
If it's considered influencing an election by trying to investigate possible presidential candidates, is it also trying to influence an election when you call for impeachment of the sitting president who will be your competition?

No and yes.

NO, it should NOT be considered influencing an election by trying to investigate possible presidential candidates! Indeed, anyone running for the highest office in the land ought to be subjected to AT LEAST as much scrutiny as applying for a job at Kinko's! It should not be up to a sheriff in Arizona to uncover that you are NOT natural born AFTER being elected, much less up to someone else to discover you were using your government office to get your son gravy jobs in the Ukraine. The very fact that people run for and get elected as president without no one apparently doing any sort of official, independent, qualifying background check on these people is in itself PROOF THAT THE SYSTEM IS CORRUPT and all about the money.

YES, it IS trying to influence an election when you call for impeachment of the sitting president who will be your competition. It is NOT Joe's place to be calling for the removal from office his main opponent when Joe hasn't a SHRED of evidence as to the criminality or otherwise of Trump. And even if he did (which he doesn't), it's not his place to be worrying about that. If HE KNOWS Trump ought to be impeached, then WHERE IS THE IMPEACHMENT PROCEEDING BY THOSE WHOSE JOB IT IS TO IMPEACH?

We already live in a Venezuelan banana republic, just that no one is yet willing to admit it.
It's not Trump's place either to be asking the Pres of Ukraine to "look into" the "awful" Biden & son thing.

Who's place is it?
Well, considering it has already been looked into and Biden's son was cleared and Biden didn't get Shokin fired to protect Hunter, I'd say NO ONE'S.

He was cleared? News to me.
If it's considered influencing an election by trying to investigate possible presidential candidates, is it also trying to influence an election when you call for impeachment of the sitting president who will be your competition?

No and yes.

NO, it should NOT be considered influencing an election by trying to investigate possible presidential candidates! Indeed, anyone running for the highest office in the land ought to be subjected to AT LEAST as much scrutiny as applying for a job at Kinko's! It should not be up to a sheriff in Arizona to uncover that you are NOT natural born AFTER being elected, much less up to someone else to discover you were using your government office to get your son gravy jobs in the Ukraine. The very fact that people run for and get elected as president without no one apparently doing any sort of official, independent, qualifying background check on these people is in itself PROOF THAT THE SYSTEM IS CORRUPT and all about the money.

YES, it IS trying to influence an election when you call for impeachment of the sitting president who will be your competition. It is NOT Joe's place to be calling for the removal from office his main opponent when Joe hasn't a SHRED of evidence as to the criminality or otherwise of Trump. And even if he did (which he doesn't), it's not his place to be worrying about that. If HE KNOWS Trump ought to be impeached, then WHERE IS THE IMPEACHMENT PROCEEDING BY THOSE WHOSE JOB IT IS TO IMPEACH?

We already live in a Venezuelan banana republic, just that no one is yet willing to admit it.
It's not Trump's place either to be asking the Pres of Ukraine to "look into" the "awful" Biden & son thing.
Who else should ask? Schiff?
If it's considered influencing an election by trying to investigate possible presidential candidates, is it also trying to influence an election when you call for impeachment of the sitting president who will be your competition?
The candidates didn't start it. It was started in the House.

That's funny. Biden called for Trump's impeachment.
Imo, the only way trump asking Ukraine to investigate is bad is if he black mailed them.
He obviously didnt.
Nothing wrong with calling for impeachment. Obviously lol
This was more of a joke than anything. .you guys are so serious about our joke of a government lol

Actually we don't know whether he held back aid or not. However it's a crime simply to ask or accept favors from a foreign government to aid in an election.
How is investigating possible corruption by an ex VP aiding an election? He isnt even the nominee
The POS trump was saying Obama wasn't a citizen Now he's spreading his BS about Biden?? Let him check out the 2 giuliani pals caught at the airport today with one way tickets
If it's considered influencing an election by trying to investigate possible presidential candidates, is it also trying to influence an election when you call for impeachment of the sitting president who will be your competition?

No and yes.

NO, it should NOT be considered influencing an election by trying to investigate possible presidential candidates! Indeed, anyone running for the highest office in the land ought to be subjected to AT LEAST as much scrutiny as applying for a job at Kinko's! It should not be up to a sheriff in Arizona to uncover that you are NOT natural born AFTER being elected, much less up to someone else to discover you were using your government office to get your son gravy jobs in the Ukraine. The very fact that people run for and get elected as president without no one apparently doing any sort of official, independent, qualifying background check on these people is in itself PROOF THAT THE SYSTEM IS CORRUPT and all about the money.

YES, it IS trying to influence an election when you call for impeachment of the sitting president who will be your competition. It is NOT Joe's place to be calling for the removal from office his main opponent when Joe hasn't a SHRED of evidence as to the criminality or otherwise of Trump. And even if he did (which he doesn't), it's not his place to be worrying about that. If HE KNOWS Trump ought to be impeached, then WHERE IS THE IMPEACHMENT PROCEEDING BY THOSE WHOSE JOB IT IS TO IMPEACH?

We already live in a Venezuelan banana republic, just that no one is yet willing to admit it.
It's not Trump's place either to be asking the Pres of Ukraine to "look into" the "awful" Biden & son thing.
Why not? Biden was our vice president for 8 years.
Obama did it. Clinton did. And that's just the more recent ones we know about.
Did what?
Bill clinton asked the UK PM to settle a dispute with some airliners when gore was running for president. He even stated it was for partisan reasons. IE it would help gore
Obama asked Ukraine to investigate Paul manafort.
Not what I was disputing. We all know the US, EU, IMF and Ukraine anti-corruption activists wanted this guy gone.

We do? Your proof of that is what?

Multiple articles on the subject, take your pick.

Trump Twists Facts on Biden and Ukraine

Subscribe to read | Financial Times

And there are others who dispute this? So why not investigate it and get the truth? Seems fair? Trump has been open with the transcript release, let's see how Biden's son got all that mullah without any credentials.

Yeah, 'others'. LIke the morons who thought Obama was born in Kenya and believe some anonymous douchebag on 8 chan has all the answers.

Like the Wall St. Journal? You're such a Leftist parasite.

What We Know About Hunter Biden’s Dealings in China
Opinion | The Trumps, the Bidens and China
Ukraine to Review Investigations Into Firm Linked to Biden’s Son
Document reveals Ukraine had already reopened probe of Hunter Biden-linked firm months before Trump phone call

I don't have a subscription to the WSJ and can only see the first paragraph. You're going to have to do better and also stay away from opinion articles when attempting to prove something.
If it's considered influencing an election by trying to investigate possible presidential candidates, is it also trying to influence an election when you call for impeachment of the sitting president who will be your competition?

No and yes.

NO, it should NOT be considered influencing an election by trying to investigate possible presidential candidates! Indeed, anyone running for the highest office in the land ought to be subjected to AT LEAST as much scrutiny as applying for a job at Kinko's! It should not be up to a sheriff in Arizona to uncover that you are NOT natural born AFTER being elected, much less up to someone else to discover you were using your government office to get your son gravy jobs in the Ukraine. The very fact that people run for and get elected as president without no one apparently doing any sort of official, independent, qualifying background check on these people is in itself PROOF THAT THE SYSTEM IS CORRUPT and all about the money.

YES, it IS trying to influence an election when you call for impeachment of the sitting president who will be your competition. It is NOT Joe's place to be calling for the removal from office his main opponent when Joe hasn't a SHRED of evidence as to the criminality or otherwise of Trump. And even if he did (which he doesn't), it's not his place to be worrying about that. If HE KNOWS Trump ought to be impeached, then WHERE IS THE IMPEACHMENT PROCEEDING BY THOSE WHOSE JOB IT IS TO IMPEACH?

We already live in a Venezuelan banana republic, just that no one is yet willing to admit it.
It's not Trump's place either to be asking the Pres of Ukraine to "look into" the "awful" Biden & son thing.

Sorry, OL, but as president and CLEO, it is EXACTLY his place to investigate any crime he is aware of so long as it is in the interests of the United States, and it is.
Imo, the only way trump asking Ukraine to investigate is bad is if he black mailed them.
He obviously didnt.
Nothing wrong with calling for impeachment. Obviously lol
This was more of a joke than anything. .you guys are so serious about our joke of a government lol

He 100% blackmailed them. What rock are you living under?
The Ukrainian president said he didnt. He didnt even know the aid was held up.
I'm obviously living under a smart rock :D

You mean the guy being blackmailed didn't admit it? Get out!
He already got the aid.
I wish we had a "retard" emoji

No shit he got the aid. Do I really need to hold your hand and walk you through this?

The U.S. aid to Ukraine that Trump froze, in one chart
If he already got the aid why would he lie?
Imo, the only way trump asking Ukraine to investigate is bad is if he black mailed them.
He obviously didnt.
Nothing wrong with calling for impeachment. Obviously lol
This was more of a joke than anything. .you guys are so serious about our joke of a government lol

Actually we don't know whether he held back aid or not. However it's a crime simply to ask or accept favors from a foreign government to aid in an election.
How is investigating possible corruption by an ex BP aiding an election? He isnt even the nominee

To many Biden is seen as the most electable, at the time way ahead in the polls and in polling among the 5 or so Democrats that polled higher than Trump Biden was at the top.

There is no evidence of Joe Biden doing anything illegal, it's all conspiracy theories. And, if there were then leave it up to the state department and DOJ to handle, why Trump's personal lawyer? And why does Trump's personal lawyer now have two of his henchmen behind bars? Apparently Republicans just can't help themselves from breaking the law when it comes to getting Trump and his scumbag friends elected.

The video is not evidence but a transcript is? Amazing. Leftist logic 101.

View attachment 283910

We know that Biden wanted the prosecutor gone, just like every other western democracy who was concerned about Ukrainian corruption. Are you incapable of understanding this?
If it's considered influencing an election by trying to investigate possible presidential candidates, is it also trying to influence an election when you call for impeachment of the sitting president who will be your competition?

No and yes.

NO, it should NOT be considered influencing an election by trying to investigate possible presidential candidates! Indeed, anyone running for the highest office in the land ought to be subjected to AT LEAST as much scrutiny as applying for a job at Kinko's! It should not be up to a sheriff in Arizona to uncover that you are NOT natural born AFTER being elected, much less up to someone else to discover you were using your government office to get your son gravy jobs in the Ukraine. The very fact that people run for and get elected as president without no one apparently doing any sort of official, independent, qualifying background check on these people is in itself PROOF THAT THE SYSTEM IS CORRUPT and all about the money.

YES, it IS trying to influence an election when you call for impeachment of the sitting president who will be your competition. It is NOT Joe's place to be calling for the removal from office his main opponent when Joe hasn't a SHRED of evidence as to the criminality or otherwise of Trump. And even if he did (which he doesn't), it's not his place to be worrying about that. If HE KNOWS Trump ought to be impeached, then WHERE IS THE IMPEACHMENT PROCEEDING BY THOSE WHOSE JOB IT IS TO IMPEACH?

We already live in a Venezuelan banana republic, just that no one is yet willing to admit it.
It's not Trump's place either to be asking the Pres of Ukraine to "look into" the "awful" Biden & son thing.

Who's place is it?
Well, considering it has already been looked into and Biden's son was cleared and Biden didn't get Shokin fired to protect Hunter, I'd say NO ONE'S.

Who cleared Biden's son? The corrupt government that got kicked out of office? There was no investigation.

Now answer me this, wizard, how does a drug addled idiot who got kicked out of the military get a $50,000 a month job fetching coffee for the board members of a corrupt energy company? You daddy is the VP of the United States, that's how.
Imo, the only way trump asking Ukraine to investigate is bad is if he black mailed them.
He obviously didnt.
Nothing wrong with calling for impeachment. Obviously lol
This was more of a joke than anything. .you guys are so serious about our joke of a government lol

Actually we don't know whether he held back aid or not. However it's a crime simply to ask or accept favors from a foreign government to aid in an election.
How is investigating possible corruption by an ex VP aiding an election? He isnt even the nominee
Ask Rick Perry trying to get gas co run by ukrainians to replace board members with his donors from Texas A den of thieves
He 100% blackmailed them. What rock are you living under?
The Ukrainian president said he didnt. He didnt even know the aid was held up.
I'm obviously living under a smart rock :D

You mean the guy being blackmailed didn't admit it? Get out!
He already got the aid.
I wish we had a "retard" emoji

No shit he got the aid. Do I really need to hold your hand and walk you through this?

The U.S. aid to Ukraine that Trump froze, in one chart
If he already got the aid why would he lie?

Because he wants to stay in the good graces with the President of the United States. He has Russia breathing down his neck and one wrong move and he knows he easily could lose aid again or even worse. He knows Trump is buddy buddy with Putin.

This is really not hard to see if you just open your eyes.
Imo, the only way trump asking Ukraine to investigate is bad is if he black mailed them.
He obviously didnt.
Nothing wrong with calling for impeachment. Obviously lol
This was more of a joke than anything. .you guys are so serious about our joke of a government lol

He 100% blackmailed them. What rock are you living under?
The Ukrainian president said he didnt. He didnt even know the aid was held up.
I'm obviously living under a smart rock :D

You mean the guy being blackmailed didn't admit it? Get out!
/——/ This just in: RUSH: Fox News just moments ago — revealed that “a newly unearthed document, “shows that Ukrainian officials had already opened a new probe into Hunter Biden and his firm months before Trump’s phone call with the president of Ukraine.” It was John Solomon that ferreted this out.
If it's considered influencing an election by trying to investigate possible presidential candidates,

The ethical and legal questions depends on how you go about trying to get your opponent investigated. For instance if you put a hold on much needed aid until a country opens the type of investigation you want into your domestic political opponent. As opposed to lets say, tweeting about what you think should happen. It's not really the investigation that matters as those should be kept secret to protect the innocent. It's exposing that there is an open investigation into possible corruption into X that can be weaponized during a campaign against X, like we've seen across Western Democracies in Europe and in the United States.

is it also trying to influence an election when you call for impeachment of the sitting president who will be your competition?

Yes, but this is America. You can also call for Senator Booker to be impeached too.

It all depends on who "you" are.
Imo, the only way trump asking Ukraine to investigate is bad is if he black mailed them.
He obviously didnt.
Nothing wrong with calling for impeachment. Obviously lol
This was more of a joke than anything. .you guys are so serious about our joke of a government lol

He 100% blackmailed them. What rock are you living under?
The Ukrainian president said he didnt. He didnt even know the aid was held up.
I'm obviously living under a smart rock :D

You mean the guy being blackmailed didn't admit it? Get out!
/——/ This just in: RUSH: Fox News just moments ago — revealed that “a newly unearthed document, “shows that Ukrainian officials had already opened a new probe into Hunter Biden and his firm months before Trump’s phone call with the president of Ukraine.” It was John Solomon that ferreted this out.

The Ukrainian president said he didnt. He didnt even know the aid was held up.
I'm obviously living under a smart rock :D

You mean the guy being blackmailed didn't admit it? Get out!
He already got the aid.
I wish we had a "retard" emoji

No shit he got the aid. Do I really need to hold your hand and walk you through this?

The U.S. aid to Ukraine that Trump froze, in one chart
If he already got the aid why would he lie?

Because he wants to stay in the good graces with the President of the United States. He has Russia breathing down his neck and one wrong move and he knows he easily could lose aid again or even worse. He knows Trump is buddy buddy with Putin.

This is really not hard to see if you just open your eyes.
Lol k
Imo, the only way trump asking Ukraine to investigate is bad is if he black mailed them.
He obviously didnt.
Nothing wrong with calling for impeachment. Obviously lol
This was more of a joke than anything. .you guys are so serious about our joke of a government lol

He 100% blackmailed them. What rock are you living under?
The Ukrainian president said he didnt. He didnt even know the aid was held up.
I'm obviously living under a smart rock :D

You mean the guy being blackmailed didn't admit it? Get out!
/——/ This just in: RUSH: Fox News just moments ago — revealed that “a newly unearthed document, “shows that Ukrainian officials had already opened a new probe into Hunter Biden and his firm months before Trump’s phone call with the president of Ukraine.” It was John Solomon that ferreted this out.


Read the link, Captain Knowledge.
You mean the guy being blackmailed didn't admit it? Get out!
He already got the aid.
I wish we had a "retard" emoji

No shit he got the aid. Do I really need to hold your hand and walk you through this?

The U.S. aid to Ukraine that Trump froze, in one chart
If he already got the aid why would he lie?

Because he wants to stay in the good graces with the President of the United States. He has Russia breathing down his neck and one wrong move and he knows he easily could lose aid again or even worse. He knows Trump is buddy buddy with Putin.

This is really not hard to see if you just open your eyes.
Lol k

About the response I expected. Keep your eyes shut.
He already got the aid.
I wish we had a "retard" emoji

No shit he got the aid. Do I really need to hold your hand and walk you through this?

The U.S. aid to Ukraine that Trump froze, in one chart
If he already got the aid why would he lie?

Because he wants to stay in the good graces with the President of the United States. He has Russia breathing down his neck and one wrong move and he knows he easily could lose aid again or even worse. He knows Trump is buddy buddy with Putin.

This is really not hard to see if you just open your eyes.
Lol k

About the response I expected. Keep your eyes shut.
You are assuming. Which is typical.
I'm going by the facts so far.
No shit he got the aid. Do I really need to hold your hand and walk you through this?

The U.S. aid to Ukraine that Trump froze, in one chart
If he already got the aid why would he lie?

Because he wants to stay in the good graces with the President of the United States. He has Russia breathing down his neck and one wrong move and he knows he easily could lose aid again or even worse. He knows Trump is buddy buddy with Putin.

This is really not hard to see if you just open your eyes.
Lol k

About the response I expected. Keep your eyes shut.
You are assuming. Which is typical.
I'm going by the facts so far.

Lol k

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