should be deported if they fit other criteria. Did you not understand that. You know, we have this thing called statute of limitations written in our law that literally expires crimes after a certain amount of time. Its not a crazy concept.
I don’t think many on the left don’t want to see more illegal immigration”
We’re you not speaking on behalf of “the Left”

There you go again, dancing around playing word games and semantics. You see, you can’t have it both are either a nation founded on X principles or you’re an emotional, bleeding heart nation willing to bend.
I think you’re a bit know that immigrants use to migrate here legally...right? Meaning WITH THE APPROVAL OF AMERICAN CITIZENS. You understand the difference...right?
I’m not confused at all. I’ve been pretty clear that I think legal immigration should be enforced and improved. That doesn’t mean I need to support a border wall or mass incarceration/deportation of over 10+ million people. There are much smarter and more practical ways to address both issues. I don’t speak for anybody but myself but since people like you like to call me Left then so be it.

That's why you're say you support law and order and our American principles...but then you say in a "round about way"....."aw, since they're here and have already broke the law, lets just let them stay, not prosecute and allow them to continue to fuck over REAL Americans."
That's doesn't seem like fucked up logic to you?
I'm not confused at all... Just because I don't support deporting families that have been here for decades doesn't mean I don't support enforcing the law. I also don't support sending jaywalkers to prison. I'm fine with immediately deporting people who are caught crossing illegally. I support legal status to DACA people with a pathway to citizenship. I support a special visa for other illegals that gives them legal status and a responsibility to account for their crime of coming here illegally. That would mean either fines or community service.'re just not getting it've got yourself all spun around and confused and you're just not seeing it. You can't have it both can't be supportive of our laws, constitution and sovereignty "sometimes" or in "some cases" either support it or you don't.
You have to be fucking crazy to think people shouldn't be prosecuted for crimes just because they've "gotten away with it" for so long....What if our legal system actually worked like that...That's loonie shit. Let go of emotion, use logic...think with a lawful American mind...the fact that you "sort of" equate J-walking with illegal immigration and the BILLIONS it costs real Americans tells the confirms just how twisted up your head really is.
Try reading my last statement again, it apparently went right over your head. I never said people shouldn't be held accountable, I said they shouldn't be deported if they fit certain criteria, they should be deported if they fit other criteria. Did you not understand that. You know, we have this thing called statute of limitations written in our law that literally expires crimes after a certain amount of time. Its not a crazy concept.

Oh no...nothing went over my head.
You just keep confirming how confused you’re totally letting “the feels” get in the way of logic.
You kinda do, but you kinda don’t, but you kinda’re tap dancing and spinning all over the place...haha
You want to believe so badly that there’s gray area within our laws...
Statue of limitations? REALLY?
You want to believe that illegals become legal-er as time goes on?
Listen to yourself’re losing credibility FAST!
You realize that Gustavo, who broke our law 25 years ago and shit on our sovereignty became ILLEGAL the moment he crossed...AND you do realize that he is equally ILLEGAL know this...right?
Are you saying that should Gustavo be able to evade authorities long enough without committing other offenses that he should eventually be considered for citizenship?
Please tell me you hear just how fucking retarded that sounds?
:argue: This has been going on at least since 2009. For those of us who are regular FOX news viewers, we have been watching this argument for quite some time,,especially since Obama became President. Every host has interviewed their share of angry/loony leftists fighting for the illegal aliens who just cross the border, and then Obama just lets them stay.
And when the host says,,,,well what about all of those waiting in line?,,the right/legal way?
And then they go off on how these millions of illegal aliens are contributing to society. Right?
And after these last 9/10 years of these arguments, they still wont give us a direct answer pertaining to those waiting in line.
We all know what they would say if they were ever honest,,,,,,"F Them!!!" F all of them white Europeans waiting in line !! they are all racist republicans and we dont need their votes",.......{pretty much something like that,,,right?}
:lalala: :iagree:
I personally know 3 immigrant families who have waited years and spent a lot of money to get their citizenship. They are all pissed as hell about what Democrats are doing.

Wait! They are here? The line is inside the US?
I have bad news for you. Will have all read your posts, and you are a definitive dumb ass! That means you are a liberal!
I love when idiots like yourself try and call me a dumb ass and can't even write the insult with literary accuracy. It just shows off your stupidity. A bit of advice, if you are going to insult somebodies intelligence you should make sure the insult is grammatically correct or else the whole thing kind of blows up in your face.

That's "somebody's," not "somebodies."
:argue: This has been going on at least since 2009. For those of us who are regular FOX news viewers, we have been watching this argument for quite some time,,especially since Obama became President. Every host has interviewed their share of angry/loony leftists fighting for the illegal aliens who just cross the border, and then Obama just lets them stay.
And when the host says,,,,well what about all of those waiting in line?,,the right/legal way?
And then they go off on how these millions of illegal aliens are contributing to society. Right?
And after these last 9/10 years of these arguments, they still wont give us a direct answer pertaining to those waiting in line.
We all know what they would say if they were ever honest,,,,,,"F Them!!!" F all of them white Europeans waiting in line !! they are all racist republicans and we dont need their votes",.......{pretty much something like that,,,right?}
:lalala: :iagree:
I personally know 3 immigrant families who have waited years and spent a lot of money to get their citizenship. They are all pissed as hell about what Democrats are doing.

Wait! They are here? The line is inside the US?
What a moronic fuckhead Leftard.
:argue: This has been going on at least since 2009. For those of us who are regular FOX news viewers, we have been watching this argument for quite some time,,especially since Obama became President. Every host has interviewed their share of angry/loony leftists fighting for the illegal aliens who just cross the border, and then Obama just lets them stay.
And when the host says,,,,well what about all of those waiting in line?,,the right/legal way?
And then they go off on how these millions of illegal aliens are contributing to society. Right?
And after these last 9/10 years of these arguments, they still wont give us a direct answer pertaining to those waiting in line.
We all know what they would say if they were ever honest,,,,,,"F Them!!!" F all of them white Europeans waiting in line !! they are all racist republicans and we dont need their votes",.......{pretty much something like that,,,right?}
:lalala: :iagree:
I personally know 3 immigrant families who have waited years and spent a lot of money to get their citizenship. They are all pissed as hell about what Democrats are doing.

Wait! They are here? The line is inside the US?
What a moronic fuckhead Leftard.
what next? are we gonna allow aliens from Mars to relocate to the USA no questions asked? oh wait...some of our liberals are from Mars
I’m not confused at all. I’ve been pretty clear that I think legal immigration should be enforced and improved. That doesn’t mean I need to support a border wall or mass incarceration/deportation of over 10+ million people. There are much smarter and more practical ways to address both issues. I don’t speak for anybody but myself but since people like you like to call me Left then so be it.

That's why you're say you support law and order and our American principles...but then you say in a "round about way"....."aw, since they're here and have already broke the law, lets just let them stay, not prosecute and allow them to continue to fuck over REAL Americans."
That's doesn't seem like fucked up logic to you?
I'm not confused at all... Just because I don't support deporting families that have been here for decades doesn't mean I don't support enforcing the law. I also don't support sending jaywalkers to prison. I'm fine with immediately deporting people who are caught crossing illegally. I support legal status to DACA people with a pathway to citizenship. I support a special visa for other illegals that gives them legal status and a responsibility to account for their crime of coming here illegally. That would mean either fines or community service.'re just not getting it've got yourself all spun around and confused and you're just not seeing it. You can't have it both can't be supportive of our laws, constitution and sovereignty "sometimes" or in "some cases" either support it or you don't.
You have to be fucking crazy to think people shouldn't be prosecuted for crimes just because they've "gotten away with it" for so long....What if our legal system actually worked like that...That's loonie shit. Let go of emotion, use logic...think with a lawful American mind...the fact that you "sort of" equate J-walking with illegal immigration and the BILLIONS it costs real Americans tells the confirms just how twisted up your head really is.
Try reading my last statement again, it apparently went right over your head. I never said people shouldn't be held accountable, I said they shouldn't be deported if they fit certain criteria, they should be deported if they fit other criteria. Did you not understand that. You know, we have this thing called statute of limitations written in our law that literally expires crimes after a certain amount of time. Its not a crazy concept.

Oh no...nothing went over my head.
You just keep confirming how confused you’re totally letting “the feels” get in the way of logic.
You kinda do, but you kinda don’t, but you kinda’re tap dancing and spinning all over the place...haha
You want to believe so badly that there’s gray area within our laws...
Statue of limitations? REALLY?
You want to believe that illegals become legal-er as time goes on?
Listen to yourself’re losing credibility FAST!
You realize that Gustavo, who broke our law 25 years ago and shit on our sovereignty became ILLEGAL the moment he crossed...AND you do realize that he is equally ILLEGAL know this...right?
Are you saying that should Gustavo be able to evade authorities long enough without committing other offenses that he should eventually be considered for citizenship?
Please tell me you hear just how fucking retarded that sounds?
Let me ask you something. Should a jaywalker be thrown in prison for breaking the law? Why or why not?
I have bad news for you. Will have all read your posts, and you are a definitive dumb ass! That means you are a liberal!
I love when idiots like yourself try and call me a dumb ass and can't even write the insult with literary accuracy. It just shows off your stupidity. A bit of advice, if you are going to insult somebodies intelligence you should make sure the insult is grammatically correct or else the whole thing kind of blows up in your face.

That's "somebody's," not "somebodies."
Whoa, got me their! Lowering you’re self to the grammar police to git those victories huh? Nice
That's why you're say you support law and order and our American principles...but then you say in a "round about way"....."aw, since they're here and have already broke the law, lets just let them stay, not prosecute and allow them to continue to fuck over REAL Americans."
That's doesn't seem like fucked up logic to you?
I'm not confused at all... Just because I don't support deporting families that have been here for decades doesn't mean I don't support enforcing the law. I also don't support sending jaywalkers to prison. I'm fine with immediately deporting people who are caught crossing illegally. I support legal status to DACA people with a pathway to citizenship. I support a special visa for other illegals that gives them legal status and a responsibility to account for their crime of coming here illegally. That would mean either fines or community service.'re just not getting it've got yourself all spun around and confused and you're just not seeing it. You can't have it both can't be supportive of our laws, constitution and sovereignty "sometimes" or in "some cases" either support it or you don't.
You have to be fucking crazy to think people shouldn't be prosecuted for crimes just because they've "gotten away with it" for so long....What if our legal system actually worked like that...That's loonie shit. Let go of emotion, use logic...think with a lawful American mind...the fact that you "sort of" equate J-walking with illegal immigration and the BILLIONS it costs real Americans tells the confirms just how twisted up your head really is.
Try reading my last statement again, it apparently went right over your head. I never said people shouldn't be held accountable, I said they shouldn't be deported if they fit certain criteria, they should be deported if they fit other criteria. Did you not understand that. You know, we have this thing called statute of limitations written in our law that literally expires crimes after a certain amount of time. Its not a crazy concept.

Oh no...nothing went over my head.
You just keep confirming how confused you’re totally letting “the feels” get in the way of logic.
You kinda do, but you kinda don’t, but you kinda’re tap dancing and spinning all over the place...haha
You want to believe so badly that there’s gray area within our laws...
Statue of limitations? REALLY?
You want to believe that illegals become legal-er as time goes on?
Listen to yourself’re losing credibility FAST!
You realize that Gustavo, who broke our law 25 years ago and shit on our sovereignty became ILLEGAL the moment he crossed...AND you do realize that he is equally ILLEGAL know this...right?
Are you saying that should Gustavo be able to evade authorities long enough without committing other offenses that he should eventually be considered for citizenship?
Please tell me you hear just how fucking retarded that sounds?
Let me ask you something. Should a jaywalker be thrown in prison for breaking the law? Why or why not?

Awesome...I love semantics and rhetorical questions...I’ll play.
A jaywalker should be punished according to the law. People fought for that law...time, effort and money was spent to get that law on the books...what’s it all for if said laws won’t be enforced?
Your turn.
I'm not confused at all... Just because I don't support deporting families that have been here for decades doesn't mean I don't support enforcing the law. I also don't support sending jaywalkers to prison. I'm fine with immediately deporting people who are caught crossing illegally. I support legal status to DACA people with a pathway to citizenship. I support a special visa for other illegals that gives them legal status and a responsibility to account for their crime of coming here illegally. That would mean either fines or community service.'re just not getting it've got yourself all spun around and confused and you're just not seeing it. You can't have it both can't be supportive of our laws, constitution and sovereignty "sometimes" or in "some cases" either support it or you don't.
You have to be fucking crazy to think people shouldn't be prosecuted for crimes just because they've "gotten away with it" for so long....What if our legal system actually worked like that...That's loonie shit. Let go of emotion, use logic...think with a lawful American mind...the fact that you "sort of" equate J-walking with illegal immigration and the BILLIONS it costs real Americans tells the confirms just how twisted up your head really is.
Try reading my last statement again, it apparently went right over your head. I never said people shouldn't be held accountable, I said they shouldn't be deported if they fit certain criteria, they should be deported if they fit other criteria. Did you not understand that. You know, we have this thing called statute of limitations written in our law that literally expires crimes after a certain amount of time. Its not a crazy concept.

Oh no...nothing went over my head.
You just keep confirming how confused you’re totally letting “the feels” get in the way of logic.
You kinda do, but you kinda don’t, but you kinda’re tap dancing and spinning all over the place...haha
You want to believe so badly that there’s gray area within our laws...
Statue of limitations? REALLY?
You want to believe that illegals become legal-er as time goes on?
Listen to yourself’re losing credibility FAST!
You realize that Gustavo, who broke our law 25 years ago and shit on our sovereignty became ILLEGAL the moment he crossed...AND you do realize that he is equally ILLEGAL know this...right?
Are you saying that should Gustavo be able to evade authorities long enough without committing other offenses that he should eventually be considered for citizenship?
Please tell me you hear just how fucking retarded that sounds?
Let me ask you something. Should a jaywalker be thrown in prison for breaking the law? Why or why not?

Awesome...I love semantics and rhetorical questions...I’ll play.
A jaywalker should be punished according to the law. People fought for that law...time, effort and money was spent to get that law on the books...what’s it all for if said laws won’t be enforced?
Your turn.
I think laws should be enforced but it is also at the discrerion of the peace officer. Should CHP ticket every person that goes 1 mph over the speed limit? Technically the are breaking the law right? Should cops ticket all jaywalkers? There is still a law on the books in my home town outlawing loud sneezing on the sidewalks because it could spook the horses. But the authorities have decided not to enforce it.

I also think the citizens have the right to voice their opinion on how they would like to see laws modified. That’s what I’m doing, hoping for much needed immigration reform and presenting my ideas.'re just not getting it've got yourself all spun around and confused and you're just not seeing it. You can't have it both can't be supportive of our laws, constitution and sovereignty "sometimes" or in "some cases" either support it or you don't.
You have to be fucking crazy to think people shouldn't be prosecuted for crimes just because they've "gotten away with it" for so long....What if our legal system actually worked like that...That's loonie shit. Let go of emotion, use logic...think with a lawful American mind...the fact that you "sort of" equate J-walking with illegal immigration and the BILLIONS it costs real Americans tells the confirms just how twisted up your head really is.
Try reading my last statement again, it apparently went right over your head. I never said people shouldn't be held accountable, I said they shouldn't be deported if they fit certain criteria, they should be deported if they fit other criteria. Did you not understand that. You know, we have this thing called statute of limitations written in our law that literally expires crimes after a certain amount of time. Its not a crazy concept.

Oh no...nothing went over my head.
You just keep confirming how confused you’re totally letting “the feels” get in the way of logic.
You kinda do, but you kinda don’t, but you kinda’re tap dancing and spinning all over the place...haha
You want to believe so badly that there’s gray area within our laws...
Statue of limitations? REALLY?
You want to believe that illegals become legal-er as time goes on?
Listen to yourself’re losing credibility FAST!
You realize that Gustavo, who broke our law 25 years ago and shit on our sovereignty became ILLEGAL the moment he crossed...AND you do realize that he is equally ILLEGAL know this...right?
Are you saying that should Gustavo be able to evade authorities long enough without committing other offenses that he should eventually be considered for citizenship?
Please tell me you hear just how fucking retarded that sounds?
Let me ask you something. Should a jaywalker be thrown in prison for breaking the law? Why or why not?

Awesome...I love semantics and rhetorical questions...I’ll play.
A jaywalker should be punished according to the law. People fought for that law...time, effort and money was spent to get that law on the books...what’s it all for if said laws won’t be enforced?
Your turn.
I think laws should be enforced but it is also at the discrerion of the peace officer. Should CHP ticket every person that goes 1 mph over the speed limit? Technically the are breaking the law right? Should cops ticket all jaywalkers? There is still a law on the books in my home town outlawing loud sneezing on the sidewalks because it could spook the horses. But the authorities have decided not to enforce it.

I also think the citizens have the right to voice their opinion on how they would like to see laws modified. That’s what I’m doing, hoping for much needed immigration reform and presenting my ideas.

I hear what your saying and you make perfect sense to YOU.
You’re struggling to differentiate between a jaywalker, someone sneezing on a sidewalk and an illegal immigrant...REALLY? Come on bud.
Two of the three offenses don’t really cause harm to or fiscally burden REAL Americans should they go unenforced. Two of three if unenforced don’t cause mass degradation of U.S. communities, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE tell me you’re starting to hear how stupid you sound?
people comming to the US "illegally" are probably in more need of help than republican white dudes, hence, ofc focus should be on the ones who you could give a better future to

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Try reading my last statement again, it apparently went right over your head. I never said people shouldn't be held accountable, I said they shouldn't be deported if they fit certain criteria, they should be deported if they fit other criteria. Did you not understand that. You know, we have this thing called statute of limitations written in our law that literally expires crimes after a certain amount of time. Its not a crazy concept.

Oh no...nothing went over my head.
You just keep confirming how confused you’re totally letting “the feels” get in the way of logic.
You kinda do, but you kinda don’t, but you kinda’re tap dancing and spinning all over the place...haha
You want to believe so badly that there’s gray area within our laws...
Statue of limitations? REALLY?
You want to believe that illegals become legal-er as time goes on?
Listen to yourself’re losing credibility FAST!
You realize that Gustavo, who broke our law 25 years ago and shit on our sovereignty became ILLEGAL the moment he crossed...AND you do realize that he is equally ILLEGAL know this...right?
Are you saying that should Gustavo be able to evade authorities long enough without committing other offenses that he should eventually be considered for citizenship?
Please tell me you hear just how fucking retarded that sounds?
Let me ask you something. Should a jaywalker be thrown in prison for breaking the law? Why or why not?

Awesome...I love semantics and rhetorical questions...I’ll play.
A jaywalker should be punished according to the law. People fought for that law...time, effort and money was spent to get that law on the books...what’s it all for if said laws won’t be enforced?
Your turn.
I think laws should be enforced but it is also at the discrerion of the peace officer. Should CHP ticket every person that goes 1 mph over the speed limit? Technically the are breaking the law right? Should cops ticket all jaywalkers? There is still a law on the books in my home town outlawing loud sneezing on the sidewalks because it could spook the horses. But the authorities have decided not to enforce it.

I also think the citizens have the right to voice their opinion on how they would like to see laws modified. That’s what I’m doing, hoping for much needed immigration reform and presenting my ideas.

I hear what your saying and you make perfect sense to YOU.
You’re struggling to differentiate between a jaywalker, someone sneezing on a sidewalk and an illegal immigrant...REALLY? Come on bud.
Two of the three offenses don’t really cause harm to or fiscally burden REAL Americans should they go unenforced. Two of three if unenforced don’t cause mass degradation of U.S. communities, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE tell me you’re starting to hear how stupid you sound?
Again the point seems to go right over your head. Or maybe it didn’t since you tried tonpovit towards the “harm” arguement. To reiterate my point which should have been obvious... different crimes warrant different degrees of enforcement and punishment.
Try reading my last statement again, it apparently went right over your head. I never said people shouldn't be held accountable, I said they shouldn't be deported if they fit certain criteria, they should be deported if they fit other criteria. Did you not understand that. You know, we have this thing called statute of limitations written in our law that literally expires crimes after a certain amount of time. Its not a crazy concept.

Oh no...nothing went over my head.
You just keep confirming how confused you’re totally letting “the feels” get in the way of logic.
You kinda do, but you kinda don’t, but you kinda’re tap dancing and spinning all over the place...haha
You want to believe so badly that there’s gray area within our laws...
Statue of limitations? REALLY?
You want to believe that illegals become legal-er as time goes on?
Listen to yourself’re losing credibility FAST!
You realize that Gustavo, who broke our law 25 years ago and shit on our sovereignty became ILLEGAL the moment he crossed...AND you do realize that he is equally ILLEGAL know this...right?
Are you saying that should Gustavo be able to evade authorities long enough without committing other offenses that he should eventually be considered for citizenship?
Please tell me you hear just how fucking retarded that sounds?
Let me ask you something. Should a jaywalker be thrown in prison for breaking the law? Why or why not?

Awesome...I love semantics and rhetorical questions...I’ll play.
A jaywalker should be punished according to the law. People fought for that law...time, effort and money was spent to get that law on the books...what’s it all for if said laws won’t be enforced?
Your turn.
I think laws should be enforced but it is also at the discrerion of the peace officer. Should CHP ticket every person that goes 1 mph over the speed limit? Technically the are breaking the law right? Should cops ticket all jaywalkers? There is still a law on the books in my home town outlawing loud sneezing on the sidewalks because it could spook the horses. But the authorities have decided not to enforce it.

I also think the citizens have the right to voice their opinion on how they would like to see laws modified. That’s what I’m doing, hoping for much needed immigration reform and presenting my ideas.

I hear what your saying and you make perfect sense to YOU.
You’re struggling to differentiate between a jaywalker, someone sneezing on a sidewalk and an illegal immigrant...REALLY? Come on bud.
Two of the three offenses don’t really cause harm to or fiscally burden REAL Americans should they go unenforced. Two of three if unenforced don’t cause mass degradation of U.S. communities, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE tell me you’re starting to hear how stupid you sound?
Im not struggling to differentiate... my point seems to have gone over your head. Or perhaps it didn't since you proceeded to divert to the "harm" argument. I'll make it crystal clear though... The reason I brought up the examples I did was to emphasis the point that different crimes have different enforcement and punishment priorities. We also have statute of limitations on certain crimes. So my position of supporting none deportation efforts for a group of people and work towards other forms of accountability is not that crazy of an idea. Most Americans are here today because of immigration and many recognize the value of what hard working immigrants can do to help a growing economy. So while I agree that illegal immigrants should not be outright excused for breaking the law, I don't think it serves a public service to try and deport 10+ million that are living here, working hard and being productive members of our communities. I think there is a smarter way to deal with those people which i've already explained. I think DACA qualified people are a no brainer to give them legal status, which is going to happen in the next few weeks. Its fine if you don't agree, that is what debate is for, but stop playing dumb and acting like I'm not making any sense. It just makes you sound like you are unable to understand simple arguments.
Oh no...nothing went over my head.
You just keep confirming how confused you’re totally letting “the feels” get in the way of logic.
You kinda do, but you kinda don’t, but you kinda’re tap dancing and spinning all over the place...haha
You want to believe so badly that there’s gray area within our laws...
Statue of limitations? REALLY?
You want to believe that illegals become legal-er as time goes on?
Listen to yourself’re losing credibility FAST!
You realize that Gustavo, who broke our law 25 years ago and shit on our sovereignty became ILLEGAL the moment he crossed...AND you do realize that he is equally ILLEGAL know this...right?
Are you saying that should Gustavo be able to evade authorities long enough without committing other offenses that he should eventually be considered for citizenship?
Please tell me you hear just how fucking retarded that sounds?
Let me ask you something. Should a jaywalker be thrown in prison for breaking the law? Why or why not?

Awesome...I love semantics and rhetorical questions...I’ll play.
A jaywalker should be punished according to the law. People fought for that law...time, effort and money was spent to get that law on the books...what’s it all for if said laws won’t be enforced?
Your turn.
I think laws should be enforced but it is also at the discrerion of the peace officer. Should CHP ticket every person that goes 1 mph over the speed limit? Technically the are breaking the law right? Should cops ticket all jaywalkers? There is still a law on the books in my home town outlawing loud sneezing on the sidewalks because it could spook the horses. But the authorities have decided not to enforce it.

I also think the citizens have the right to voice their opinion on how they would like to see laws modified. That’s what I’m doing, hoping for much needed immigration reform and presenting my ideas.

I hear what your saying and you make perfect sense to YOU.
You’re struggling to differentiate between a jaywalker, someone sneezing on a sidewalk and an illegal immigrant...REALLY? Come on bud.
Two of the three offenses don’t really cause harm to or fiscally burden REAL Americans should they go unenforced. Two of three if unenforced don’t cause mass degradation of U.S. communities, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE tell me you’re starting to hear how stupid you sound?
Again the point seems to go right over your head. Or maybe it didn’t since you tried tonpovit towards the “harm” arguement. To reiterate my point which should have been obvious... different crimes warrant different degrees of enforcement and punishment.
Oh no...nothing went over my head.
You just keep confirming how confused you’re totally letting “the feels” get in the way of logic.
You kinda do, but you kinda don’t, but you kinda’re tap dancing and spinning all over the place...haha
You want to believe so badly that there’s gray area within our laws...
Statue of limitations? REALLY?
You want to believe that illegals become legal-er as time goes on?
Listen to yourself’re losing credibility FAST!
You realize that Gustavo, who broke our law 25 years ago and shit on our sovereignty became ILLEGAL the moment he crossed...AND you do realize that he is equally ILLEGAL know this...right?
Are you saying that should Gustavo be able to evade authorities long enough without committing other offenses that he should eventually be considered for citizenship?
Please tell me you hear just how fucking retarded that sounds?
Let me ask you something. Should a jaywalker be thrown in prison for breaking the law? Why or why not?

Awesome...I love semantics and rhetorical questions...I’ll play.
A jaywalker should be punished according to the law. People fought for that law...time, effort and money was spent to get that law on the books...what’s it all for if said laws won’t be enforced?
Your turn.
I think laws should be enforced but it is also at the discrerion of the peace officer. Should CHP ticket every person that goes 1 mph over the speed limit? Technically the are breaking the law right? Should cops ticket all jaywalkers? There is still a law on the books in my home town outlawing loud sneezing on the sidewalks because it could spook the horses. But the authorities have decided not to enforce it.

I also think the citizens have the right to voice their opinion on how they would like to see laws modified. That’s what I’m doing, hoping for much needed immigration reform and presenting my ideas.

I hear what your saying and you make perfect sense to YOU.
You’re struggling to differentiate between a jaywalker, someone sneezing on a sidewalk and an illegal immigrant...REALLY? Come on bud.
Two of the three offenses don’t really cause harm to or fiscally burden REAL Americans should they go unenforced. Two of three if unenforced don’t cause mass degradation of U.S. communities, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE tell me you’re starting to hear how stupid you sound?
Im not struggling to differentiate... my point seems to have gone over your head. Or perhaps it didn't since you proceeded to divert to the "harm" argument. I'll make it crystal clear though... The reason I brought up the examples I did was to emphasis the point that different crimes have different enforcement and punishment priorities. We also have statute of limitations on certain crimes. So my position of supporting none deportation efforts for a group of people and work towards other forms of accountability is not that crazy of an idea. Most Americans are here today because of immigration and many recognize the value of what hard working immigrants can do to help a growing economy. So while I agree that illegal immigrants should not be outright excused for breaking the law, I don't think it serves a public service to try and deport 10+ million that are living here, working hard and being productive members of our communities. I think there is a smarter way to deal with those people which i've already explained. I think DACA qualified people are a no brainer to give them legal status, which is going to happen in the next few weeks. Its fine if you don't agree, that is what debate is for, but stop playing dumb and acting like I'm not making any sense. It just makes you sound like you are unable to understand simple arguments.
You're 100% right: different crimes have different punishments. The punishment for entering the country illegally is to sent back where you came from on to never be elligable for a visa. That's already specified in the law. No additional legislation needed.
I don’t think many on the left don’t want to see more illegal immigration”
We’re you not speaking on behalf of “the Left”

There you go again, dancing around playing word games and semantics. You see, you can’t have it both are either a nation founded on X principles or you’re an emotional, bleeding heart nation willing to bend.
I think you’re a bit know that immigrants use to migrate here legally...right? Meaning WITH THE APPROVAL OF AMERICAN CITIZENS. You understand the difference...right?
I’m not confused at all. I’ve been pretty clear that I think legal immigration should be enforced and improved. That doesn’t mean I need to support a border wall or mass incarceration/deportation of over 10+ million people. There are much smarter and more practical ways to address both issues. I don’t speak for anybody but myself but since people like you like to call me Left then so be it.

That's why you're say you support law and order and our American principles...but then you say in a "round about way"....."aw, since they're here and have already broke the law, lets just let them stay, not prosecute and allow them to continue to fuck over REAL Americans."
That's doesn't seem like fucked up logic to you?
I'm not confused at all... Just because I don't support deporting families that have been here for decades doesn't mean I don't support enforcing the law. I also don't support sending jaywalkers to prison. I'm fine with immediately deporting people who are caught crossing illegally. I support legal status to DACA people with a pathway to citizenship. I support a special visa for other illegals that gives them legal status and a responsibility to account for their crime of coming here illegally. That would mean either fines or community service.'re just not getting it've got yourself all spun around and confused and you're just not seeing it. You can't have it both can't be supportive of our laws, constitution and sovereignty "sometimes" or in "some cases" either support it or you don't.
You have to be fucking crazy to think people shouldn't be prosecuted for crimes just because they've "gotten away with it" for so long....What if our legal system actually worked like that...That's loonie shit. Let go of emotion, use logic...think with a lawful American mind...the fact that you "sort of" equate J-walking with illegal immigration and the BILLIONS it costs real Americans tells the confirms just how twisted up your head really is.
Try reading my last statement again, it apparently went right over your head. I never said people shouldn't be held accountable, I said they shouldn't be deported if they fit certain criteria, they should be deported if they fit other criteria. Did you not understand that. You know, we have this thing called statute of limitations written in our law that literally expires crimes after a certain amount of time. Its not a crazy concept.

Remaining in the country without authorization renews daily, there is no statute of limitations.

I’m not confused at all. I’ve been pretty clear that I think legal immigration should be enforced and improved. That doesn’t mean I need to support a border wall or mass incarceration/deportation of over 10+ million people. There are much smarter and more practical ways to address both issues. I don’t speak for anybody but myself but since people like you like to call me Left then so be it.

That's why you're say you support law and order and our American principles...but then you say in a "round about way"....."aw, since they're here and have already broke the law, lets just let them stay, not prosecute and allow them to continue to fuck over REAL Americans."
That's doesn't seem like fucked up logic to you?
I'm not confused at all... Just because I don't support deporting families that have been here for decades doesn't mean I don't support enforcing the law. I also don't support sending jaywalkers to prison. I'm fine with immediately deporting people who are caught crossing illegally. I support legal status to DACA people with a pathway to citizenship. I support a special visa for other illegals that gives them legal status and a responsibility to account for their crime of coming here illegally. That would mean either fines or community service.'re just not getting it've got yourself all spun around and confused and you're just not seeing it. You can't have it both can't be supportive of our laws, constitution and sovereignty "sometimes" or in "some cases" either support it or you don't.
You have to be fucking crazy to think people shouldn't be prosecuted for crimes just because they've "gotten away with it" for so long....What if our legal system actually worked like that...That's loonie shit. Let go of emotion, use logic...think with a lawful American mind...the fact that you "sort of" equate J-walking with illegal immigration and the BILLIONS it costs real Americans tells the confirms just how twisted up your head really is.
Try reading my last statement again, it apparently went right over your head. I never said people shouldn't be held accountable, I said they shouldn't be deported if they fit certain criteria, they should be deported if they fit other criteria. Did you not understand that. You know, we have this thing called statute of limitations written in our law that literally expires crimes after a certain amount of time. Its not a crazy concept.

Remaining in the country without authorization renews daily, there is no statute of limitations.

Being in the country without authorization is not a criminal violation, it is a civil violation. Right?
Let me ask you something. Should a jaywalker be thrown in prison for breaking the law? Why or why not?

Awesome...I love semantics and rhetorical questions...I’ll play.
A jaywalker should be punished according to the law. People fought for that law...time, effort and money was spent to get that law on the books...what’s it all for if said laws won’t be enforced?
Your turn.
I think laws should be enforced but it is also at the discrerion of the peace officer. Should CHP ticket every person that goes 1 mph over the speed limit? Technically the are breaking the law right? Should cops ticket all jaywalkers? There is still a law on the books in my home town outlawing loud sneezing on the sidewalks because it could spook the horses. But the authorities have decided not to enforce it.

I also think the citizens have the right to voice their opinion on how they would like to see laws modified. That’s what I’m doing, hoping for much needed immigration reform and presenting my ideas.

I hear what your saying and you make perfect sense to YOU.
You’re struggling to differentiate between a jaywalker, someone sneezing on a sidewalk and an illegal immigrant...REALLY? Come on bud.
Two of the three offenses don’t really cause harm to or fiscally burden REAL Americans should they go unenforced. Two of three if unenforced don’t cause mass degradation of U.S. communities, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE tell me you’re starting to hear how stupid you sound?
Again the point seems to go right over your head. Or maybe it didn’t since you tried tonpovit towards the “harm” arguement. To reiterate my point which should have been obvious... different crimes warrant different degrees of enforcement and punishment.
Let me ask you something. Should a jaywalker be thrown in prison for breaking the law? Why or why not?

Awesome...I love semantics and rhetorical questions...I’ll play.
A jaywalker should be punished according to the law. People fought for that law...time, effort and money was spent to get that law on the books...what’s it all for if said laws won’t be enforced?
Your turn.
I think laws should be enforced but it is also at the discrerion of the peace officer. Should CHP ticket every person that goes 1 mph over the speed limit? Technically the are breaking the law right? Should cops ticket all jaywalkers? There is still a law on the books in my home town outlawing loud sneezing on the sidewalks because it could spook the horses. But the authorities have decided not to enforce it.

I also think the citizens have the right to voice their opinion on how they would like to see laws modified. That’s what I’m doing, hoping for much needed immigration reform and presenting my ideas.

I hear what your saying and you make perfect sense to YOU.
You’re struggling to differentiate between a jaywalker, someone sneezing on a sidewalk and an illegal immigrant...REALLY? Come on bud.
Two of the three offenses don’t really cause harm to or fiscally burden REAL Americans should they go unenforced. Two of three if unenforced don’t cause mass degradation of U.S. communities, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE tell me you’re starting to hear how stupid you sound?
Im not struggling to differentiate... my point seems to have gone over your head. Or perhaps it didn't since you proceeded to divert to the "harm" argument. I'll make it crystal clear though... The reason I brought up the examples I did was to emphasis the point that different crimes have different enforcement and punishment priorities. We also have statute of limitations on certain crimes. So my position of supporting none deportation efforts for a group of people and work towards other forms of accountability is not that crazy of an idea. Most Americans are here today because of immigration and many recognize the value of what hard working immigrants can do to help a growing economy. So while I agree that illegal immigrants should not be outright excused for breaking the law, I don't think it serves a public service to try and deport 10+ million that are living here, working hard and being productive members of our communities. I think there is a smarter way to deal with those people which i've already explained. I think DACA qualified people are a no brainer to give them legal status, which is going to happen in the next few weeks. Its fine if you don't agree, that is what debate is for, but stop playing dumb and acting like I'm not making any sense. It just makes you sound like you are unable to understand simple arguments.
You're 100% right: different crimes have different punishments. The punishment for entering the country illegally is to sent back where you came from on to never be elligable for a visa. That's already specified in the law. No additional legislation needed.
Please post a Link to the law you are speaking about...

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