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Question, why do christians bow to statues?

Christians don't.

Catholics do.

"Guno" ends in a vowel that makes him/her/it a probable Italian therefore Catholic so the intimate knowledge of getting a heel stuck up one's ass while genuflecting to a statue is not surprising.

So Catholics aren't real Christians?
Whats up with these?


why do jews worship Herod's wall and slip their pray papers in it, and rock back and forth, back and forth?

Also why does every Pres. need to put on a skull cap and go to the wall and stare at it?

why do jews worship Herod's wall and slip their pray papers in it, and rock back and forth, back and forth?

Also why does every Pres. need to put on a skull cap and go to the wall and stare at it?

why do jews worship Herod's wall and slip their pray papers in it, and rock back and forth, back and forth?

Also why does every Pres. need to put on a skull cap and go to the wall and stare at it?

Jews do not worship the western wall------they pray near it because it
is the remnant of the temple that survived the criminal destruction wrecked upon the temple by the animals of Rome. It is a custom amongst jews
to pray standing and facing (ie looking at) -----virtually ----nothing.
A blank wall works as a kind of "nothing" The concept supporting
this custom is to AVOID "praying" TO objects,, ie engaging in idolatry.
When out of doors and praying jews avoid GAZING at people or
specific things-----like statues----generally just facing the horizon (called
zenith by people with a reasonable vocabulary) or when indoors---a wall----or a nonspecific plant. The reason you are confused is because you are accustomed to worshipping idols and tend
to consider a wall to be something like a carved statue of mary.
Whats up with these?


All Catholics are required to memorize the ten commandments before becoming confirmed and once they pass the test that they know the divine commands by heart the very first thing they do as confirmed Catholics is to violate the first commandment and worship a lifeless material object made by human hands as if it was a god that could give spiritual life to those who eat it.


Either they are completely lost and confused and deserve our pity or the practice foundational to their entire religion is a deliberate desecration of the teachings of Jesus and demonstration of pure hatred for God.
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I don't see you posting anything different.

You folks both seem to think that all Christians are Catholic.

I always felt that if you're going to start criticizing something....you should at least understand it first.

You obviously don't read every post, but that's understandable seeing that the missionary strategy is to flood and flame to hide posts, so you can't be educated/informed.
I specifically said "most " (not all) Catholics
are the greatest abusers of this rule or warning about idols.
BUT THAT most sects (at least the non Michaeline ones) still committ to some varying degrees of idol worship especially since Jesus himself is considered an idol.

The Temple Scroll:
(IIQT=IIQ19,20, 4Q365a)
Column II (The Covenant)
You must not bring any abominable idol into your house and come under the ban together with it.
You shall detest and abominate it for it is under the ban.
The rest talks about taking care not to make a covenant with the people who whore after their idol gods and sacrifice to it inviting them to do the same.

Metal idols
Leviticus 19:4
"`Do not turn to idols or make gods of cast metal for yourselves. I am the LORD your God.
1 Kings 14:9
Isaiah 48:5

Isaiah 44:10
Who hath formed a god, or molten a graven image that is profitable for nothing?

Literally the worship of images, idolatry in thebroader sense means allegiance to false values that substitute for God.
idols are regarded as evil spirits and Satan (adversary practice); those whoworship them are therefore enemies to God. The idol-gods, beingspiritual beings, have the nature of creatures, rather than of God, andhence cannot profit their adherents--cf. Spiritual Error and the Occult. The Bible views idols as human artifacts, not asrepresentations of deity. Hence idol worship is regarded as a form ofmaterialism, and, conversely, any false reliance on human power orwealth is a form of idolatry. A more spiritual conception of idolatryis to identify it with egoism and human craving, since attachment tothese false realities separates us from our true nature. In ourcentury, the idols of nationalism, racism, and secular ideologies havecaptivated millions, with horrible results.

The prophets (including Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel) were spokesmen for God to the people and to their leaders: they often disagreed with the men in power and had no fear of expressing their messages from God -- generally directing against the idolatry and "false gods." Jeremiah warned the people not to use idols such as totem-pole-like "gods"
Idols: it has Imigrated into Men’s minds from the dogma’s of the churches philosophies, also from the wrong path of the Hierarchy that imposes the control. It is in the way they bow to the cross, burn candles, kiss medalions and worship a Prophet as God Himself in place of God. One of the things that G0D forbids is idols, worship using images gods or even of G0D himself (Exodus 20:4 and Leviticus 26:1). Man, as it is written, was created as an image of G0D (Genesis 1:27). And, so, worshipping a man as G0D is idolatry.
After all, G0D himself says that "G0D is not a man" (in Isaiah 2:22, 14:13, I Samuel 15:29, Numbers 23:19, and Hosea 11:9).

In Isiah44;9 It states they that make a graven image are all of them vanity and their delectable things shall not profit; and they are their own witnesses;(christians) they see not; nor know; that they may be ashamed. Still confused well here is some more. Isaiah44;13(notice it is 13) The carpenter(Who is that was Jesus not considered a carpenter) strecheth out his rule(over the world)he marketh it out with a line;he fitteth it with planes and he marketh it out with a compass, and maketh it after the fiqure of a man(JESUS);according to the beauty of a man;that it mat remain in the house(Maybe over your bed?) One more passage Isiah44;17 And the residue thereof he maketh a god(JESUS)Even his graven image(AGAIN JESUS);He falleth down unto it and worshippeth it. and prayeth unto it and saith Deliver me; for this art my god(JESUS=idol).

why do jews worship Herod's wall and slip their pray papers in it, and rock back and forth, back and forth?

Also why does every Pres. need to put on a skull cap and go to the wall and stare at it?

why do jews worship Herod's wall and slip their pray papers in it, and rock back and forth, back and forth?

Also why does every Pres. need to put on a skull cap and go to the wall and stare at it?

why do jews worship Herod's wall and slip their pray papers in it, and rock back and forth, back and forth?

Also why does every Pres. need to put on a skull cap and go to the wall and stare at it?

Jews do not worship the western wall------they pray near it because it
is the remnant of the temple that survived the criminal destruction wrecked upon the temple by the animals of Rome. It is a custom amongst jews
to pray standing and facing (ie looking at) -----virtually ----nothing.
A blank wall works as a kind of "nothing" The concept supporting
this custom is to AVOID "praying" TO objects,, ie engaging in idolatry.
When out of doors and praying jews avoid GAZING at people or
specific things-----like statues----generally just facing the horizon (called
zenith by people with a reasonable vocabulary) or when indoors---a wall----or a nonspecific plant. The reason you are confused is because you are accustomed to worshipping idols and tend
to consider a wall to be something like a carved statue of mary.

They sure look like they are worshipping Herod's foundational wall, even kissing it . Idolatry you say, idolatry is all the jews in the OT did, which is why God sent the Romans , he couldn't take it anymore, he had enough, enough is enough, and you think that has changed, poor Priest couldn't go in the inner chamber without their dice. RC's do not worship anyone but God, but yes there is a huge Mary following, hey Mother earth needs to be respected and worshipped don't you think?

What about that celebration you have for Esther? Esther sounds so close to Easter , don't ya think?

why do jews worship Herod's wall and slip their pray papers in it, and rock back and forth, back and forth?

Also why does every Pres. need to put on a skull cap and go to the wall and stare at it?

why do jews worship Herod's wall and slip their pray papers in it, and rock back and forth, back and forth?

Also why does every Pres. need to put on a skull cap and go to the wall and stare at it?

why do jews worship Herod's wall and slip their pray papers in it, and rock back and forth, back and forth?

Also why does every Pres. need to put on a skull cap and go to the wall and stare at it?

Jews do not worship the western wall------they pray near it because it
is the remnant of the temple that survived the criminal destruction wrecked upon the temple by the animals of Rome. It is a custom amongst jews
to pray standing and facing (ie looking at) -----virtually ----nothing.
A blank wall works as a kind of "nothing" The concept supporting
this custom is to AVOID "praying" TO objects,, ie engaging in idolatry.
When out of doors and praying jews avoid GAZING at people or
specific things-----like statues----generally just facing the horizon (called
zenith by people with a reasonable vocabulary) or when indoors---a wall----or a nonspecific plant. The reason you are confused is because you are accustomed to worshipping idols and tend
to consider a wall to be something like a carved statue of mary.

They sure look like they are worshipping Herod's foundational wall, even kissing it . Idolatry you say, idolatry is all the jews in the OT did, which is why God sent the Romans , he couldn't take it anymore, he had enough, enough is enough, and you think that has changed, poor Priest couldn't go in the inner chamber without their dice. RC's do not worship anyone but God, but yes there is a huge Mary following, hey Mother earth needs to be respected and worshipped don't you think?

What about that celebration you have for Esther? Esther sounds so close to Easter , don't ya think?

Esther is a Persian name. your posts indicate that you cognition is
marred by a phenomenon called "LOOSENING OF ASSOCIATIONS"------it is a phenomenon of psychosis
I don't know 1 person who has ever asked the wall itself for a wish or favor. Maybe the leaving of the notes xan be considered idolization but not praying in the perameters of the former holy Temple. That would be like saying everyone who faces the altar in church or temple and prays are idolizing. They aren't praying to the altar or the priest or Rabbi, then they arenst praying to a wall.
I don't know 1 person who has ever asked the wall itself for a wish or favor. Maybe the leaving of the notes xan be considered idolization but not praying in the perameters of the former holy Temple. That would be like saying everyone who faces the altar in church or temple and prays are idolizing. They aren't praying to the altar or the priest or Rabbi, then they arenst praying to a wall.

Penelope did not come up with that "praying to a wall" on her own----she is,, simply,, parroting islamo Nazi shit she either heard or read
I know I warned her she is a tool and fool for propaganda in the same way others are being used by groups with agendas. Ararafat knew hate and fear brought him big money as he milked millions from the Palestinians and kept them from peace because war and termoil brought mucho dinero donated to his cause of division & destruction, church knew this all these years which is why in this time of their peacefulness they are almost bankrupt. They'll pick a fight with Islam just to get support money flowing again.

why do jews worship Herod's wall and slip their pray papers in it, and rock back and forth, back and forth?

Also why does every Pres. need to put on a skull cap and go to the wall and stare at it?

why do jews worship Herod's wall and slip their pray papers in it, and rock back and forth, back and forth?

Also why does every Pres. need to put on a skull cap and go to the wall and stare at it?

why do jews worship Herod's wall and slip their pray papers in it, and rock back and forth, back and forth?

Also why does every Pres. need to put on a skull cap and go to the wall and stare at it?

Jews do not worship the western wall------they pray near it because it
is the remnant of the temple that survived the criminal destruction wrecked upon the temple by the animals of Rome. It is a custom amongst jews
to pray standing and facing (ie looking at) -----virtually ----nothing.
A blank wall works as a kind of "nothing" The concept supporting
this custom is to AVOID "praying" TO objects,, ie engaging in idolatry.
When out of doors and praying jews avoid GAZING at people or
specific things-----like statues----generally just facing the horizon (called
zenith by people with a reasonable vocabulary) or when indoors---a wall----or a nonspecific plant. The reason you are confused is because you are accustomed to worshipping idols and tend
to consider a wall to be something like a carved statue of mary.

They sure look like they are worshipping Herod's foundational wall, even kissing it . Idolatry you say, idolatry is all the jews in the OT did, which is why God sent the Romans , he couldn't take it anymore, he

ROFLMAO ----the catechism whore told her --""" "god" sent the romans """" was that before or after she told you about the easter
bunny ---going HIPPOTY HOP???
by penelope description when muslims prostrate themselves facing mecca they are idolaters as well......she should go up to a group of muslims the next time she sees this and tell them about it to their face....did not abraham come from a land where his ancestors were idol worshippers did not he smash them and or he left his fathers residence because he knew that idol worship was wrong...of course penelope always claims that abraham did not exsist but she is barking up the wrong tree as we do not worship him or his offspring but we do worship the gd he followed as well as his children and offspring.... the problem with penelope is her "pen " has "elope d " from her brain and she writes out whatever she wants before thinking about it.... anyways i saw someone say christians bow to check their feet for feces...i had to chuckle because that is not so far from the truth as i believe it was customary for a worshipper of baal petor to deficate in front of his statue...strange custom to say the least...lol
by penelope description when muslims prostrate themselves facing mecca they are idolaters as well......she should go up to a group of muslims the next time she sees this and tell them about it to their face....did not abraham come from a land where his ancestors were idol worshippers did not he smash them and or he left his fathers residence because he knew that idol worship was wrong...of course penelope always claims that abraham did not exsist but she is barking up the wrong tree as we do not worship him or his offspring but we do worship the gd he followed as well as his children and offspring.... the problem with penelope is her "pen " has "elope d " from her brain and she writes out whatever she wants before thinking about it.... anyways i saw someone say christians bow to check their feet for feces...i had to chuckle because that is not so far from the truth as i believe it was customary for a worshipper of baal petor to deficate in front of his statue...strange custom to say the least...lol

you blame Penelope because you never read the islamo Nazi stuff upon which she was suckled. She is not a "thinker" she has the brain of a bird and PARROTS
by penelope description when muslims prostrate themselves facing mecca they are idolaters as well......she should go up to a group of muslims the next time she sees this and tell them about it to their face....did not abraham come from a land where his ancestors were idol worshippers did not he smash them and or he left his fathers residence because he knew that idol worship was wrong...of course penelope always claims that abraham did not exsist but she is barking up the wrong tree as we do not worship him or his offspring but we do worship the gd he followed as well as his children and offspring.... the problem with penelope is her "pen " has "elope d " from her brain and she writes out whatever she wants before thinking about it.... anyways i saw someone say christians bow to check their feet for feces...i had to chuckle because that is not so far from the truth as i believe it was customary for a worshipper of baal petor to deficate in front of his statue...strange custom to say the least...lol

well your ancestors worshipped baal and all the other pagan gods. I should be more clear, I do not believe they were your ancestors, I doubt one could tell the difference between a Canaanite, Samarian, and a Hebrew back then. They all intermarried with the locals, and well EZE tells us who you are, men are of the Hittite and women Amorite, is that right, quite sure its EZE 16.

One would do well to read the book of Jasher, and read about how Rueben and Judah married Canaanites. Litte Benjamine, had what 10 boys and was married twice by the time he met Joseph in Egypt, he was not a little boy was he, but then I read he got married at age 10 and age 18, rather young no. OOPS just the opposite

Ezekiel 16King James Version (KJV)

16 Again the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,

2 Son of man, cause Jerusalem to know her abominations,

3 And say, Thus saith the Lord God unto Jerusalem; Thy birth and thy nativity is of the land of Canaan; thy father was an Amorite, and thy mother an Hittite.
Penelope, you are using third grade arguments again.
"well your ancestors are doodie heads to" is not a valid argument. :)
Whats up with these?


All Catholics are required to memorize the ten commandments before becoming confirmed and once they pass the test that they know the divine commands by heart the very first thing they do as confirmed Catholics is to violate the first commandment and worship a lifeless material object made by human hands as if it was a god that could give spiritual life to those who eat it.


Either they are completely lost and confused and deserve our pity or the practice foundational to their entire religion is a deliberate desecration of the teachings of Jesus and demonstration of pure hatred for God.

Most of us dumb RC's do not believe Jesus is God, why some Protestants do is beyond me. He is the son of God and no where does he claim to be God. But hey like you have what Yaweth for your God, some Christians have Jesus, and if your smart like me, one realizes that no one on earth knows anything, so its ok to worship how you want, as long as you

never ever hurt other people, lie, steal, or cheat, kill or murder. Live in peace, and then whatever the name of your God is, he, she or it , will be very pleased with you.:)
Do not mock Penelope-----she is not responsible for the filth of her origin
Why do Jews celebrate the murder of every first born son of Egypt?

Never saw it as celebrating the deaths so much as commemorating the event, and giving thanks to God for the rescue.

I would imagine that Christians feel the same way towards any rituals they observe. I am merely pointing out to guano that ALL religions have rituals and traditions that others find either weird or offensive.

You celebrate Passover as a rescue, Egyptians view it as murdering their children. Same event, different POV depending on how you were affected. guano's not evolved enough to understand that rituals are rituals. ALL of them should be respected.

Really? so Jew when we go into the synagogues bow and kneel for the Passover? Have to remember and tell my fellow Jews

Do you celebrate the Passover? Yes or no. If you do then you are celebrating the murder of every first born son in Egypt. So, Christians kneel, and you celebrate the murder of children.

Got it.
No, what it did was point out the gross bigotry of the OP.

Maybe he's got a reason, maybe he's partly justified. Your reaction to a legitimate discussion proves he's justified.

Try discussing the topic.
Fact: Christians do bow or tinkle with idols.
Fact: Christians will ask the question:
why do some island tribes worship sharks or ask why do Hindus feed milk to idols of cows.
If Christians are allowed to ask a simple question then why can't Guno.
Therefore the only bogotry I see is Christians against anyone not in the gang they are in.
=affiliation pride=creates gang mentality behavior.

That's a very dangerous road to travel. According to that rationale anyone who has ever been wronged by a Jew is permitted to be a bigot towards a Jew.

Where has that gotten the world and Jewry in general?
Very bad correlation. The bigotry was deflected and grouping people like you did can be construed as Bigotry especially in light of your missinformation passover comment. You are breaking forum rules. :)

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