Quinnipiac Polling has officially "Jumped the Shark"

Today they have the Hildebeast up 5%, which any 3 digit IQ'd citizen knows is a crock of shit....BUT when you go and look at their internals, you find that they NO LONGER GIVE the party %, OR their former breakdown of man to women.....Now I understand why they have done this, and will from this point forward dismiss their polls as simply another IN THE THANK operation for the subversive DemocRATS!!

At what point do you finally realize that perhaps "your gut" is lying to you and you're in the minority with your views?

I don't but I see anyone making fun of Jesus with a Dino. seems to be a prejudiced asshole, or perhaps a LGTB militant!

Let's try that again but in English this time.

Why is that, I left a coma out, and you're lost...Proving the 2 digit IQ theory!
you seem to like coma.

I see we have a small group of these #1's here....

come on, failbot. i am on your side. i clearly encouraged you when i posted "go tiger".

i post this from my sabotaged mic-phone and all errors are to be blamed on da libruls.
I did, and unlike the talking heads of the left and the Never Trump, I thought he did rather well!

He did well the first ten minutes. The rest of it he looked like a rambling tard.
come on, failbot. i am on your side. i clearly encouraged you when i posted "go tiger".

i post this from my sabotaged mic-phone and all errors are to be blamed on da libruls.

Sorry to burst your liberal bubble...

Debate commission: Donald Trump had audio 'issues' - CNNPolitics.com
7 days ago - Debate commission: Trump had audio 'issues'. By Karl de Vries .... Trump: My mic was more difficult than debating Hillary. (L-R) Republican ..
Today they have the Hildebeast up 5%, which any 3 digit IQ'd citizen knows is a crock of shit....BUT when you go and look at their internals, you find that they NO LONGER GIVE the party %, OR their former breakdown of man to women.....Now I understand why they have done this, and will from this point forward dismiss their polls as simply another IN THE THANK operation for the subversive DemocRATS!!

At what point do you finally realize that perhaps "your gut" is lying to you and you're in the minority with your views?
Nah, he's not the minority unless you're not in the USA.
Has the Hurricane destroyed America yet??? No election till 2017 and............. Fema trailers for everyone!
Today they have the Hildebeast up 5%, which any 3 digit IQ'd citizen knows is a crock of shit....BUT when you go and look at their internals, you find that they NO LONGER GIVE the party %, OR their former breakdown of man to women.....Now I understand why they have done this, and will from this point forward dismiss their polls as simply another IN THE THANK operation for the subversive DemocRATS!!
Sounds about right. Nate Silver says 5.4%.

come on, failbot. i am on your side. i clearly encouraged you when i posted "go tiger".

i post this from my sabotaged mic-phone and all errors are to be blamed on da libruls.

Sorry to burst your liberal bubble...

Debate commission: Donald Trump had audio 'issues' - CNNPolitics.com
7 days ago - Debate commission: Trump had audio 'issues'. By Karl de Vries .... Trump: My mic was more difficult than debating Hillary. (L-R) Republican ..
yeah, audio issues. like that his bullshit was heard all around the country. embarrassing.
Today they have the Hildebeast up 5%, which any 3 digit IQ'd citizen knows is a crock of shit....BUT when you go and look at their internals, you find that they NO LONGER GIVE the party %, OR their former breakdown of man to women.....Now I understand why they have done this, and will from this point forward dismiss their polls as simply another IN THE THANK operation for the subversive DemocRATS!!

At what point do you finally realize that perhaps "your gut" is lying to you and you're in the minority with your views?

At what point did you stop looking at what a thieving sack of shit the Clintons are? When did you stop caring that the DNC rigged the nomination process for Hitlery? When did you reconcile all of this? (snicker)

None of what you said is wrong. The Clintons aren't to be trusted. The DNC did rig the nomination process for Hillary.

Yet despite all of that and everything else Hillary can be faulted for she is STILL a better candidate than Trump is. How sad is that?

Only in YOUR opinion. Trump is a referendum on the fact that people are waking up to the fact that the banking oligarchs control the election process.

Not just my opinion. Check the polls! Trump is an outlet for closeted and not so closeted racists and bigots to come out and voice their hatred publicly.

Really? Having a border that is protected makes one "racist"? Wanting to have refugees vetted makes one a "bigot"?
This is one reason as to why I have nothing but disdain for leftards and pseudo liberals...they have no common sense whatsoever and live in their own little world.
Only polls that show Trump with the lead have any credibility.

Could be why the left only posts the ones with Cankles leading

No one shows up at her rallies, no one that I see has a Hitlery bumper sticker but yet according to these "polls" she is absolutely running away with it and that she is so far ahead that people might as well stay home because it's just a foregone conclusion......like I have stated many times...we live in a banana republic.

yes the only thing missing is calling her

dear leader
Today they have the Hildebeast up 5%, which any 3 digit IQ'd citizen knows is a crock of shit....BUT when you go and look at their internals, you find that they NO LONGER GIVE the party %, OR their former breakdown of man to women.....Now I understand why they have done this, and will from this point forward dismiss their polls as simply another IN THE THANK operation for the subversive DemocRATS!!

Since there is no link in the OP.

Here is the result -->> QU Poll Release Detail

Here is the methodology -->> https://www.qu.edu/images/polling/us/us10072016_demos_Udmr62f.pdf

Gee that took 14 seconds.


How interesting, I go back to the saved page I was mentioning and this is what I get.......

Lol! Did they edit it?


  • us10072016_demos_Udmr62f.pdf
    129.8 KB · Views: 32
Today they have the Hildebeast up 5%, which any 3 digit IQ'd citizen knows is a crock of shit....BUT when you go and look at their internals, you find that they NO LONGER GIVE the party %, OR their former breakdown of man to women.....Now I understand why they have done this, and will from this point forward dismiss their polls as simply another IN THE THANK operation for the subversive DemocRATS!!
Very low energy. Sad!

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