Questions Black People Have For White People

The cops arrested a man for breaking into his own home after they knew it was his own home, and he had done nothing wrong. That was stupid.
They didn't know it was his home. They were being paid to investigate it and the race pimp "professor" dickhead went off on them. Then the race pimp dickhead in the Oval Office said the cops acted stupidly, before getting the facts. Lefties don't really give a shit about facts, the agenda is what's important.

Don't you have another conspiracy theory to be investigating?
No one but you said anything about conspiracies.
The cops arrested a man for breaking into his own home after they knew it was his own home, and he had done nothing wrong. That was stupid.
They didn't know it was his home. They were being paid to investigate it and the race pimp "professor" dickhead went off on them. Then the race pimp dickhead in the Oval Office said the cops acted stupidly, before getting the facts. Lefties don't really give a shit about facts, the agenda is what's important.
A black guy that feels offended because strangers don't know he's breaking into his own home.
So basically he's got a huge chip on his shoulder because of his race and Obama is quick to jump to his defense, probably because they both feel the same way. Obama and Michelle are so wrapped up in issues concerning skin color that it permeates every part of their lives. The other day Michelle said at a commencement that she wakes up every day in a house that was built by slaves. Despicable. Total hatred for the founding of this country. Nobody can convince me that they don't harbor object hatred for this nation and everything this country was founded on.
Nah. The deal is not that all whites are racists. The deal is the entire society was founded upon white supremacy and that legacy has lasting implications that some whites are very nervous about every single time the issue comes up.

No. Just no.
Most people are intelligent enough to know that systemic/wide spread white on black racism is all but dead.
Having said that, a renewal of it is certainly increasing. Divisions between the races is escalating and strengthening. Propelled greatly by this President, who almost immediately showed his ass and bias.
What white people are tired of is the constant accusations on them and the victimization attitude of blacks.

Yeah, sure.

Glad you agree

Don't at all, but I certainly recognize one with a closed mind on the subject, why bother.

I see, so "doesn't agree with me" = "closed mind" :D

What I see in this post of yours my myopic friend:

"Most people are intelligent enough to know that systemic/wide spread white on black racism is all but dead.
Having said that, a renewal of it is certainly increasing. Divisions between the races is escalating and strengthening. Propelled greatly by this President, who almost immediately showed his ass and bias.
What white people are tired of is the constant accusations on them and the victimization attitude of blacks."

is the same sort of backlash thinking racist whites have always come back with anytime in american history anyone has said anything about racism existing in american society. So yes, I really don't think there's much room for any conversation at all around this topic. You just want people to shut up, go away, and you never want to hear of this again. And you clearly don't know a lot of black folk or have any idea what black friends (since you obviously don't have any that you've discussed this with at length) would say in response to this line of thinking. Maybe you should go find some black folk to have this discussion with face to face. I'ts a bit different than this nameless faceless bomb dropping chatboard biz.
The video exemplifies perfectly what I have said for years....perceived racism is causing more problems between blacks/whites than actual racism. Like this video shows...every questioner assumes that all white people are racist. And that in itself, is racist.

Nah. The deal is not that all whites are racists. The deal is the entire society was founded upon white supremacy and that legacy has lasting implications that some whites are very nervous about every single time the issue comes up.
Yup.....and they tend to vote Democrat.

Broadbrushing categorization is where racism comes from.
The video exemplifies perfectly what I have said for years....perceived racism is causing more problems between blacks/whites than actual racism. Like this video shows...every questioner assumes that all white people are racist. And that in itself, is racist.

Nah. The deal is not that all whites are racists. The deal is the entire society was founded upon white supremacy and that legacy has lasting implications that some whites are very nervous about every single time the issue comes up.

No. Just no.
Most people are intelligent enough to know that systemic/wide spread white on black racism is all but dead.
Having said that, a renewal of it is certainly increasing. Divisions between the races is escalating and strengthening. Propelled greatly by this President, who almost immediately showed his ass and bias.
What white people are tired of is the constant accusations on them and the victimization attitude of blacks.

Please list the things this president has done to escalate racism. You might note that the below pictures, and many others that are quite similar, were distributed by republican activists and mayors in early 2009.

JULY 2009 FEB 2009

What Obama did to escalate racial tension for these people was to get elected. Twice.
The video exemplifies perfectly what I have said for years....perceived racism is causing more problems between blacks/whites than actual racism. Like this video shows...every questioner assumes that all white people are racist. And that in itself, is racist.

Nah. The deal is not that all whites are racists. The deal is the entire society was founded upon white supremacy and that legacy has lasting implications that some whites are very nervous about every single time the issue comes up.

No. Just no.
Most people are intelligent enough to know that systemic/wide spread white on black racism is all but dead.
Having said that, a renewal of it is certainly increasing. Divisions between the races is escalating and strengthening. Propelled greatly by this President, who almost immediately showed his ass and bias.
What white people are tired of is the constant accusations on them and the victimization attitude of blacks.

Please list the things this president has done to escalate racism. You might note that the below pictures, and many others that are quite similar, were distributed by republican activists and mayors in early 2009.

JULY 2009 FEB 2009
Case you didnt notice in his first inaug he labelled all whites as racist
The video exemplifies perfectly what I have said for years....perceived racism is causing more problems between blacks/whites than actual racism. Like this video shows...every questioner assumes that all white people are racist. And that in itself, is racist.

Nah. The deal is not that all whites are racists. The deal is the entire society was founded upon white supremacy and that legacy has lasting implications that some whites are very nervous about every single time the issue comes up.

No. Just no.
Most people are intelligent enough to know that systemic/wide spread white on black racism is all but dead.
Having said that, a renewal of it is certainly increasing. Divisions between the races is escalating and strengthening. Propelled greatly by this President, who almost immediately showed his ass and bias.
What white people are tired of is the constant accusations on them and the victimization attitude of blacks.

Please list the things this president has done to escalate racism. You might note that the below pictures, and many others that are quite similar, were distributed by republican activists and mayors in early 2009.

JULY 2009 FEB 2009
Case you didnt notice in his first inaug he labelled all whites as racist

I'm gonna need to see where you get that interpretation, thanks in advance.
Benediction at Obama's inaugural: all white people are racists, all non-white are oppressed (Rev. Joseph Lowery) | 24Ahead "Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in the joy of a new beginning, we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get in back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right. That all those who do justice and love mercy say Amen. Say Amen"
No. Just no.
Most people are intelligent enough to know that systemic/wide spread white on black racism is all but dead.
Having said that, a renewal of it is certainly increasing. Divisions between the races is escalating and strengthening. Propelled greatly by this President, who almost immediately showed his ass and bias.
What white people are tired of is the constant accusations on them and the victimization attitude of blacks.

Yeah, sure.

Glad you agree

Don't at all, but I certainly recognize one with a closed mind on the subject, why bother.

I see, so "doesn't agree with me" = "closed mind" :D

What I see in this post of yours my myopic friend:

"Most people are intelligent enough to know that systemic/wide spread white on black racism is all but dead.
Having said that, a renewal of it is certainly increasing. Divisions between the races is escalating and strengthening. Propelled greatly by this President, who almost immediately showed his ass and bias.
What white people are tired of is the constant accusations on them and the victimization attitude of blacks."

is the same sort of backlash thinking racist whites have always come back with anytime in american history anyone has said anything about racism existing in american society. So yes, I really don't think there's much room for any conversation at all around this topic. You just want people to shut up, go away, and you never want to hear of this again. And you clearly don't know a lot of black folk or have any idea what black friends (since you obviously don't have any that you've discussed this with at length) would say in response to this line of thinking. Maybe you should go find some black folk to have this discussion with face to face. I'ts a bit different than this nameless faceless bomb dropping chatboard biz.

Nope, wrong again. I have always been interested in racism, and have 100's of post on the subject.
I completely reject the notion that all white people are inherently racist, and all black people are inherently subjected to it - and thus everything that is wrong in their lives is due to racism. Bullshit. As the great Martin Luther King so succinctly put it -


I come here tonight and plead with you. Believe in yourself and believe that you are somebody. I said to a grop last night, — Nobody else can do this for us. No document can do this for us. No Lincolnian emancipation proclamation can do this for us. No Johnsonian civil rights bill can do this for us.

If the Negro is to be free, he must move down into the inner resources of his own soul and sign with a pen and ink of self-assertive manhood his own emancipation proclamation."
The video exemplifies perfectly what I have said for years....perceived racism is causing more problems between blacks/whites than actual racism. Like this video shows...every questioner assumes that all white people are racist. And that in itself, is racist.

Nah. The deal is not that all whites are racists. The deal is the entire society was founded upon white supremacy and that legacy has lasting implications that some whites are very nervous about every single time the issue comes up.

No. Just no.
Most people are intelligent enough to know that systemic/wide spread white on black racism is all but dead.
Having said that, a renewal of it is certainly increasing. Divisions between the races is escalating and strengthening. Propelled greatly by this President, who almost immediately showed his ass and bias.
What white people are tired of is the constant accusations on them and the victimization attitude of blacks.

Please list the things this president has done to escalate racism. You might note that the below pictures, and many others that are quite similar, were distributed by republican activists and mayors in early 2009.

JULY 2009 FEB 2009
Case you didnt notice in his first inaug he labelled all whites as racist

No he didn't
what an effete dick.

I preferred the black people. They seemed nicer.

I prefer white people then moslem then only other christians.

Jews are bad within one close to male again these Bernie how are the best jewish and even Progressive and Communist he's total okey for me then Jewish God Abraham or is Abraham American God or the same God in Israeli / USA??
Benediction at Obama's inaugural: all white people are racists, all non-white are oppressed (Rev. Joseph Lowery) | 24Ahead "Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in the joy of a new beginning, we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get in back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right. That all those who do justice and love mercy say Amen. Say Amen"

You idiot. That was the benediction given by someone other than Obama, and there is nothing racist about it. Michel Savage says stupid things all the time. This is just another one of those times.
The video exemplifies perfectly what I have said for years....perceived racism is causing more problems between blacks/whites than actual racism. Like this video shows...every questioner assumes that all white people are racist. And that in itself, is racist.

Nah. The deal is not that all whites are racists. The deal is the entire society was founded upon white supremacy and that legacy has lasting implications that some whites are very nervous about every single time the issue comes up.

No. Just no.
Most people are intelligent enough to know that systemic/wide spread white on black racism is all but dead.
Having said that, a renewal of it is certainly increasing. Divisions between the races is escalating and strengthening. Propelled greatly by this President, who almost immediately showed his ass and bias.
What white people are tired of is the constant accusations on them and the victimization attitude of blacks.

Please list the things this president has done to escalate racism. You might note that the below pictures, and many others that are quite similar, were distributed by republican activists and mayors in early 2009.

JULY 2009 FEB 2009
Case you didnt notice in his first inaug he labelled all whites as racist

No he didn't
Yes...yes he did...right there in black and white and dont even try to claim he didnt know....nothing gets said without approval at an inaug
Nah. The deal is not that all whites are racists. The deal is the entire society was founded upon white supremacy and that legacy has lasting implications that some whites are very nervous about every single time the issue comes up.

No. Just no.
Most people are intelligent enough to know that systemic/wide spread white on black racism is all but dead.
Having said that, a renewal of it is certainly increasing. Divisions between the races is escalating and strengthening. Propelled greatly by this President, who almost immediately showed his ass and bias.
What white people are tired of is the constant accusations on them and the victimization attitude of blacks.

Please list the things this president has done to escalate racism. You might note that the below pictures, and many others that are quite similar, were distributed by republican activists and mayors in early 2009.

JULY 2009 FEB 2009
Case you didnt notice in his first inaug he labelled all whites as racist

No he didn't
Yes...yes he did...right there in black and white and dont even try to claim he didnt know....nothing gets said without approval at an inaug

Your head is overheating again, and you're saying goofy stuff.
The video exemplifies perfectly what I have said for years....perceived racism is causing more problems between blacks/whites than actual racism. Like this video shows...every questioner assumes that all white people are racist. And that in itself, is racist.

Nah. The deal is not that all whites are racists. The deal is the entire society was founded upon white supremacy and that legacy has lasting implications that some whites are very nervous about every single time the issue comes up.

Every society was founded on some sort of dominance if you go back far enough, even the tribe who threw out the tribe on the nice land by the river. But all those societies may have good things about them. Some people choose to use control of perception and reality of others as a weapon or tool to get what they want or to blame others for their own failure. People who perpetuate class warfare when its not necessary are doing just that , wether they are aware of it or not. Like the girl in the video said, Stereotypes Exist. But at the same time they do not exist. Are we working hard to re-create these stereotypes in our society or move forward with the opportunity that is right in our hands? Sometimes its more comfortable to live with the stereotypes because its something we are comfortable with, even if they are disliked. Listened to this black lady on the radio the other day after the death of Muhammad Ali, she had identified herself as an x 60s radical and was just on the radio to honor Ali and talk about society in America, her main message was to black youths and she was saying to them , IF you dont want to be a slave then leave that behind and stop living like one, stop treating each other bad. She went on to emphasize this , in a story about a Richmond California black kid who had just graduated from High School and was celebrating about moving on to college, happy about his life when another black kid out of jealousy walked right up to him and shot him in the head out of jealousy. her comment on that was "we are not letting each other move up". and in my opinion, black people don't let each other move up or on through other less drastic means as well, like social pressure, aka acting too white. As if that ever should mean a thing. So what are the real problems that need to be addressed?
what an effete dick.

I preferred the black people. They seemed nicer.
If you identify with them, then you just might be a racist, because everything they said was racist.
I did identify with them, now that YOU MENTION it.

However, i did not identify with the politized slogan like language they were usng.

But they seemed far better people than the white person, who was also regurgitating sentiments taught to her by men more rationally minded than herself.

She was anoying. If you want to see vvideos of a woman who knows her shit, check out Karen Straughan.

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