Questions Black People Have For White People

Don't at all, but I certainly recognize one with a closed mind on the subject, why bother.

I see, so "doesn't agree with me" = "closed mind" :D

What I see in this post of yours my myopic friend:

"Most people are intelligent enough to know that systemic/wide spread white on black racism is all but dead.
Having said that, a renewal of it is certainly increasing. Divisions between the races is escalating and strengthening. Propelled greatly by this President, who almost immediately showed his ass and bias.
What white people are tired of is the constant accusations on them and the victimization attitude of blacks."

is the same sort of backlash thinking racist whites have always come back with anytime in american history anyone has said anything about racism existing in american society. So yes, I really don't think there's much room for any conversation at all around this topic. You just want people to shut up, go away, and you never want to hear of this again. And you clearly don't know a lot of black folk or have any idea what black friends (since you obviously don't have any that you've discussed this with at length) would say in response to this line of thinking. Maybe you should go find some black folk to have this discussion with face to face. I'ts a bit different than this nameless faceless bomb dropping chatboard biz.

Nope, wrong again. I have always been interested in racism, and have 100's of post on the subject.
I completely reject the notion that all white people are inherently racist, and all black people are inherently subjected to it - and thus everything that is wrong in their lives is due to racism. Bullshit. As the great Martin Luther King so succinctly put it -


I come here tonight and plead with you. Believe in yourself and believe that you are somebody. I said to a grop last night, — Nobody else can do this for us. No document can do this for us. No Lincolnian emancipation proclamation can do this for us. No Johnsonian civil rights bill can do this for us.

If the Negro is to be free, he must move down into the inner resources of his own soul and sign with a pen and ink of self-assertive manhood his own emancipation proclamation."

No disagreement, and I assume you also agree with King's understanding that he was dealing with a society based and founded upon white supremacy, kudos.
Its always funny when racists quote MLK and they obviously dont understand that MLK detested them and everything they stand for.

Their ignorance is astounding , I know two people in the movement now who had marched with Dr king and continue to fight today against the forces of regression. The racist clowns who attack him even today know nothing about him or what he stood for,He was murdered while in Memphis while defending strikers , They may have murdered Dr King but they cannot kill his ideas

thankfully the bitter old rightwing whites are dying off

Its always funny when racists quote MLK and they obviously dont understand that MLK detested them and everything they stand for.

It's always funny when people call other people racist and they obviously don't know anything about the person...not realizing that is by definition - racist.
Its always funny when racists quote MLK and they obviously dont understand that MLK detested them and everything they stand for.

It's always funny when people call other people racist and they obviously don't know anything about the person...not realizing that is by definition - racist.
Its always funny when people tell you the definition of words they have obviously neglected to look up. Not knowing anything about a person has nothing to do with being a racist. Only a idiot would believe that. See? Nothing about familiarity in that definition at all.

  1. 1.
    a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
Its always funny when racists quote MLK and they obviously dont understand that MLK detested them and everything they stand for.

It's always funny when people call other people racist and they obviously don't know anything about the person...not realizing that is by definition - racist.
Its always funny when people tell you the definition of words they have obviously neglected to look up. Not knowing anything about a person has nothing to do with racism. Only a idiot would believe that.

It's always funny when someone makes a post that directly represents their OWN actions and shortcomings while accusing someone else of the same thing.

MLK was a great man. Some of his opinions don't fit mine, but he was living in an extraordinary troubled era and witnessed extreme racism and violence against blacks by whites...YET...he did not hate white people for it. And that alone is makes him remarkable.
MLK would never -ever -ever have advocated for handouts from whites, would be appalled by the weakness and self destructiveness of black culture today. If he could make a speech today - I have no doubt, NONE - that blacks would not want to hear what he would have to say.
MLK would never -ever -ever have advocated for handouts from whites, would be appalled by the weakness and self destructiveness of black culture today.

HAHAHAHA Funny white boys, they always forget that MLK said since slavery was something that affected blacks ONLY and SPECIFICALLY that the US should have programs of redress specifically for Blacks.

But you guys love to change blacks into something they werent once they're dead.
Its always funny when racists quote MLK and they obviously dont understand that MLK detested them and everything they stand for.

It's always funny when people call other people racist and they obviously don't know anything about the person...not realizing that is by definition - racist.
Its always funny when people tell you the definition of words they have obviously neglected to look up. Not knowing anything about a person has nothing to do with racism. Only a idiot would believe that.

It's always funny when someone makes a post that directly represents their OWN actions and shortcomings while accusing someone else of the same thing.

MLK was a great man. Some of his opinions don't fit mine, but he was living in an extraordinary troubled era and witnessed extreme racism and violence against blacks by whites...YET...he did not hate white people for it. And that alone is makes him remarkable.
MLK would never -ever -ever have advocated for handouts from whites, would be appalled by the weakness and self destructiveness of black culture today. If he could make a speech today - I have no doubt, NONE - that blacks would not want to hear what he would have to say.

See what i mean about ignorant racists trying to tell other people what MLK stood for? Ooops! :laugh:

"A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro."

"Whenever the issue of compensatory treatment for the Negro is raised, some of our friends recoil in horror. The Negro should be granted equality, they agree; but he should ask nothing more. On the surface, this appears reasonable, but it is not realistic."

"We are demanding an emergency program to provide employment for everyone in need of a job. Or, if a work program is impractical, a guaranteed annual income at levels that sustain life and descent circumstances. It is now incontestable that the wealth and resources of the United States make the elimination of poverty absolutely practical."
- Martin Luther King Jr.
MLK would never -ever -ever have advocated for handouts from whites, would be appalled by the weakness and self destructiveness of black culture today.

HAHAHAHA Funny white boys, they always forget that MLK said since slavery was something that affected blacks ONLY and SPECIFICALLY that the US should have programs of redress specifically for Blacks.

But you guys love to change blacks into something they werent once they're dead.

Yes I know that....but guess what simpleton?...that was 50 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!
Affirmative action, as an example, was very much needed at it's inception...additional funds for more/better schools - absolutely. etc. etc.
But that is not what I am talking about, and you know it. He would disdain black culture today
MLK would never -ever -ever have advocated for handouts from whites, would be appalled by the weakness and self destructiveness of black culture today.

HAHAHAHA Funny white boys, they always forget that MLK said since slavery was something that affected blacks ONLY and SPECIFICALLY that the US should have programs of redress specifically for Blacks.

But you guys love to change blacks into something they werent once they're dead.

Yes I know that....but guess what simpleton?...that was 50 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!
Affirmative action, as an example, was very much needed at it's inception...additional funds for more/better schools - absolutely. etc. etc.
But that is not what I am talking about, and you know it. He would disdain black culture today
Of course it was 50 years ago. No such program every came into being. Not only that whites had 400 years of affirmative action just cuz.
MLK would never -ever -ever have advocated for handouts from whites, would be appalled by the weakness and self destructiveness of black culture today.

HAHAHAHA Funny white boys, they always forget that MLK said since slavery was something that affected blacks ONLY and SPECIFICALLY that the US should have programs of redress specifically for Blacks.

But you guys love to change blacks into something they werent once they're dead.

Yes I know that....but guess what simpleton?...that was 50 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!
Affirmative action, as an example, was very much needed at it's inception...additional funds for more/better schools - absolutely. etc. etc.
But that is not what I am talking about, and you know it. He would disdain black culture today
Of course it was 50 years ago. No such program every came into being. Not only that whites had 400 years of affirmative action just cuz.

Every single society on the planet earth has origins of slavery, feudalism and all manner of dominant races/classes over others. America is not unique in that beginnings. So you bet, after civil rights bills were passed there also needed to be "one up" programs to elevate the black race onto level fields. Some worked, some didn't. The social programs of the 60's-70's have done FAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRR more damage and has retarded black growth today than slavery and real racism centuries/decades ago. Far more. We do not need to return to it.
MLK would never -ever -ever have advocated for handouts from whites, would be appalled by the weakness and self destructiveness of black culture today.

HAHAHAHA Funny white boys, they always forget that MLK said since slavery was something that affected blacks ONLY and SPECIFICALLY that the US should have programs of redress specifically for Blacks.

But you guys love to change blacks into something they werent once they're dead.

Yes I know that....but guess what simpleton?...that was 50 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!
Affirmative action, as an example, was very much needed at it's inception...additional funds for more/better schools - absolutely. etc. etc.
But that is not what I am talking about, and you know it. He would disdain black culture today
Of course it was 50 years ago. No such program every came into being. Not only that whites had 400 years of affirmative action just cuz.

Every single society on the planet earth has origins of slavery, feudalism and all manner of dominant races/classes over others. America is not unique in that beginnings. So you bet, after civil rights bills were passed there also needed to be "one up" programs to elevate the black race onto level fields. Some worked, some didn't. The social programs of the 60's-70's have done FAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRR more damage and has retarded black growth today than slavery and real racism centuries/decades ago. Far more. We do not need to return to it.
I'm not talking about every single society on the planet. I'm talking about the US. I cant expect China to make an AA program specifically for the Blacks in the US. The US has never created such a program for African americans but it did for whites for centuries.
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MLK would never -ever -ever have advocated for handouts from whites, would be appalled by the weakness and self destructiveness of black culture today.

HAHAHAHA Funny white boys, they always forget that MLK said since slavery was something that affected blacks ONLY and SPECIFICALLY that the US should have programs of redress specifically for Blacks.

But you guys love to change blacks into something they werent once they're dead.

Yes I know that....but guess what simpleton?...that was 50 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!

But guess what? You claimed that he would never ever advocate for something he advocated for. Just take your lost like a grown up.
But guess what? You claimed that he would never ever advocate for something he advocated for. Just take your lost like a grown up.

No, that is just you being you and taking what someone says and attempt to make it fit your idea.
Saying he would never advocate white handouts supporting blacks...developing generational white dependence and saying he would be appalled by the self destructive black culture has zero, nada, zilch to do with then AA and education/employment policies. Zero.
But that is ok. I do not expect anything from you but rhetoric and weak attempts to spin/frame a topic into the nauseating left vs. right nonsense.
But guess what? You claimed that he would never ever advocate for something he advocated for. Just take your lost like a grown up.

No, that is just you being you and taking what someone says and attempt to make it fit your idea.
Saying he would never advocate white handouts supporting blacks...developing generational white dependence and saying he would be appalled by the self destructive black culture has zero, nada, zilch to do with then AA and education/employment policies. Zero.
But that is ok. I do not expect anything from you but rhetoric and weak attempts to spin/frame a topic into the nauseating left vs. right nonsense.
Who said anything about the "handouts" being specifically from whites? Whites dont represent the only race that lives here in the US. MLK advocated that the US should do something for Black people specifically.

"A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro."
Who said anything about the "handouts" being specifically from whites? Whites dont represent the only race that lives here in the US. MLK advocated that the US should do something for Black people specifically.

"A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro."

Yes and that was done. You don;t call free housing/healthcare/food and a check every month for over 20 years something special?
Who said anything about the "handouts" being specifically from whites? Whites dont represent the only race that lives here in the US. MLK advocated that the US should do something for Black people specifically.

"A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro."

Yes and that was done. You don;t call free housing/healthcare/food and a check every month for over 20 years something special?
When was this done specifically for Black people? I need a link not your word since I have never heard of it. Please address why you thought MLK never advocated for Blacks specifically to have something done for them?
Who said anything about the "handouts" being specifically from whites? Whites dont represent the only race that lives here in the US. MLK advocated that the US should do something for Black people specifically.

"A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro."

Yes and that was done. You don;t call free housing/healthcare/food and a check every month for over 20 years something special?
When was this done specifically for Black people? I need a link not your word since I have never heard of it.

Haha.....what an idiot
But guess what? You claimed that he would never ever advocate for something he advocated for. Just take your lost like a grown up.

No, that is just you being you and taking what someone says and attempt to make it fit your idea.
Saying he would never advocate white handouts supporting blacks...developing generational white dependence and saying he would be appalled by the self destructive black culture has zero, nada, zilch to do with then AA and education/employment policies. Zero.
But that is ok. I do not expect anything from you but rhetoric and weak attempts to spin/frame a topic into the nauseating left vs. right nonsense.

What rhetoric? Please explain how you are correct when you claimed MLK would never advocate for something which he DID advocate for?

Go ahead and type all the paragraphs you want but just include the part about how youre explain your ideas and reality not being the same. Thanks
Who said anything about the "handouts" being specifically from whites? Whites dont represent the only race that lives here in the US. MLK advocated that the US should do something for Black people specifically.

"A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro."

Yes and that was done. You don;t call free housing/healthcare/food and a check every month for over 20 years something special?
When was this done specifically for Black people? I need a link not your word since I have never heard of it.

Haha.....what an idiot
I guess that means youre an idiot and dont have a link just like I thought.
Who said anything about the "handouts" being specifically from whites? Whites dont represent the only race that lives here in the US. MLK advocated that the US should do something for Black people specifically.

"A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro."

Yes and that was done. You don;t call free housing/healthcare/food and a check every month for over 20 years something special?
When was this done specifically for Black people? I need a link not your word since I have never heard of it.

Haha.....what an idiot
I guess that means youre an idiot and dont have a link just like I thought.

My black buddy came over the last` night. He lived in Detroit and he was saying all the things I say that you guys argue with me on. I told him you said you could go anywhere in America without a gun being a 6'2 black man you could go into the hood and he said, "oh I know some places in Detroit he couldn't go" If they didn't know him they'd kill him or at least beat the fuck out of him.

Anyways, he then starting talking honestly about why he left Detroit. How dangerous it is and how his nice car would have been stolen years ago had he had that car in the city. He even said he was thinking about moving a little further north because too many black people are moving into our area and now crime is going up.

Then he was telling me why blacks in Detroit don't come out to the suburbs and commit crime. I told him that baffles me why they don't come out and rob and shoot us. He said, "because they are afraid to go into the suburbs". They feel they will get pulled over, arrested and/or killed by a cop if they come out to the suburbs.

Even he said he's glad they have this fear because otherwise they would come out and pray on us.

There is a reason white cops pull over black men in cars. This is one of them. Black people remind me of the Palistinians. They don't like how the Jews treat them but the Jews would be stupid to treat them any other way.
Who said anything about the "handouts" being specifically from whites? Whites dont represent the only race that lives here in the US. MLK advocated that the US should do something for Black people specifically.

"A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro."

Yes and that was done. You don;t call free housing/healthcare/food and a check every month for over 20 years something special?
When was this done specifically for Black people? I need a link not your word since I have never heard of it.

Haha.....what an idiot
I guess that means youre an idiot and dont have a link just like I thought.

My black buddy came over the last` night. He lived in Detroit and he was saying all the things I say that you guys argue with me on. I told him you said you could go anywhere in America without a gun being a 6'2 black man you could go into the hood and he said, "oh I know some places in Detroit he couldn't go" If they didn't know him they'd kill him or at least beat the fuck out of him.

Anyways, he then starting talking honestly about why he left Detroit. How dangerous it is and how his nice car would have been stolen years ago had he had that car in the city. He even said he was thinking about moving a little further north because too many black people are moving into our area and now crime is going up.

Then he was telling me why blacks in Detroit don't come out to the suburbs and commit crime. I told him that baffles me why they don't come out and rob and shoot us. He said, "because they are afraid to go into the suburbs". They feel they will get pulled over, arrested and/or killed by a cop if they come out to the suburbs.

Even he said he's glad they have this fear because otherwise they would come out and pray on us.

There is a reason white cops pull over black men in cars. This is one of them. Black people remind me of the Palistinians. They don't like how the Jews treat them but the Jews would be stupid to treat them any other way.
Thats interesting but what did that have to do with my post?

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