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Question, why do christians bow to statues?

I am fascinated westball, I have known lots of persons from Egypt------and other than the few jews from that country----I have never met an Egyptian muslim or Christian who had any POV at
all about Passover. -----or the "death of the first born"----
Modern day Egyptians do not IDENTIFY with the Egyptians of ancient times or Pharoah Ramses or Yul Brenner. Modern day
muslims identify with SALA'ADIN ----who was not actually Egyptian
but he did live there. --------they even ID with Alexander who passed
thru-------It seems to me that modern day Egyptians see their pyramids
as something like museums built be "someone else" I have known
Egyptian muslims eager to link up with muhummad-----but never

Yes, the ultimate form of bigotry is to destroy anything that came before. ISIS and their murder of the Zoroastrians is a wonderful example. Thank you so much for reinforcing my point.

what point was that? you wanted to reinforce the fact that muslims
destroy that which preceded islam? -------ok-----that is true by why
make that point?

No, the point I am making, and that you and guano seem too dim to understand, is that before you can get people to kill other people, you must first get them to hate those other people. Bigotry is the first tool in the tool box of hatred that leads to mass murder.

barely a point. I actually do not believe that the USA went on a
LETS HATE JAPS program for the 100 years prior to Pearl Harbor-----in fact I wonder who are the people involved in "getting people to hate other people"???? It is a world central agency?

You're not very good at this are you? Might I suggest that you do a little research before you make a complete ass of yourself yet again. You gross ignorance is simply astonishing. Are you sure you know how to wipe your own ass?


you are confused 1941 was the year that Japan bombed Pearl Harbor-----I understand your problem----you were suckled on Nazi shit
and actually believe that the rest of the world is a depraved and disgusting as the brothel in which you were spawned[/QUOTE]

Yes indeed. And even THEN they had to resort to terrible bigotry and imagery to generate the type of hatred that was needed to foster the hatred that would be needed. Japan carried out a despicable act of violence and STILL, this sort of propaganda was needed.

Like I said, you're ignorance is astonishing.
Yes, the ultimate form of bigotry is to destroy anything that came before. ISIS and their murder of the Zoroastrians is a wonderful example. Thank you so much for reinforcing my point.

what point was that? you wanted to reinforce the fact that muslims
destroy that which preceded islam? -------ok-----that is true by why
make that point?

No, the point I am making, and that you and guano seem too dim to understand, is that before you can get people to kill other people, you must first get them to hate those other people. Bigotry is the first tool in the tool box of hatred that leads to mass murder.

barely a point. I actually do not believe that the USA went on a
LETS HATE JAPS program for the 100 years prior to Pearl Harbor-----in fact I wonder who are the people involved in "getting people to hate other people"???? It is a world central agency?

You're not very good at this are you? Might I suggest that you do a little research before you make a complete ass of yourself yet again. You gross ignorance is simply astonishing. Are you sure you know how to wipe your own ass?


you are confused 1941 was the year that Japan bombed Pearl Harbor-----I understand your problem----you were suckled on Nazi shit
and actually believe that the rest of the world is a depraved and disgusting as the brothel in which you were spawned

Yes indeed. And even THEN they had to resort to terrible bigotry and imagery to generate the type of hatred that was needed to foster the hatred that would be needed. Japan carried out a despicable act of violence and STILL, this sort of propaganda was needed.

Like I said, you're ignorance is astonishing.[/QUOTE]

you are stumbling over your own keyboard-------the realities of the situation had to be advertised-------so????? Afterall----the bombing of Pearl Harbor had very little impact on Lubbock Texas----or the hillbilly shack in which your kin rolled over each other
Christians don't.

Catholics do.

"Guno" ends in a vowel that makes him/her/it a probable Italian therefore Catholic so the intimate knowledge of getting a heel stuck up one's ass while genuflecting to a statue is not surprising.

So Catholics aren't Christians? Hummmmmmmmmmmmm
Christians don't.

Catholics do.

"Guno" ends in a vowel that makes him/her/it a probable Italian therefore Catholic so the intimate knowledge of getting a heel stuck up one's ass while genuflecting to a statue is not surprising.

So Catholics aren't Christians? Hummmmmmmmmmmmm
They have a lot of extraBiblical beliefs, that's for sure.
Whats up with these?


All Catholics are required to memorize the ten commandments before becoming confirmed and once they pass the test that they know the divine commands by heart the very first thing they do as confirmed Catholics is to violate the first commandment and worship a lifeless material object made by human hands as if it was a god that could give spiritual life to those who eat it.


Either they are completely lost and confused and deserve our pity or the practice foundational to their entire religion is a deliberate desecration of the teachings of Jesus and demonstration of pure hatred for God.

The god of the goyim , oy vey
Christians don't.

Catholics do.

"Guno" ends in a vowel that makes him/her/it a probable Italian therefore Catholic so the intimate knowledge of getting a heel stuck up one's ass while genuflecting to a statue is not surprising.

So Catholics aren't Christians? Hummmmmmmmmmmmm
They have a lot of extraBiblical beliefs, that's for sure.

they have a lot islamo Nazi whores, too
Christians don't.

Catholics do.

"Guno" ends in a vowel that makes him/her/it a probable Italian therefore Catholic so the intimate knowledge of getting a heel stuck up one's ass while genuflecting to a statue is not surprising.

So Catholics aren't Christians? Hummmmmmmmmmmmm
They have a lot of extraBiblical beliefs, that's for sure.

A long with Jews and Muslims and other Christians. Please the story is not to be taken literally.
Not in the slightest. We are talking about perception. Jews honor and remember the Passover because that was the beginning of their salvation and escape from Egypt. Egyptians view it differently. That is the whole point. That is why bigotry based on religious views OF ANY SORT, is an abomination against whatever God you may worship.

Bigotry is the first step in dehumanizing your opponent. Once a opponent is dehumanized it makes it far easier to kill them.

I am fascinated westball, I have known lots of persons from Egypt------and other than the few jews from that country----I have never met an Egyptian muslim or Christian who had any POV at
all about Passover. -----or the "death of the first born"----
Modern day Egyptians do not IDENTIFY with the Egyptians of ancient times or Pharoah Ramses or Yul Brenner. Modern day
muslims identify with SALA'ADIN ----who was not actually Egyptian
but he did live there. --------they even ID with Alexander who passed
thru-------It seems to me that modern day Egyptians see their pyramids
as something like museums built be "someone else" I have known
Egyptian muslims eager to link up with muhummad-----but never

Yes, the ultimate form of bigotry is to destroy anything that came before. ISIS and their murder of the Zoroastrians is a wonderful example. Thank you so much for reinforcing my point.

what point was that? you wanted to reinforce the fact that muslims
destroy that which preceded islam? -------ok-----that is true by why
make that point?

No, the point I am making, and that you and guano seem too dim to understand, is that before you can get people to kill other people, you must first get them to hate those other people. Bigotry is the first tool in the tool box of hatred that leads to mass murder.

barely a point. I actually do not believe that the USA went on a
LETS HATE JAPS program for the 100 years prior to Pearl Harbor-----in fact I wonder who are the people involved in "getting people to hate other people"???? It is a world central agency?[/QUOTE]
I'm too dim? LOL Coming from a so called Jew who was brought up among the goyim in flyover country and said they went to church, A real Shanda fur di goyim”
One is not supposed to have any gods before the gd of abraham isaac or jacob plus no veneration of dead saints..deut 5:9 comes to mind but there are many more verses... I just find it interesting that someone would give homage to a hunk of clay or wood...i realize woods and trees were venerated they were called asherah.. And rocks also in some fashion but one would think that in todays day and age these symbols of pagan lore would have been removed from people as we are so much more sophisticated....or are we.???

Well Abraham , Issac and Jacob had different Gods and so did Moses. None were Jews either. Isn't i
I don't see you posting anything different.

You folks both seem to think that all Christians are Catholic.

I always felt that if you're going to start criticizing something....you should at least understand it first.

You obviously don't read every post, but that's understandable seeing that the missionary strategy is to flood and flame to hide posts, so you can't be educated/informed.
I specifically said "most " (not all) Catholics
are the greatest abusers of this rule or warning about idols.
BUT THAT most sects (at least the non Michaeline ones) still committ to some varying degrees of idol worship especially since Jesus himself is considered an idol.

The Temple Scroll:
(IIQT=IIQ19,20, 4Q365a)
Column II (The Covenant)
You must not bring any abominable idol into your house and come under the ban together with it.
You shall detest and abominate it for it is under the ban.
The rest talks about taking care not to make a covenant with the people who whore after their idol gods and sacrifice to it inviting them to do the same.

Metal idols
Leviticus 19:4
"`Do not turn to idols or make gods of cast metal for yourselves. I am the LORD your God.
1 Kings 14:9
Isaiah 48:5

Isaiah 44:10
Who hath formed a god, or molten a graven image that is profitable for nothing?

Literally the worship of images, idolatry in thebroader sense means allegiance to false values that substitute for God.
idols are regarded as evil spirits and Satan (adversary practice); those whoworship them are therefore enemies to God. The idol-gods, beingspiritual beings, have the nature of creatures, rather than of God, andhence cannot profit their adherents--cf. Spiritual Error and the Occult. The Bible views idols as human artifacts, not asrepresentations of deity. Hence idol worship is regarded as a form ofmaterialism, and, conversely, any false reliance on human power orwealth is a form of idolatry. A more spiritual conception of idolatryis to identify it with egoism and human craving, since attachment tothese false realities separates us from our true nature. In ourcentury, the idols of nationalism, racism, and secular ideologies havecaptivated millions, with horrible results.

The prophets (including Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel) were spokesmen for God to the people and to their leaders: they often disagreed with the men in power and had no fear of expressing their messages from God -- generally directing against the idolatry and "false gods." Jeremiah warned the people not to use idols such as totem-pole-like "gods"
Idols: it has Imigrated into Men’s minds from the dogma’s of the churches philosophies, also from the wrong path of the Hierarchy that imposes the control. It is in the way they bow to the cross, burn candles, kiss medalions and worship a Prophet as God Himself in place of God. One of the things that G0D forbids is idols, worship using images gods or even of G0D himself (Exodus 20:4 and Leviticus 26:1). Man, as it is written, was created as an image of G0D (Genesis 1:27). And, so, worshipping a man as G0D is idolatry.
After all, G0D himself says that "G0D is not a man" (in Isaiah 2:22, 14:13, I Samuel 15:29, Numbers 23:19, and Hosea 11:9).

In Isiah44;9 It states they that make a graven image are all of them vanity and their delectable things shall not profit; and they are their own witnesses;(christians) they see not; nor know; that they may be ashamed. Still confused well here is some more. Isaiah44;13(notice it is 13) The carpenter(Who is that was Jesus not considered a carpenter) strecheth out his rule(over the world)he marketh it out with a line;he fitteth it with planes and he marketh it out with a compass, and maketh it after the fiqure of a man(JESUS);according to the beauty of a man;that it mat remain in the house(Maybe over your bed?) One more passage Isiah44;17 And the residue thereof he maketh a god(JESUS)Even his graven image(AGAIN JESUS);He falleth down unto it and worshippeth it. and prayeth unto it and saith Deliver me; for this art my god(JESUS=idol).

You best go read EZE again, Tammuz, does she ring a bell. You have your very own trinity, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, that is your trinity.

what about TAMMUZ-----I had no idea it is a "she" As to Abraham, issac and Jacob----a list of the clients whose cocks you sucked yesterday-----is not appropriate here. How much did HONEST ABE--pay?
Christians don't.

Catholics do.

"Guno" ends in a vowel that makes him/her/it a probable Italian therefore Catholic so the intimate knowledge of getting a heel stuck up one's ass while genuflecting to a statue is not surprising.

So Catholics aren't Christians? Hummmmmmmmmmmmm
They have a lot of extraBiblical beliefs, that's for sure.

A long with Jews and Muslims and other Christians. Please the story is not to be taken literally.

what story?
Penelope seems to have a "story" It might be about a girl named
tammuz---------I have never heard of a girl named tammuz. Penelope is being very mysterious about her "story" and that girl named 'tammuz'
Penelope seems to have a "story" It might be about a girl named
tammuz---------I have never heard of a girl named tammuz. Penelope is being very mysterious about her "story" and that girl named 'tammuz'
that's right you a jew who has never read the OT:

14 Then he brought me to the entrance of the north gate of the house of the Lord, and I saw women sitting there, mourning the god Tammuz.15 He said to me, “Do you see this, son of man? You will see things that are even more detestable than this.”

16 He then brought me into the inner of the house of the Lord, and there at the entrance to the temple, between the portico and the altar,were about twenty-five men. With their backs toward the temple of the Lord and their faces toward the east, they were bowing down to the sun in the east.

(men worshipping the sun and women crying out for Tammuz. How horrible.
Penelope seems to have a "story" It might be about a girl named
tammuz---------I have never heard of a girl named tammuz. Penelope is being very mysterious about her "story" and that girl named 'tammuz'
that's right you a jew who has never read the OT:

14 Then he brought me to the entrance of the north gate of the house of the Lord, and I saw women sitting there, mourning the god Tammuz.15 He said to me, “Do you see this, son of man? You will see things that are even more detestable than this.”

16 He then brought me into the inner of the house of the Lord, and there at the entrance to the temple, between the portico and the altar,were about twenty-five men. With their backs toward the temple of the Lord and their faces toward the east, they were bowing down to the sun in the east.

(men worshipping the sun and women crying out for Tammuz. How horrible.

oh gee----you finally got it----TAMMUZ is a Babylonian god------and a 'he' ----not a she. SO? it's like jews today celebrating Christmas-----same shit. Ezekiel was horrified Were you trying to make a point? For years I attended MIDNIGHT MASS. ----with catholic friends, of course.-------in general----they seemed to imagine they were inviting me to something nice------it was not bad-----better than
thanksgiving football on TV. Jews were in Babylon a LONG TIME-----and got involved with some of the customs of the "goyim" SO? -------for years-------a protestant neighbor of my childhood-----felt sorry for my little brothers and always donated a miniature Christmas tree
to them----------Ezekiel would have been horrified
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what point was that? you wanted to reinforce the fact that muslims
destroy that which preceded islam? -------ok-----that is true by why
make that point?

No, the point I am making, and that you and guano seem too dim to understand, is that before you can get people to kill other people, you must first get them to hate those other people. Bigotry is the first tool in the tool box of hatred that leads to mass murder.

barely a point. I actually do not believe that the USA went on a
LETS HATE JAPS program for the 100 years prior to Pearl Harbor-----in fact I wonder who are the people involved in "getting people to hate other people"???? It is a world central agency?

You're not very good at this are you? Might I suggest that you do a little research before you make a complete ass of yourself yet again. You gross ignorance is simply astonishing. Are you sure you know how to wipe your own ass?


you are confused 1941 was the year that Japan bombed Pearl Harbor-----I understand your problem----you were suckled on Nazi shit
and actually believe that the rest of the world is a depraved and disgusting as the brothel in which you were spawned

Yes indeed. And even THEN they had to resort to terrible bigotry and imagery to generate the type of hatred that was needed to foster the hatred that would be needed. Japan carried out a despicable act of violence and STILL, this sort of propaganda was needed.

Like I said, you're ignorance is astonishing.

you are stumbling over your own keyboard-------the realities of the situation had to be advertised-------so????? Afterall----the bombing of Pearl Harbor had very little impact on Lubbock Texas----or the hillbilly shack in which your kin rolled over each other[/QUOTE]

The reality of a sneak attack? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Sure it did. No, silly person. What needed to be done was to dehumanize the enemy so that the eventual utter destruction of that enemy was not only considered "good" but "just". The very same propaganda that was used against the Japanese has likewise been used against the Jews, only for a far longer period. Thousands of years of hatred are involved here.

It is only the fact that there are a lot of Jews who can fight like hell that the State of Israel even still exists.
Israel is a country surrounded on all sides by enemies. Some are loud, some are quiet, at the moment, but enemies they are, and will always be.

Israel needs to ensure her survival and one way is to maintain the best defense force in the region. Which she has. I don't think it is possible to reach a peaceful agreement with any of her neighbors. As Golda said, "until they love their children more than they hate us there will not be peace" is true.

Your ignorance, and other bigots like you and guano, ensure that that time will never arrive.
I'd rather know why Obabble bows to dictators and tyrants.

Oh wait, I already know why.
Umm they took literal statues of Isis and baby horus, so you admit the statues they pray to is Baal's Wife Isis and baby Horus.

The cross statue theybow to of the sickly man is Mithra so you admit the devotion is to Mithra, the created image that walked the garden of eden.-Ezekiel 28 warning
Umm they took literal statues of Isis and baby horus, so you admit the statues they pray to is Baal's Wife Isis and baby Horus.

The cross statue theybow to of the sickly man is Mithra so you admit the devotion is to Mithra, the created image that walked the garden of eden.-Ezekiel 28 warning

Shev-----who took statues of Horus? ----actually the same carvings?. Mithra was a sickly man? -----I did not know------sheesh
----I gotta google
Whats up with these?


All Catholics are required to memorize the ten commandments before becoming confirmed and once they pass the test that they know the divine commands by heart the very first thing they do as confirmed Catholics is to violate the first commandment and worship a lifeless material object made by human hands as if it was a god that could give spiritual life to those who eat it.


Either they are completely lost and confused and deserve our pity or the practice foundational to their entire religion is a deliberate desecration of the teachings of Jesus and demonstration of pure hatred for God.

Most of us dumb RC's do not believe Jesus is God, why some Protestants do is beyond me. He is the son of God and no where does he claim to be God. But hey like you have what Yaweth for your God, some Christians have Jesus, and if your smart like me, one realizes that no one on earth knows anything, so its ok to worship how you want, as long as you

never ever hurt other people, lie, steal, or cheat, kill or murder. Live in peace, and then whatever the name of your God is, he, she or it , will be very pleased with you.:)

Penelope, If you are RC and you do not believe that Jesus is God then you are just a heretic according to your own church and a hypocrite and a false person according to everyone else for claiming an association with a religion that is entirely based on that which you do not believe..

"and if your smart like me"? lol....

yeah, right.

Now are you RC or Christian?


Whatever I am has nothing whatever to do with you professing to be RC out of one side of your mouth while professing a disbelief that Jesus is God out of the other.

You aren't RC or Christian either. You are an actor...... just not a very good one.
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